‘I knew you’d find your way back here eventually,’ said Marcus.
Ben inched forward. Then he saw a second figure stood off to the side in the shadows. Something about his shape looked familiar.
Ben stopped breathing when Marcus grabbed Albert’s hair and yanked his head back. Albert let out a muffled cry.
Sal had moved forward too, her hand reaching for the gun hidden in her pocket. Ben held his Buzz Gun out in plain sight.
‘Drop your weapon, kid,’ said Marcus. He hadn’t moved his weapon from the side of Albert’s head. He wore a brass knuckleduster caked in blood on the hand gripping Albert’s hair.
Ben stayed where he was. ‘Let him go first.’
Marcus spoke to the shadowy figure. ‘Don’t just stand there. Get out here and disarm him.’
Old Pete emerged from the shadows and strode over to Ben. He yanked the gun away, then slipped his hand into Sal’s pocket and took her gun. Then he stood behind Marcus.
‘You backstabbing piece of shit,’ said Ben.
Pete stared straight ahead, his jaw working from side to side, looking at neither Ben nor Sal.
‘Albert trusted you. He let so many things slide. How could you do this to him?’
Sal’s touch on Ben’s arm silenced him. Marcus sneered, which only made him angrier.
Pete, in his usual cowardly way, refused to look at him.
Then Albert moved in the chair, and Ben breathed a sigh of relief to see he was still alive.
‘I want all the cash you have. Put it in this bag.’ Marcus waved his gun at Ben as he slid Albert’s grey satchel along the floor towards him.
‘We know about the money buried out back. You can have all of it, in exchange for Albert’s life,’ Ben said.
‘I can get more from the safe at my place,’ said Sal.
Marcus had a crazed look in his eyes. ‘I’ve already been to your place and cleared out the money. I want all the fucking money you’re hiding from me. You think I’m some lowly associate with no brains? I know you all keep extra money hidden away. I want it.’
‘You have everything, Marcus,’ said Sal. ‘Just let Albert go.’
Marcus stiffened. ‘Not everything. There’s something else.’
Ben would not give in to Marcus’ demands. Once Albert was free, he’d find another way to get rid of him.
Marcus taunted them with a cruel smile. He turned to Old Pete. ‘Wait outside.’
Pete’s face fell. ‘Come on, Marcus! I’m helping like you asked. You promised me I could join the Kings. I’m not leaving until—’
‘I said, get the fuck out!’ Marcus snatched the two guns out of Pete’s hand and pointed one at him.
Pete left through the back door, trailing a string of expletives.
Marcus pointed his gun at Ben again. ‘I’ve read reports about you, Ben Watson. About where you came from. It’s all over the leaked World Government files. It seems as if you caused a lot of trouble on Exilon 5. Then you came to this planet to cause the same problems here.’ Marcus laughed. ‘I’m surprised you never ended up working for the Kings instead of that fake half-brother of yours.’
‘Don’t you dare mention that boy!’ said Sal.
Ben took another step closer to Albert. Sal stopped him with a hand on his arm.
Marcus laughed again, but it lacked confidence.
Ben spat on the floor. ‘I would rather die than work for the likes of you.’
‘Are you sure about that?’ Marcus wove his fingers deeper into Albert’s hair and tugged. Albert didn’t make a sound. His eyes were slits and his arms were bound behind his back.
Sal released Ben’s arm. ‘What is it you want, exactly, Marcus? Maybe we can work out some deal.’
Marcus relaxed his grip on Albert. Albert let out a shaky breath. ‘There’s really only one thing I need.’
‘If we help you, will you let Albert go?’ said Sal.
‘No!’ said Ben. ‘Don’t promise anything to that murdering scumbag.’
Marcus ground his knuckleduster into the side of Albert’s neck, close to the carotid artery. Albert squeezed his eyes shut.
Ben couldn’t bear to watch. ‘Leave him alone. What do you want?’
‘Access to Bill Taggart on Exilon 5.’
Ben’s brow creased. ‘I don’t know him.’
‘But you have met him?’
‘Once, a very long time ago. But I don’t have access to him. It’s not like we’re friends.’
‘But you know people who can find him.’
‘Why? What do you want with him?’
‘I want to make a deal. Immunity and safe passage to Exilon 5. I want off this fucking hellhole.’
