This chapter comes first because you serve these items first—before dinner (or before breakfast the following day).

Another reason: To the uninitiated, a few of the "highly unusual" recipes in the following chapters are so unusual that the cook may require a bolster or two to attempt them.

After three bolsters, if you're still squeamish, have another —then you'll slam this book shut, pound your chest and say, "Food! BAH! WHO WANTS FOOD?"

How do I know?—That's the way I prepare octopus!

But we give you the "how to"—it's up to you if you choose the highly unusual dishes.


For Teetotalers and
Those on the Wagon


½ cup passion fruit juice (frozen is obtainable)

1 jigger orange juice

3 tsp. lemon juice

½ tsp. dessert sugar

1/3 cup fresh black tea

Ginger ale or 7-UP

Blend juices with tea and sugar. Pour over ice; add ginger ale or 7-UP to fill 12 oz. highball glass. Garnish with lemon slice. By adding a scoop of passion fruit sherbet or pineapple or lemon sherbet, the drink becomes a delectable float. A pleasant punch can be made by increasing formula. Pour punch over cake of ice (or better, make punchbowl in cake of ice). Add 1 pint of sherbet to each gallon of punch. Float a fresh gardenia in the bowl.

To make a punchbowl from a cake of ice, set a bucket of boiling water on top of cake of ice and let it melt to the depth desired, then remove it. Be sure the ice is a solid, clear block. If it is spongy, the bowl will leak. To prevent such a catastrophe, a bowl could be set inside the ice.


6 cups pineapple juice

4 cups orange juice

6 small bottles 7-UP or ginger ale

Orange slices

Combine chilled pineapple and orange juices; pour over cake of ice in punchbowl. Add 7-UP. Garnish with orange slices.


15 to 20 sprigs fresh mint

2½ quarts freshly brewed tea, cooled

1 can frozen grapefruit juice, undiluted

2 cups fresh orange juice

4 small bottles 7-UP or ginger ale

2 lemons, sliced thin

1 can pineapple tidbits

Bruise half of the mint and pour tea over it. Add fruit juices and blend well. Add pineapple and sweeten to taste. Chill. Pour over cake of ice in punchbowl; add Ginger Ale or 7-UP. Add lemon slices. Decorate base of punchbowl with poinsettias, if available. Place a small sprig of fresh, unbruised mint atop each cup before serving. (Makes 24 servings)


1 gallon sweet cider

1½ lbs. brown sugar

3 sticks cinnamon

1 tbsp. whole allspice

1 tsp. whole cloves

½ tsp. salt

Dash cayenne pepper

Mix ingredients and boil for 15 minutes. Serve hot. This smells so good even the elbow-benders will want some. (Makes 32 servings)


4 tbsp. tea leaves (black)

3 large lemons

4 cups cold water

1 tsp. almond extract

1 can pineapple tidbits (frozen)

2 cups boiling water

2 cups sugar

1 tsp. vanilla extract

2 bottles (28 oz.) ginger ale

Pour 2 cups of boiling water over 4 tbsp. black tea leaves; cover and steep for 10 minutes. Wash lemons, extract juice; add sugar, water and lemon rinds and heat, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Strain tea and add. When mixture is cool, stir in vanilla and almond extract. Chill until serving time. Pour into punch bowl and add ginger ale. Float tidbits (frozen in can and removed as cylinder) in punch. (Makes 30 servings)

—By permission of Hawaiian Visitors' Bureau


2 cans frozen passion fruit juice

Juice of 4 oranges

Juice of 2 lemons or limes

1 quart lime rickey, ginger ale, Collins mix or similar beverage.

Combine all ingredients and serve over cake of ice in punch bowl. Decorate with orange slices, pineapple tidbits and maraschino cherries. (Yield: 2 quarts)


For Those Who Need
Courage—or Consolation


Be sure the measurements are accurate:

1½ oz.


1 jigger

1 oz.


1 pony

1 tsp.


1/8 oz.

1 dash


1/6 tsp.

Use ice cubes for highballs or cocktails served in Old Fashioned glass; cracked ice for drinks you shake; shaved ice for drinks to be sipped through a straw, and for drinks mixed with a blender.

A professional-type shaker or electric blender should be used.

Straining: Use bar strainer for drinks you shake. To pour drinks evenly, set glasses in a row; pour each drink half-way, then level them off a little at a time.

Sugar: Unless recipe states otherwise, use dessert sugar because it dissolves easily in either hot or cold liquid. Never use powdered sugar in drinks—it won't dissolve. Simple syrup, or sugar syrup, is sometimes called for. It is a syrup made of equal parts of sugar and water.

