Happiness is not finite, and someone else’s good fortune doesn’t take away your own potential for happiness.
When something good happens to someone you know, celebrate their success. Sometimes when another person is happy about something or their lives change in a positive way, feelings of envy can creep in and taint our behaviour. Try to choose happiness over envy and delight in their good fortune. Their win is not your loss – it’s an opportunity for the selfless celebration of someone else’s joy. If you ever find it hard to feel happy for someone, see it as a chance to be kind to yourself and to them. Ask yourself:
+ What could I do to be kind to this person?
+ What do I have to be grateful for? (Gratitude is a powerful antidote to envy)
+ Am I being bigger than envy? (Banish small-mindedness)
+ Is there anything I could do in my own life to bring me more happiness?
+ Does this person’s happiness diminish mine?
+ Was I content before I heard about this?
+ Does this really matter? (Having perspective always helps).