Ancient ruins, far older than any civilization we know of on Earth, already exist on the Moon. Skeptics may try to knock down individual images or whistle-blowers, but the combined strength of high-level insider testimony and verifiable NASA data is very compelling. Someone had to have built these structures. Everything we thought we knew has to be completely rewritten if any of this is true. There are so many unknowns that the mind becomes exhausted and throws away the information, since it is too stressful to try to take it all in. I attended multiple Hoagland conferences, as a guest and as a speaker, and invariably people would ask him to explain who built these monuments and where they are now. Hoagland did not know. He said it was still a mystery. This greatly frustrated the audiences. It wasn’t until 2014 that Bruce started telling me more of what he knew from his own level of the UFO cover-up.
I originally intended this book to disclose Bruce’s information, and I am still going to give you all the most significant details. Once I began talking to other insiders about this data, including Corey Goode, however, I learned even more. The big picture that will start to unfold in this chapter is so cosmic that it is hard to even imagine. It took me a great deal of time and effort, and tremendous personal risk, to gather and release this information. Each of the data points I am about to share with you have been cross-validated with multiple insiders, some of whom we will meet as we go along.
The best way to approach such a huge story, at first, is just to keep an open mind to the possibilities instead of trying to fight every little detail with rigid skepticism. I have noticed that when radio show hosts try to rigorously argue with me on the minor details, I never have the time to actually share the story so that listeners can make up their own minds. All of us have been traumatized by countless decades of being lied to. It is all too easy to get a “morphine response” by attacking whistle-blowers and attempting to tear them apart. Yet, this addiction may be holding us back from the greatest quantum leap in human history.
Denial can cloud our minds when we look at pictures like the ones we saw in the previous chapter, even if they are extremely high-quality images. We may decide that they are “inconclusive,” “tricks of light and shadow,” or even “pareidolia,” a fancy word that indicates how the mind looks for patterns in chaos. The paid skeptics love to invoke pareidolia for every single anomalous picture of off-planet artifacts, no matter how high quality it is. It makes them sound superior and intelligent, as if the scientific priesthood has struck down the heretics who are seeing “Jesus on a potato chip.” However, if NASA and other groups had classified Roswell-type craft and could go and visit these sites in person, they obviously got a much closer look. Standing in front of a massive crystal tower and putting your hands on it would erase all doubt. Then you could begin conducting a very sober assessment of who built these artifacts, when they built them, how they built them, why they built them, and where they went. Multiple insiders have revealed that these groups have direct access to extraterrestrials who can provide the details. Not all of these extraterrestrials can be trusted, but certain themes are very consistent.
There is compelling evidence that the Apollo missions were intentionally landing near these interesting sites as well. According to Bruce, Daniel, Jacob, and other insiders whom we will meet in this chapter, the astronauts who actually touched the ruins with their own hands and walked inside them were not on any Apollo missions, and those other missions have never been made public. This was alluded to in 2001, because no public mention was made of the monolith the astronauts had found on the Moon. Though the insiders felt they could not officially tell us the truth, they wanted us to share in the excitement through fantasy. Nonetheless, I feel it is a great tragedy that this marvelously exciting adventure has been kept so thoroughly classified. Groups like the National Security Agency are hiring agents to ruin the lives of anyone who tries to tell us the truth.
I was quite stunned when Colonel Philip Corso came forward in 1997 with his classic book The Day After Roswell. Corso was handed boxes of parts from crashed extraterrestrial craft, including from Roswell, and was assigned to hand off various components to different defense contractors. They were told it was “foreign technology” and asked to reverse-engineer it. The technologies he claimed to have developed through this method were almost exactly the same ones the physics professor had revealed to Ian four years earlier. This included a series of small round wafers that turned out to be computer chips. I was absolutely stunned to get such a remarkably precise validation of what I had heard, in the form of a mainstream, published book. It greatly ignited my quest to find more insiders and learn as much as possible from them.
