Just a couple of weeks before the Zurich conference in June 2009, Kerry Cassidy sent me a recording of a phone call she’d had with a man named Pete Peterson. At the time of this writing in 2016, Pete is seventy-four years old. When I heard how intelligent and well versed in classified information this man was, I said we needed to get to him right away. Otherwise he could be threatened or even killed, and we would lose our chance. I financed the airfare, car, and hotel rental to Pete’s location almost immediately. Bill flew in from Switzerland and we all interviewed Pete for three straight days, with audio recorders running the entire time. On the final day we taped a three-part video interview that was later released.98 Since that initial meeting in 2009 I have continued speaking to Pete at least once a week on the average, usually for two hours per conversation. Although there is repetition, I am still constantly learning new things.
Early along, Pete confirmed that the supersonic pitch of the television set could indeed be changed to attract attention, just as I had observed. I found out that at least eight different strategies were actively being used to subliminally manipulate TV viewers. In the old days of VHF broadcast television, when the picture quality and reception were often fairly poor, a secondary image might be placed underneath the main one that was only 10 to 15 percent as bright. This could convey information directly to the subconscious. Images, words, and thoughts could also be planted through various other hidden means.
When I was a kid, if you stayed up late enough watching TV, you would see a short video that played the National Anthem while showing images of flags waving and various national landmarks. It always felt very creepy to watch this for some inexplicable reason. Afterward the broadcast would suddenly die, creating a lonely mess of moving black and white dots called “snow” and a loud hissing noise. On November 11, 2009, an anonymous individual uploaded a YouTube video of one of these old clips, saying, “I salvaged this reel of film from a TV station that used to sign off with it during the 1960s.” The uploader later posted a comment indicating the original reel was found in Alabama, dated 1963, and the clip was probably broadcast in several states during the 1960s.99 Two years after the video was first uploaded, someone discovered that it contained subliminal text, and the news quickly went viral.100 The words to the National Anthem are spelled out, appearing on the screen from left to right. However, as the words first materialize, a different set of words appears beneath them with the same basic font.
The hidden words never appear all at once, and you need to slow the video down to a quarter of its normal speed to see the messages. The disguised text appears in approximately the same area as the words that then remain on the screen. The subliminal commands that appear in the video are as follows:
“Ultra” and “Naomi” are both names of alleged mind-control programs. Some people have attacked this video as a hoax, but it seems very unlikely that their arguments are valid. The 1988 movie They Live depicted a society in which words such as “OBEY” and “CONSUME” were hidden in subliminal messages, and this was almost certainly an early attempt by whistle-blowers to tell us what was really being done. As we will see, there is a robust international alliance working to defeat the Cabal, and certain insiders are giving me ongoing briefings from this group. Our best written analysis of the National Anthem case appeared on the Vigilant Citizen website as of May 13, 2015.101 The same film clip was still used in sign-offs in the 1980s, such as from Chicago station WMAQ, but there are no subliminals in those surviving copies. By the 1980s, people had VCRs and these subliminals would have been easily discovered. However, the 1960s version is wider, featuring buildings you cannot see in any of the 1980s footage, and it is an original copy that never appeared on the Internet before 2009. Furthermore, the 1960s version has white text with a shadow that goes to the bottom right, while the 1981 version has yellow text with a shadow that reflects up to the top left.102
The author concludes that although we cannot absolutely prove it is real—at least not yet—it cannot be ruled out as a hoax either. An original tape of the video would need to be produced and confirmed. The anonymous individual who uploaded this was probably well aware that any attempt to come forward would be suicide. The reason we have trouble accepting something like this is what I call the “man in the bedroom effect.” We have been taught to admire our leaders, vote for them in elections, and trust that they are doing their best to protect us against our enemies. If they are subliminally telling us that they are God, that we must worship and obey them, that rebellion will not be tolerated and we must not question them, our sense of betrayal and horror is total. It is akin to walking in on your partner while he or she is in bed with someone else. In that case you cannot deny what you are seeing. In cases like this, it is far easier to attack and discredit the messenger, by any means necessary, than to face the uncomfortable truth.
Pete never saw this video but did confirm that these techniques and commands are a valid example of how mind control technology is used. If nothing else, the video is a great exercise in showing what can be done, and the techniques that are used to manipulate us. Many of these techniques are significantly more sophisticated than what we see in the video, and apparently they work very well. I first heard about all this in my college sociology class, as we are about to see. I was stunned by the number of specific examples I was required to study and learn. I was also tested on how to spot these messages in printed advertisements. Once you learn what to look for, it is not that difficult to find them.
Pete said subliminals can be embedded within audio tracks as well. Sophisticated techniques allow speech to blend in with the music in ways that are almost impossible to detect consciously, but are easily picked out by the mind. The key to this technology is that the subconscious can only understand basic, childish commands. Therefore, corporate stores that are in the know will play music that repeats basic commands at a slow, hypnotic speed, such as “I am a good person. Stealing is bad. I do not steal.” Pete also said it was common for American car companies to secretly alter the images of trees as they whizzed by in commercials. The existing leaves and branches would be manipulated to form images that were provocative to the subconscious, such as images of naked women. This would cause potential buyers to associate the car with manliness and the satisfaction of their most basic primal instincts.
