Hypochondria? It Makes Me Sick
For many people, focusing on, and complaining about, their health is a full-time job.
These are people for whom taking care of themselves—eating right, exercising, pampering, making scads of doctor’s appointments—is all that matters. To them and to you. Or didn’t you notice?
While these people (we call them hypochondriacs) are often intelligent and well read on medical issues, they can’t fathom that a headache isn’t the onset of a brain tumor, or that mild thirst isn’t the beginning of debilitating diabetes. A strain in the chest while playing tennis? Heart attack, of course. Razor burn? Cancer, clearly.
Perhaps this behavior describes you. If so, ask yourself if your intense concern about your health is rooted in a recent illness, or an episode with a loved one. (Many relatives of a recently ill or deceased person become morbidly concerned with diagnosis, treatment, and cures.) If you have exaggerated health anxiety, you probably know that it is becoming increasingly difficult to function. Here’s the road to a cure.
If you are limiting your life by focusing on your illness, think about whether this is helping you in your quest to live a healthy life.
Friends, Family, Partner, Work
Giving Criticism
Being criticized isn’t much fun. But sometimes we are in the position of needing to give critical feedback to people who are important to us. How do we do it while maintaining our sense of self? And can we put ourselves in their shoes so we truly understand the impact of what we are saying?
If you are criticizing someone, be thoughtful and concerned about how she or he will hear you.
Single, Friends
Fringe Benefits: Dating Someone with Children
If you happen to date someone with children, look closely at the relationship of the family that could someday be part of your own.
It is essential—and ultimately educational—to observe the relationship that exists between your possible future mate and your possible future stepchildren. Whatever your initial thoughts about this relationship may be, keep in mind that being a parent profoundly affects a person and his or her priorities. Notice how much time they spend together, what their interests are, and what’s important to them. You will develop an intimate knowledge of these people to a far greater degree than in any other relationship you’ve entered.
You can gain tremendous insight into people from the way they, as parents, accept their children.
Long-Distance Grandparents
When families lived near each other, grandchildren would drop by their grandparents’ homes after school or on the weekends, or stay overnight. Many intergenerational families lived under one roof, so when Grandma was around (which she usually was), she provided child care, supervision, and so much treasured wisdom.
Today many grandparents live far from their children and grandchildren. When they come for a visit, some grandparents roll up their sleeves and get right into the mix of things and some do not, expecting to spend only a few hours with the children instead of a few days. Many grandparents feel they do not have the stamina to keep up with their grandkids, while others will take the children on trips and have private, special time with them.
You may feel resentful that your parents or in-laws are neither spending every free moment with the children nor helping with your child care issues. It is essential that the generations communicate what they need and are willing and able to offer. If you believe that your parents’ visit should be 24/7 with your children, then you need to give them an idea of what you have in mind and a chance to think about what works for them. Each of you has expectations, so see if they are anywhere near the other’s.
Give long-distance grandparents and the kids bonding time so their relationship can grow with every visit.
Rejuvenate Naked with Your Lover
Why does the spark with your love slip away? It used to be so easy to get in the mood and feel sexy, romantic, and connected, but now it is a bit of a chore. Maybe it’s because you are raising kids, multitasking, working, overscheduled, crazed, and otherwise trying to save your sanity in this hectic world.
It is time to change your attitude and put sensuality on the front instead of the back burner (if it is on any burner at all!). Believing that you can still have a sensuous bond (through mind, body, and emotional connection) with the person you love means you are halfway to making that connection happen in real time and real life.
Admire your own and your partner’s body and enjoy the chances to be together, skin to skin.
Friends, Family, Partner, Work, Well-Being
To Err Is Human, To Repent Divine
This may come as a surprise to you, but you are not perfect.
We all make mistakes on occasion. If you’re like every other human, you may make an unfortunate decision or a hurtful remark, perhaps unintentionally. You may put your foot in your mouth, do something that was not considerate, or snap at someone if you are having a bad day.
Whatever mistake you may make, big or small, immediately assume responsibility for it and try, earnestly, to understand the effects of what you did. Do whatever you can to make the situation right. Apologize, make restitution, offer assistance. If you follow any religious guidelines, you will probably try to make amends in a way that is comfortable for you morally—but do it, and quickly.
Choose actions, deeds, and words that will make you proud of yourself.