After meeting a majority of the witnesses at the Disclosure Project in 2001, the first highly connected insider I met, in December 2002, was a man wanting me to call him Daniel, after the character in Stargate SG-1. Daniel won a science fair in high school by designing a computer with its own operating system in the 1970s, well before this was a common practice. He was recruited by the government, who paid for his college providing he agreed to work for military intelligence. I suddenly remembered being invited to a science fair called “The Imagination Celebration” when I was in seventh grade. It was held inside a large hangar at a military base in Schenectady, New York, and was run by a major defense contractor. I competed with hundreds of other kids to see who could invent something that solved a physics problem, using simple ingredients like rubber bands and wooden tongue depressors. Daniel confirmed that if I had won that contest, I might have been “mentored” and pulled into the intelligence community after I had graduated, just as he was.
He claimed to have worked on a project code-named Phoenix III from 1981 to 1983. Most people know it as the Montauk Project, as it took place at a military base on Montauk Point, Long Island. Daniel revealed that Preston Nichols and Peter Moon’s 1992 book The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time was fairly accurate, but that subsequent books were increasingly filled with disinformation. I had already read the first book by the time I met him and thought it was nonsense. I actually laughed in his face when he told me he had worked at Montauk. However, he had vastly detailed information that went far beyond the scope of what had been published. This was very humbling and mind-expanding, as his data was extremely consistent. Daniel held up under every effort I made to deconstruct and debunk his information.
In this program, a seat from a crashed and recovered ET craft was hooked up to a massive power supply at Montauk. It turned out that the seat amplified the consciousness of the person sitting in it, providing they had the ability to fully quiet their mind in meditation. A series of twenty-two sine-wave graphs showed the activity of the person’s mind. Once the person quieted their mind, the graphs would remain still. Then the technicians would zero out the graphs, turning knobs to make them all flat lines. This tuned the chair to the individual, and that was when the magic would start to happen.
A properly tuned chair allowed the operator’s thoughts to create physical manifestations. Any object the operator thought of, such as a wooden chair, could be made to physically materialize in the room. The objects would remain solid for a period of time before gradually fading away. The operator could also telepathically influence the minds of others, even on a mass scale. At one point they influenced a massive number of animals to rush into the center of town in a frenzy. This technology appears to have been leaked into fiction in the X-Men movie series. A chair called “Cerebro” appears in a large, spherical room, and vastly enhances the psychic abilities of whoever is using it. Most of the X-Men movies feature this chair as a prominent part of the storyline.
Even more strangely, the chair operator could think about a particular place in space and time, and a portal would open up that would allow travel to that location. In a UFO, the pilot merely thinks about where he or she wants to go and a portal opens up to take them there. The insiders involved in the Phoenix III project began sending people through these portals, and many lives were lost before they figured out how to ensure their safe return. Portals would also appear at random throughout the base, including in the cafeteria, while they were working on stabilizing the system. Daniel reported seeing shimmering areas, each like a desert mirage. Inside the middle of these areas, he would see separate locations. He might be looking at a solid wall in the cafeteria and then see a shimmering portal into a grassy, green field that was nowhere near the area he was working in. If he were to walk into the portal he would end up in the field.
They soon realized that these portals could take people through time as well as space. This led to all sorts of research with unanticipated consequences. One man was crazy enough to go back in time and kill his father, whom he truly despised. Everyone was shocked when he returned from this trip, having successfully murdered his father, and he was still alive. However, about two days later the man was struck by a car as a pedestrian and killed instantly. Several repetitions of similar types of experiments caused the military defense contractors working in these classified programs to create a theory of “layered time.” They concluded that if you go back into the past and change an event, you create a new time line, or a new layer, that sits on top of the layer that is already there. Both layers can coexist. The layer that our future snaps into is the layer that has more energy associated with it. If a new layer is created that creates too many paradoxes in our existing “main” time line, natural events will occur that heal those problems. The layers always find a way of merging. This caused the insiders to conclude that time itself is alive and conscious, and has its own healing mechanisms. Once the man had killed his father, his death helped to merge the layers and solve the paradox.
Daniel also said they had something called a time vector generator, or TVG, with which they would pump massive amounts of energy into the area of an alternate time line in the hope of making it stronger than the existing one. The energy they were sending into the time line is what the Russian scientists call “torsion fields,” and the basic science behind these fields is extensively described in The Source Field Investigations. The vintage show The Time Tunnel was loaded with genuine disclosure about these experiments, and the show’s signature tunnel with alternating rings of black and white looked very similar to a genuine TVG. Multiple experiments with TVG units proved that these classified programs did not have as much control over time as they had hoped to have. Time was extremely elastic, meaning that whatever time line we were already on would tend to remain consistent. New layers would usually be canceled out through balancing events, and would never interfere with our own time line that much.
