These are mostly pulled from the text, but we have added a few extras for your reading pleasure. Consult Chapters 2 and 3 for information on how and when to use them.
- “What do you think of the service here?”
- “Do you usually find rooms to be so noisy?”
- “Why do you want to work here?”
- “What are ten words your spouse or partner or friend would use to describe you?”
- “What’s the most courageous thing you’ve done?”
- “If you joined and then in three to six months you were no longer here, why would that be?” (Ask the same question about five years as well, and see how the two answers differ.)
- “How did you prepare for this interview?”
- “What did you like to do as a child?”
- “Did you feel appreciated at your last job? What was the biggest way in which you did not feel appreciated?”
- “Who are our competitors?”
- “What are the open tabs on your browser right now?”
- “What have you achieved that is unusual for your peer group?”
- “What is one view held by the mainstream or as a consensus that you wholeheartedly agree with?”
- “Which of your beliefs are you least rational about?” (Or maybe better yet: “What views do you hold religiously, almost irrationally?”)
- “Which of your beliefs are you most likely wrong about?”
- “How do you think this interview is going?”
- “How successful do you want to be?” (A variant is: “How ambitious are you?”)
- “What would you be willing to trade to achieve your career goals?” Or “How do you think about the trade-offs that might be required to achieve your career goals?”
- “In the context of the workplace, what does the concept of ‘sin’ really mean? And how does it differ from a mere mistake? Can you illustrate this from the experience of one of your co-workers?”
- “In which ways might a Skype or Zoom call be more informative than a person-to-person interaction?”
- “In what ways are you not WYSIWYG [what you see is what you get]?”
- “Is this person so good that you would happily work for them?”
- “Can this person get you where you need to be way faster than any reasonable person could?”
- “When this person disagrees with you, do you think it will be as likely you are wrong as they are wrong?”
- “How would you rate yourself on a scale of 1–10 on X?… And why is that rating the right number for you?”
- Something about revealed preferences in their past lifetime.