
Dr. Dale Atkins wishes to acknowledge…

I would like to acknowledge every person who is a sanity saver in my life, as well as those whom I met as a result of my involvement in this book. The list is too long to include, but I say thank-you to each one of you.

I am grateful to my dear friends—Laurie Witkin, Janet Weathers, Annie Gilbar, Maggie Kneip, and Nancy Miller—who offered invaluable encouragement, creative ideas, and editorial advice. My daughters-in-law, Tracy and Yael Rosen, and my niece, Amanda Salz hauer, took time they did not have to be available to me and to enlist their friends and colleagues to gather sanity-saving situations unique to young women.

I am particularly appreciative to my family, friends, colleagues, clients, students, and the many people who shared their personal challenges with me for inclusion in this book. Some hosted opportunities for women to get together and talk about the kinds of things that concern them and for which they need sanity saving. Others sent letters and e-mails to their friends who contacted me about particular issues. The circle widened to include women of all ages, backgrounds, cultures, and lifestyles. I am unable to mention everyone as the list, happily, is too long to include in these acknowledgments, but I will mention some of the extraordinary folks who helped to make this book happen and whose support was invaluable: Barbara Frumkin, Barb Kimmel, Barbara Lane, Barbara Orenstein, Bob Danuszar, Brenda Johnson, Brooke Stewart, Brooke Suhler, Carel Ristuccia, Carissa Smithem, Carol Abrams, Carol Levy, Charlene Dunagan, Charlotte Schoenfeld, Claire Ciliotta, Connie Silver, Dana Lipman, Dana Manciagli, Dana Witkin, David Carmel, Debbie Hoffman, Deborah Phillips, Diane Bliss, Diane Browne, Diana Muller, Dianne Wallace, Edie Mencher, Emily Glassberg, Eileen Blank, Elise Meyer, Elizabeth Axel, Fatima Hortelao, Gary Stolzoff, Georg Anderson, Gerald Post, Guita Wainberg, Helen Lasershon, Ilene Dixel, Irene Kent Smith, Jane Schoenberg, Jeannette Dussell, Jennifer Ancker, Jennifer Marrus, Jennifer Witkin, Jeri Bilus, Jill Cohen, Josh Lachowicz, Judith Fein, Karen Simon Farrell, Kathleen Daelemans, Kathy Kennedy, Kim Phillips, Laura Rothschild, Laurie Woods, Lee and Rona Javitch, Linda Abramson, Linda and Harvey Meranus, Lisa Gilbar, Lisa Napoli, Lisa Osta, Liz Reuven, Lorraine Allen, Lynn Gold, Marcella Raymond, Marie Gaworecki, Mary Fawcett, Mary Foss-Skiftesvik, Maureen Marwick, Megan Garufi, Melissa Zaluski, Michelle Danuszar, Mickey Murray, Mickie Baldwin, Mike Visnicky, Mimi Merton, Miriam Sumner, Nicole Rabner, Nicole Witkin, Nikki Keldsen, Norma and Sy Feshbach, Orna Stern, Pamela Hadden, Pat McCain, Patti Altman, Patty Abramson, Perry Adato, Rosie Morgan, Roy Witkin, Ruth Herzel, Shelly Kassen, Sherry Halperin, Sue Smith, Susan Millar Perry, Suzi Alexander, Suzy and Elihu Rose, Teri Errin, Terri Childs, Vanessa Brenes, Virginia Haynes Montgomery, and Virginia Waters.

An extraordinary woman, Barbara Scala’s, creative contributions to this project went beyond what either of us thought would be required at the outset. Working together was always fun as she kept her own sanity, sense of humor, and perspective during the entire process.

Jim Grissom’s wit and appreciation of the nuance of sanity saving and finding the perfect title never fails to save the day.

My literary agent, Christy Fletcher, is a caring, imaginative partner who understood and shared my vision for Sanity Savers. Liate Stehlik and the incredibly welcoming group at Avon Books, HarperCollins, particularly my editor, Sarah Durand, enthusiastically embraced this book from the beginning and encouraged me to address multiple aspects of women’s lives.

My mother, Sylvia Atkins, is an inspiration for us all. I learned about the importance of balance as she tried to retain her own sanity during the challenging years when she lovingly cared for my father, Jerry. My beloved sister, Daryl Roth, and her family, Steven, Amanda, Michael, Rebecca, Abigail, Emily, Jordan, Richie, and Jackson continue to support me, and during this project, encouraged me to tap into the various ways we all create balance.

My husband, Rob Rosen, is my whole heart and personal sanity saver. His humor, generosity, support, love, and devotion make it possible for us to constantly create our own sanity savers to enrich our lives together. He has transformed my life. I am eternally grateful for our two magnificent, caring sons, Jono and Josh Rosen, and for Tracy and Yael, the wonderful women they brought to us as daughters. They, together with our grandson, Ross, are the true blessings in my life. My family and friends regularly contribute to helping me remember the importance of a balanced life.

And to Miles, whose undying spirit and loving companionship remain with me forever.

To all of the people in my life who have helped me stay balanced through thick and thin:

To Dale, for your gift of putting balance into my life and for having faith in me.

To my lasting friends—Diane, Lisa, Brian, Renee, Lee, Deanie and Mary Hope.

To my loving family—Mom, Joe, Keith, Abby, Ken, Sherry, Tori and Honey.

To my love, Billy.

And to the greatest balancing acts of all time, my children—JoAnna and Robbie—who have guided me and will continue to guide me to be the best mother, woman and person I can be.