The ET chair produced a series of more than four hundred different waves through a huge set of fiber-optic cables. Each wave was graphed and analyzed separately. Daniel’s main job was to analyze these graphs and determine how to generate the waves electronically, thus eliminating the need for a human operator—but these efforts only met with limited success. One of the waves allowed them to pinpoint exactly where someone was in time. It was a regularly curving sine wave that counted out twenty-year intervals between each peak. Any time they sent someone through the portal, the person would experience a dazzling “wormhole ride” like we have seen in various science-fiction movies.
When they sent people into our future, they would hit a bizarre energetic barrier at a certain point. This was called the “Full Out,” because suddenly their consciousness would become greatly expanded and depersonalized. They would feel as if they had merged with the galaxy and had access to omniscient intelligence. Time seemed to melt into infinity. Anything people saw after this point appeared to be completely subjective, based on their own expectations as well as those of the person in the chair. Different people could view the same time and get different results. The moment this energetic “wall” would collide with our solar system was calculated to be sometime in December 2012. The insiders were well aware that this corresponded precisely with the end-date of the Mayan calendar, and this was a huge source of fascination to them.
It does appear that this energetic wave is a physical cloud our solar system is moving into. Once we hit the full power of this wave, Daniel’s own sources had concluded the Sun would release an energetic flash that activates a mass spiritual evolution in humanity. They used time-viewing devices we will discuss in a second to go and view this event, but once they got there all they could see was white light. Since the time this research was done in 1981–83, the “wall” has moved into our future. It appears that we were not ready for this to happen as a planet yet, and the event will be held off until a critical mass of people are ready for it. Much of this has to do with healing our trauma and becoming more loving, forgiving people—just as the great religions have taught us. Since this is a dynamic, evolving process, any effort to produce a specific date is mere guesswork.
Daniel also fascinated me by revealing that the television show Stargate SG-1 was chock-full of truthful information he had encountered at his job. There is indeed an ancient stargate network that allows travel from place to place through the “cosmic web,” as it has been called. A series of plasma filaments connects each star to its neighbors, and these filaments also serve as traversable wormholes. Proof of these filaments was deliberately presented in The Source Field Investigations after I had heard all this.
A very ancient and highly advanced extraterrestrial race that Daniel called “the Elders” had apparently built this stargate network. Other groups continually maintained it. I was told that each planet with intelligent life is given its own stargate. The network is intended to allow for peaceful exploration and communication with a wide variety of worlds, which is a natural part of the ascension process. You cannot bring any inorganic materials through, such as weapons. Travelers would have to wear drawstring pants, as even elastic waistbands would deconstruct. This caused great humor in the early trials, as travelers would arrive at their destination and have their pants fall down.
Bruce said this organic bias was disclosed in The Terminator, in which the people sent back through a portal to our time had to come in naked. Obviously, no android would be able to travel through a stargate, because only organic materials can make it through the portal. Your dental fillings would receive a bio imprint after being in your body for a period of time, and would still make it through the portal on the other side. Some soldiers tried sleeping with their guns and carrying them at all times, hoping to create a bio imprint, but this never worked.
There can be more than one gate on a given planet, but only one of these gates will actually take you to other worlds. The other gates can be used to transport you from one local area to another. In the case of Earth, our main gate was apparently dug out of the desert in Egypt in 1927, exactly as documented in the Stargate SG-1 television show. The government people who found it were so concerned about invaders coming through the gate that they buried it in the ice in Antarctica, where it apparently still resides to this day. That way anyone trying to come through the gate will be instantly frozen to death. The gate has an intelligent alarm system that would warn you if you were about to go into an environment that would kill you. This alarm can be ignored, but to travel in such an event is to die.
Daniel also said that our classified programs were able to mathematically analyze the gate network. Each inhabited world has a particular gate address, which is a series of seven groups of digits. You can travel very far distances, including to areas well outside our galaxy, through the use of these addresses. Carl Sagan was aware of the ancient stargate network and disclosed it in the book and movie Contact. The main screenwriter of that film, Jim Hart, was so impressed when he saw my 2012 “Enigma” video on YouTube that he contacted me to work on a film I was developing, entitled Convergence. He had no idea that Carl Sagan was working from actual classified information when he wrote the Contact story. Convergence has been through many rewrites and our latest draft is nearing completion as I finish this book.
