Stacey's Mom
Tonight reminded me
of school concerts
when she was little and
full of bounce
Up on stage, twirling and
bursting with song,
the fastest reindeer, the
the brightest star
And I would think, that’s my
girl, sprung from me
with such perfection in
every cell.
I’d be the first to leap
to my feet for
for the standing O, blowing
her kisses.
Tonight I didn’t stand,
but I was caught
by the beam of her eyes
piercing mine.
Relief flooded through me
just to know she
was safe and not roaming
in that car
No bigger than a bug,
no protection
in a crash, no escaping
her boyfriend.
I could feel her dad
caught beside me,
pulling pictures from his
Opening them slowly,
holding his breath,
as though he was scared of
what he’d see.