The ninety-day guideline proved to be remarkably correct. I had been sober for exactly three months, to the day, when I saw the shooting star and felt energy surge through me. That event felt so profound that I couldn’t stop thinking about the implications. I now was strongly considering that UFOs and ETs were real, had been mysteriously guiding me throughout my life, and that I was being invited to have contact somehow. That propitiously timed shooting star seemed to suggest there may be truth behind the epic dreams and visions I was experiencing about the Upgrade or ascension ever since I was two years old. This energetic event also occurred right at the beginning of a new music project I had started working on with Jude. We had access to much better sounds by collaborating with a saxophone player named Daryl and a younger guy named Paul, who had a great studio.
Our recordings included one very mysterious track where Jude was playing keyboards and I was verbally describing a mass, worldwide UFO sighting. I borrowed an idea from Ursula K. Le Guin’s classic science-fiction novel The Left Hand of Darkness, which we had been assigned to read for my Science-Fiction class, and which is considered to be among the top two or three sci-fi novels of all time by most critics. Le Guin’s novel proposed that human beings were all over the galaxy and they had originated on an ancient planet she called Hain. They had seeded themselves throughout a variety of planetary systems but their descendants had long since forgotten this in many cases. Some of the surviving races were telepathic and one of the main characters in the story started developing this ability near the end. I now know from insiders that many sci-fi writers were contacted by government-affiliated groups and given various pieces of classified information to disclose as fiction. They were invariably sworn to secrecy and told there would be severe, if not lethal, consequences if they ever told a soul. Others were contacted telepathically by extraterrestrials who are steering our evolution. Le Guin may well have been approached.
By the end of our song I had reached a very deep meditative state and felt the need to resolve the searing tension in the music. I took on a haunting, authoritative voice and said, “Masters of the forgotten planet Hain, coming out of space to Earth. To see us. To understand. Rectify. And to judge.” Each time I listened to this I felt incredible sensations, as if I had spoken something that was far more than just fiction. In another track from those same sessions, I referred to the Face on Mars as well as the pyramids I had briefly heard someone say were there, and spoke about how we would evolve dramatically if it became an established fact that these had been built by an ancient civilization. I now know that human life is written into quantum mechanics itself, and is not just the result of a common planet of origin, as Le Guin suggested—but these recordings did tie in many intriguing concepts. Fiction can help prepare the imagination to accept exotic new truths later on. Le Guin’s book did articulate the prevailing classified theory for why there appear to be so many humans throughout our galaxy.
We also did tracks with Daryl that sounded like Nine Inch Nails–type “industrial” music, but with a gritty, urban saxophone. We worked on these tracks in Jude’s apartment in a less-than-friendly part of Albany. One afternoon we were so stressed out trying to mix our songs on a four-track cassette recorder that we almost felt delirious. We went to get some food and soon could barely contain our laughter. A woman in front of us in line had a really funny nasal accent and kept talking about a place she called Shwanksville. We couldn’t stop laughing about it when we got home. We combined the way we were feeling with her funny word, and said, “That’s it! That’s the name of our band. Shwanskville Delirium!”
One of our songs was based on a poem Jude had recently written called “Ram Your Face.” There was no singing, just an intense verbal delivery that alternated between speaking and screaming. It was about a highly dysfunctional relationship in which the abuser was acting just like a tyrannical government. This was 1993, and later on I was quite surprised to discover that it was a possible prophecy of 9/11, eight years in advance. Here are the key lyrics: “Ram your face against my fist. Burn, feel, comprehend where we stand. Metal to metal, soul to soul, meshing to fusion. Scraping our sanity. Again you attempt manipulation. Failing to maintain utter control, crushed in defeat, you try to reach me with pathetic threats that would beckon my fate. The reason I fear you is I cling to the past.”
