Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Adventures of Superman (television), 14, 96
advertising revenue, 67–74
AIDS, miracle cure for, 73–74
Alex Jones Show, The, 139
American Academy of Pediatrics, 68–69
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 8, 47
Anderson Cooper 360° (television), 138
antibodies, protective, 185
antibody-producing cells, 65–67
Anti-Defamation League, 89–90
anti-science positions, 209–11
anti-vaccine activists, 15–16; celebrities in, 28–30; Conspira-Sea Cruise and, 207–8; “DPT: Vaccine Roulette” and, 203–4; measles epidemic and, 114–15; media not paying attention to, 204–5; negative influence of, 109; parents as, 104; Pope praised by, 109; public education and, 198–99; safe vaccines and, 163; Vaxxed movie for, 172; victim of own success, 206; Wakefield promoting, 45, 129–30, 202; website for, 171, 173
Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, 165
Aspergillus flavus (fungus), 36
Association of Health Care Journalists, 30
autism: children with, 175; Congressional hearing on, 146–61; Defeat Autism Now! and, 135; hepatitis B vaccine and, 77; McCarthy son’s struggle with, 51–52; MMR vaccine causing, 13–15, 130–34, 155, 190, 197–98; Offit, P., testimony on, 150, 152–56; restrictive diets and, 141; thimerosal causing, 15; vaccines causing, 99–100; Wakefield’s testimony on, 148–49
Autism News Beat (blog), 144
“Autism: Present Challenges and Future Needs—Why the Increased Rates?” (hearing), 146–47
Autism Science Foundation, 175, 211
Back to the Future (movie), 10
Bad Faith: When Religious Belief Undermines Modern Medicine (Offit, P.), 58
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (Chua), 102
Beautiful Mind, A (movie), 11
Bewitched (television), 97
Bill Nye the Science Guy (television), 25
Biotest Animal Holding Facility, 124
Bo Ying (cold remedy), 27
brain damage, of children, 6–7
Bravest Debater Award, 94
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 131
Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines—The Truth Behind a Tragedy (Wakefield), 142
cause and effect proof, 35–37
Celebrity Ghost Stories, 37
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 6
Centre for Inquiry Canada, 86
Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right (Gawande), 101
chicken pox (varicella) vaccine, 44
children: with autism, 175; autoimmune reactions of, 153–55; developmentally challenged, 136–37; hepatitis B vaccine and, 68, 77–78; immunization programs for, 188; measles epidemic killing, 58; meningococcus and, 30–31; MMR vaccine given to, 130–34; mysterious condition influencing, 47–48; parents and vulnerable, 115; rotavirus killing, 20; Somalian vaccination of, 145; thimerosal in, 17; U.S. vaccination of, 145; vaccine response of, 65–67; vaccines damaging brains of, 6–7
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), 186, 189, 195
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, 20
Colbert Report, The (television), 100; Offit, P., appearing on, 101–4; Offit, P., second appearance on, 105–6
cold remedy (Bo Ying), 27
combination vaccines, 153
compassionate-use protocols, 31
conflict of interest: advertising revenue as, 67–74; of media, 67–68; pharmaceutical companies and, 190–92; rotavirus vaccine and, 159–61
“Confronting Vaccine Resistance: Strategies for Success” (symposium), 170
congenital rubella syndrome, 182
Conspira-Sea Cruise, 207–8
Constant Gardner, The (movie), 125
Cosmos (television), 12–13
Crossfire (television), 75
Cuban Missile Crisis, 192
Dante’s Peak (movie), 125
David Geffen School of Medicine, 196
Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All (Offit, P.), 100, 168–69
“Deadly Immunity” (Kennedy, R. F., Jr.), 193–94
Deer, Brian, 33, 136, 168; Cooper interviewing, 139; investigative efforts of, 206–7; Wakefield and allegations by, 138
developmentally challenged children, 136–37
Dicke, Willem-Karel, 47–48
diphtheria vaccination, 99
