Fitting into Those Jeans
You may be just sick of looking at those jeans in your closet and getting up the gumption to try them on. Do they even fit anymore? Will your bottom look too big? Will they be too tight? Did you really put on weight since the last time you wore them? There goes your mood for the day.
Getting yourself in shape is not about forfeiting weekend pizza parties with family and friends or going on crash diets, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle. What to do to get into those jeans and keep your sanity?
Visualize yourself looking good in those jeans when junk-food crave waves hit.
Midlife, Parent, Family
When Grandma Becomes Mom
You lived through your unmarried daughter’s pregnancy, and now you’re raising her baby. Or your midlife career daughter decided to go it alone at the sperm bank and now, guess what? You’re raising her baby.
First of all, kudos to you. You stepped up to the plate of unconditional love and made a choice to be there for this child. Instead of nanny care or full-time day care, you’ve undertaken a physically, emotionally, and mentally demanding full-time job. You were not meant to conceive at this age and you’re not as well equipped to raise a child at this age as you were when you were a young mom. But you’re managing and making the best of it.
When Mom’s at work or busy, Grandma’s in charge. But, when your daughter returns, remember to let go of the reins and do something for you.
Get Out of the Blues When Working Alone
If you are writing a book, working from home, or undertaking a project on your own, it’s easy to lose your motivation to get the job done. Your work space is void of another breathing body and the walls start to cave in. Before you procrastinate one more minute or, God forbid, reach for the clicker, or, even worse yet, another Twinkie, stop and save your sanity!
When you work alone and feel lonely, a walk outside is the best remedy.
When Your Partner Changes Your Life Plans
Before you married, did you talk endlessly with your partner about how it would be nice to move from the city and raise children in a less hectic environment, but after some time, your partner realized that the suburbs are just not for him or her? Or did you marry someone of a different faith who assured you that he would not interfere with your children’s religious education, but now he’s feeling differently? Perhaps you both agreed to work for three years, live frugally, save money, and then travel before having children, but he wants to forgo globetrotting and start a family now.
Managing your expectations and disappointment when someone you are committed to has a change of heart and “reneges” on your agreement is a significant challenge. Sometimes circumstances impact our choices, and the better part of valor requires that we change our plans. But it’s not always easy to forget an unfilled promise and accept your partner’s change of heart and mind. You might be angry and blame your partner for his about-face. But what you’re really dealing with is feeling that you are not in control of your own life, loss of trust in your partner for not fulfilling a promise, and the possibility of your dreams being shattered.
Before resentment builds, remember that you are in a partnership and that problem solving is best when done together. Both of you have needs, and the healthiest thing to do for your relationship is to try to get your needs met. Realize that there may be a solution that is different from your (and his) ideal. Be open-minded and compromise.
Dreaming together is important but when the dream is no longer shared, letting go of part or all of it allows you to create new (and sometimes better) dreams.
Not Feeling Sexy
When you were younger, feeling, looking, being sexy was no big deal. It just seemed to happen and oozed from your every pore.
Today, being sexy is everywhere. Books and television shows are telling you not only that you can be sexy at your age—you should be! But you’re not feeling particularly sexy these days. You may have had a marriage that didn’t work out, carried the burden of supporting a family, cared for elderly family members, or were even ill yourself. In fact, you don’t even have the urge to light candles and get in the mood and you’re not all that unhappy about it. Are your sexy days over?
Being and feeling sexy is one of the most personal expressions of who you are, and only you can assess what is right for you.
Facing Risks
If you always thought of yourself as risk averse, it is time to rethink your definition of the label you have given yourself.
If you’re cautious and conjure up the nerve to actually do something in the risky department (complete with sweaty palms), you might give yourself a pat on the back (as well you should) and then sit back on your laurels. But this might stifle you to go further. On the other hand, if you take a different approach and think of yourself as someone who used to be risk averse, you will find that you’ll be more likely to try new things and have different experiences.
It is all in the way you think about yourself. Giving up that old label is part of the journey. So, when you are facing a new and challenging situation that will challenge your risk taking, know that you can preserve your sanity while stepping out of the comfort zone.
You can change the label you have put on yourself by experiencing life through a different lens.