This may not sound that convincing at first, but the name of our band was only one letter off from Shanksville, a small town in Pennsylvania where a hijacked airliner crashed on 9/11. The world was going to go into a “Shanksville delirium,” and the planes would ram into the towers, causing metal to touch metal, soul to touch soul, meshing to fusion and burning—just as the lyrics had said. The result would immediately begin “scraping our sanity” on a collective level. The lyrics also suggested a knowledge of the Cabal that may have been responsible for doing this, in that they were attempting manipulation, had failed to maintain utter control, and were perpetrating these attacks to try to prevent themselves from being crushed in defeat. Multiple insiders would later confirm this was the case. The lyrics also imply that once we stop clinging to the past, we no longer need to fear these people. Other songs from those sessions suggested the power elite were hiding the truth about UFOs and ancient civilizations. The photo we used for the album cover featured two dreamlike fingers held up vertically in black and white, looking somewhat like the Twin Towers with smoke around them. My 9/11 prophecies would get much stronger beginning in 1996, as we shall see.
As I started the spring semester I was beginning to feel genuine happiness again. And then one fine afternoon, I had a conversation that changed my life so radically, in less than two hours, that the only other thing I could compare it to was the out-of-body experience. Everything I had experienced since my earliest UFO dreams as a child was transformed from fantasy into reality, right then—with the deafening thunderclap of proof. The flash of light I had witnessed in the sky now seemed to be only the beginning of a deeper message. I was about to find out that UFOs were real.
In college I had become friends with a guy we will call Ian, who was from a neighboring school and who was a guitarist. He has never wanted to come forward with his story since I became a public figure, fearing threats to his life. Ian and I would also get together with his friend Mike, who played keyboards. We had talked about starting a band but never really did very much with the idea, and usually just laughed a lot. One day, not long after the semester started, Ian showed up at my door unexpectedly. He was not smiling. When I asked him what was up, he said, “You need to sit down for this.” I brushed it off at first, but he was very serious, so I did exactly as he asked.
“I don’t know how to tell you this, so I’m just going to start. Aliens are real.”
I immediately started laughing, accused him of trying to play a joke on me, and complimented him on his acting skills, saying maybe he had chosen the wrong major.
“This is not a joke, man. You know I am a physics major. I just got out of a two-hour private conversation with my physics professor, who is the head of the department. He told me extraterrestrials crash-landed at Roswell in 1947 and the government has been covering it up ever since. He worked in the higher echelons of NASA throughout the 1970s. He said it was considered ‘common knowledge’ in the higher levels of NASA that we are not alone in the universe, and extraterrestrials are regularly operating in our airspace.”
“Okay, let’s just say you are telling me the truth. Why the hell haven’t they told us?” I asked him.
“He explained that too. He started out by telling our entire class that Roswell really happened and NASA knew about it ever since they were founded. People panicked so much after War of the Worlds, a classic radio broadcast that simulated a mass alien invasion, that the government felt our society would collapse if they ever told us the truth. He said he was allowed to tell us like this, but that if anyone asked him about it again he would deny ever saying a word. Apparently NASA doesn’t mind if people learn about it here and there. The main thing is they can never allow it to become front-page news on the New York Times. Our class was utterly speechless as he laid this all out. I am his best student and I immediately asked for a teacher-student conference after the class was over. He went on for two hours and told me much, much more than he had said to the rest of the class.”
“Like what?” I asked him.
“Okay. I learned about the propulsion system the discs use. They have a particle emitter that first shoots out a particle going three-quarters the speed of light. Then a trillionth of a second later, it shoots out another particle at light speed. The faster particle bounces off the slower particle like a billiard ball and shoots back to the ship, striking it on the side of the disc. This happens trillions of times per second, and each time the light-speed particles hit the ship, they create thrust. When you get trillions of those particle hits per second, it allows the ship to quickly accelerate to near light speed. The emitter can shoot particles from any part of the disc’s round edge, so it is a great design because it can very easily make turns and travel in any direction.” I was stunned to hear this, as the physics seemed very logical—and something I would never have thought of.
“What kinds of beings did they find inside? Did he say anything about that?” I asked him.
“Oh yes. He said they found three different types. The first one was like the Grays. They had large heads, large black eyes, thin bodies, and pale whitish skin. Some of them are around our height and others are shorter. He also said there was a second, shorter type that looked like a Gray, but the entire head was only a helmet. Underneath it had a very different and much more frightening-looking face, which they called ‘a monstrosity.’ He had no information on exactly what it looked like.”
