Parent, Family
When Your Child Accuses You of Loving a Sibling More
“You love him more than me.” Did you ever hear those words from your kids? Worse yet, did your child ever announce to a captive audience of friends and family that you, his mother, clearly love his younger brother more than you love him?
With those very impressive eyes staring at you and no hole to crawl into, it is time to take a deep breath and reach into your heart for the most appropriate response. What you say will be remembered by your child, you can be sure.
Getting to know your children takes time—sometimes a lifetime. In the process, they may or may not interpret your actions and attitude accurately.
Single, Partner
You Can’t Always Get What You Want
Come on, you know that no one is riding up on a white horse or whisking you off to Paris at every spare moment—don’t you? Or do you have some unrealistic expectations floating around in your head?
If you want a good relationship, you’ve got to know what to expect. Don’t think your partner is going to go on long Saturday lunches and antiquing if his idea of a great weekend is catching up on paperwork. Sure, he’ll be there for an occasional quaint getaway, but know that most weekends he’ll be logging in computer time.
Save your sanity by getting real about your relationship and being clear about what you are able and unable to accept.
People can only do what they can do—without compromising themselves. Learn to accept that special someone in your life or move on.
Assistant Blurring the Lines
Your assistant is efficient and has proven herself to be smart, clear thinking, and helpful. Except you are getting the creepy feeling that she thinks she is you.
While she is very competent, you notice that the lines between the two of you are blurring. She finishes your sentences for you, answers people’s questions that are directed at you, and makes decisions that affect you without consultation. You find that you are going to work with a pit of dis-ease in your stomach and have to do something.
Your assistant is there to assist you, not to be you.
Partner, Midlife
When May-December Relationships Get Older
Falling in love is great at any age. When you love someone who is significantly older than you, the older partner can slow down and may not be able to keep up with you or with the lifestyle you had years ago. This also happens with couples when one person is ill or has developed different interests.
You need to decide how you want to spend your time. What is important to each of you regarding selecting what you do together and what you do on your own? Forgoing events or activities may or may not work for your self-esteem or for the relationship. If you were avid tennis partners and he can no longer play, does it make sense for both of you to drop your rackets?
When your partner is no longer able to keep your former “couple pace,” consider where in your life as a couple and as an individual you can still be challenged and satisfied.
Time to Cook for the Family
Who’s got time to cook? Most people don’t have much time at all, it seems. Or do they?
Why are we running around with the kids and getting them fatty fast food for dinner in the backseat of the car while shuttling between soccer practice and ballet class? Why do many families live on takeout food loaded with MSG and at-home greasy pizza delivery? Or worse yet, why are we eating more and more processed convenience foods at home and stacking our freezers with the latest pop-in-the-microwave foods laden with sugar, trans fat, artificial food colorings, and preservatives?
You know this is no way to lead a healthy lifestyle, and your waistline might be telling you the same. So how do you find the time to cook nowadays? Save your sanity and the calories by committing to some home cooking no matter what your schedule says. According to Kathleen Daelemans, author of the Cooking Thin series, if you have time to watch television, surf the Net, cruise the clearance bins, or read even half of your junk mail, you have time to cook. It’s all about your commitment to getting fit and using your time wisely. It’s easier than you think, and there’s no better way to bring the family together.
Start with one day a week that is home cooking night and build a healthy lifestyle for the whole family from there.
Finding Time to Exercise
OK, we all know we need to exercise. But sometimes finding the time to get to the gym is not easy. When work, responsibilities, the kids, and just plain life gets in the way, taking that morning jog goes by the wayside and all other efforts to stay in shape are abandoned.
You can stay fit and fit it into your schedule. Try these:
If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, you will find the time to stay in shape.