
I wish to express my gratitude to The Institute of Ismaili Studies for kindly providing me with a copy of the Kitāb al-yanbūʿ (MS 1262, ArI, ZA) and two copies of the Minhāj al-farāʾiḍ (Cortese, Descriptive Catalogue, p. 53, no. 82/889; Cortese, Zāhid ʿAlī Collection, pp. 118–119, no. 101). I am indebted also to the Bombay University Library for giving me a copy of the manuscript from the Fyzee Collection. My warmest thanks go to Fayaz S. Alibhai and Lisa Morgan who critically read my text, shaping its linguistic form and making useful remarks. I am also grateful to Hamid Haji for preparing the Arabic CRC so meticulously and beautifully. Last but not least, I wish to express my gratitude to Professor Wilferd Madelung for reading my work and offering useful suggestions.