
Back down

from the


Back here

on familiar streets

looking for

familiar faces.

Back where

I suppose I belong,

even though these days

I don’t feel like I belong

anywhere except in my car.

Back when

I was a kid I didn’t think

much about things like that.

I just sort of lived day to day

doing kid stuff like soccer

and hockey and school projects.

Back then

it all seemed easier, like there were

no cracks in my life, no places where

my feet kept slipping through, like

they do now whenever I try to take a step,

whenever I try to decide how I am going

to move forward in my life and not


like I am now, constantly thinking

of things that happened in the past,

things with my dad, like the time he

let me stay home from school and spend

the day with him in his cab and we couldn’t

let on to my mom because she’d have flipped,

especially if she knew that he let me drive the car

Back to

the depot, even though I was only twelve

and barely tall enough to see over the steering

wheel or to reach the gas and brakes, although

it was only two blocks in mid-afternoon so there

weren’t many other cars on the road, and it was so

exciting and I couldn’t wait to brag about it to my

friends at school and every day after that when my mom

wasn’t in sight, I’d beg and beg my dad to take me

Back again.