To chill glasses: For cocktails: Fill glass with cracked or shaved ice. Let stand for a minute, then empty and dry glass. For fancy drinks, such as mint juleps, store glasses in refrigerator, or bury in shaved ice. To frost rim, dampen with lemon slice and revolve in powdered sugar.


1 jigger vodka

2 heaping tsp. strawberry freeze

½ jigger light rum

Dash of lime concentrate

Stir, pour over cracked ice and add Collins Mix to fill highball glass.


1 jigger vodka

1 tsp. lime concentrate

½ cherry jigger brandy

Shake well with cracked ice and serve in martini glass.


1 jigger vodka

Pineapple juice

Pour vodka over ice cubes in highball glass; fill with pineapple juice. Decorate with a maraschino cherry and a tidbit of mint-flavored pineapple on fancy toothpick.


1 jigger Southern Comfort

Juice of ¼ lemon or 1 lime

1 jigger cranberry juice

Shake with cracked ice, or pour it over the rocks. A smooth drink with a potent punch, especially if you use the 100-proof Southern Comfort. You'll agree this is real Comfort!

WAIALALO: Laughing Water

1 jigger bourbon

1 dash syrup

1 dash Italian vermouth

½ jigger French vermouth

1 dash crème de menthe (white)

Shaved ice

Shake well in cocktail shaker and strain into glass. Serve in cocktail glass. Decorate with fresh strawberry on spear of pineapple.

After a sufficient number of these, wives have been known to laugh at their husbands' jokes.


Atop Haleakala one may see himself reflected in the rainbow there. This phenomenon exists in only one other spot in the world—on the peak on Brocken in the Harz Mountains of Germany. Even sober persons can see their reflections there. Let us know what you see after a couple of these:

2 oz. rum

1 oz. pineapple juice

½ oz. lemon juice

½ tsp. brown sugar

Shake without ice. Pour into glass filled with crushed ice. Decorate with slice of orange. Serve in highball glass.


1 jigger gin

2 jiggers pineapple juice

1 egg yolk

Sparkling water

Combine gin, egg yolk and pineapple juice in a shaker with a little cracked ice; shake like fury; pour into tall highball glass; add sparkling water to fill.

PELE (Goddess of Fire) HIGHBALL

Pele, it is said, dwells in the craters of Hawaii, after wandering from Niihau to Oahu, to Molokai and to Maui. She is a fire-breather. Like Pele, if you partake of the following concoction, you'll breathe fire. Don't say we didn't warn you! Mix in large glass:

1 ½. rum

3 oz. brandy

2 dashes lime juice

2 dashes lemon juice

Stir; fill glass with crushed ice, trim with fruit or mint, and serve with straws.


1 tbsp. cranberry juice

1½ oz. gin

Juice of ½ lemon

Shake with cracked ice. Pour into 8 oz. glass and fill with sparkling water. Decorate with cube of pineapple and green cherry on round toothpick.


1½ oz. bourbon

¼ jigger grenadine

White of one egg

2 dashes orange curacao

Shake well with cracked ice; strain into cocktail glass. Add cherry.


Mix in blender 1 ¼ oz. gin, ½ oz. lemon juice, ¼ oz. apricot brandy, 1 dash Maraschino, ½ tsp. sugar and ½ oz. grape juice. Serve with a scoop of shaved ice.

—By permission of Hawaiian Visitors' Bureau


1 can frozen lemon juice (undiluted)

2 cans frozen orange juice (undiluted)

2 small bottles 7-UP or ginger ale

1 small bottle maraschino cherries

1 pint grapejuice

2 small bottles White Rock

1 #2 can pineapple chunks and juice

1 quart straight bourbon whiskey

Mix all ingredients except the whiskey. Pour over cake of ice in punchbowl. Add whiskey and stir. Float tropical flower in bowl. (Makes 24 servings)


The Kona Nightingale is a donkey. The name sounds so exotic that Bill gave it to one of his concoctions. If you don't tell 'em any different, the Republicans will like it, too. But it's definitely not for prohibitionists! Into highball glass, put: juice of 1 lime (drop in rind), and 2 oz. rum. Fill glass with ginger beer. Decorate with spear of pineapple.


2 tbsp. pineapple juice

1 tbsp. dessert sugar

1 egg white

2 tbsp. lime juice

3 oz. rum

2 cups shaved ice

Mix in blender until consistency of snow. Serve in chilled 6 oz. glass.


Juice of ½ lime

1 jigger dry gin

White of 1 egg

Shredded coconut

1 tsp. coconut syrup

1 oz. sweet cream

Orange flower water

Combine all ingredients except coconut and shake vigorously for 5 minutes. Strain into 10 oz. Collins glass. Bring up with club soda and sprinkle fresh shredded coconut on top.

