As if he didn’t have enough problems, Diane was up and waiting for him when he got back. Eight o’clock had found a way to sneak up on him, and Mason walked up the drive slowly. It felt like he was underwater, drowning from the predicament that had come for him.
“Where have you been?” Diane asked from the front doorway.
“Let’s get inside first.”
Mason followed her through to the living room, checked MJ was getting ready for school, then sat down with his wife. He told Diane everything that had happened, how concerned he was, and even suggested she started watching her back when in public places.
“Do you think he’ll come for us?” she asked.
“You can never be too careful.” Mason shrugged, went to the liquor cabinet, and took out a bottle of Jack Daniels. He poured two fingers into a tumbler, sniffed the sickly sweet liquid, then took a sip. It helped with his tiredness but did nothing for his worry. “He went for Amy last time, but there’s no way he can repeat that pattern.”
Diane lowered her head, her pain showing.
Mason distracted her with another thought. “I can’t take anyone else’s case while I’m working on this.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to. I’m just thinking…”
“We’ve had our issues. My main concern has always been the safety of this family. When we took our little break from each other, I was hoping this dangerous stuff would stop. I wasn’t convinced, but I was hopeful. Now I just don’t know what to think.”
Mason watched her, his heart breaking to see her so upset. The last thing he wanted to do was put her in danger—or even make her think she wasn’t safe, for that matter—but this time, there was truly no way he could get out of it. It wasn’t just a case from some stranger Mason felt sorry for. It was his own life and the lives of those he loved.
“I’ll keep you safe,” he said.
“But is that enough?” Diane asked, looking absently at the drink in his hand.
Mason set it down, then joined her on the couch. He kissed her softly on the cheek, then lay back and let her rest her head on his shoulder. It was the perfect fit. “Life feels a little crazy right now. I know that. But I have to figure out what’s going on.”
“You do you.”
“It’s not something I’m choosing.”
“I think… deep down, I know that. But I’m so tired of it.”
Mason nodded gently, tucking strands of her black hair over her ear and holding her close. Back when he’d promised to keep danger away from their family, he’d really meant it. He just hadn’t counted on a serial killer returning from beyond the grave. And if that’s what had truly happened, not a single one of them was safe. The only question remaining was how he could protect them all at once.
The answer? He couldn’t.