Regain Trust of a Friend (or Not)
When someone you love betrays you, how do you regain the feeling of trust again? You may have a friend who doesn’t tell the truth, and then returns to apologize and thinks everything will be all right. But after a couple of such betrayals, you may just not be able to trust her again.
You ask yourself if you are being fair, and how many chances a person should get before you just have to turn away.
Regaining trust becomes less and less possible the more someone continues to betray you. Unfortunately, part of the problem is that if they continue to engage in betrayal behavior, are consistently forgiven and are considered trustworthy, the more likely they are to continue along that path. Without consequences, there is little motivation to change.
Regaining trust takes time, consistency, and a willingness by both parties to relate to each other differently.
Well-Being, Friends, Family
The at-home pregnancy test is positive. You’re pregnant and will not have this baby.
Deciding not to carry a baby to term is a major decision. It must be made in as calm and relaxed a manner as you can. Hearing the news may cause you to panic, feel alone, and question your own standards and moral code. All that is a normal reaction. You may choose to speak to the father, friends, or family about your situation, or you may feel embarrassed that you became pregnant in the first place. (Why is it that women often feel embarrassed or ashamed when they certainly did not get themselves pregnant on their own?)
Only you know what this experience is like for you and only you can make decisions about your future with or without a child. You can enlist the opinions, advice, and guidance from others, but it is ultimately your decision whether it is the right time, situation, or circumstance for you to become a mother.
If you decide to undergo an abortion:
You have a choice about what to do regarding your body and whether to have a baby.
Parent, Family
Cell Phone and Kids’ Connections
If you are like many mothers, cell phones have changed your relationship with your child. Unlike days gone by, now children can reach their parents anytime, anywhere; and without giving it any thought, some do!
More and more children rely on their cell phone to call their parents (mostly their mothers) for help and advice, and to ask their folks to do things for them. Most of their requests are unwarranted. They are capable of doing it themselves, they need to do it to grow up and become independent, or they should rely on themselves to problem solve. Teens and young adults today think nothing of calling their moms for the slightest comment or question. This often prevents them from having their own life and figuring out everyday issues that come up. Self-sufficiency is not fostered.
True, most parents feel secure with their children having cell phones to use in emergencies. The social and political climate after September 11, 2001, increased the need for, desire for, and availability of cell phones, and as a result, most families have multiple phones. Sometimes parents encourage this intense phone connection by calling their children too much. But next time you find yourself speed dialing your kids, think again about whether you should make that call. Maybe it’s best to have patience and let them come to you when they need guidance after they’ve thought about it for themselves.
Everyone needs space in order to grow.
Midlife, Well-Being
Can’t Get the Weight Off as You Age
There is no doubt about it, most women put on weight as they age. But wait, you say, you were always thin. Now that you are in your fifties, sixties, whatever, you have put on ten pounds and just can’t get it off. Worse, when you look in the mirror (if you allow yourself to have a mirror), you don’t even recognize the woman staring back.
You don’t want to get used to your body as you age—and you don’t want it to be the new norm. But, after a full day of eating, you feel so bloated and look pregnant. You could try to lose a little weight but that stomach roll may just be there to stay. And now you’re even hiding your body from your partner.
You can mourn the loss of the body of your youth while you welcome the body of a woman who has lived fully.
Terms of Endearment
Do you ever really look at couples who have good relationships and wonder what their secrets are?
One of the things you will probably notice is that there is playfulness about them—a privacy that is reserved just for them (which, however, you will probably not notice). They refer to each other fondly, use a few key words or phrases that only they “get,” or talk with each other in playful voices, again reserved just for them. This lightheartedness allows couples to be youthful forever, have a sweet connection, and provide for unique closeness.
Special terms of affection and endearment can make you feel safe and special in a relationship whether it is one year old or fifty years old.
Well-Being, Work
School Days Are Here Again
It’s time to hit the books. Whether you are returning to school because of life circumstances such as job loss, illness, shift in family responsibility, divorce, or retirement, or because you were never able to enter or finish college, studying may be a bit more challenging than when you were fresh out of high school.
With many new fields emerging, there’s good reason today to change or start a new career. Enrolling in classes now can not only prepare you for a new field, it can increase your self-confidence and help sharpen your mind.
Engage in learning at any age in any way accessible to you.