The first three digits of any stargate address are single numbers between 1 and 9. The next three sets of digits are between 1 and 99. The final set of digits will be between 1 and 999. Almost any number you dial, except perhaps for the highest numbers in the final three-digit set, will take you to an inhabited world. If you are traveling locally, a three-digit number will suffice. The local gate address for Mars is 605, and Earth is 606, so keep that in mind if you ever get lost. Some of the higher three-digit numbers do not have planets assigned to them in our local area. Once the people on a given planet ascend, their number is reassigned to new planets. Now that enough time has passed and no other insiders have come forward with this information, I will finally reveal our entire gate address after all these years, according to Daniel’s testimony. It is
Our local gate address of 1 is an inhabited asteroid that orbits a pulsar. This unique energetic configuration has made it very stable over long periods of time. The people who live there have visited Earth for thousands of years, and introduced themselves to the Vikings as the Aesir or Asgard. The term Asgard was later misinterpreted by early 1950s telepathic channelers as “Ashtar,” and the Aesir became known as the “Ashtar Command.” The Aesirian “god” Thor had a devastating “hammer” that was actually a particle-beam weapon, and the mystical land of Valhalla was actually the Aesir homeworld. With the testimony of Corey Goode now in place, the Asgard may actually be an ancient advanced civilization living inside the Earth. Several of these inner-Earth human groups have tried to pass themselves off as extraterrestrials in order to protect themselves against aggression from the military-industrial complex. They may live and work in both areas.
Daniel also said that the extensive analysis of this ancient stargate system led to the development of the IP address system that is now used for the Internet. Each computer or device that accesses the Internet has its own IP address. This is a series of four three-digit numbers. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) developed this protocol as a direct result of their extensive investigation of the mathematics of the stargate network.
A trip through the ancient network involves a vigorous cosmic “wormhole ride,” which is exceptionally traumatic for people from our planet to experience. We do not yet have enough spiritual development and stability to handle the trip. Most people become extremely unwell after doing it, and their mental health is unable to recover from the shock. This was termed “transdimensional disorder.” Apparently the wormhole experience created by the Montauk chair was easier to handle than the ancient stargate network, but that too could still create problems for people.
By the time I met Daniel, I had already read about a technology called Project Looking Glass from three other sources. Looking Glass was allegedly a complex device that allowed the user to peer through time. Daniel confirmed the existence of Looking Glass and said that a sphere of white light appears in the area you are viewing. It may or may not be visible, depending on a variety of factors including the consciousness of the people in the area. Daniel said this sphere of light was called an OBIT, or Outer Band Individuated Teletracer. He said the outer band was a part of Earth’s hidden energetic field that the insiders had identified. Suddenly I had an idea. “Let’s look it up online right now!” We ran over to his laptop and typed the full term into a search engine. Both of us were quite astonished to discover that an episode of the television show The Outer Limits had this same title. It aired on November 4, 1963. The Internet Movie Database has a description of this show that reads, in part, “The Outer Band Individuated Teletracer, or O.B.I.T., is a remarkable technology that can track and monitor any individual, anywhere, for any length of time!”93 Daniel revealed that a great deal of information was being released through fiction. That way, if anyone ever tried to come forward, they could simply be accused of borrowing ideas from a movie, book, or television program.
I interviewed Daniel extensively, over many hours. I was constantly looking for holes in his testimony and could find none. Any time I asked him for further details on a specific area, I often got far more information than I had expected. Daniel eventually published his own website in 2011, featuring additional details, including some highly technical information.94 This early experience taught me how to sort out the real insiders from the fake ones. A few people did try to pull a hoax on me, but once I drilled in deeply with questions, they couldn’t invent new stories fast enough. I would soon pick them apart through cross-examination and then break off contact. I deliberately withheld enough information from the public so I could evaluate new insiders. I would also put new insiders in contact with other established insiders to “vet them out.” The real insiders would invariably validate many data points I had never put online, and had never seen anywhere in the public domain.