I was reeling from the implications of all this. I imagined that the “monstrosity” was some sort of reptilian-looking humanoid. “What about the third type? You said there were three.”
His eyes widened. “That’s the weirdest part of all. The third type looks almost exactly the same as human beings on Earth. There are only subtle differences, like they might have violet-colored irises or pupils that are diamond-shaped instead of round.”
“Well, if an extraterrestrial spacecraft crashed in Roswell, then that would mean our guys got their hands on some really advanced technology. Have they done anything with the wreckage?” I asked him.
“Absolutely. Like you can’t even imagine. He said that a variety of our favorite technologies were taken from this and other crashes and were ‘reverse engineered,’ as he called it. This includes solid-state transistors, computer chips, LED lights, lasers, holograms, fiber-optic cables, infrared night vision, Velcro, Teflon, and Kevlar, which they use to make bulletproof vests. They would take something from one of the ships, hand it to a corporation, tell them it was a ‘foreign technology,’ and ask them to figure out how to reproduce it. He also told me that in secret they have ‘smart materials’ that can repair their own damage, generate anti-gravity, and create free energy. It has something to do with the atoms all fitting together in a perfect geometric lattice. We will have huge advances in materials science in the future and be able to custom-design compounds at the molecular level to do exactly what we want.”
“Did he say anything about the future? Anything about some kind of massive change in our civilization?”
“Yes. He told me they are going to keep releasing more and more of this stuff as time goes on. In the next twenty years, the amount of technology in the everyday world will utterly have transformed our lives beyond what we could have imagined today.”
That was 1993, and by 2013 Ian’s NASA prophecy was already quite visible. The Internet had transformed from a painfully slow dial-up curiosity to our dominant means of communication, media, and entertainment. We used to laugh at the two or three kids who would tap away on loud keyboards in the Crispell Hall study lounge and brag about using “email” to communicate with people in foreign countries. Smart watches and smart devices have now become vastly more powerful than “tower” computers that were two cubic feet in volume, required bulky monochromatic screens, and plagued you with constant fan noise. We certainly haven’t gotten anti-gravity, free energy, or “smart materials” yet, but technology did indeed make a quantum leap.
It is also interesting that the target date the professor gave us—twenty years after February 1993—was almost immediately after the Mayan calendar end-date of December 21, 2012. NASA apparently told him our society would be going through a major transformation at that exact time. This also correlated nicely with Arthur C. Clarke’s date of 2010 for the movie where our entire solar system went through a dramatic energetic transformation. This was only the second time I had encountered that time frame—but it was definitely not the last.
I never bothered to try to go meet the professor, since he said he would deny it if he was ever asked again. I thought back to Watergate, the people my parents saw walking into the house across the street, the Jim Jones mass suicide, the Iran-Contra hearings, the Eye under the bridge, the weird signal from the television set, and all the astonishing conspiracies I had learned about in sociology class. I had been on the front lines of a battle against government lies and secrecy on my own college campus, where they had completely hidden the dangers of the contamination that had occurred and forced us to go back to class. I was absolutely certain that the government could be lying about something this big—and I became completely obsessed with learning as much about it as I possibly could. Out of respect to the professor’s family I am not going to release his name, but I did look him up recently and confirm that he has now passed away, and that he did indeed work for NASA in the 1970s. Remarkably, other whistle-blowers validated everything he said and added a great deal more, as we shall see. This disclosure, barely over a month after I had the energetic surge experience, set me on fire for the truth.
Before long I started going down to the Elting Library in New Paltz with a backpack and would hit the 000 section—the very beginning of the entire Dewey Decimal System for cataloging books—and grab everything that looked interesting. Many of these books hadn’t been checked out in years—some even for ten or twenty. It seemed appropriate that these books on the paranormal were at the origin of the entire library, as I felt they contained the key to humanity’s beginnings. I would go down there with a backpack full of books I had already read and come home with another load of new ones. I quickly started burning through an average of five books a week. I read everything I could find on UFOs, extraterrestrials, angels, pyramids, Stonehenge, Easter Island, Atlantis, ancient civilizations, Nostradamus, the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, ghosts, mediumship, and the Bermuda Triangle.
