
Chapter Thirty-one


Riku sat in the back seat of Böðvarsson’s car. Hawke was in the passenger seat. The police watching Mrs. Albright said she’d remained in the hotel apartment, but her husband had left thirty minutes earlier, after Ásta had been seen making a phone call.

“What if they only meet in the hotel room?” Riku asked. “How do I come upon Ásta?”

“You’ll wait in the hotel lobby after Ásta goes to see Mrs. Albright. When she comes down, you confront her about Nonni.” Hawke had been playing all kinds of scenarios through his mind. It was best to have Riku in a public place given Ásta’s rage and hatred.

“That is good plan.” Riku leaned back in the seat.

Böðvarsson had a listening device in his ear. “Ásta just drove up to the hotel.”

Hawke put his hand on the door handle.

“She’s in.”

“How do we hear what they say?” Riku asked.

“We don’t. The flowers were changed out with fresh ones and a listening device.” Böðvarsson grimaced. “We can’t use this against either one of them in court, but we might be able to get one of them to confess to the conversation or the whole plot by having them recorded.”

“She just knocked on the suite and was let in.” Böðvarsson pointed to the door.

Hawke and Riku exited the car and walked to the hotel. Motion on the third floor caught his eye. Glancing up, he noticed that the two women stood out on the deck. He hoped there had been fresh flowers put out there or they would have nothing.

Inside the lobby, he led Riku to a chair. “Wait here. When you see her, approach, don’t let her out the door, and accuse her of ruining what you and Nonni had with her jealousy. I’ll be watching where she can’t see me. You’ll be safe.”

“I know. I hope she will say what you need.” Riku folded her hands and placed them in her lap.

“Me, too,” Hawke said, walking to a pillar and slipping around the side, where he could see Riku and keep an eye on the elevator.

They didn’t have long to wait. The elevator doors opened. Ásta stepped out with a smug smirk on her face. Until Riku stood and walked toward her.

“How did you find me here?” Ásta accused.

“I am waiting for my father. He is visiting. What are you doing here?” Riku stepped in front of the other woman when she tried to step around her.

“Seeing a friend. Out of my way.” Ásta put an arm out to push Riku to the side.

“You are not going anywhere until you tell me why you took Nonni away from me.” Riku swung her arms in what looked like a martial art’s move to push Ásta’s arm away.

“I didn’t take Nonni from you. You took him from me. We were talking about spending our lives together until you showed up here two years ago. After that, all he talked about was Riku this and Riku that.” She sneered. “But he slept with me when you weren’t around.”

“He told me, he used you.” Riku’s face was blank. Hawke couldn’t tell if she knew about Nonni sleeping with Ásta and didn’t care because of what Nonni said, or if she was tamping down her disappointment to get the other woman to mess up.

“Used me?” Ásta’s voice rose. “I used him. He was so proud of how he helped people. How he kept us from using drugs.” She laughed. “I was using and he didn’t even know.”

“How could you lie to him? He was honest, loyal, and kind.” Riku’s face hardened. “All the things you aren’t. I am glad he is dead and does not have to learn how terrible you are.”

Ásta laughed. “You loved him, didn’t you?”

Tears trickled down Riku’s face. “Yes. With all my heart. And he loved me. We were to speak of marriage.”

“I should have waited. Then you would have been a widow.” Ásta started to go around Riku.

The young woman’s arm was a blur as she grabbed Ásta by the arm and jerked her back around. “You killed him, didn’t you?”

“Let go of me!” Ásta said in a growl between clenched teeth.

“Not until you tell me the truth. Were you the cause of his death?” Riku twisted Ásta’s arm.

“Let go of me. Yes, I hit him on the head with a rock and if Billy hadn’t shoved him in the boiling mud, I would have. He was going to leave me for you. You!”

Riku shoved Ásta to the ground and walked back to the chair where she sat down. Tears ran down her cheeks.

Hawke strode over, picked Ásta up off the ground, and handcuffed her.

She started yelling in Icelandic. Hawke didn’t have any idea what she was saying but several of the hotel staff came hurrying over.

Böðvarsson came through the doors, shouting something, and everyone backed off.

Once the detective and a woman dressed in a maid’s uniform took control of Ásta, Hawke walked over to Riku. He knelt beside the chair. “I’m sorry you had to hear the gory details of how Nonni died. You know she said that to hurt you, just like she killed Nonni to hurt you.”

“Yes. But it hurts that he believed she was a friend and she did so much to harm him.”

“I agree. Do you want me to call your father to come get you or do you want to ride back to the police station with us?” Hawke held out a hand to help her stand.

