I’VE GOT DORITOS,” Wes called from the kitchen. He and Kyla had gone to dinner before seeing a movie, but the pizza they had was a while ago and he could definitely eat again. Besides, you had to have junk food if you were playing video games. “What are you in the mood to drink with them?”
“Soda is fine,” she said from the living room. “Diet if you have it.”
He grabbed the bag of chips from the cabinet, wondering if he should go all out and put them in a bowl. Figuring it’d earn him some points in the boyfriend department if he did, he dumped them in a bowl, then went into the living room to set it on the coffee table before going back for their drinks. By the time he came out, Kyla was already sitting on the couch nibbling on a chip and staring absently across the room like she was a million miles away. He’d caught her doing the same thing several times tonight. Something was clearly on her mind. When he’d gently nudged her about at the restaurant, then in the theater before the movie started, she’d deftly steered the conversation in a different direction both times.
Part of him was worried this was about the bruises she’d seen the other night—and that he couldn’t tell her anything about how he’d gotten them.
“You okay?” he asked, sitting down beside her. “You’ve been a little quiet tonight.”
He expected her to tell him it was nothing and change the subject, but instead, she gave him an apologetic smile. “Sorry. The prosecutor’s office dropped off a box full of my dad’s stuff the other day. Going through it with Hayley was tough. I ended up learning some things about my father that caught me off guard.”
The pain in her eyes made his heart hurt. “You want to talk about it?”
She shook her head. “Not right now. I think I want to spend a little time thinking through the implications on my own. But thanks for the offer. It means a lot.”
Wes smiled. “The offer is good for as long as you need it. When you’re ready to talk, I’ll be here.”
Kyla leaned in for a kiss and he met her halfway. Their lips came together a split second later, their tongues teasing and tangling. She tasted like Doritos and that subtle feminine favor that was all her. Wes slid one hand into her long hair, groaning a little as she wiggled closer, almost climbing onto his lap. His cock immediately hardened, making his jeans more than a little uncomfortable, and he reluctantly pulled away. He loved making out with her, but he didn’t want her to think the only reason he’d brought her back to his place was because he expected to jump into bed. He was more than ready to take things at her pace.
“So…” he said slowly putting a little space between them even though he was having a difficult time looking at anything but those beautiful lips. “What video game do you want to play?”
She regarded him thoughtfully, her gaze sultry, and he wondered if she’d suggest they forget about the video game and go back to what they were doing a few seconds ago. But then she grabbed a handful of chips before settling back against couch with a smile and nibbling on a Dorito.
“You play Fortnite?” she asked, licking cheese powder off her lips.
How was it possible she could look so sexy eating a Dorito chip? Would she think he was crazy if he admitted to wanting to sit there and watch her do it for the next hour or so?
“Definitely.” Dragging his gaze away from her delectable mouth, he hopped up to turn on his Play Station and get the controllers. “I’ve downloaded the split screen mode for Battle Royale. It shouldn’t take long for us to find a game to drop into at this time of night.”
“Cool.” She bit into another chip. “Was work okay this morning?”
He nodded as he sat down beside her. “Yeah.”
Without going into detail, he told her SEAL Team 5’s working relationship with another federal agency was on thin ice because of security leaks. Kyla didn’t ask for more information than he was able to provide, which he appreciated. Even if he couldn’t tell her everything, it was nice being able to talk about the situation anyway.
“Does this other agency honestly think you and your Teammates are the ones responsible for the leak?” she asked.
“Yeah.” He scooped up a handful of chips. “Though to be honest, the people I work with in SEAL Team 5 are just as sure the leak came from the other end, so it isn’t like we trust them, either.”
“But they expect you to keep working with this other team?” She sipped her drink. “That must be…difficult.”
“Yeah. It sucks not being trusted.”
Kyla opened her mouth to say something, but then the game started and the two of them were being airdropped from a Battle Bus into a world gone mad with monsters and other players all trying to kill them. The first first minutes were simply a race to find weapons and equipment necessary to survive. They were supposed to work together as a duo to make it across the ever shrinking game map, and for a while, they did, wiping out at least twenty other players. He thought they might even have a shot at winning the whole thing—right up to the point when Kyla decided she’d rather play with Wes than with her Play Station 4 controller.
“Bored with the game?” he asked as Kyla traced warm kisses along the side of his neck until her lips captured his earlobe and began to tug. Suddenly, it was very difficult to focus on killing zombie-like monsters.
“It wasn’t so much that I was bored,” she whispered, her breath warm in his ear, one hand coming up to play with his hair. “I simply like this game more.”