The professor had said NASA already had working anti-gravity and free-energy propulsion systems. They also knew exactly how to build a flying saucer using a particle emitter that could reach near light speed. That meant it was almost a certainty that they already had top secret craft that could easily travel throughout our solar system—and possibly beyond. It also meant some of the UFOs people were seeing could be built by humans here on Earth. Once I dug into the literature, I realized that there were hundreds, if not thousands of examples of high-quality UFO sightings going back to the late 1940s. Though our government may have developed their own working prototypes after Roswell, there were also continuing reports of sightings going back for millennia. If even one of those sightings was genuine, then that meant we were not alone in the universe. Intelligent civilizations have been visiting us since the dawn of humanity on Earth.
I became so addicted to research that I completely stopped going to support-group meetings. I had no desire to ever do drugs again—and never did. In hindsight I realize that quitting the meetings was a bad idea, as I quickly became a “dry drunk,” as they call it in Alcoholics Anonymous. I still had many of the problems of an addict—I had just changed what I was addicted to. This was a subtle problem, not an outrageous one, and it would take me many years to discover how these patterns had continued repeating. Most of it appeared in the addictive behavior known as codependency; I would attract people into my life who took unfair advantage of me and were disrespectful, or even outright bullies. However, I did become far healthier and far more successful, both on a personal and academic level, almost immediately. I had found my great passion in life. Most of my college classes were fairly easy, and I spent as many hours a day as possible doing research into UFOs and ancient civilizations.
The book that started it all off for me practically leaped off the shelf when I saw it. The title was Our Ancestors Came from Outer Space.34 The author was Maurice Chatelain, who had been the director of communications for the Apollo Moon missions. His job was to design and implement the radio-wave systems, including a network of ground-based parabolic dish antennas, that allowed Mission Control to maintain contact with the Apollo astronauts. He openly admitted that the Gemini and Apollo astronauts all saw UFOs following them on their missions, as you are about to read. Best of all, right in the introduction he hinted that they had discovered something on the Moon that was “not anticipated,” and that he still could not talk about it—meaning it was not just UFOs, which he openly discussed:
During these missions several strange things happened. Some still cannot be talked about and some I will mention without revealing my sources of information and with the utmost reserve, because I personally was not there when these incidents allegedly took place. It could be, for example, that both the American and the Russian space programs did bring back discoveries that were not anticipated.
In the next chapter we will examine some of the stunning physical evidence that Chatelain may have been referring to. Early along in the book, Chatelain went into detail about how he became the director of communications for the Apollo program:
[Defense contractor] North American submitted the best technical layout [to NASA] for both development and production of the Apollo spacecraft, and therefore had been awarded the contract. . . . I was among the very first men who presented themselves to North American, and since I was already known in the industry as a radar and telecommunications specialist, I was immediately offered the task of designing and building the Apollo communication and data-processing system. Nobody specified my duties or functions, because no one at that time knew what these systems would be like. But that, again, was of no importance in view of the rush to land on the Moon.35
Chatelain gave more detail on the next page:
When the Apollo project started, there was no communication equipment powerful enough or sensitive enough to make voice transmission possible from earth to moon, not to mention transmission of television pictures over that distance. Such things had to be invented, perfected and built. . . . All these stations had to be in contact with each other, and all of them had to report to the Apollo Space Flight Center in Houston, Texas. . . . How I was put in charge of all this within a few months after I started my new job at North American I will never understand, but that is of no importance now. The only thing that really counts is that . . . everything functioned much better than we thought it would at the beginning, or even better than we ever expected. I think that it must have happened because of some divine influence, not by human intelligence alone. Since that time I firmly believe in benevolent divine intervention in human affairs.36
Just as I was finishing this book in spring 2016, I found out about William Tompkins, an aerospace engineer who validated Chatelain’s theory of extraterrestrial intervention in the development of the Apollo program. In his highly technical book Selected By Extraterrestrials, Tompkins extensively documents his work with Nordic human ETs who had blended into NASA. The Nordics helped Tompkins design the rockets and systems that became the Apollo program.37 Once the Apollo missions were underway, Chatelain heard some very interesting rumors: “. . . the astronauts were not limited to equipment troubles. They saw things during their missions that could not be discussed with anybody outside NASA. It is very difficult to obtain any specific information from NASA, which still exercises a very strict control over any disclosure of these events.” That sounded familiar. In the nearly twenty years since Chatelain had written his book, nothing had changed—at least according to Ian’s physics professor.