‘So you pissed off Gaetano Agostini, did you?’ said Sal.
Marcus trained his bloodthirsty eyes on her. ‘There’s only one person I give a shit about in this world, and it ain’t any of you.’
‘Why do you want to leave this planet so badly?’ said Ben.
‘Because you’re not the only ones running for your lives. You have no idea what the Kings will do if they find me. The Agostinis are a bunch of psychopaths.’
‘Yes, we know,’ said Sal. ‘We’re looking at one right now.’
Marcus smiled coldly. ‘That may be, but the Kings don’t reward betrayal.’
Ben could barely look at Albert in his weakened state. ‘I’ll do as you ask, but let Albert go. Give me a day to make some calls.’
Marcus seemed hesitant. He backed away from Albert, keeping the gun pointed at Ben. He fumbled with the extra guns in his hand and dropped one.
‘You have a day. I’ll be watching, Ben Watson. If you don’t deliver, I’ll come back and put everyone you love in the ground. Starting with her.’ He shifted the barrel to Sal.
Ben stiffened as Marcus groped for the back door handle. He opened the door and stepped outside where Ben saw a vehicle was parked.
Sal lunged for the dropped gun and followed him. The car turned over and the wheels kicked up dust. It was gone before she got outside.
Ben ran over to Albert and eased the gag from his mouth. He tried to say something, but he couldn’t make it out.
Sal locked the back door and checked Albert’s wounds. Her concern worried Ben.
She touched Albert’s forehead. Her voice wobbled. ‘He’s running a fever from an infection. I’ve no idea how bad his injuries are or how long he’s been like this. Since the mansion, I suspect.’
The front door opened and Sal swivelled her gun, lowering it as Sofia stepped inside.
‘Marcus, he is gone now.’ Sofia’s gaze lingered on Albert. She got a clean cloth from behind the bar and soaked it in water.
Ben knelt beside Albert. Sofia handed him the cloth and he used it to clean Albert’s wounds. Tears fell from Albert’s eyes and mixed with the blood on his face. Ben’s own vision blurred as he tried to clean the blood away, fearful of what he might find beneath it.
Albert’s glassy eyes tried to focus on Ben’s face. He said in a weak voice, ‘Don’t worry about me, son. I’ve lived a good life. I’ve only ever wanted the best for you and Kevin.’
Ben turned away from him. He would tell him about Kevin when he was stronger.
‘We can call Robinson.’ Ben’s eyes cut to Sal. ‘He’s a medic. He’ll be able to help.’
Sal shook her head. Her eyes were red and puffy. ‘Albert wouldn’t survive a journey to Boston.’
Ben stood up fast. ‘So, we just let him die?’
A sudden, sharp pain on his arm caught him by surprise. He looked down to see Albert’s nails embedded in his skin. He pulled him closer.
Ben dropped to his knees. ‘We have to try, Granddad.’
Albert smiled. ‘I love it when you call me that.’ His watery gaze sharpened. ‘Hold on to that fire in your belly, son. It will help you survive this. I’m an old man. Don’t mourn for me.’ Albert coughed, and winced. ‘I didn’t rescue you from the orphanage so your life would end here. You and Kevin need to look out for each other now.’
‘No.’ Ben pressed his cheek against Albert’s chest. He had to tell him about Kevin.
‘Just stay with me. Keep me company.’ Albert reached for Sal. ‘You, too.’
Sal knelt by his other side and rested her head on his arm. His fingers brushed the top of her head.
‘My oldest and dearest friend,’ said Sal.
Ben felt Albert smile. ‘My conscience. A pain in my butt.’
Sal laughed. ‘You mean my butt, old man.’
Albert drew in a sharp breath. Sal lifted her head.
Ben’s throat tightened, and the tears flowed. Ben hadn’t cried since his mother had left him at the orphanage. He tried to shield Albert from his pain.
Sofia pressed a cool cloth to Albert’s forehead. Ben took it from her and concentrated on making Albert comfortable while Sal kissed Albert’s hand.
Ben used the cloth to wipe away some of the suffering, but beneath its coolness, he felt Albert’s life slip away.
The door opened and Héctor entered. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Albert.
‘I’m so sorry but this can’t wait. You need to move. The others. They’re here.’