Take This Job and Love It
To take on a new job, especially in a new field, even when you initiate the change, can be very stressful.
You may be unable to sleep as you ponder all the many unknowns of your new job. Then your mind can wander into many uncharted, dark corners, and you’ll wonder if you are good enough for the job or if you’ve made a mistake leaving something safe for something challenging. If you are an older woman, you may also wonder if you’ll be able to keep up with your younger colleagues.
When you doubt yourself and are about to accept a personal challenge, look for inspiration to others who have survived their own significant challenges.
Well-Being, Family, Friends
How Much Is That Doggie in Your Memory?
As most pets have a shorter lifespan than their owners (save a parrot or two), it is inevitable that you may experience pet loss and the grieving and mourning that accompany it.
Those people who don’t feel a close connection to animals find it difficult to understand the attachment and companionship you have enjoyed. They simply don’t get that pets have unique personalities and insinuate themselves into a household—and a heart. Because pets love unconditionally, they are always present for us and are loving companions in their own right. Consequently, the passing of such a companion is an enormous emotional experience. Everyone grieves differently, even within the same household, as the family pet served different functions for each person who feels its loss.
If you have opened your heart to the unconditional love of a pet, give yourself the time to heal from this profound loss.
In a Relationship with a Workaholic
Some people can’t seem to relax. They believe they will not be able to slow down. They think taking it easy means they are not doing anything worthwhile. If they are not busy, they feel that they are not being productive. And if they are not accomplishing something, working, or obtaining some goal, they do not feel worthy, and certainly don’t feel worthy of relaxing. And on and on the cycle continues.
Is this someone you know and love? Is your significant other always at the office or always bogged down with paperwork at home? Does your partner become preoccupied with a project or disinterested in social and leisure time?
How do you save your sanity when the person you’re in a relationship with doesn’t relax or spend enough time with you but clearly loves you?
If your partner loves to work, you can’t change that. Instead, work with the extra time you have on your hands to do things for you.
Disability Differences
Hearing loss, learning or developmental disabilities, visual impairment, and spinal cord injuries are among the multitude of disability differences that set some of us apart from the “norm.” But what is “normal,” and how do we form our attitudes about who or what is “different”?
By examining your attitudes and being open to establishing a new perspective, you can free yourself, your family, and your children from a restricted and often stereotypic view of the world and begin to look at people who are different from you with compassion. Remember that your attitude about people who have a disability may have a vast impact on how they feel about themselves and how they are viewed by others. By exploring ways in which you can alter your attitude, you will be taking a stand for what is right and showing others love, care, and support.
Your attitude about disability difference was likely formed in ways you are unaware of. Be bold and open to changing your attitude and your thoughts.
Friends, Family
Remember Loved Ones on the Holidays
The holidays usually make us think of those who are no longer with us or of relationships that are no longer the way we would like them to be. Our loss is more keenly felt as we evoke memories of the past with the person who is absent. The loss is further accentuated because we miss them at our joyous occasions.
Pay attention to who is present while consciously bringing to mind stories or traditions that were unique to the people who are not there. This can be emotionally moving as well as a wonderful opportunity to recall with joy the gifts you have received from the special people in your lifetime. By allowing yourself to be open to how your grief transforms you, the chances are greater that you will be more able to appreciate the holiday spirit.
By dealing with your feelings of loss in anticipation of and during the holidays, you prepare yourself to celebrate the life of the person and appreciate the gifts he gave you.
Not Taking Things for Granted
Usually it takes an illness, your own or that of someone you love, to remind you how incredible it is to take anything in life for granted.
With your busy life, you can chain yourself to a computer or seal yourself in your car as you rush to and from appointments, without paying attention to the view as you drive by. You may also make it a point to consciously avoid making eye contact with people so you can keep in your own bubble. Although time alone to refresh and restore yourself is essential, becoming too focused on your own life and self without being conscious of the natural world around you can impede your ability to keep your sanity intact.
Whatever stage you are in your life, make it a point to consciously appreciate all you take for granted—whether it is something in nature or the qualities of a person.
Taking life for granted prevents you from appreciating life in the day-to-day.