Chatelain went on:
It seems that all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin—flying saucers, or UFOs. . . . Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence. I think that Walter Schirra aboard Mercury 8 was the first of the astronauts to use the code name “Santa Claus” to indicate the presence of flying saucers next to space capsules. However, his announcements were barely noticed by the general public. It was a little different when James Lovell on board the Apollo 8 command module came out from behind the moon and said for everybody to hear: “We have been informed that Santa Claus does exist!” Even though this happened on Christmas Day 1968, many people sensed a hidden meaning in those words that was not difficult to decipher.
Chatelain also indicated that these ETs did not just observe NASA:
There was even some talk that the Apollo 13 mission carried a nuclear device aboard that could be set off to make measurements of the infrastructure of the moon . . . [with] several recording seismographs placed in different locations. The unexplained explosion of an oxygen tank in the service module of Apollo 13 on its flight to the moon, according to rumors, was caused deliberately by a UFO that was following the capsule—to prevent the detonation of the atomic charge that could possibly have destroyed or endangered some moon base established by extraterrestrials. Well, there was a lot of talk and there still is.38
In that last quote, Chatelain directly alluded to there being an extraterrestrial base on the Moon. In April 1995, he published an article in which he admitted that the Apollo missions found “several mysterious geometric structures of unnatural origin” on the Moon.39 This was one of the first things I read just a few months after getting online in late 1995 to do UFO research. The Internet was so small back then that if you tried to search for a particular name or topic, particularly in the UFO field, you might find only a few choices—if any. Once I began developing my own website in 1999, I was frequently frustrated when I would search for information on a particular topic of interest and every link that came up was from my own site. In the same article that featured Chatelain’s confession, Apollo astronaut Gordon Cooper was quoted as saying something amazing.
Astronaut Gordon Cooper, also a former Air Force colonel, granted a second interview to Sam Sherman of Independent International Pictures Corporation, who is producing a film titled Beyond This Earth. In it Cooper said, “[I] had worked on a UFO system with someone who had been in touch with extraterrestrials and was able to gain some knowledge.” This person had made a small UFO prototype and was working on a 50-foot model with financial backing from an Arab country when he died. . . . Cooper also talked about a friend who actually viewed the ET bodies at Roswell. . . .”40
By this point in 1996 I had already read many books about working anti-gravity spacecraft that had been developed by the military-industrial complex. Nikola Tesla apparently had a working anti-gravity system, as I detailed in The Source Field Investigations. A German scientist named Viktor Schauberger had found natural anti-gravity in the movement of rivers, allowing salmon to swim straight up through waterfalls over astonishing distances. Schauberger had replicated this natural phenomenon in a water turbine he called “the Repulsine,” and the technology was seized by Nazi Germany in the 1930s. This was machined into a working engine they called die Glocke, or “the Bell,” that was used to power UFO-type discs. Bob Lazar came forward as a whistle-blower and revealed he had been hired to try to reverse-engineer an extraterrestrial craft that was in the possession of the US government. Although he was not successful, he learned a great deal about how they worked.
Furthermore, I read that anyone who tried to build these types of devices on their own would be threatened and either bought out or shut down—sometimes with lethal force. So when Gordon Cooper, an American hero, said that he was in contact with a man who was developing his own UFO with big Arab money behind it, I wasn’t at all surprised to find out that the man ended up dead soon afterward. It was also quite revealing to read that extraterrestrials had apparently been in direct contact with this man to help him develop the technology. This same article featured another piece of data that perfectly validated what Chatelain had said about NASA covering up the truth.
