The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
- Abel, Martin
- abstractedness
- absurd beliefs question
- accents
- achievement-oriented interview questions
- adaptation and disability
- adhesiveness
- Africa
- agency problems
- aggression
- earnings and
- gender bias and
- racial bias and
- team players and
- agreeableness
- earnings and
- gender differences in
- “selective agreeableness”
- AI-based interviews
- AI scouts
- Akopian, Vladimir
- alertness
- Altman, Sam
- alumni networks
- ambition
- analytical questions
- ancient Athens
- Andreessen, Marc
- Andreessen Horowitz
- AngelList Spearhead
- anonymity
- aphantasia
- appearance, intelligence and gender biasn
- Apple
- apprehension
- articulateness
- Asperger syndrome
- aspiration
- aspiration curves
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- attractiveness
- intelligence and gender biasn
- scouting and fashion models
- Atwood, Tony
- atypical intelligences and abilities
- autism
- advantages of
- terminology
- autobiographies
- autonomy
- Balaji, Will
- Baldwin, James
- Banerjee, Abhijit
- Banks, David
- Banks, Ernie
- baseball scouting
- Bay Area. See Silicon Valley and Bay Area
- Beane, Billy
- Beatles, the
- Beckett, Wendy (Sister Wendy)
- Beethoven, Ludwig van
- bias. See also cultural bias; gender bias; racial bias
- in scouting
- status quo
- Bigaud, Wilson
- bilingualism
- bipolar disorder
- Blanchett, Cate
- blind lawyers
- blind spots
- bloggers
- Bock, Laszlo
- body language
- brainteasers
- Branson, Richard
- Braque, Georges
- Brazil and fashion models
- Brin, Sergey
- Brinkley, Christie
- British accents
- browser-tab question
- Bündchen, Gisele
- bureaucratic hiring approach
- Burliuk, David
- Bush, George W.
- Calvin, John
- Campbell, Naomi
- Canadian earnings and intelligence
- “cancel culture”
- Card, Orson Scott
- career decisions and intelligence
- career success. See earnings and intelligence; earnings and personality
- Carnegie, Dale
- Carter, Jimmy
- cash transfers
- Casnocha, Ben
- Catholic confession
- Catmull, Ed
- cautiousness
- celebrities and online presence
- centralized evaluation
- charisma
- online interviews and
- of scouts
- Charles, Prince of Wales
- Chen, Steve
- chess
- China
- Chornak, Alisson
- Cialdini, Robert
- Claremont Colleges
- classical music
- Clean Air Act
- clichéd questions
- climate activism
- climbing right hierarchies
- clusters of innovation
- clutteredness
- coaching
- cognitive ability and earnings
- cognitive disabilities
- advantages of (superpowers)
- atypical intelligences and
- compensation and adaptation
- different focus and redirection of effort
- Collison, Patrick
- communication
- future of online
- gender and styles of
- compensation and disability
- Competition and Entrepreneurship (Kirzner)
- compound returns
- conceptual frameworks
- confessions
- confidence gaps and gender differences
- conscientiousness
- autistics and
- as context-dependent
- earnings and
- gender bias and
- grit and
- interviews and
- contrarianism
- conversational mode in interviews
- achievement-oriented questions
- avoiding answering questions
- changing the physical setting
- clichéd questions
- forcing questions
- getting candidates to tell stories about themselves
- keeping focus on specificity
- key conceptual challenges
- list of good questions to ask
- maintaining focus
- preparation level of candidate
- role of trust
- sense of ambitions and worldview
- use of personal language
- Cooke, Sam
- cooperation
- conscientiousness and
- intelligence and
- use of negative words in interviews
- correlation vs. causation
- COVID-19 pandemic
- exponential terms
- mask-wearing and conscientiousness
- online interviews and
- Recidiviz and prison release
- Srinivasan on
- “cracking cultural codes”
- creative spark
- creativity
- schizotypy and
- credentialism
- criminal justice system and data analytics
- critical self-talk
- Crooked Timber
- Cue
- cultural bias. See also racial bias
- broadening your perspectives on
- Five Factor model and tradition factor
- in interviews
- politeness and
- curiosity
- Curry, Dell
- Curry, Stephen
- curse words
- Damore, James
- Dana, Jason
- Daniel Deronda (Eliot)
- dating, online
- da Vinci, Leonardo
- decisiveness
- demand avoidance
- Democratic National Convention (2004)
- demonstrated preferences
- de novo genetic mutations
- disability
- atypical intelligences and
- compensation and adaptation
- different focus and redirection of effort
