Work, Well-Being
Creating a Peaceful Workspace
With so many changes in the workplace these days, more and more people are working in physical environments that are quite challenging. The ability to have a private conversation, quiet environment to think or create, or view of the outdoors is becoming a thing of the past. Even if you like your job and enjoy your coworkers, your work environment itself may hamper your ability to operate at your peak capacity.
By working in a peaceful space, you can maximize your productivity. Take a cue from city cab drivers. They are in the worst traffic all day and yet their cabs are refuges from the stress and craziness. Dashboards often display photos of beautiful places, children, or a religious passage, while music drowns out horns, sirens, and jackhammers on the city streets.
You can enjoy work, too, when you are surrounded by peaceful pictures and mementos that really mean something to you and speak to your individuality.
We can always enhance our environment to reflect more of who we are.
Parent, Partner, Family
You, the Kids, and Your Ex
It’s a proven fact that children need to spend time with both parents. Even if you have not worked out all your issues with your ex-spouse, it is generally better for children when they are able to spend time with both of their parents. They especially need to know their noncustodial parent cares about them, appreciates them, and is interested in what they are doing and what their interests are.
As they grow up, it’s important that they continue to identify with, love, and be proud of both parents. Save your family’s sanity as you establish a new relationship with your ex-spouse and keep things as smooth and secure as possible for the children.
Let the kids know that although you will now be a two-household family, you will always be a family.
Family, Friends
When Someone You Love Is an Alcoholic
Often it is difficult to come to terms and accept someone you love who is an alcoholic. You may make excuses, deny, pretend, and overlook what is obviously a problem. In fact, you may be exacerbating the problem by not accepting it.
Be patient and try not to interfere as they work on their issues. It’s up to you to learn how to deal with alcoholism directly while saving your sanity in the process.
When you realize you are not tied to a life of embarrassment, lies, unkind behavior, and defeatism, you can begin to change your attitude and live the life you deserve while still loving the other person.
Renewing Friendships
Even though you know the mental, emotional, and physical benefits of having friends, you may have difficulty keeping up with your friendships. Busy lives, family, work obligations, and trying to fit in that all-important private time often prevent you from nurturing those friendships. Sometimes it even causes you to be reluctant to reach out to old friends with whom you have lost touch or whose counsel or company you may have enjoyed in the past. For many reasons, cultivating friendships gets lost from your radar screen.
You can pick up where you left off with some friends; play quick catch-up and all is well. When you are with them you wonder where the time has gone. You miss being in their company and you know you are safe in their presence and that whatever you tell them will be safe, too.
But how do you do it? How do you reach out to someone from whom you have fallen away? Just pick up the phone? Send an e-mail? For some, yes, for others, no. Find what works for you and be aware of why you are contacting this person at this time. Maybe you need something. Your child wants to apply to her alma mater; your husband is ill and you need to have access to a hospital where she can be influential; you need a loan and she has money…whatever the reason, be up front about it.
When there is a warm place in your heart for an old friend, the years do not have to affect it. If you are somewhere that reminds you of your college roommate, why not reach out and give her a call? When you are in her city for a conference and think it would be good to say hello after all these years, go ahead and do it. Be clear about what you want and why you are reaching out and see what happens.
Friendships of long ago may stay as they were in our memory or may be revisited and rejuvenated.
Midlife, Well-Being
Sex at Midlife
Weren’t you told that you were going to be at your sexual prime in midlife? With more confidence about who you are under your belt and a mature outlook on sex, why isn’t your sex life at its peak?
Lots of things are going on in your forties and fifties and sixties. Guess what? Physical changes and aging are also happening to your partner. Problems related to maintaining erectile endurance are as normal for him as menopausal symptoms such as dryness are normal for you. And you might both be dealing with lower libidos and lots of stress.
Does this mean it’s time to throw away your lingerie? Heck no. Save your sanity between the sheets and keep your sex life alive.
You don’t have to be the couple with the bedroom door open because nothing is going on. Put more thought into intimacy and close those doors.
Well-Being, Midlife
Find Your Look
You may be basically content with the clothes in your wardrobe, comfortable in the belief that you’ve developed a style of dress that’s right for you. But self-proclaimed fashion experts on television are telling you what not to wear (and what they’re telling you what not to wear is what you’re wearing!). And a nagging inner voice is telling you to rethink your sense of style.
If you’ve always been a person who’s considered herself well groomed and attired and received consistent positive feedback, hearing something different from everyone from a talk show host to your office mate can be confusing and unsettling. It can certainly cause you to question your own judgment. But it can also open your mind to perhaps even enhancing the “together look” you’ve already self-designed.
Feeling good in your clothes is all about feeling good about you.