diseases, 6, 211; actual treatments of, 86; celiac, 48; infectious, 182, 183–84; inflammatory bowel, 129; sexually transmitted, 38–39
Do You Believe in Magic? The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine (Offit, P.), 56, 59
“DPT: Vaccine Roulette” (news segment), 203–4
Elements of Style! (Strunk and White, W.), 189
entertainment industry, 117–18
environmental mercury, 16
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 45–46, 193
E.T. the Extraterrestrial (movie), 10
evangelical organization, 38–39
evidence-based system, 107
faith-healing groups, 58–59
Families Fighting Flu, 211
Few Good Men, A (movie), 128
financial compensation, 159–60
Focus on the Family (evangelical organization), 38–39
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 26–27, 188
Franklin Founders Award, 57
Frayling, Christopher, 10
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, 107
Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson, 197
fungus (Aspergillus flavus), 36
General Medical Council (GMC), 136–37
Generation Rescue, 15, 204
genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 11, 43, 46–47
Geus, Karen Muldoon, 64, 150
Giftpilz, Der (The Poisonous Mushroom) (Streicher), 143
global warming threats, 111
Godfather Part II, The (movie), 164
Good Day Philadelphia (television), 53–55
Grain Brain (Perlmutter), 48
green coffee bean extract, 112–13
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine, 203
hemorrhagic fever viruses, 123
hepatitis B vaccine, 66; autism and, 77; children and, 68, 77–78; immune response to, 77–78; multiple sclerosis caused by, 68–69
Holocaust, evidence of, 91–92
“Homeopathy: Mere Placebo or Great Medicine?,” 82–83
hongerwinter (winter of starvation), 47
Hot Zone, The (Preston), 123
“How Independent Are Vaccine Makers?” (news segment), 195
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 54
human papillomavirus (HPV), 38–39
hydrogen cyanide (Zyklon B), 91
Immunization Action Coalition, 211
Immunization Partnership, 211
immunization programs, 188
Independence Day (movie), 10–11
inflammatory bowel disease, 129
Informed Parents Against Vaccine-Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis, 163
Inside Edition (television), 60–61
International Jew, The (Ford), 89
internet information, 44–45
intestinal inflammation, 133
“Is Creation a Viable Model of Origins?,” 79
I’ve-Fallen-In-Love-with-My-Own-Reflection Theory, 141–43
Kennedy, Robert F., Jr., 178; “Deadly Immunity” by, 193–94; Offit, P., talking to, 192–93; political candidate discussion with, 29–30; thimerosal dangers and, 28–29
Knick, The (television), 73
Last Week Tonight (television), 110, 112
Left Brain/Right Brain (blog), 129
Liberty Heights (movie), 152
life-saving medicines, 47
lipoprotein cholesterol, 25
Living Proof Project, 189
“Lost in Translation: Is Science Explained Fairly in the Media?” (conference), 29
Lost World, The: Jurassic Park (movie), 126
Love Potion Number 9 (movie), 10
Mad, Bad, and Dangerous? The Scientist and the Cinema (Frayling), 10
March for Science speech, 209–11
McCarthy, Jenny, 30, 115, 178; Generation Rescue cofounded by, 204; on Oprah, 51; son’s autism struggle of, 51–52
“Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine: Through a Glass Darkly” (Wakefield), 144
measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine: autism caused by, 13–15, 130–34, 155, 190, 197–98; children receiving, 130–34; as combination vaccine, 153; proteins contained in, 66; Wakefield advising against, 130–34
media: anti-vaccine activists and, 204–5; conflict of interest of, 67–68; mainstream, 114; social, 44–45
medical-establishment-doesn’t-care-about-you-but-I-do theory, 141
medicines, life-saving, 47
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 88–89
Memoir of the Bookie’s Son (Offit, Sidney), 151
Mission Impossible (movie), 128
Mission to Mars (movie), 125
“Molecular Basis of Rotavirus Virulence: Role of Gene Segment 4” (Offit, P.), 19
