Celestron International
2835 Columbia Street
Torrance, California 90503
Catadioptric telescopes and related equipment
Criterion Scientific Instruments Inc.
620 Oakwood Avenue
West Hartford, Connecticut 06110
Reflecting and catadioptric telescopes and related equipment
Edmund Scientific Corporation
Edscorp Building
101 East Gloucester Pike
Barrington, New Jersey 08007
A variety of telescopes, equipment, optics, and other science items
Farquhar Globes
5007 Warrington Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19143
Celestial globes
Hansen Planetarium Publications
1098 South 200 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
Astronomical slides, posters, photographs, other items
Meade Instruments Corporation
1675 Toronto Way
Costa Mesa, California 92626
Telescopes and equipment
P.O. Box C
New Hope, Pennsylvania 18938
Catadioptric telescopes
S&S Optika, Ltd.
3855 South Broadway
Englewood, Colorado 80110
Telescopes and equipment
Sky Publishing Corporation
49 Bay State Road
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
Star atlases, astronomy books, educational materials, Sky & Telescope magazine
Unitron Instruments
175 Express Street
Plainview, New York 11803
Refracting telescopes and equipment
Willmann-Bell, Inc.
P.O. Box 35025
Richmond, Virginia 23235
Excellent source of books and software
Zephyr Services
1900 Murray Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217
Astronomy software