During a May 6, 1995, radio interview on WOL-AM in Washington, D.C., Donna Tietze, a former photo technician at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston during the Apollo moon missions, revealed that a co-worker in a restricted area had the job of airbrushing UFOs out of lunar photos before NASA offered the photos for sale to the public.41
Donna Tietze also said that “anomalies” were stripped out of all Moon photos before NASA offered them to the public as well42—suggesting the presence of ruins or active bases on the surface of the Moon, just as Chatelain’s insiders had said. Donna Tietze ended up speaking at the Disclosure Project in 2001 as Donna Hare.43 I was fortunate enough to attend and I got to meet her in person.
Another Disclosure Project insider named Karl Wolfe testified to being shown pictures of a variety of buildings and domed structures on the Moon at a secret NASA briefing in mid-1965. Wolfe’s testimony is presented in the Disclosure Project Executive Summary Briefing document as follows: “Karl Wolfe was in the Air Force for 4 ½ years beginning in January 1964. He had a top secret crypto clearance and worked with the tactical air command at Langley AFB in Virginia. While working at an NSA facility he was shown photographs taken by the Lunar Orbiter of the moon that showed detailed artificial structures. These photos were taken prior to the Apollo landing in 1969.”44
When Wolfe addressed the media at the National Press Club on May 10, 2001, he described what he saw in a private room at the NSA facility in mid-1965 as follows: “About 30 minutes into the process, he said to me, in a very distressed way, ‘By the way, we’ve discovered a base on the back side of the moon.’ And then he proceeded to put photographs down in front of me. Clearly in these photographs were structures—mushroom-shaped buildings, spherical buildings, and towers. At that point I was very concerned because I knew we were working in compartmentalized security. He had breached security and I was actually frightened at that moment, and I did not question him any further. A few moments later someone did come into the room. I worked there for three more days and I remember going home and naively thinking, ‘I can’t wait to hear about this on the evening news.’ And here it is, more than 30 years later, and I hope we hear about it tonight. And I will testify under oath before Congress.”45
The Executive Summary document also includes Wolfe’s personal reflections of what he felt after seeing these photos: “I didn’t want to look at it any longer than that, because I felt that my life was in jeopardy. . . . I would have loved to have looked at it longer, I would have loved to have had copies. I would love to have said more about it, discussed it more, but I knew I couldn’t. I knew the young fellow who was sharing this was really, really overstepping his bounds at that point. I felt that he just needed somebody to talk to. He hadn’t discussed it, couldn’t discuss it, and he wasn’t doing it for any ulterior motive other than the fact that I think he had the weight of this thing on him and it was distressing to him.”46
With only three days left to finish this book on the final editing pass, I was fortunate enough to get an extended interview with William Tompkins, the ninety-four-year-old aerospace engineer who wrote Selected By Extraterrestrials. In his book, Tompkins provides extensive documentation to prove that he served in the navy and later worked for defense contractors. Here is what he told me that NASA found on the Moon, in our interview:
The first missions that we did going around the moon with the astronauts were just preliminary missions before the LEM had to go up there and land. Here we have these three guys in there, and they have cameras. As they go around the moon, they see all these structures—both on the view side facing us and then really elaborate structures on the other side that we can’t see. So they photograph this stuff. NASA does. And holy cats, what’s that all about? Everybody at NASA is looking over the photographs and trying to figure out what is going on. We make another orbit a couple of weeks later, and, oh my gosh. Did you see the height of that building? . . . [It] has to be three miles high. And wait a minute! What did we see? No, hold on, back off. Wait a minute. They were just building that thing. It was only ten stories high. . . . And in three weeks, it’s three miles high? Who is doing that construction? . . . Do you realize it would take us ten years to get half the height of that building?