- superpowers
- terminology
- disagreeableness
- discrimination
- dominance
- Douglass, Frederick
- “downtime-revealed preferences”
- dress
- drive. See also ambition; stamina
- Duflo, Esther
- dullness
- “Dworsky strength”
- Dylan, Bob
- dyslexia
- earnings and intelligence
- earnings and personality
- gender differences
- education. See also credentialism
- genetics and disability
- income inequality and
- networking and elite colleges
- parents, intelligence and earnings
- personality and earnings
- Eilish, Billie
- Eliot, George
- Emergent Ventures
- emotional stability
- employment history
- Ender’s Game (Card)
- entrepreneurial alertness
- entrepreneurs (entrepreneurship)
- dyslexia and
- heritable variation in
- intelligence of
- personality traits of
- scouting
- environment and intelligence
- Epstein, Brian
- ethics
- evasiveness in answering questions
- event attendance, and networking
- externalizing behaviors
- extraversion
- autistics and
- earnings and
- gender differences in
- eye contact
- Facebook
- face-to-face contacts
- facial surveillance
- “fallibilists”
- family background and insecure overachievement
- family responsibilities
- family transmission of talent
- Farrell, Henry
- fashion models
- fear
- Ferguson, Alex
- Ferriss, Tim
- Finland
- first-order
- fishing maxim
- Five Factor personality model
- advantages of
- categories of. See also specific categories
- as common framework
- context and conscientiousness
- earnings and
- gender differences in
- questions of motivation
- Florentine Renaissance
- Flynn, Jonny
- forcing questions
- Ford, Henry
- foreign languages
- founders. See also entrepreneurs
- fear and
- gender bias in
- personality traits of
- scout programs
- speed of response
- Franklin, Aretha
- Friedman, David
- fun-ness
- gamers (gaming)
- Gandhi, Mahatma
- Gates, Bill
- Gates Foundation
- gender bias
- confidence gaps
- earnings and
- intelligence and
- in interviews
- Jacoby and Recidiviz
- in networking
- personality and
- Zoom calls
- gender stereotypes
- generativeness
- genetics
- geographic talent clusters
- George Mason University
- Gerson Lehman Group
- “gettothepointplease” quotient
- Girard, René
- GitHub
- glibness
- Global Climate Strike
- globalization
- Glyndebourne Festival
- goals
- Golden State Warriors
- Google
- interview questions
- James Damore memo
- outsiders
- government bonds
- Grandin, Temple
- green screens
- grit
- Gross, Terry
- gross domestic product (GDP) growth
- Groucho Marx effect
- Grove, Andy
- Groves, Melissa Osborne
- Habib, Cyrus
- Haden, Jeff
- Hammond, John H.
- handshakes
- Hanson, Robin
- happiness
- Harari, Yuval
- Harvard University
- Hastings, Reed
- “hate”
- Heckman, James
- hierarchies
- Hoffman, Reid
- Horowitz, Ben
- Houston Astros
- Howell, Sabrina T.
- human genome
- Hurley, Chad
- Hurston, Zora Neale
- hyperlexia
- idea-seekers
- income. See earnings and intelligence; earnings and personality
- income inequality
- information poverty problem
- information richness
- in-person interviews. See interviews
- insecure overachievement
- intelligence (IQ)
- abilities and atypical
- autism and
- conceptual frameworks
- cooperation andn
- earnings and
- gender bias and
- inventors, leaders, and entrepreneurs
- limitations of
- pricing into the market
- top tiers of achievement and
- underexplored territory of
- intelligence (IQ) tests
- interviews (interview questions)
- absurd beliefs question
- achievement-oriented questions
- arguments against use of
- of autistics
- browser-tab question
- changing the physical setting
- clichéd questions
- conversational mode in. See conversational mode in interviews
- cycle of interview questions
- forcing questions
- gender bias in
- getting candidates to tell stories about themselves
- going “meta”
- keeping focus on specificity
- key conceptual challenges
- list of good questions to ask
- maintaining focus in
- online. See online interviews
- pattern matching
- personality traits and
- personal language in
- person’s references
- practice-habits question
- preparation level of candidate
- racial and cultural bias in
- sense of ambitions and worldview
- trust in
- “unstructured” vs. “structured”
- introverts (introversion)
- intuition
- inventors. See also entrepreneurs; founders
- intelligence of
- women as
- IQ. See intelligence
- irrational views
- Israel
- Jacoby, Clementine
- James, LeBron
- James, LeBron “Bronny,” Jr.
