Word from the Author


Hey! Thanks for reading Genesis Pact, the follow up to Genesis War. There was an unintentional three year gap between these stories. Genesis War (formerly Crimson Dawn) was published in 2014 and I had completed the story in 2015 but then my Breeder Files series took over. In March 2016, I quit my day job to write full time and started to get organised. So if you’ve stuck with the series right from the beginning, thank you for your patience and perseverance. I assure you I don’t write and publish as slowly as George R.R. Martin does!


If you’re wondering where Stephen and Anton are, you can catch a bit more of them in the next book in this series: Genesis Trade. Genesis Variant, book 6 in this series, is coming in 2019. I can’t wait to share it with you.


I recently rebranded this entire series; some thanks will be for the earlier version and some for the shiny new one. Thank you to Andrew Lowe and Sally Vince, my editors; the team from Deranged Doctor Design for this fabulous new cover; Kate Tilton, my assistant; my beta readers, Nigel and Kathryn; my awesome launch team.


I love getting reviews so if you enjoyed this book, I would appreciate it if you’d post a short one liner where you bought it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.