Montgomery, Elizabeth, 97
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 182–83
“Most Dangerous Vaccine, The” (television), 63
movies. See specific movie
Mr. Wizard Science Clubs, 24–25
Mukherjee, Siddhartha, 21
multiple sclerosis, 68–69
“Mystery of AIDS Girl Has a Twist,” 55
National Academy of Medicine, 47, 189
National Association for the Appreciation of Heavy Metals, 16
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, 34
National Cold Fusion Institute, 5
National Meningitis Association, 211
National Rifle Association (NRA), 128
National Vaccine Information Center, 166
neuroendocrine tumors, 57
New York lottery heuristic, 41
Occult, The (Time-Life books), 37
Offit, Paul, 169; autism hearing testimony of, 150, 152–56; Bad Faith When Religious Belief Undermines Modern Medicine by, 58; Bee meeting with, 106–7; The Colbert Report appearance of, 101–4; The Colbert Report second appearance of, 105–6; The Daily Show interview of, 109; Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All by, 100; Do You Believe in Magic? The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine by, 56, 59; Fisher libel lawsuit against, 166–68, 170; foot surgery of, 181; integrity challenged of, 160–61; Kennedy, R. F., Jr., talking to, 192–93; laboratory experience of, 188–89; Lauer interview of, 197–98; March for Science speech by, 209–11; Markowitz doctor of, 180–81; “Molecular Basis of Rotavirus Virulence: Role of Gene Segment 4” by, 19; rotavirus research begun by, 183–84; vaccine safety and, 195
Once Upon a Time in America (movie), 152
On Friendship (Cicero), 101
Operation Clean Sweep, 124
parents, 163; anti-vaccine, 104; children left vulnerable by, 115; children’s autoimmune reactions and, 153–55; vaccines choice of, 116
Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases, 211
Pathological Optimist, The (documentary), 143
Patty Duke Show, The (television), 97
peanut butter sandwiches, 35–36
Pediatric Vaccine Study (video), 116
Penn & Teller: Bullshit! (television), 99
Phil Donahue Show (television), 87–88
Poisonous Mushroom, The (Streicher), 143
political candidate, 29–30
protective antibodies, 185
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The (essay), 89
recombinant DNA technology, 47
relativity, theory of, 11
respiratory droplets, 119
“RFK Jr. Joins the Anti-Vaccine Fringe” (Kluger), 30
risk, vaccine side effects and, 40–41
River, The: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS (Hooper), 54
Rolling Stone magazine, 193–94
“Roseville Anti-vaccination Campaigner Charged with Willful Cruelty to Children” (news article), 173
rotavirus, 12, 19; children killed by, 20; countries research on, 186; genome segmented of, 184; Offit, P., beginning research on, 183–84; Phase III study of, 186–87; protective antibodies and, 185
rotavirus vaccine, 20; conflict of interest and, 159–61; financially secure from, 189–90; Franklin Founders Award for, 57; gene databases and, 187–88; intussusception and, 187; Merck’s development of, 150, 157; thimerosal not in, 194
Sandy Hook Elementary School, 32
Saturday Night Live (television), 98
science: activists against, 45–49, 170–71; anti-science positions and, 209–11; bad, 207; bias in, 5; country educated by, 22; curiosity in, 82; debates about, 75; defining, 2–3; denialism, 107, 116, 200; importance of, 211; laboratory for, 12; Mr. Wizard teaching, 24–25; on Oprah, 51; as out of control, 2; perceptions of, 9–11; truth emerging in, 3
scientists: climate change beliefs of, 112; contribution of, 22; debating the undebatable of, 95; everyday things concern of, 9; null hypothesis and, 13; public appearances of, 12–13; scientific method enslaving, 14; simple explanations and, 15; stereotypes of, 11–12; as storytellers, 19; Wakefield as famous, 132
sexually transmitted disease, 38–39
simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), 54