- Jemisin, N. K.
- Joan of Arc
- job interviews. See interviews
- Jobs, Steve
- Jones, Garett
- Jordan, Michael
- Karim, Jawed
- Keane, Glen
- Khwaja, Mohammed
- Kirzner, Israel
- Klein, Ezra
- “kludge”
- Klum, Heidi
- Kornhaber, Spencer
- Kulesa, Tony
- Kwon, Judy
- Laskow, Sarah
- Last Dance, The (documentary)
- leaders
- conscientiousness of
- intelligence of
- job candidates and references
- le Carré, John
- Leen, John
- Lennon, John
- letters of recommendation
- interviewing candidate’s references
- Levchin, Max
- Lewis, Michael
- liveliness
- Livingston, Jessica
- looks-based assessments, intelligence and gender bias
- loudness
- McArdle, Megan
- McCartney, Paul
- McKee, Peggy
- Mahler, Gustav
- Malcolm X
- Marginal Revolution
- mask-wearing and conscientiousness
- Mason, Paul
- Massey, Cade
- Matic, Aleksandar
- mentors (mentorships)
- Mercatus Center
- “meta” questions
- #MeToo movement
- Michelangelo
- Microsoft
- Middlebury College
- Mill, John Stuart
- mimetic theory
- mirroring
- Moneyball (Lewis)
- Monkey Cage, The
- morality. See also ethics
- Moritz, Michael
- Moss, Kate
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
- Mpofu, Vuvu
- multiplicative model
- multiplier effect
- music scouts
- Musk, Elon
- Nanda, Ramana
- National Association of Blind Lawyers
- negative words in interviews
- nerds
- networks (networking)
- building out
- gender bias in
- Neumann, Adam
- neuroticism
- earnings and
- gender differences in
- NFL (National Football League) draft picks
- Nixon, Richard M.
- nonconforming beliefs question
- non-linear effect
- Norgate, Sarah H.
- Nyhus, Ellen K.
- Oakland Athletics
- Obama, Barack
- obsessions
- O’Connor, Sandra Day
- Oculus
- Office, The (TV series)
- On Deck
- online backgrounds
- online dating
- online interviews
- backgrounds
- blurring of home and work life
- coordination problems
- deficiencies of
- face-to-face contacts
- future of
- information poverty problem
- networking and
- questions to ask
- role of trust
- sources of knowledge
- status relations in
- technical glitches
- Opendoor
- open-ended questions
- openness
- earnings and
- gender differences in
- in online interviews
- schizotypy and
- outsiders
- Page, Larry
- paranoia
- Parrish, Shane
- patents (patenting), gender gap in
- pattern matching
- pattern recognition
- PayPal
- pecking order, personal standing in
- perfectionism
- perseverance
- personal improvement. See self-improvement
- personality
- adhesiveness
- climbing right hierarchies
- clutteredness
- compound returns
- conceptual frameworks
- conscientiousness
- earnings and. See earnings and personality
- Five Factor model of. See Five Factor personality model
- founders and
- gender differences in
- generativeness
- happiness
- insecure overachievement
- knowing your place in pecking order
- multiplicative model
- particular traits and their importance
- pattern matching
- pessimistic perfectionism
- precocity
- racial differences in
- stamina
- sturdiness
- vagueness and precision
- personal language
- pessimistic perfectionism
- phoniness
- physical disabilities
- physical setting of interview
- Picasso, Pablo
- Pilkey, Dav
- Pioneer
- tournaments
- “pipeline problem”
- politeness
- politicians
- presidents and intelligence
- stamina of
- Pons, Empar
- Powell, Bud
- practice-habits question
- precision
- precocity
- presidents and intelligence
- priming
- Princeton University
- Prinsloo, Behati
- privateness
- “problem-solving skills”
- productivity
- programmers (programming)
- protective interview mode
- Proto, Eugenio
- psychotherapy, confessions in
- public confessions
- “quants” (quantitative analysts)
- racial bias
- broadening your perspectives on
- conceptual frameworks
- in interviews
- racism
- random events in interviews
- Ravens IQ tests
- Reagan, Ronald
- reasoning
- Recidiviz
- redirection of effort and disability
- Rees, Daniel I.