As she went back to nibbling, Wes had to admit he liked this game a lot more, too. Her mouth on his skin felt so good that when a truck driven by another player ran over his in-game avatar, squishing him flat as a pancake, he tossed his controller aside and urged Kyla onto his lap. Out the corner of his eye, he saw her avatar get pulled down by a mob of angry robotic zombie things. That sucked. But being able to kiss her certainly made up for it.
Kyla straddled his lap, the heat at the junction of her thighs making him ache with need to move things past the kissing stage. It only got more intense when she started grinding her hips, pressing herself against his growing hard-on like she wanted to drive him insane.
“You keep grinding like that and I’ll start getting the idea that you want this game to move somewhere else,” he murmured against her mouth. “Like my bedroom.”
She laughed, gyrating her hips in little circles. “Who says we’ll even get to the bedroom? That wall over there looks rather tempting.”
He pulled away to capture her gaze. “You sure about this? I’m fine with taking our time. We don’t have to rush into anything.”
Kyla draped her arms loosely across his shoulders and smiled at him, her expression so bright and full of life it made Wes wonder what the hell he’d done to find a woman this amazing.
“Who’s rushing?” She leaned forward until her forehead was touching his. “We might only be dating officially for a few days, but we both know this thing between us has been building for a long time. I’m ready to take the next step…unless you aren’t.”
Just a few minutes ago, he’d been thinking she might be getting ready to dump him and now she was asking him to take her to bed. It wasn’t a stretch to assume this had something to do with the box the prosecutor had dropped off. Wes could understand wanting to have a little physical contact to reaffirm she was part of the living world after dealing with whatever was in it.
“I think you already know how interested I am,” he said. “And I’m still willing to wait if that’s what you need. But if you want me to take you to bed right now, then that’s what I want, too. I’m here for you always.”
He caught a glimmer of moisture in the corners of her eyes, but then she smiled. “Take me to bed.”
* * * * *
SLIDING HIS HANDS under her butt, Wes stood and headed for the bedroom. Kyla wrapped her legs more tightly around his waist, gaze locked with his. She would have remarked on how strong he was, but the moment was too perfect to interrupt.
Wes’s bedroom was exactly the way she’d imagined, with off-white paint, mismatched furniture, and a disturbing lack of anything on the walls. But the big bed topped with blankets and pillows looked more than comfortable enough.
Kyla expected him to take her straight there, but instead he moved over to a low dresser, propping her butt on the edge.
She was about to ask him what was up with that, but he was already pulling her shirt over her head. He quickly stripped off his own and Kyla had only a second to get a glimpse of rippling muscles and six-pack abs before he was reaching for her bra. She moved to help him, both of them yanking at the clasp at the same time. Then Wes’s warm mouth was on her neck, working steadily downward as he put a hand on her shoulder and gently pressed her against the mirror on the back of the dresser.
Kyla buried her fingers in his silky hair as she urged him lower, but Wes continued his slow descent, taking his time to kiss, nibble, and lick ever inch of exposed skin. As if knowing her collar bone was especially sensitive, he paused there for a bit, running his tongue along it.
“Lower,” she moaned, arching her back in an attempt to get that wonderful mouth of his right where she wanted it. “Don’t tease me.”
When he finally wrapped his lips around one of her nipples and twirled his tongue around the sensitive tip, she shuddered so hard she probably would have fallen off the dresser if the legs she had wrapped around Wes’s waist weren’t keeping her safely in place.
He took his time moving from one breast to the other, caressing her with his hands when he wasn’t using his mouth. She sighed, eyes rolling back as her head lulled to the side. She’d never had a man spend so much time focusing on her pleasure like this.
Kyla was so caught up in the moment she didn’t realize Wes had unbuckled her belt and popped the buttons on her jeans until she felt him tug the tight material over her hips. She helped as much as she could, considering her legs were still wrapped around him. It took a little bit of work—and a lot of laughter—but before long, she was completely naked.
Wes stood back and regarded at her perched there on the dresser like she was a work of art. She liked him looking at her that way. Like she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
Gaze riveted on her, he kicked off his boots, then hurriedly shoved down his jeans in a way that made her think he wanted her as much as she wanted him. When she got a look at how hard he was, that only confirmed it. All graceful muscle and strength, he was perfection.
Wes closed the short distance between them in a few quick strides, slowing down only long enough to stop by his bedside table to rummage around for a condom. Then his mouth was coming down on hers as he slid his hand up the inside of her thigh. Her breath caught as his fingers slid teasingly through her folds.
