
AACU Army Air Co-Operation Unit
ACAS Assistant Chief of the Air Staff + (P) Policy; (I) Intelligence; (O) Operations
ACM Air Chief Marshal
ADC Aide-de-Camp
ADGB Air Defence of Great Britain
AFC Air Force Cross
AFO Allied Forces Committee
AFOSC Allied Forces (Official) Sub-Committee
Air Cdre Air Commodore
AM Air Marshal
AMP Air Member for Personnel
AMPC Auxiliary Military Pioneer Corps
AMSO Air Member for Supply and Organisation
AMT Air Member for Training
AOC Air Officer Commanding
AVM Air Vice-Marshal
BMR British Military Representative
C-in-C Commander-in-Chief
CAS Chief of the Air Staff
CIGS Commander of the Imperial General Staff
CNC Czechoslovak National Committee
CO Commanding Officer
COS Chiefs of Staff
COS 120 Common name for paper 120 (1944) by the Chiefs of Staff Committee
D of M Director of Manning
D of O Director of Organisation
D of O(I) Director of Operations (Intelligence)
D of P Director of Postings
D of Plans Director of Plans
DAAC Director(ate) of Allied Air Co-Operation
DAFL Director(ate) of Allied Air Co-Operation and Foreign Liaison
DCAS Deputy Chief of the Air Staff
DFC Distinguished Flying Cross
DGO Director General of Organisation
DPS Director of Personal Services
DSO Distinguished Service Order
ERPC Expansion and Re-equipment Policy Committee
Flt/Lt Flight Lieutenant
Flt/Sgt Flight Sergeant
FO Foreign Office (British)
GDB General Duties Branch
GHQ General Headquarters
GOC General Officer Commanding
Gp Capt Group Captain
GR General Reconnaissance
GRU General Reconnaissance Unit
HFU Home Ferry Unit
HO Home Office (British)
JIC Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
LAC Leading Aircraftman
MAC Mediterranean Air Command
MAP Ministry of Aircraft Production
MC Military Cross
MNO Ministry of National Defence (Czechoslovak)
MO Medical Officer
MP Member of Parliament (British)
MRAF Marshal of the Royal Air Force
NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
NEI Netherland East Indies
OC Officer Commanding
ORB Operational Record Book
OTU Operational Training Unit
PAF Polish Air Force
PCG Provisional Czechoslovak Government
Plt/Off Pilot Officer
PM Prime Minister
POL Petrol, Oil and Lubricants
POTU Polish Operational Training Unit
POW Prisoner of War
PRC Polish Resettlement Corps
PRO Public Record Office (London)
PRU Photographic Reconnaissance Unit
RAF Royal Air Force
RAFVR Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force
RFC Royal Flying Corps
RNAAS Royal Norwegian Army Air Service
RNNAS Royal Norwegian Naval Air Service
RT Radio Telephonist
SAO Senior Air Officer
SASO Senior Air Staff Officer
SEF Single-Engined Fighter
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force
SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
Sqdn Squadron
Sqn Ldr Squadron Leader
TEB Twin-Engined Bomber
TEF Twin-Engined Fighter
USAAF United States Army Air Force
USAF United States Air Force
VC Victoria Cross
VCAS Vice Chief of the Air Staff
VE Victory in Europe
VHA Military Historical Archive (Prague)
VKPR Military Office of the President (Czechoslovak)
Wg Cdr Wing Commander
WO Wireless Operator