After the stunningly bizarre disclosures from Daniel, five long years went by where no new insiders came forward, other than people who had information that was more widely available. Soon after YouTube allowed streaming videos to be uploaded to the Internet free of charge, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan created Project Camelot. They interviewed a variety of intriguing whistle-blowers and released the videos at no cost. In some cases the videos gathered millions of views, matching or exceeding the performance of all but the most popular television shows.
Certain insiders refused to go on camera or even audio with their testimonies. The most fascinating whistle-blower in this category was a man going by the pseudonym Henry Deacon. I ultimately played a key role in his coming forward for a brief period of time, only to have him disappear again afterward. In the early years, our only means of hearing what Henry said was from Bill and Kerry’s written notes. Henry claimed to have worked in what some UFO researchers have called a “breakaway civilization,” where our own military-industrial complex had secretly colonized space. Various ancient bases, such as the ones we just saw on the Moon in the last chapter, were pressurized and reoccupied, and others were built from scratch. Local materials could be used to make a pourable concrete that would be molded with plastic bags to form the foundations for buildings.
I contacted Project Camelot and shared everything I knew from Daniel in exchange for gaining Henry Deacon’s contact information. Henry Deacon became the first high-level insider who gave me extensive details about working in classified spacecraft and off-planet bases. He told me he was astonished at how many of the interiors of spacecraft in the movie 2001 looked similar to areas he had personally worked in—if not nearly identical in some cases. He also claimed to have worked in a base on Mars, saying that ancient ruins not unlike those on the Moon had been discovered there and reoccupied. This was a startling validation of something Daniel had told me, in which he claimed to have been shown a classified photo of an astronaut standing and waving next to a pyramid on Mars. The pyramid was so large you could see only a sharp-edged sloping wall that went up from the ground at an angle in the photo. Henry confirmed that there were ancient pyramids on Mars, as did Corey Goode, who gave me a vivid description of flying over them. Henry claimed that he worked at a Mars base with 200,000 personnel, and only 10,000 of them were from Earth. In the cafeteria there was a big picture window that looked out on a stunning view of red rocks similar to the Grand Canyon. He said that the base was going through a massive expansion during the time he was there.
The way Henry traveled to work was extremely interesting. He claimed to have used something called “the Corridor,” which was a stargate-type device. He would show up for work at a military base and go through a series of checkpoints. The final barrier featured two soldiers at a desk in front of a long, cylindrical hallway. In addition to showing proper ID, he had to have an extended, normal conversation with the soldiers to prove his identity. He would then walk down the Corridor and go into an elevator at the end that had an oversize door. The interior of the elevator had a brushed-metal appearance. He would then take an ordinary-looking metal key and insert it into a small panel with a lock that was mounted on the wall of the elevator. The door would close at a painfully slow speed, taking as long as thirty seconds. The door would then immediately open again and he would be on Mars—or wherever else his badge told the elevator to send him. The trip was completely painless and almost unnoticeable. There was no wormhole, no sensation of movement—just an instant transfer.
Ordinary soldiers were on the base and did not know what the elevator could do. There was a stairwell to the left of the elevator that went up to the second floor, and the elevator did function in the normal sense if you hit the button. Most soldiers believed it was simply used to transfer heavy equipment and were unaware of its greater function. When I asked Henry why they used such simple-looking things as an ordinary elevator and a traditional metal key, he said it was designed to “reduce psychological impact.” By keeping everything ordinary-looking, people would just do their jobs in a businesslike fashion.
He was required to take a medication called Lorentzil in order to stabilize his health from the effects of transdimensional disorder. This is listed in an 1896 medical dictionary as Loxopterygium Lorentzil, which is the technical name for the red quebracho, a tree that grows in Mexico and South America.95 The bark of the tree contains an alkaloid compound known as Loxopterygine, which is listed as being an “anti-periodic,”96 meaning it helps prevent periodic returns of illness and disease. This therefore appears to have been a South American medicine used by shamans, who developed the ability to do conscious astral projection. Multiple insiders have said that you can also get transdimensional disorder from spending too much time in out-of-body experiences. Henry had health problems as a result of leaving his job quite suddenly and losing access to this medication.