Dipping one of those fingers inside her, he slowly teased that sensitive place there, making her gasp in pleasures with every caress. At the same time, the pad of his thumb made little circles over her clit. He started with featherlight touch, but as she rocked her hips rhythmically atop the dresser, he applied more pressure until he was grinding down on her nub. Her pussy had been pulsing since he’d started touching her, but after a minute, the tingles started to move outward, and she knew he was going to make her come.
“Don’t stop,” she moaned, dragging her mouth away from his. “Just like that…right there…right there.”
She knew she was babbling, but couldn’t bring herself to care—or stop. He was so damn good at this.
Wes gazed down at her, eyes swirling with heat as he weaved his fingers into the hair at the back of her neck, holding her steady as he worked her toward orgasm. Between one breath and the next, she exploded, her climax hitting her so fast that for a moment, it felt like she was weightless. Then she was tumbling over the precipice, coming so hard that holding in her screams was impossible.
It was like Wes knew her body better than she did. He teased more and more pleasure from her until she was sure she was going to pass out. Part of her wanted to tell him to stop, while another part hoped it never ended.
Kyla didn’t realize Wes had scooped her up in his arms and carried her over to the bed until she felt the soft mattress under her. Then he was leaning over her, a rather satisfied expression on his face.
“You okay?” he asked. “We can take a little break if you need to.”
She shook her head, unable to speak as she spread her legs and made room for him to fit comfortably in between them. He lowered his head to giver her a slow, languid kiss. After thoroughly ravishing her mouth, he let his forehead rest against hers.
“Sure you’re ready for this?” he asked, casually gliding his cock up and down her wetness.
She laughed. “Worried you’ve worn me out?”
He flashed her a grin, lips moving to trace hers. “Just not in any kind of rush. We have all night.”
Kyla wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her ankles together and yanking him closer. “Which is why I’d like to get started right now.”
Thankfully, Wes didn’t continue to tease her. Instead, he reached down and positioned his shaft at her opening, then gently slid inside.
The feeling of him filling her nearly took her breath away and she dug her heels into his lower back, pulling him in even deeper, until she swore there wasn’t a part of her left untouched.
She expected him to thrust immediately—which would have been more than fine with her—but instead, Wes stayed where he was, gaze holding hers as he pressed tender kisses to her lips. She had to admit, she was okay with that, too.
It was only after she began squirming under him that he finally moved inside her ever so slightly. Even that tiny bit made tingles ripple through her. It was so delicious she would have been okay if he kept doing that for the remainder of the night. But then he pulled out and before she could even do more than groan in protest, he was back in, pounding that place inside he’d been teasing for so long. The air burst from her lungs and she was sure there was no way this could get any better.
It did.
Oh man, did it get better.
He started slowly, but then picked up the pace until she realized she was experiencing little micro-climax every time he thrust. When the real orgasm hit, it was more intense than anything she’d ever experienced, and she clenched her teeth down on the muscle at the junction of his neck and shoulder, letting herself get lost in pleasure so perfect she knew there’d be tears later.
Wes groaned low and deep, coming with her, and she swore she could fill him pouring into her even though that was impossible with the condom he was wearing.
Long seconds passed as Kyla’s body continued to tremble and spasm with the aftershocks of her climax. Through it all, she kept her legs wrapped tightly around him, not wanting to let him get away from her yet. Instead, she laid there, relishing the way his body pressed down against hers, making her feel warm and protected as his ragged breath tickled her neck.
Sooner than Kyla would have liked, Wes slid out and disappeared into the bathroom for a few seconds. Then he was in bed with her, dragging the blanket and sheet down so they could slide underneath. She was making a home for herself right there against his chest when the sound of his cell phone ringing made her start.
“Don’t answer it,” she groused even as he jumped out of bed.
“I have to.”
Cursing, he dug through the pockets of his jeans, coming out with his phone. Thumbing the button, he held it to his ear.
“Yes…yes…no…check.” Hanging up, he reached for his boxer briefs. “I have to go.”
Kyla bolted upright, shock and dread filling her. There was only one reason he’d need to leave at this time of night. “Now?”
Wes pulled on his clothes faster than she’d ever seen someone dress. Then he was swooping close, his mouth coming down on hers in a fierce kiss. For some reason, that terrified her more than anything.
“Can you tell me where you’re going and when you’ll be back?” she asked, clutching the blanket to her chest.
He shook his head. “I don’t know the answer to either of those questions. And even if I did, I couldn’t tell you. But I promise, I will be back. You have my word on that.”
She wanted to tell him he couldn’t make a promise like that, but then he was kissing her again. By the time she got her wits about her again, he’d already disappearing out the door.
As she sat there naked in Wes’s bed, the sheets still damp from the sweat of their lovemaking, she was sure she was going to fall apart.