Chapter 9. Educational Provocations

I have, in the following collection of short statements, attempted to gather some thoughts that could usefully stimulate discussion among school board members, parents, and teachers, as well as students in the upper grades. I certainly cannot claim whole, or even part, ownership for many of these statements. I have sifted the underlying truths from my own experience, from conversations with friends and colleagues, and from the educational literature. Here I have tried to formulate each point as generally and simply—and sometimes as offensively—as possible, without any effort to supply supporting references. It is for the reader to discover and qualify the many ramifications of each statement.

(For a listing of the articles from which many of these thoughts were extracted, see the "Education and computers" entry in the NetFuture topical index: For substantive, well-referenced treatments of many of the questions raised here, get in touch with the Alliance for Childhood,