Single, Well-Being
Single and in a Social Rut
You really want to meet people, but going out with the same crew each weekend is getting old. You’re tired of the bar scene, and all that partying gets you nowhere.
How can you get off the merry-go-round and get a new perspective? Keep your sanity by branching out and developing new connections that give you a whole different view of life and how to live it.
You’re in a rut and can pull yourself out.
Parent, Midlife
Older Mom
OK, so you have accepted that you’ll be the oldest mom at “Mommy & Me” classes and have the gray hairs to prove it. But as a midlife woman who has decided to become a new mother, have you come to terms with whether you can keep it together and do what is required to be a mom? You may ask yourself if you are capable of putting a child’s needs ahead of your own. Are you concerned with how your life will change and how you will take care of yourself?
To date, much of your life has focused on yourself. You have spent much of your energy responding to your own needs, not having to be concerned about a child. Can you be responsive to the needs of anyone else, let alone someone so vulnerable and dependable? And what happens to those after-work parties, massages, and traveling to exotic places?
The qualities that make a good mother are not necessarily limited by age.
Work, Family
It’s a Family Affair
Joining the family business, rather than carving a career elsewhere, may or may not be something you have been longing to do. If you have been groomed since the cradle to follow in your parents’ footsteps, then working in your family’s company has always been at the forefront. Just like the British royals, doing something else was never an option.
Hopefully, you’ve been put on the letterhead because you want to be there. If this really isn’t your idea, question whether this job is something you’re doing out of duty or loyalty, or whether you can find your own satisfying niche to save your sanity when the inevitable differences of opinion between family members arise.
Being a part of a family business could be the most rewarding job you’ll ever have; just get off to a great start by setting unassuming boundaries and knowing your value.
Coming Back after an Affair
Affairs usually signify that there are unresolved issues in the relationship. Affairs are about betrayal.
When you have an affair you take part of yourself away from your spouse. You lie about where you are going, where you have been, and you make up excuses why you cannot be together or sleep together or share yourself. There is a whole part of your life that you cannot talk about.
The real key is how you can begin to have an honest relationship after you have been in a dishonest one. Trust and expectations are shattered. It takes time, energy, and a fair amount of risk taking to rebuild a new foundation for the marriage. Start one step at a time to attempt to get your marriage on track.
If you take responsibility for what led up to the affair and commit to examining yourself and your marriage, you may have a stronger and more committed marriage in the end.
Friends, Family, Work
Insert Foot Into Mouth
Ever been in the position of saying something and then, afterward, realizing (either because someone comments or you have an epiphany) that you said the wrong thing? You feel awful. It may have been said in innocence or without thinking, but nonetheless it was said.
It’s difficult to make a comeback after you blurt out something that’s inappropriate. Kidding someone about not having a drink at a party without appreciating that he may have begun dealing with a drinking problem, or sharing the news that someone is pregnant when she wanted to keep it a secret is embarrassing. How do you recover from these awkward moments?
Sharpen your awareness of what can offend people, and steer clear of these topics.
Community, Well-Being, Family
Deciding to Be an Organ Donor
If you are in relatively good physical shape, regardless of age, you can donate your tissues and organs to help those who would otherwise not have the opportunity to live their lives to the fullest, or at all. Such selfless giving is a truly generous act, because you are giving the possibility of life to people who you do not know. It is up to you to reflect on and come to a decision about what you want to do with your body, and it is also up to you to make sure that your family understands your desire.
Each of us can consider contributing to the well-being of those we do not know in ways that can change their lives forever. You have the gift of life should you choose to use it.