In preparation for their final night together in Gaia, Aryanna instructed Addison, Samael, Luke, and Lia to return to their rooms. They were to change into white cloaks and join her in the great hall. They did as she requested and entered the hall, taking their places beside Aryanna.

Addison’s eyes swept across the room, taking in the citizens of Gaia. They had gathered to hear Aryanna speak, and to judge Addison for themselves.

As the last person entered the hall, the wooden doors closed behind him, and Aryanna stood. She approached a marble podium and raised two fingers into the air. In an instant, the crowd went silent.

“Citizens of Gaia, it pleases me to gather here with you today on the eve of what will go down in history as the greatest challenge we’ve ever faced in our time. As you prepare to leave this place, to join Addison in her fight to save the mortal world and its inhabitants, do so knowing the sacred sacrifice you’ve chosen to make on this historic day shall never be forgotten. I have cherished every moment of my time here in Gaia as your ruler, your protector, and your friend. And though the time has come for my journey to change course, take comfort in the fact that you will always be protected.”

She paused and the masses applauded, cheering as if they had no idea tonight would be one of the last times they saw their precious ruler. Aryanna stood in silence, waiting for the cheers to die down. “And now we’ll hear from Addison.”

Addison stood, forcing a smile as she joined Aryanna at the podium. With no time to rehearse, she wasn’t sure what to say. She knew she needed to be compelling, her speech one of unwavering confidence and hope.

Aryanna gave Addison a slight nod and returned to her throne.

“Hello, everyone,” Addison began. “Some of you I’ve met during my time here. Others I haven’t. But you all know who I am, where I came from, and why I’m here today. It isn’t just to protect and preserve all life, it’s a chance for us all to come together, necromancer and sorcerers, in unity. There was a time when those before us banded together as we are now. Not as rivals, but as friends, with one goal in mind—to protect those who can’t protect themselves. The time has come to return to the old ways, to understand that we are stronger together instead of apart.”

As she paused, a young woman made her way through the crowd. When she reached the front, she raised her hand.

“Yes?” Addison asked.

“Why you? Why were you chosen to lead us and not someone else?”

Aryanna rose from her seat and moved to Addison’s side.

“As you all know, our ancestors foretold of a child who would be born with necromancer and sorcerer blood, a child who would bring us together as we once were.” Aryanna pointed at Addison. “This is that child. What was foretold isn’t to be questioned. It is to be honored with the utmost respect.”

“I was chosen to lead you for a reason,” Addison said. “And I make this pledge to you now. I will give everything I have to see us succeed, even my own life to secure our survival.”

The woman nodded and then faded into the crowd. Another woman raised a hand, an old crone whose life seemed to have been long. She smiled at Addison and then turned, facing everyone in the room.

“I dreamed of the woman you see before you long ago, back before she was born. I saw her birth. I saw what would become of her. And I saw this moment. There is no other more pure or more gifted to lead us into this fight. It is like Aryanna said. Addison is to be given our trust, and we are to pledge our loyalty to her as she has pledged her loyalty to us.”

“I second what Roselyn just said,” Aryanna replied. “Addison is not to be questioned. There are two decisions to be made this night. You can choose to stand with Addison, or you can choose to stand down. But if you choose to stand down, when you leave this room, you leave Gaia, and you may never return.”

A man in the crowd shouted, “You would have us leave our home?”

“Gaia stands with Addison, Benjamin. To go against her, you go against what we hope to achieve, which means there is no place for you here.”

“Gaia is a place of peace, not of war.”

“If Aamon were to succeed, Gaia wouldn’t be a place of anything anymore. It would be lost to us for eternity.”

“I’m sorry, Aryanna. I wish you well. I wish all of you well, no matter what choice you make, but I am a peaceful man. I am not a fighter.”