- references
- repetition of questions
- research centers, and networking
- resourcefulness
- Richardson, Ken
- risk aversion
- entrepreneurialism and
- gender confidence gaps
- in interviews
- of scouts
- risk tolerance
- Rodriguez, José Valdes
- Rogan, Joe
- Rogoff, Ken
- role models
- Rolling Stones
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- rule-consciousness
- Rustichini, Aldo
- sabermetrics
- Schiffer, Claudia
- schizotypy
- Schlender, Brent
- scouting
- bias in
- centralized evaluation as alternative to
- fashion models
- finding best scouts
- importance of
- incentives in
- intelligence and underexplored territory
- limitations of
- music talent
- networking and
- screen resolution
- seating positions in interviews
- Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- seed capital funding
- “selective agreeableness”
- self-awareness
- in interviews
- knowing your place in pecking order
- self-confidence
- self-improvement
- practice habits
- self-motivation
- self-reliance
- sensitivity
- Sequoia Capital
- Seth, Vikram
- setting of interview
- sex differences
- sexism
- sexual harassment
- Silicon Valley and Bay Area
- cooperation and productivity
- generativeness in
- as talent cluster
- VC talent search approach
- Simmons, Russell
- Simon, Scott
- Sister Wendy (Wendy (Beckett)
- skin in the game
- “sludge”
- smarts. See intelligence
- Smith, Vernon
- smoothing
- social boldness
- social intelligence
- social presence
- social status
- gender bias and
- relations in interviews
- socioeconomic background and intelligence
- Sofianos, Andis
- soft networks
- Soto, Christopher J.
- Soviet chess system
- SpaceX
- spare time, browser-tab question
- specificity in interview questions
- speed of response
- spontaneity in interviews
- Srinivasan, Balaji
- stamina
- standard deviation
- Stanford University
- Statcast
- status. See social status
- status quo bias
- status quo question
- Steinke, Darcey
- stereotypes
- Stoppelman, Jeremy
- storytelling mode
- assessing responses
- avoiding answering questions
- maintaining focus
- personal language
- sense of ambitions and worldview
- Stripe
- structured interviews
- Stubborn Attachments (Cowen)
- sturdiness
- stutters
- Suitable Boy, A (Seth)
- superpowers
- surprising events in interviews
- Swift, Taylor
- synchronicity
- talent alertness
- talent clusters
- talent scouts. See scouting
- talent search
- academic research on
- art and science of
- books
- ethics of judgment
- talent-spotting mindset
- Tango Management
- Taylor, Basil
- team players and adhesiveness
- “technological stagnation”
- tennis
- tension
- Tesla
- Thaler, Richard
- Thatcher, Margaret
- Thiel, Peter
- Asperger’s of
- interview questions
- personal worldview
- talent spotting of
- Thiel Fellowship
- think tanks
- Thompson, Klay
- Thompson, Mychal
- Thunberg, Greta
- time allocation
- Time Machine, The (Wells)
- “toxic workers”
- travel
- travel grants
- “triggers”
- trustworthiness
- Turing, Alan
- Turing test
- Twitter
- underexplored territory and intelligence
- undervalued companies
- undervalued individuals
- unstructured interviews
- vagueness
- Venetian Renaissance
- Venter, Craig
- venture capital (VC)
- creating and improving talent
- gender bias in
- pitches
- scouting
- talent search approach
- video filters
- vigilance
- Village Global
- violinists and practice
- Virgin Group
- virtual meetings
- voice pitch
- Wade, Dwyane
- Wade, Zaire
- walking interviews
- warmth
- Washington, Booker T.
- weaknesses
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
- Weinstein, Eric
- “weirdos” (weirdness)
- Wells, H. G.
- West, Kanye
- Whiplash (movie)
- whole package
- Wilson, Woodrow
- witty repartee
- women. See gender bias
- work ethic
- worldview
- writers
- Zax, Jeffrey S.
- Zoom backgrounds
- “Zoom center stage”
- Zoom dating
- “Zoom fatigue”
- Zoom interviews. See online interviews
- Zuckerberg, Mark