Now wait a minute. Look again. Do you see that big rectangular structure? It’s floating! It’s not even on the [surface of the moon]. It’s got to be at least four or five miles high and ten miles wide! Now what in the hell is that? You’ve got to be kidding me. And it’s translucent! You can see rooms inside. You can see the elevators! Well, holy cats. Don’t let anybody find out about this. Do you see what I am trying to say? . . . We are watching this being built. Guys with amateur cameras, if they watch this and they have a big enough camera and telescope, they can see this building being built in a few days by some massive production method developed by extraterrestrials. . . . It is insane! . . . There are bridges being built in several bays all the way across what would be a deep cavern, and can be five or six miles long. This bridge is built in a few days. Bang, bang, bang, bang, and it’s all done. . . .
[NASA found] all different types of ruins. It was not like in Egypt, where everything is the same type of structure. . . . Not like in Los Angeles, where you’ve got rectangular buildings and highways and everything is generally the same. Up on the moon, the old buildings that were there were not of any one type of structure and construction. . . . What was accepted was that there had to have been numerous different civilizations operating there.47
I understand this may seem hard to believe, but Tompkins was able to validate dozens and dozens of highly classified data points I had heard from other insiders.
Over the years, these new insiders provided dazzling confirmation of the data in Chatelain’s book, and extended the scope of what Ian’s professor had revealed. Though Chatelain only hinted at “mysterious geometric structures of unnatural origin” and an extraterrestrial lunar base in his book Ancestors, it was obvious that something had set him on fire about ancient civilizations. Most people think of NASA as a benign, even boring group dedicated to peaceful space exploration, sharing everything they find with the public—but NASA’s own charter, the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, reveals it was built to be a defense agency that will withhold information for national security reasons:
Section 305 . . . (i): . . . The National Aeronautics and Space Administration shall be considered a Defense Agency of the United States for the purpose of Chapter 17, Title 35 of the United States code. . . .
Section 206 . . . (d): No [NASA] information which has been classified for reasons of National Security shall be included in any report made under this section [of the act] . . .48
Why legally define NASA as a defense agency that can withhold classified information if there isn’t anything out there that the US government felt they should be defending us against? Isn’t space supposed to be an empty, lifeless void? Apparently not. They do have something to hide. Donna Tietze’s associate was hired to strip out the good stuff, and Chatelain said the astronauts were sworn to secrecy. Karl Wolfe feared for his life just from getting the chance to see a picture of artificial structures on the Moon, since he understood how aggressively NASA defended its most classified secrets.
Multiple insiders said that NASA and other groups used psychological operations to discredit whistle-blowers. Dr. Steven Greer, the director of the Disclosure Project, revealed this was called a DDT campaign—for “decoy, distract, and trash.” Paid government employees would create fake data known as “disinformation,” which would appear to be similar to what the insiders were saying—and perhaps even more interesting. This data would be released into the same media that the whistle-blowers were featured in, as if it were true. This was the decoy. Then if the plan was successful, the public’s attention would be distracted by the new information, fulfilling the second stage of the plan. People would start enthusiastically spreading the information to their friends, family, and coworkers. Then in the third stage, obvious mistakes in the disinformation would be revealed. Now everyone would laugh at the people who spread the data, and would believe all of it was fake. This was the trash phase of the DDT campaign.
When I got to meet Donna Hare, Karl Wolfe, and others who had come forward, I could tell they were extremely afraid for their lives. They were willing to be heroes and fight for the truth. They did not profit from disclosing this information. In fact, many of them lost their jobs and were ostracized by colleagues, friends, and family. The sarcastic, mocking language I read online when people tried to discredit these witnesses sounded just like the bullies I had to defend myself against in grade school. The truth was so outrageous to most people that they would look for any possible weakness they could find in an insider, and then attempt to use that to suggest the entire story was bogus. So much disinformation was being released on the Internet that I would have to fact-check every single thing I read. It was obvious that an incredible amount of money was being spent on deceiving the public.
