Mr. Dawe is in trouble for pushing us into the mall.
The administration rapped his knuckles for crossing
a line between teaching us about the world
and interfering in the community.
They told him it’s okay to organize booths
at school, but gathering with students at malls,
then harassing people inside those malls,
is way beyond the teacher’s code of conduct.
Mr. Dawe disagrees. He says learning doesn’t stop
at the school gates. It’s everywhere, and what better place
to learn about the warped values of consumer society
than at the mall—the modern day town square?
We all agree with him
and want to start a petition,
but since we are only seven
members, it seems hopeless.
Mr. Dawe says not to worry. He has no intention
of slowing down. Rome wasn’t built in a day
and if all the makers and shakers of history had quit
so easily, there would have been no progress.
Believe it or not, our flyers
are as powerful as stones or bullets.
They can help change the world,
one thought at a time.