60 Minutes (television), 206
social responsibility, 103–4
“So You’ve Been Threatened with a Defamation Suit” (article), 169
Space Cowboys (movie), 125
Starry Messenger, The (Galileo), 21
Star Trek (television), 3
statements, regrets making, 65–67
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), 68–69
television interview, 197
television shows. See specific television show
Ten, Commandments, The (movie), 128
That Mitchell and Web Look, 86–87
thimerosal, 192; autism caused by, 15; in children, 17; Kennedy, R. F., Jr., and dangers of, 28–29; rotavirus vaccine not containing, 194; as vaccine preservative, 17; in vaccines, 16, 190
Thirteen Days (Kennedy, Robert F.), 192
Thompson, William, 76, 201
Tribeca Film Festival, 201–2
Trump, Donald J., 45, 209
tumors, neuroendocrine, 57
Tyson, Neil deGrasse, 18, 189
United States (U.S.), 1; children vaccinated in, 145; dietary supplements in, 113–14; global warming threats to, 111; high temperatures in, 110; measles outbreaks in, 206; measles vaccines in, 43–44; polio vaccines in, 164; rubella virus eliminated from, 183; threatening emails in, 176–77; vaccines in, 52
University of Maryland School of Medicine, 182
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), 34
vaccines: antibody-producing cells and, 66–67; anti-vaccine activists and safe, 163; autism caused by, 99–100; celebrities and, 129, 204–5; chicken pox (varicella), 44; children’s brains damaged by, 6–7; children’s response to, 65–67; combination, 153; companies producing, 76; denialism, 107–8; diphtheria, 99; as evidence-based, 107; hepatitis B, 66, 68–69, 77–78; Hib, 203; infections prevented by, 95; influenza, 61–62; Markowitz and, 180–81; measles, 43–44; measles epidemic and, 58; meningococcal B, 31–32, 39–40; misguided celebrities influence on, 129; Offit, P., and safety of, 195; parental choice on, 116; parents against, 104; Pasteur research on, 21; people getting educated on, 105; pertussis, 34; pneumococcal, 95; polio, 55, 164, 191; public education about, 198–99; rubella, 183; safety of, 195; side effect risks of, 40–41; smallpox, 62–64, 104, 114, 191; Somalian children getting, 145; thimerosal as preservative in, 17; thimerosal in, 16, 190; with toxins, 108; in U.S., 52; U.S. children getting, 145; veterinary and viral, 102; viral, 102; yellow fever, 41. See also specific vaccines
“Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe to Cancellation to Insignificance” (McRoberts), 201–2
viruses: cold, 66; combination, 185; Ebola, 42–43, 124; hemorrhagic fever, 123; MEV-1, 120–22; Motaba, 124; rabies, 118; respiratory droplets spreading, 119; rubella, 182–83; simian immunodeficiency, 54; Zika, 110
Wakefield, Andrew, 142; anti-vaccine activists promoted by, 45, 129–30, 202; in anti-vaccine group, 45; autism hearing testimony of, 148–49; bad science from, 207; Conspira-Sea Cruise and, 207–8; Cooper challenging, 138–39; Deer’s allegations about, 138; developmentally challenged children and, 136–37; fall of, 140–41; as famous scientist, 132; fraudulent data from, 206–7; Hear the Silence about, 131–32, 146; The Lancet retracting paper of, 137; “Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine: Through a Glass Darkly” by, 144; medical license revoked of, 137; medical records falsified by, 136; MMR vaccines and, 130–34; The Pathological Optimist about, 143; resignation request of, 134–35; restrictive diets and, 141; studies dismissing hypothesis of, 201, 205–6; as Thoughtful House director, 135–36; Vaxxed anti-vaccine movie by, 172, 201–2
Walking-Along-the-Sea-of-Galilee Theory, 144–45
War of the Worlds (movie), 10, 128
Watch Mr. Wizard (television), 24–25
website, for anti-vaccine activists, 171, 173
Whole Foods stores, 46–47
Why People Believe Weird Things, 88
winter of starvation (hongerwinter), 47
Wizard of Oz, The (movie), 18
women, rubella virus infecting, 182–83
World Health Organization, 42
Zyklon B (hydrogen cyanide), 91