Henry called this a “modern” stargate system. He did also confirm the existence of an ancient stargate network, though he was unaware of the gate address numbers. At one time he visited a highly guarded area in Iraq that had a large stone ring just like what we see in the Stargate movie and television series. Obelisks stood on either side of the ring. Apparently this ancient gate was still used for certain purposes, and was kept under extremely high security. Henry also confirmed that working stargates have been on Earth for at least the last ten thousand years, and possibly significantly longer. A variety of ETs have been coming and going from Earth using these portal systems all along. He also confirmed that they have to follow a “Prime Directive” to conceal themselves from us until we have reached a point where we are ready to see them as a collective.
Henry claimed to have personally seen approximately forty-three different types of extraterrestrial species. All of them were humanlike in appearance. They would vary in size from only a foot tall to over twelve feet in height. They would have different features, including a full variety of pastel skin colors. Some had larger heads and larger eyes. Different groups required different gravitational fields, and they would be assigned to certain areas in the Mars base where the floor had panels that generated the appropriate amount of gravity to satisfy their needs. When I asked him what it was like to interact directly with these beings, he said the feeling was usually one of extreme spiritual bliss. You would often experience mind-to-mind communication and feel an exceptional sense of happiness and light.
Henry always referred to them as people, not aliens. Some had jet-black skin. Others had skin with pastel colors that could be yellow, pink, red, orange, blue, or purple. Some had skin that was pure white. Others had varying depths of gray. One group that he said was from Alpha Centauri had dark green skin, and they photosynthesized light. He only ever met women from this group, and said they had black hair and Greek features. A neighboring planet in the same system was largely a desert, and had people with reddish skin who looked much like the Mayans. These two civilizations had warred in the past and the relations between them were still quite frosty. The tallest group of ETs he saw were in the twelve-foot range, and were treated with fearful respect. They wore colorful and elaborate leather battle armor, such as bright red and black outfits with lots of ornate features, and masks. You were not allowed to look at them when they came into the room.
I repeatedly tried to get Henry Deacon to tell me what he did at these jobs, but it was very difficult to get him to release information beyond a certain point. He did tell me that he was trained to repair certain types of advanced equipment. He would travel to various bases in our solar system and perform maintenance as required. He kept reaffirming that the work they were doing was very important for the survival of the human race, and that was part of why he did not feel comfortable going into details.
I released many specifics from Henry Deacon’s information, and the Project Camelot audience was stunned when he came forward at a conference on July 12, 2009. A group of insiders were speaking in Zurich, Switzerland, and I was among them. Henry was brought in and traveled with me at the event. Our cover story was that he was my “Uncle Mark.” It was quite a sensation when he took to the stage during NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary’s presentation and revealed himself.97 Although he did not go into great detail about what he knew, he showed everyone his US passport. It was brown, unlike the normal navy-blue color, and said OFFICIAL PASSPORT. I surveyed it in private, along with a variety of other forms of proof of his military service, and confirmed that it was authentic.
I spent more than eighty hours speaking to Deacon and would often laugh at how aloof he was about everything. He was given a huge stack of briefing documents with nowhere near enough time to read them when he first started. Once he was trained for his particular job responsibilities, it quickly became his ordinary, daily routine. He had been taught to think that speaking about any of his experiences would get him killed, so he would often avoid my questions and tell me that it wasn’t interesting enough for him to talk about. Yet, over the course of many conversations, I managed to pull an incredible amount of data out of him. I never expected he would actually come forward. He later regretted ever doing it and refused to speak any further. He never profited from anything he had done, nor was he looking for any public acclaim.
Henry’s data included information about the “high-energy cloud” our solar system was moving into. He was aware that spacecraft had been sent out to view the cloud and study its energetic properties. He confirmed that it was expected to trigger a dramatic evolutionary event on Earth, including an epic solar energy release of some kind. Later insiders had testimony that lined up remarkably well with everything he had said.
Henry was very pleased with my scientific research on interplanetary climate change, as presented in The Source Field Investigations. I used official NASA sources to prove that the Sun, planets, and satellites in our system are becoming brighter, hotter, and more magnetic at a remarkable speed. He was also aware that NASA was rigorously preventing anyone from officially connecting the dots as I had done. They were apparently afraid that religious zealots would use the data to confirm their beliefs, and would then create widespread fear and panic. However, Henry also believed their energetic buildup would create a release that would have positive effects for humanity. The initial stages could be very disorienting and confusing, however, as we adjusted to the sudden, massive consciousness shift this change would cause.