This confirmed and enhanced some of the unpleasant things I learned in my college sociology classes. Dr. Wilson Bryan Key has written multiple books in which he clearly exposes this subliminal advertising at work. Websites such as Subliminal Manipulation feature a variety of Key’s original examples as well as newer ones, in both photo and video form.103 The pictures are extremely shocking, and words like “SEX” are very easy to spot in many cases. Provocative websites exposing details like this can usually be retrieved from Archive.org if the Cabal takes them offline.104
One of the strangest things Key discovered was that images and depictions of death were used quite often in subliminals as well. This appears to be another example of “repetition compulsion.” Many of us are heavily seduced by the idea of our own death in the subconscious mind. We are drawn to those things that could kill us, as we get high from repeating the trauma of other brushes with death in the past. This again can be seen in Dr. Bessel A. van der Kolk’s discovery that soldiers with PTSD would receive a high equivalent to injecting eight milligrams of morphine while watching a movie featuring scenes of combat death. On Wednesday, February 21, 1990, just a year and a half before I had my first sociology class, Dr. Key gave a lecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that was written up in their official publication, The Tech, as follows.
Subliminal messages often concentrate on the taboos of society—sex, death, incest, homosexuality, and at times, pagan icons—according to Key. He claimed that, in one liquor advertisement, the images of a fish, screaming faces, a rat, a volcano, a lizard, and several other death symbols were embedded in ice cubes. Other examples Key showed included a man with an erection in an RJ Reynolds’ Camel advertisement, a battered skull in a Bacardi drink, and the word cancer in a cigarette advertisement. Key maintained that these messages do not appear by accident, coincidence, or as the work of an individual artist.”105
There are so many high-quality examples of this phenomenon hiding out in the open that federal criminal trials should already have begun. The problem is that we do not live in an open and free system. There is powerful institutional corruption in place that prevents these crimes from being taken seriously. In 2007, right at the dawn of free online streaming video that anyone could upload, a McDonald’s logo flashed for one single frame of Iron Chef America on the Food Network. A YouTube video went up exposing it, and the network was forced to publicly apologize, saying it was a “glitch.” They denied doing any subliminal advertising.106 Mental Floss combined this with seven other obvious examples in a popular article from 2015.107 Dr. Bryan Wilson Key produced many hundreds of provocative examples in his books, lectures, and videos.
In a Tufts University paper from 2003, Dr. Key wrote, “A recent estimate held that 10–20% of mainstream US advertising contained sexual information. . . . Include the subliminal dimension of communication, however, and the input of information into the brain (without conscious awareness) of sexual material easily approaches 80–90% of commercial media. In this all-pervasive ocean of sexualized people, products, ideas, and information, few consumers even suspect an enormous, bizarre, invisible environment has been created to milk them out of their money, allegiances, and power.”108
As you can see from the Project Camelot videos, Pete is stunningly articulate and extremely well versed in science.109 I could easily have filled this entire book with his testimony. Pete claims that his grandfather was one of Nikola Tesla’s main lab assistants, and he was trained in the secrets of Tesla technology from a very young age. He was recruited by the government as a boy after developing a very effective rocket system. He was then trained by all the best scientists available within the classified world, earning multiple PhDs’ worth of information in a variety of technical fields. He became one of the top scientists and technology problem-solvers within the classified world, and was widely considered their single most valuable and prolific inventor. Ronald Reagan gave him the nickname “Mr. Do” as a result. Sadly, almost all his world-changing inventions remain classified to this day.
Pete worked directly with top neocons like Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, and ended up having a change of heart that led to his coming forward. He felt he had “mud on his wheel of karma.” The Project Camelot interviews we did with Pete barely even scratched the surface of how much he really knew as the years went by. Pete goes into so much technical detail on any question that it is mind-boggling. There is no such thing as a short conversation. He can discourse for three hours on advanced physics, mathematics, or technology and never repeat himself. Never once have I caught him in any obvious lies. At any time I could come back to a story he told me five years ago and gain new information by asking different questions. I was deeply honored when he told me I am one of the three smartest people he has ever known. One of them died and the other one betrayed him. Pete has also introduced me to several other insiders. One of them developed eight different anti-gravity systems by analyzing crashed wreckage and having in-person consultations with extraterrestrials.
Pete was there during the formative stages of the same secret space program that Henry Deacon was a part of. He helped design some of the craft and other technologies they use. This included advanced computer chips that are far more powerful than anything we have in the commercial world, featuring photon-based transistors instead of those using electrons. Pete’s chips have a staggering 144 cores each, running at speeds vastly in excess of any current technology. The chips can be printed on conventional multilayer silicon wafers at dirt-cheap prices. Since photons have quantum nonlocality, they process countless calculations simultaneously. Eighty-five percent of the components of a typical smartphone can be eliminated with just one chip, and it requires so little power it can be run off a lemon with wires stuck into it. This technology was recently demonstrated to officials who were not in the know about these discoveries at the Pentagon. They gave the chip a random, unexpected calculation that their top supercomputers would take three weeks to crack, and left. Pete’s chip had already solved the puzzle by the time they came back from the bathroom. These chips are so powerful that they demonstrate what Pete’s insiders call “electronic intelligence.”
