Week 7



Beginning a New Job

Just hired for a new position? Transitioning careers? It takes courage and commitment to walk into a new work environment or start an entrepreneurial venture. With determination and focus, you can make it a success.

After the first days at your job, you will discover the office dynamics. It only takes time, an open mind, and keen observation skills to become familiar with the new workplace, tasks, people, personalities, culture of the organization, and the requirements of the job itself. You’ll quickly find out who is grateful you are now there because they could not stand your predecessor, whose nose is out of joint because you got the job they coveted, and who needs to be coddled to get things done.

It also takes an honest assessment of your skill set. Are you experienced and familiar with the work to get the job done or do you need to ask some questions, seek out an on-site mentor, or study up where you are rusty? While you are feeling your way around or playing catch-up, you’ll soon develop your own work habits for this place and settle into your new digs.

When finding your way in a new job, always take the high road.



Saying No to Your Children

You love your children. You want to gratify their every wish. And you can, so you do. Time passes. Your children begin to become acquisition monsters, demanding more and more, and appreciating what they have less and less. You feel angry and depressed and are “losing it” with them more and more often.

  • Say No. Good parenting means not gratifying every wish. Follow your refusal to grant their request with a brief, to-the-point statement so they know why you are not obliging.
  • Get Your Children to Dream. Talk about wishes and turn those into reality. Teach your children the joy of anticipation, the satisfaction of working toward a goal (saving those dimes, nickels, and quarters), and the sense of accomplishment when they finally get there. Help your children know the value of making their own lives what they want them to be.

Dreaming, longing, planning, looking forward to, and working hard for—these are the virtues and pleasures your children can grow up with.


Well-Being, Parent

Losing Weight After Giving Birth

Why did pounds shed easily after the first baby but not after the second? Are you still wearing maternity clothes several weeks after you gave birth? Worse yet, are people asking, “When are you due?”…even when you’re strolling with your newborn?

Your body and mood are not the same as before you got pregnant, and moods affect ability to lose weight. You may even be experiencing some depression. Many women feel this way (and don’t know it), either because they are not severely depressed or their previous birthing experiences were so different.

Save your sanity and get your whole self back in shape.

You need to wait to take off the weight.



So Far Away

Long-distance relationships are not easy and require an enormous commitment from both people. With careers requiring people to move to different places from their significant others, and with Internet dating encouraging people from different parts of the country (and world) to begin romantic unions, how can you keep your sanity and your love intact?

There are many reasons why the relationship won’t work. Although the cell phone comes in handy, you are often not in the same time zone, so you have to plan what time to have a phone conversation. But if you put your time and attention into connecting with this person in a variety of ways and allow yourself to be flexible and to trust, the miles in between really won’t matter.

Keeping up a relationship over the miles takes energy and focus, but the rewards may be worth the effort.




Friendships and love relationships work best when the people involved feel that there is a back-and-forth—they offer what is needed and they receive what they need.

It is the classic give-and-take, and when it works, it is a charm. Sometimes, however, the back-and-forth is more weighted in favor of one person or the other. You may feel that you give and give and give, and are never on the receiving end. Or you take and take and take friendly advice, while your words of wisdom are never heeded or even considered.

In some relationships that may be OK but in others it just does not work. Are you waiting for reciprocal behavior in areas that the person is unable to give?

If you are in a relationship that you feel is one-sided and your efforts are unacknowledged, and if it is important to you that the other person is aware of your perception, let them know.


Well-Being, Midlife

Exercising Your Memory

You’re over forty, are more forgetful these days, and can’t recall things like you used to. You always take note of a great meal but can’t remember what you ate at that scrumptious new restaurant last month. Or you tell someone on call waiting that you’ll call right back but it is days later when you finally remember. Or how about leaving the tea kettle on the stove, and later you smell it melt to the burner because you forgot about it. Sound familiar?

Before you jump to conclusions and diagnose yourself with early Alzheimer’s (which may run in your family) or consider yourself crazy or senile, why not try a mental workout along with that much-needed physical one? That way you can help to save your sanity along with your memory.

Whether or not you are predisposed to memory loss, you cannot lose by developing memory-sharpening skills.