

I know I’m not Mark’s first girlfriend,

but I think he likes me best.

The rest were all too clingy, always wanting

him to call and take them to the mall.

They didn’t understand that Mark

needs to keep moving

and only he can decide

where he wants to go.

Sure, he wants you beside him

but you’ve got to be willing

to bend in and buckle up

and put up with his moods,

ride them out with him,

no matter where they lead.

Sometimes, we drive all the way

to the border, where

he’ll park and stare

as though he’s plotting

his escape.

At moments like that

you have to sit still, keep

your mouth shut and wait

until he’s worked it out.

Then he comes back

and sees you

and remembers

how lucky he is

to have you there,

all pretty and sexy

in your tightest clothes.

You can feel him shift

toward you, his eyes

glossy, his pants straining.

You’ve waited hours for that look

because it makes you feel

a thousand feet tall,

even though he still hasn’t

said a single word.