Interim Memo

Mariana went on to better things, I’m told. Stopped using Maxim, went to Kava for emergencies; but basically I’ve been grinding fresh beans for the last, oh, decade or so.

Can you believe this column was written just as Watergate was breaking? Seems like another universe, doesn’t it?

Ah, where have the good times gone?

Pres. Bush is so different from Nixon and Reagan. As I write this, he’s in Poland promising them 1.5 billion in aid if they’ll allow us to put Kentucky Colonel and McDonald’s in Gdansk…immediately after gutting all programs to feed and house the homeless in America, after vetoing the minimum wage bill that would have given sub-subsistence pay to all those incipient capitalists shoveling up the shit at Kentucky Colonel and McDonald’s.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Or the Bush. Or something.