She had been up all night. Simply hearing Wendell’s name had stirred something inside her that kept her heart racing and filled her ears with blood. There had been less than thirty minutes sleep over the past few hours, but those minutes had been poor and spread widely.
“Can’t win with this stupid place,” she said.
Evie kicked the duvet off and paced her apartment. There was no way she could work today. No chance of concentration, even less chance of keeping her eyes open. She crossed her apartment, found the coffee machine, then found she was too exhausted to bother brewing some. She gave up, grabbed her phone off the counter, then sat in her window seat and enjoyed a view of San Francisco. The sun was just crawling over the horizon, and the whole city glowed a beautiful orange. It was the only beautiful thing about her life right now.
Rubbing her eyes, Evie finally looked down at her phone. A parade of notifications swamped her phone. She swiped them dismissively until she got to a text message from her brother. Beneath Mason’s name was a short message that woke her up abruptly.
It’s looking more likely that he’s back. Find her. Talk to her if you must. Just make sure nobody is out to get her. Be careful.
“Shit,” Evie said, setting the phone down beside her.
She crossed her arms and let her head roll back, watching the early morning commuters get their acts together. Evie hadn’t really wanted to involve the girl, but if history was going to repeat itself, she had to bear in mind that there was a psychopath out there who knew about her big secret. It had been used against her in the past, but now she was old enough to know better. There were no lines that couldn’t be crossed. No rules to break. The girl was considered independent now, and if she wanted to reach out, then nobody could stop her.
All she needed was the address.