Of those having material relating to the union of British North America between 1857 and 1873, the following have been consulted in Canada:

P.A.C.: C.O. 42/604–685, official correspondence of the governors of Canada with the Colonial Office, 1857–1873; G. Series, correspondence of the Colonial Office with the governors for the same period. Both contain much related material.

Also, the Baring Papers; George Brown Papers; Brown Chamberlin Papers; Ellice Papers; Galt Papers; Howe Papers; Kimberley Papers (microfilm); Lisgar Papers; McDougall Papers; J. A. Macdonald Papers; McGee Papers; Monck Papers; O’Gorman Papers; U.S. Consular Reports, 1859–1866 (microfilm).

A.A.S.B., Taché Correspondence.

A.P.Q., Chapais Papers.

P.A.B.C., Crease Papers.

P.A.M., Riel Papers; Ross Papers.

P.A.O., Clarke Papers.

Q.U.L., Mair Papers.

The following were consulted in the United Kingdom:

P.R.O., C.O. 188/129–147, correspondence of governors of New Brunswick with the Colonial Office, 1857–1873; C.O. 194/150–178, Newfoundland; C.O. 217/220–242, Nova Scotia; C.O. 226/88–111, Prince Edward Island; C.O. 60/1–5 and C.O. 305/8–10, British Columbia.

Carnarvon Papers; Cardwell Papers; Granville Papers; Russell Papers.

B.M., Bright Papers; Cobden Papers; Gladstone Papers; Iddesleigh Papers.

H.B.C.A., Stowe Papers; A12/43–45.

P.R.O., N.I., Dufferin Papers.

Hughenden, Disraeli Papers.

Knebworth, Bulwer-Lytton Papers.

Knowsley, Derby Papers.

N.L.W., Lewis Paper.

S.P.L., Wharncliffe Paper.

U.N.L., Newcastle Papers.

The following were consulted in France: A.A.E., Angleterre; Consulat de Québec, 1859–1870.

The following were consulted in the United States:

Essex Institute, Banks Papers.

M.H.S., J. W. Taylor Paper.

P.H.S., Jay Cooke Papers.

    U.S.N.A., Reports of Special Agent, Winnipeg, 1867–1870; Fish Correspondence; Diary of J. C B. Davis.


There are surprisingly few for the period and the particular theme of the book. Nothing has been printed for the period from the Q. and G. Series by P.A.C. Official publications are generally available in P.A.C. or in provincial legislative libraries. Those used were:

Census of Canada, 1857, 1861, 1871, 1931. (The last is useful for the historical summary of the censuses of Canadian history in Vol. 1.)

Debates, Canada: C.L.A. Canadian Parliamentary Debates, 1857–1866; Parliamentary Debates [Canada] on the Subject of the British North American Provinces, 1868; P.A.C., Canadian Parliamentary Debates, 1867–1873.

——— United Kingdom, 1857–1873, have occasional material on British North American affairs and much on the Civil War.

——— United States: The Congressional Globe, 1857–1873, has scattered references to British North America, but no debate on the British provinces as such.

Parliamentary Papers: United Kingdom: Report of the Select Committee on the Hudson’s Bay Company (London, 1857); The Journals, Detailed Reports, and Observations Relative to the Explorations by Captain Palliser, of that Portion of British North America…between the Western Shore of Lake Superior and the Pacific Ocean during the years 1857, 1858, 1859 and 1860 (London, 1863); Correspondence Relative to the Late Disturbances in the Red River Settlement (London, 1870).

Colonial Office: Question of the Federation of the British Provinces in America (London, 1858); Correspondence Relative to a Meeting at Quebec of Delegates Appointed to Discuss the Proposed Union…(London, 1865); British North American Provinces Correspondence Respecting the Proposed Union…(London, 1867).

Dominion of Canada: Sessional Papers, 1867–1873; Report of the Select Committee on the Causes of the Difficulties in the North-West Territories in 1869–1870 (Ottawa, 1874).

Province of Canada: Sessional Papers, 1857–1866; Journals of legislative Council, 1857–1866; Journals of Legislative Assembly, 1857–1866.

W. P. M. Kennedy, ed., Statutes, Treaties and Documents of the Canadian Constitution, 1713–1929, 2nd ed. (Toronto, 1930), contains the major official documents and some parliamentary debates of the period 1857–1873. W. R. Manning has edited Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, Canadian Relations, 1784–1860, Vols. I–IV (Washington, 1940, 1942, 1943, 1945). There is unfortunately no companion work for the following years.

New Brunswick: Journals of Legislative Council, 1857–1867; Speeches Delivered…on Confederation…in Legislative Council, 1866; Journals of Legislative Assembly, 1857–1867; Reports of Debates of Legislative Assembly, 1867; Correspondence Concerning Proposals for Intercolonial Union, Legislative and Federal, Legislature, Fredericton, 1865; Report of the Delegation to England, Legislature, Fredericton, 1867.

Newfoundland: Journals of Legislative Council, 1857–1867; Journals of Legislative Assembly, 1857–1867.

Nova Scotia: Journals of Legislative Council, 1857–1867; Debates and Proceedings of Legislative Assembly, 1857–1867; Journals of Legislative Assembly, 1857–1867.

Prince Edward Island: Debates and Proceedings of Legislative Council, 1857–1866; Journals of Legislative Council, 1857–1867; Debates and Proceedings of Legislative Assembly, the Parliamentary Reporter, 1857–1867; Journals of Legislative Assembly, 1857–1867.


The following newspapers have been consulted in Canada: P.A.C., The Globe, 1857–1873; Montreal Gazette, sporadically; Morning Chronicle, the same; Daily Leader, the same; Daily Telegraph, the same; Le Pays, the same; La Minerve, 1861–1864; Le Courrier du Canada, sporadically; Le Nouveau Monde, 1868–1870; P.A.M., Nor’ Wester, 1859–1869; P.A.N.S., Acadian Recorder, 1864–1865; British American Magazine, 1863–1864.

In England, B.M., The Times, 1857–1867; Daily Telegraph, sporadically; Morning Post, the same; the Economist; Saturday Review; Pall Mall Gazette; the Spectator; Edinburgh Review; Quarterly Review; Westminster Review; Illustrated London News.


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