—By permission of Hawaii Visitors' Bureau


You may not be as beautiful as the famous night-blooming Cereus of Hawaii, but drink a couple of these and we promise—you'll BLOSSOM!

1 oz. bourbon

1  dash angostura bitters

2 dashes simple syrup

1 dash orange bitters

1 dash absinthe

Shake well with crushed ice and strain into cocktail glass. Put white flower petal on top.


If you enjoy a crying jag, the legend surrounding the name of this drink will give you something to cry about, in case you can think of nothing on your own. It's the story of a lovely Hawaiian Princess and a commoner who fell in love and were not permitted to marry. Each of them, it is said, died of a broken heart, declaring that without each other, they were as incomplete as half-a-wheel. Years later, the lovely flowers, White Naupaka, were found at their trysting places in the hills and along the beach. It was noted that the ones found in the hills had dark seeds, representing the commoner, while those found on the beach, although the flowers were identical, had white seeds, representing the Princess. The flowers were the shape of half-a-wheel.

1 cup pineapple cubes

1 cup lemon juice (fresh)

1½ fifths rum

¾ cup simple syrup

2 cups pineapple juice

2 large bottles sparkling water

1 pkg. frozen strawberries, sliced

Mix and chill all ingredients except sparkling water and strawberries. Pour into punchbowl. Add pint sliced strawberries and then the sparkling water. To decorate, use 2 half-gardenias and float these 2 "half wheels" in the punch. See page 10 for instructions on making an ice cake punch bowl. (Yield: 5 quarts)


Max I. Mori, famous chef of the Kona Inn, has truly glorified poi. Haoles will find it very acceptable in this form—indeed, delectable! Here's how he does it. Whip the following ingredients until smooth:

2 cups prepared poi (see page 31)

1 cup vanilla ice cream

½ cup granulated sugar

Add gradually 2 cups fresh milk, blend in 2 oz. red wine, and sprinkle with a dash of nutmeg. (Yield: 1 quart)

—By permission of Kona Inn


Since the days of the great god Maui, Hawaiians, like good menfolk the world over, have found solace in the cup that cheers. The traditional Okolehau, being a fermented and distilled liquor of high thermal coefficient not only needs time and equipment, but a certain amount of skill not always present with John Averageman.

Drawing on inborn ingenuity in times of great need, the Hawaiian tippler seized on the introduction of the pineapple to the Islands as a boon to the common man. Here is how to concoct what is known as Pineapple Swipes. The name is doubtless derived from the fact that one must first "swipe" his pineapple. (The only trouble with this is, you'll probably have to go to Hawaii to make this. But from a pineapple swiper from way back, you have my word, it's worth it!) First, you locate a sun-ripened pineapple, still on the plant, and neatly slice off the top and set it carefully aside. Then, with a long-bladed knife or chopstick, mulch the interior of the fruit, being careful not to puncture the outer skin. Next, sprinkle a cup of sugar into the mashed up contents, and for expedience, drop in a corner from a square of yeast. Now replace the top and pin it in place with a couple of slivers of wood or toothpicks and go on your way, keeping patient for at least three days, if you're in a hurry—or four or five days if you can wait that long. The pineapple will repose in the tropical sun while the yeast and sugar and fruit do their work, and when you return, you will find what must be the original "nectar of the gods."

Pluck your now fermented fruit cautiously—don't spill a drop, and hie yourself to a cool, shady spot, uncap the pineapple and sup away. Caution: If you are alone, do not leave your family in an expectant mood, as you will, no doubt, repose a good eight hours before the load wears off-for this, my friend, is the smoothest, most alcoholic nectar to be had for the price of: 1 cup sugar, 1 pinch of yeast, and 1 swiped pineapple.


1 jigger vodka

Pineapple chunks

Maraschino cherries

Pineapple juice

Pour vodka over ice cube in tall glass. Add dash of cherry juice. Alternate pineapple chunks and cherries on a swizzle stick, stand it upright in the glass, and fill glass with pineapple juice.


For Those Who Feel Slightly
or Entirely Hung-Over


The morning after, you'll thank the great god Maui for this miracle. He's the boy who pulled the Islands from the sea—and he also lassoed the sun, to name a few of his many achievements. But to tipplers, this is his greatest miracle of all. Get someone to mix it for you, if you aren't able.

1 oz. green crème de menthe (or white, if you can't stand the sight of green)

1 oz. brandy

½ oz. heavy cream

Shake well with cracked ice; strain into glass; add sprig of mint.

