Preventive cardiologist Rob Thompson, M.D.—board-certified in cardiology and internal medicine—specializes in preventing heart attacks and strokes. For the past twenty-five years, he has practiced internal medicine and preventive cardiology in downtown Seattle, where he has also done research in heart disease. Dr. Thompson graduated from the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle in 1971, at a time when the thinking on heart disease was entirely different from where it stands today—a learning curve that he has watched with interest and that he himself has participated in with vigor and enthusiasm.

He did his postgraduate training at the University of Illinois Medical Center in Chicago, and Dr. Thompson was a faculty member at the University of Washington and director of coronary care at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle before entering private practice in 1977. Over the years, he has penned a number of scientific articles for peer-reviewed journals.

Having accumulated the experience and knowledge that equates to amazing insight on weight loss and heart disease, Dr. Thompson sees his latest work—The New Low-Carb Way of Life—as an extremely satisfying achievement that amounts to the ultimate patient consultation, in which he is able to share information that will lead readers to greater overall health—a coup that’s impossible for any physician in the space of a brief office visit.

In The New Low-Carb Way of Life, Dr. Thompson presents a terrific new weight-loss plan that helps you do what was previously unthinkable: customize a low-starch diet to your personal metabolic needs—and also prevent heart disease and diabetes in the process. Designed for the sawiest generation of weight-conscious Americans ever, this book has an uplifting message: only certain carbs pack on pounds and clog arteries, and those are easily identifiable white foods, including flour, corn, potatoes, rice, and sugar.

Dr. Thompson promises that you can attain peak health without having to abandon your current way of living. You simply make a few small changes in your lifestyle—ones that won’t make you feel deprived, leave you hungry, or wear you out. You can use the New Low-Carb Way to shed unwanted pounds, improve your overall health, and feel newly empowered and confident.