Low-carb diets are the best way to lose weight as Dr. Atkins has proven to the world, but now it’s time to go beyond the bland, one-size-fits-all, sugarless approach to weight loss. In this groundbreaking book, cardiologist Dr. Rob Thompson combines the latest research in dietary science with his own years of practice experience to show that counting carbs is only one half of the weight-loss equation. Here, he introduces the ideas behind the “glucose shock ratings” (the extent to which the foods we eat impact our metabolisms). Understanding these measurements and how to incorporate them into a low-carb lifestyle can help you to shave off the pounds.
With this knowledge, you’ll quickly learn to customize a low-starch diet program to your personal body chemistry. By answering a few questions about your medical history and personal health habits, you’ll create a personalized metabolic profile to help you understand the unique way in which your body handles carbohydrates and cholesterol.
But the low-carb diet isn’t the only thing that has changed in weight loss. Exercise has also evolved into a more personal and highly specialized activity. For years we’ve all been exercising without knowing the best way to improve metabolism and promote weight loss. By evaluating the different types of exercise, Dr. Thompson ultimately shows that stimulating your metabolism is a lot easier than you thought.
Finally, there is hope for those of us who have longed to understand why we gain weight while trying so hard to lose it. Dr. Thompson provides the key to understanding why all carbohydrates are not created equal, and you’ll be delighted to know that only certain carbs are responsible for adding pounds and clogging arteries.