“I wish to see her being punished for what she has done.” Riku shoved the tears off her face and peered at him.

“You won’t see that until the trial. How about I walk you back to your hotel. I think we could both use the fresh air and sunshine that is out today.”

She agreed.

Böðvarsson was waiting for them by his car.

“We’re going to walk back to the Marina Hotel. I’ll catch up with you later. You have the recording. But what about Mrs. Albright?” Hawke asked.

Böðvarsson grinned. “They were on the deck. I had someone stationed to take photos. And we have the confrontation and her paying Ásta, who we now have proof killed Nonni.” He patted Riku. “Good job. Everything will come to both women as it should.”

“That’s all we wanted.” Hawke put an arm around Riku’s shoulders. “Let’s enjoy our walk.”


“We finally meet,” Böðvarsson walked toward Hawke and Dani at Nonni’s funeral.

Hawke put a hand on Dani’s back, making her take one step forward. “Dani Singer, this is Detective Inspector Böðvarsson who I worked with to find Nonni’s killer.”

“Please, I am Ari. I am happy to meet you.” Böðvarsson’s eyes twinkled. “I expected to see you in overalls.”

Dani frowned at Hawke.

He chuckled. “Ari tried to get me to buy you a dress that you’d never wear. I told him you liked jeans and overalls.”

“I see. Did Hawke tell you I’m a pilot? I feel more comfortable in jumpsuits and overalls.” Dani hooked her arm with Ari’s. “We have two more days before we leave your country. What do you think is a good place for us to see?”

Böðvarsson glanced over his shoulder and winked at Hawke. Dani was as tight-lipped as himself. He didn’t need to worry she’d answer any personal questions the detective asked her.

“Mr. Hawke.”

He spun around and faced Mr. Tanaka and Riku. “Hello.”

“We wish to thank you for not giving up on the truth about Nonni’s death,” Mr. Tanaka said.

“I think our cultures are alike. My ancestors mourned the dead even though they were being cradled in the Creator’s arms. It is the loss of their time on earth with the ones they love that leave us grieving the most.”

“He lived too few years for the depth of his compassion for others.” A tear glistened in the man’s eye.

Riku hugged Hawke. “Thank you, Mr. Hawke. Because of you, we all know the truth.” Her face turned to the left.

Hawke followed her gaze and found Bragi. He finally knew the truth about Wanza. Hawke wondered which was better. That he knew she died but had wanted to be with him or if he’d gone on thinking she’d found someone else?

“The truth is always the best.” Hawke released Riku and went in search of Dani and Böðvarsson. He’d had enough mourning, he wanted to see more of Iceland and return home. On the way home, he would set up a time Dani could go meet his mom.


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Special Acknowledgements

Special thanks go to my guide while I was in Iceland, Ragnar Hauksson. He not only explained things to me while I was there but answered my numerous emails after I arrived home and needed information from places I hadn’t seen while in Iceland. Judy Melinek, M.D. CEO, Pathology Expert, Inc. for answering my questions about a body in a sulfurous boiling mud pool. And my fellow authors and betareaders from around the world who helped me get my character’s dialog realistic sounding.

Author Comments

I was lucky enough to go on a literary tour of Iceland last summer. My guide and fellow authors had a good time helping me discover a place where my character could find a body. On our last day, we visited the boiling mud pots at Kŕysuvik and I knew I’d found my murder scene. From there it was a matter of finding a way to get Hawke to Iceland and I discovered the biannual SAR conference held in Iceland and made him one of the instructors. From there the story took place in my head and came out through my fingers onto the keyboard.

Thank you for reading book five in the Gabriel Hawke Novels.

Continue investigating and tracking with Hawke as his series continues. If you missed his other books they are:

Murder of Ravens

Book 1

Print ISBN 978-1-947983-82-3

Mouse Trail Ends

Book 2

Print ISBN 978-1-947983-96-0

Rattlesnake Brother

Book 3

Print ISBN 978-1-950387-06-9  

Chattering Blue Jay

Book 4

Print ISBN 978-1-950387-64-9



While you’re waiting for the next Hawke book, check out my Shandra Higheagle Mystery series.


About the Author

Paty Jager grew up in Wallowa County and has always been amazed by its beauty, history, and ruralness. After doing a ride-along with a Fish and Wildlife State Trooper in Wallowa County, she knew this was where she had to set the Gabriel Hawke series.

Paty is an award-winning author of 45 novels of murder mystery and western romance. All her work has Western or Native American elements in them along with hints of humor and engaging characters. She and her husband raise alfalfa hay in rural eastern Oregon. Riding horses and battling rattlesnakes, she not only writes the western lifestyle, she lives it.

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