Benjamin bowed at his queen and turned, leaving the room. A handful of others did the same. Addison turned toward Aryanna who remained still, her hands folded one over the other, staring out at the people of Gaia as she allowed them time to make their choice. When the room settled, she said, “Those who remain do so with my blessing. I wish you well on your journey tomorrow and in your battle with Aamon and the demons of the underworld who have joined him on his crusade. Go forth and make Gaia proud. And now, I must leave you. Spend tonight with your loved ones as you prepare for tomorrow and get some rest. I will see you all off on the morrow.”

Those who had gathered parted as Aryanna made her way through the crowd and to the back of the room. She stood at the open doors, offering kind words of support as everyone passed her, filing out of the room until Addison, Luke, Lia, and Amara Jane were all that remained.

“Luke and Lia, you may return to your room,” Aryanna said. “I need a moment with Addison.”

Luke scooped Amara Jane into his arms and smiled at Addison as he followed Lia out of the great hall. Once they were out of earshot, Aryanna turned toward Addison and said, “How are you feeling about tomorrow?”

“Different than I thought I would. I didn’t know if I would feel ready, but I am. I’m not even sure what I’ll do when I face Aamon, but I believe I’ll know when the time comes.”

“You will. Trust yourself, and all will be revealed.”

Trusting herself was a new feeling, a good feeling.

“I don’t believe the people of Gaia understand what’s about to happen,” Addison said. “When you told them you were changing course, what you didn’t say was that you wouldn’t be here when they return. Why wouldn’t you tell them they were to never see you again?”

“All things must be explained at the right time. How could I speak of it, knowing if I did, it would consume their thoughts? They need to go into this fight strong and without burden, thinking of nothing more than the task at hand.”

“I suppose you’re right. Still, I wonder how they’ll feel when they return and come to understand the true meaning of what you said today.”

“Fret not. I have provided a way, a final address, which will be given to them upon their return.”

“Why aren’t you joining us at Crawley Manor tomorrow?”

“I want nothing more than to be with you, but my place is here, protecting Amara Jane until your return, and I shall do just that. Leave Gaia tomorrow knowing I will protect her life as I do my own. Your thoughts need not be on her while you’re away. She will be safe, here with me.”

It was something that had weighed on Addison’s mind—how to protect her daughter and her daughter’s birthright at the same time. She expected Aryanna was aware of her concerns and had altered her plans to suit this moment.

She’d thought of everything.

Aryanna reached into her pocket and pulled out the small glass box that contained the necklace Aamon had cursed. “Here, take this in your hands.”


“You’ll see.”

Addison took the box.

“Now open it,” Aryanna said, “and place it into your hands.”

Addison unsealed the box, removed the necklace, and wrapped her hands around it. Aryanna folded her hands over Addison’s, and the necklace lit up.

“What’s happening?” Addison asked.

“This gemstone is rare. It absorbs the energy of the person who possesses it, and if it so chooses, it acts according to the will of its keeper.”

“Is that what Sayuri meant when she said it contained Aamon’s essence?”

Aryanna nodded. “It is.”

“What happens now that our energy has been combined?” Addison asked.

“I’ll show you. Come.”

Addison followed Aryanna into her chamber. They walked to the center of an oriental rug and sat in a crossed-leg lotus position. Aryanna instructed Addison to place the necklace on the rug between them. Then they joined hands, their eyes fixed on the necklace. The black glow from the stone began to shift in color, from black, to gray, to brown, to a bright ruby red. As the glow from the necklace faded, it lifted off the rug, floating in midair. It circled behind Aryanna and Addison once, twice, and then a third time before shooting up to the ceiling. Upon its descent, it fixed itself around Addison's neck.

Addison rubbed the stone between her fingers, staring at it a moment before facing Aryanna. “What just happened? Why has it attached itself to me?”

“When Aamon had the stone, he abused its power. He cast a spell to make the stone do his bidding, thereby enslaving it. Tonight, it was released. We freed the stone, giving it a chance to choose good over evil. And it chose you, Addison. Go now, retire for the evening. Clear your mind so that when you rise, you will be ready for the most important day of your life.”