The proof finally appeared in a set of Snowden documents that Glenn Greenwald published in February 2014. Unfortunately, this story did not garner anywhere near as much attention as the initial wave of disclosures, but a wealth of evidence was provided nonetheless. According to Greenwald, “One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how Western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. . . . These agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the Internet itself.”49
The group doing this is called the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group, or JTRIG. Greenwald continues:
Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the Internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the Internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums. . . . The title page of one of these documents reflects the agency’s own awareness that it is “pushing the boundaries” by using “cyber offensive” techniques against people who have nothing to do with terrorism or national security threats. . . .
These GCHQ documents are the first to prove that a major Western government is using some of the most controversial techniques to disseminate deception online and harm the reputations of targets. Under the tactics they use, the state is deliberately spreading lies on the Internet about whichever individuals it targets, including the use of what GCHQ itself calls “false flag operations” and emails to people’s families and friends.50
I have been subject to a magnificent number of these campaigns since I began posting disclosure-related material online in 1996. I would read every one of the most incredibly venomous and spiteful hate comments directed against me on a daily basis. The comments did not pause for evenings, weekends, or holidays. It wasn’t until August of 2011 that I finally broke the “repetition compulsion” I was stuck in after suffering years of bullying as a child, and began protecting myself from seeing these comments. Up until then, I had spent fifteen years ingesting a daily diet of the most staggeringly horrible abuse, including severe personal insults and an endless array of death threats. Every single tactic described in the Snowden documents was used against me repeatedly. Hardly a single day would go by without reading letters and comments that were boiling over with hatred. It took a great deal of discipline to remain positive and upbeat about myself and the work I was doing in light of these ongoing attacks. My life immediately improved when I conquered the addiction to reading them and went back to following my passion, while doing my best to reach the highest quality in every bit of data I released.
If multiple NASA insiders are claiming that major secrets about the Moon are being hidden from us, then the astronauts would have to have protocols to avoid leaking the truth in their radio communications. One example would be Chatelain’s revelation that the term “Santa Claus” was code for a UFO. Some of the transcripts of conversations the Apollo astronauts had with Mission Control suggested they were indeed seeing UFOs and mysterious structures on the Moon,51 but were instructed to use code phrases such as “Barbara” to refer to the artifacts. They were also warned to “Keep It Less Obvious,” which appears to be the hidden meaning of the code word and acronym “KILO” that Mission Control used with the astronauts.
KILO is only one of a variety of cryptic phrases used in this next exchange, where the landing of the lunar module appeared to have exposed an unusually bright spot by blowing away some dust that was over it. This may have actually been the surface of an ancient, intelligently constructed floor for a lunar base. Remember, any spot above a relatively small level of brightness should not exist on the Moon—nor should there be lights that are flashing. Notice how mysterious the conversation gets in the official Apollo transcripts once Mission Control orders the astronaut to “go to KILO.” Suddenly, everything they are saying about the “big anomalies”—i.e., large and unexpected things on the lunar surface—is in a bizarre code. Then the astronaut breaks the code and states in plain language that he is seeing a light flash again:
DMP (LUNAR MODULE): Where are your big anomalies? Can you summarize them quickly? . . .
CMP (COMMAND MODULE PILOT): Hey, I can see a bright spot down there on the landing site where they might have blown off some of that halo stuff.
CAPCOM: Roger. Interesting. Very—go to KILO. KILO.
CMP: Hey, it’s gray now and the number one extends.
CAPCOM: Roger. We got it. And we copy that it’s all on the way down there. Go to KILO. KILO on that.
CMP: Mode is going to HM. Recorder is off. Lose a little communication there, huh? Okay, there’s bravo. Bravo, select OMNI.
Hey, you know you’ll never believe it. I’m right over the edge of Orientale. I just looked down and saw the light flash again.
CAPCOM: Roger. Understand.52
Although these subjects were very interesting to me, we haven’t even begun to discuss the greatest gems that I found in Chatelain’s book. He didn’t just leak information from insiders—he dedicated his life to researching ancient civilizations and looking for proof that could validate what he had heard. Reading the results of his investigation was one of the most significant spiritual awakenings I had ever experienced up until then. It triggered a lifelong interest in developing a new scientific model that could explain his discoveries.