Hors d'Oeuvres to You

PIPIKALUA: Beef Jerkey, Hawaiian Style

2 lbs. tenderloin steak, or other cuts, tenderized

1 cup soy sauce

1  tbsp. sugar

2 tbsp. white vinegar

Salt and pepper to taste

Sprinkle meat generously with salt and pepper; let stand for 15 minutes. Slice into long strips, about ½ to ¾ inches thick and wide. Put soy, sugar and vinegar in shallow pan or bowl and marinate strips for 30 minutes. Hang strips over a wire or line in hot sunshine for 3 to 5 days, until dried. If there is a fly problem, protect with screened cage or cheesecloth. To serve, broil, or brown in frying pan. Gut into bite-size pieces and serve as a nibbler with drinks. Very tasty. Meat prepared this way is also excellent with scrambled eggs. (Serves 8)

BITE-SIZE ABALONE CHUNKS: See recipe on page 91.

BARBECUE MEAT STICKS: See recipe on page 9.


1 head romaine lettuce

2 cups cooked rice with sauce

1 can flat sardines packed in oil

Tear lettuce leaves into sizes that will make small "sandwiches" when rolled. Put rounded teaspoon of rice seasoned with the following sauce on lettuce leaf, top with sardine, roll and secure with toothpick. If a milder sandwich is desired, merely sprinkle soy sauce over rice and use it without the sardines.

1  tsp. soy sauce

2 or 3 tsp. vinegar

2 drops garlic juice

½ tsp. sugar

2 tbsp. chopped green onions

Few drops Tabasco sauce (to taste) (careful or you'll get it too hot)

Blend thoroughly, pour over cooked rice and mix well. (Makes 24 to 30 sandwiches)


1 lb. fine-textured white-meat fish

1 tbsp. sugar

3 chili peppers

2 medium tomatoes, cubed

2 large onions, diced

1½ cups vinegar

½ cup water

Clean, skin, bone and cube the fish. Soak cubes in cold water for 2 hours. Drain and mix with other ingredients. Place in covered jar or crock and refrigerate for 3 days. Drain off excess juice and alternate fish, pepper and tomato cubes on spear. Serve with dip of your choice. We prefer a sour cream dip (1) because it's good and (2) because it can be bought already made. (Makes 18 to 24 servings)

TAHITIAN PICKLED FISH: See recipe on page 100.


2 cups zucchini, peeled and sliced

½ cup green onions, chopped

Soak above in ¼ cup water to which 4 tbsp. salt have been added. Stir occasionally. After 10 minutes, drain and rinse. Fold into the following batter; drop by spoonfuls on to hot griddle and fry. Then cut into small squares for serving as pupus. Good served either hot or cold.

4 eggs

¼ cup flour

Dash of Accent

Dash of Salt

Beat eggs, stir in other ingredients. If batter seems too thick, thin with a teaspoon or two of milk or water. Likewise, if it seems too thin, add a little more flour. (Makes about 48 servings)


6 eggs

2 medium green onions chopped fine

¼ cup preserved meat, chopped fine (see recipe on page 75)

½ tsp. sugar

1 can Vienna sausage, or cooked ham, chopped

1 medium can mushrooms, drained and chopped

½ tsp. monosodium glutamate

¼ tsp. salt

Beat eggs well, add other ingredients and cook as an omelette. Cool, slice into bite-size squares and serve as pupus. (Makes 30 to 40 servings)


1 small can veined shrimp

1 green onion, minced, including tops

2 tbsp. chili sauce

1  cup sour cream

2 tsp. lemon juice

¼ tsp. Worcestershire sauce

Chop shrimp finely. Mix with other ingredients in blender. If too thick, thin with milk until proper dipping consistency. If too thin, add more sour cream.


1 cup sour cream

2 tsp. minced green onion

½ cup Roquefort cheese

1 can minced clams

½ tsp. salt

Blend thoroughly. Sprinkle with paprika and serve with your choice of crackers or chips.


1 can chunk tuna

8 oz. cream cheese

½ tsp. lemon juice

Salt to taste

Blend. Add milk if necessary to get proper consistency. Serve with celery sticks and chips.


1 1-pound can abalone

2 medium cucumbers, peeled and sliced thin

2 tbsp. sugar

2 tbsp. soy sauce

½ tsp. monosodium glutamate

1 cup vinegar

Slice abalone into thin squares and combine it with other ingredients and let stand in refrigerator about hour. Drain off liquid. Serve chilled as an appetizer with beer or with before-dinner drinks.


1 pkg. containing 2 celery hearts

2 ripe avocados, peeled and mashed

1 drop garlic juice

2 tbsp. chili sauce

1 or 2 drops Tabasco sauce

Salt to taste

Clean celery hearts and cut crosswise about 2" long. Mix other ingredients and use to stuff celery. Serve as an appetizer along with olives, pickled onions, etc. Adding additional chili sauce won't hurt a bit.