Week 29


Parent, Family

Your Grown-up Child Is Far Away

Your “baby” lives across the continent, and you are proud of her ability to be on her own working in a brand-new city, and of her adventurous spirit. But she knows no one there. Is she really up to taking care of herself, and what happens when she gets lonely or wants a home-cooked meal?

This is different from when she went to college. Then you had a sense of security that she would be looked after, had access to healthy food, and was protected because she was in a locked dorm with one hundred other students. This may have been a false sense of security, but nonetheless you felt it. Keeping your sanity when your son or daughter is beginning life oh so far away is another story.

When your kids are far away, you can still be connected…just not in the way you were.



Playing Real Games in Court

You have to go to court for a traffic violation, small claims action, or sexual harassment suit, or because you’re in a custody battle with your ex-spouse. No matter what the issue, big or small, dealing with the judicial system can be intimidating and a bit scary.

It’s also very stressful. This is the time to mediate, journal, take warm baths, and do yoga. To save your sanity, learn how to maneuver in the court system, and when you are not in court, do anything that relieves your anxiety.

Surviving a court case takes courage, strength, and a solid support system. Be good to yourself during this time and don’t add any more stress; court is stressful enough.



Don’t Dump Your Partner Just Because You’re in the Dumps

Is your relationship unfulfilling? Have you been down this road before with past loves and wonder why you’re once again traveling the same path? Are you contemplating dumping your partner because this isn’t the relationship you envisioned?

You may be inclined to blame the person you love, but why don’t you try something different this time? Rather than pointing the finger, look to see what you can do to shift the balance. Often we blame and criticize our partner for not giving us what we have stopped giving to them and to the relationship. If you feel ignored, are you no longer reaching out? Are you less grateful or appreciative or supportive of your partner? What does your behavior reveal about your feelings for the other person?

First look at yourself instead of your partner when trying to improve your relationship.


Family, Friends, Partner

Keeping Score

Because humans are not perfect and everyone makes mistakes, relationships are challenging. Nobody gets it right all the time. It is up to you to decide how much you are willing to give the person you are with the benefit of the doubt.

Every relationship is different, and what we tolerate in one we might not tolerate in another. Why? Because we are dealing with personalities, agreements, commitments, histories, benefits, and losses, and for each of our relationships we need to acknowledge the differences. A wise person knows that if you keep score you are likely to come out the loser.

If you want to keep score, go to a baseball game; don’t try to build a relationship.



Love and War

One of the most uncomfortable, and untenable situations is being caught in a fight between friends. So many people have witnessed savage and consistent arguments between couples, both in public places and in private settings.

What is the correct thing to do? Do you silently endure the damage? Do you step in and try to resolve the conflict? Do you take sides if a question is hurled your way? Do you get up and leave, making your position known via a slamming door?

Sometimes only you can be fair in love and war.



Time Yourself Out

Are you overdue for time off for good behavior? (For any behavior, come to think of it.)

Vacations are supposed to be time away to restore and rejuvenate, but it is becoming harder and harder to accomplish this if you insist on being away with a cell phone, a PDA, and a laptop. Whenever you do manage to get away, be sure to take some real time to take care of yourself. Begin by losing the schedule you follow when you are at home or at work. Create a vacation schedule that is packed with only those things you really want to do that will relax and refresh you.

Time off allows you to return with a new and refreshed point of view. Nobody is so important and no task is so big that you cannot take some time for yourself to restore.