Pete also was involved in a program in which the nervous system was mapped out in meticulous detail. He discovered that we have a dimple in the middle of each shoulder blade where a huge cluster of nerve fibers all intersect before going on up to the brain. He said this serves no practical purpose for the body, other than that it feels terrific when the area is massaged. These nerve clusters are believed to be a product of intelligent genetic tinkering with the human body, such as by extraterrestrials. Pete and his insiders feel we were meant to use these areas once we learned how to access them. Special energetic fields can pump visual information, sounds, and thoughts directly into the brain through these areas, which they call “ports.”
This system was depicted in the movie The Matrix, when Trinity downloads the information on how to fly a helicopter as her eyes flutter, and Neo downloads information that suddenly allows him to excel at martial arts and fight Morpheus. The main difference in The Matrix is that people “jack in” through a port at the back of their heads, rather than in the shoulder blades. Pete said that if you are given information in this manner, it can cause headaches and disorientation. The data then begins showing up in your mind over the course of the next few days or weeks. At first it seems dreamlike, and it gradually surfaces in your conscious awareness as something you know and understand. We have the potential to vastly increase our intelligence and learn multiple languages through the use of this technology.
This system can also be used to project people into a vividly realistic virtual-reality environment. Middle and high-level Cabal members routinely experience this technology, as does everyone in the secret space program. These VR systems were depicted in The Matrix as well as the Divergent film series, and to a lesser degree in Ender’s Game. Images can also be pulled out of the mind and projected, as was depicted in Minority Report. When I first started talking to Corey Goode, one of many stunning correlations we had with our insider knowledge was on the subject of these ports. Corey was well aware of them, and told me many of the things Pete had said before I could even get the words out of my mouth. He revealed that he had used these same systems extensively while in the space program.
Classified fighter-jets no longer need windows thanks to this system. Vision is nothing more than electrical signals from the retinas of your eyes that are then sent to the brain. In this case, two metallic nubs push against your ports while you sit in a special chair. Energetic signals are pumped into your visual cortex just like the electrical signals from your eyes. Your visual cortex is flooded with information that is just as accessible as what you see with your eyes. Your vision becomes exceptionally crisp and clear, and you can then zoom in on any area like binoculars. Pete managed to produce a demonstration of this technology for a wealthy corporate leader who was blind. The man was brought to an airfield and seated in a specific fighter-jet. When he tried out the system, his exact quote began with “Holy God damn.” I cannot print the last word he said.
I found out that our government already has cloaking technology that can make naval vessels, aircraft, and spacecraft invisible, and in the classified world this is called “masking.” Our skies are routinely filled with masked craft that we cannot see. This includes gigantic aircraft carriers that are literally floating cities, using a combination of anti-gravity and conventional propulsion to remain airborne. The insider Bob Dean got in trouble for leaking this information in a Project Camelot video from April 2010. Here is what he said: “They don’t want us to know about the Aerospace Command here, would you believe that? Trillions of dollars a year are going off to a military command that the American people don’t even know exists? . . . It used to be in Nebraska. It used to be in Colorado Springs. Now the headquarters . . . I swear to God the headquarters is in orbit! There is a four-star Air Force general, who, last I checked last year, was commanding: Lance Lord. Interesting name. . . . It’s a joint services Space Command that the American people don’t even know exist. It puts NASA to shame.”110
Peterson was absolutely astonished to see these flying super-carriers appear in The Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. He said that what we see in these movies is exactly the same as how they really look. Two of these carriers usually fly with a large flying black triangle that serves as a massive, multilevel aircraft carrier. In my epic article “Cosmic Perspective on the Defeat of the Cabal,” I give detailed photographic comparisons and an analysis of how they line up with Pete’s testimony.111 He said that many of our best technologies from the 1980s are now appearing in movies. James Cameron’s movie Avatar was loaded with images of genuine technology, including the robotic chassis that a person can stand in and manipulate. The same device appears in the movie Aliens, in which Sigourney Weaver uses it to battle the queen.
Another Project Camelot whistle-blower was the computer hacker Gary McKinnon, who used his skills to look for information on UFOs.112 He hacked his way into NASA, the Pentagon, and various other government organizations. The Huffington Post UK published a provocative article about the evidence he discovered. “When Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of ‘non-terrestrial officers’ and ‘fleet-to-fleet transfers’ and a secret program called ‘Solar Warden,’ he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed ‘the biggest military computer hack of all time,’ and stood to face prison time of up to 70 years after extradition from UK. . . . McKinnon also found out about the ships or craft within Solar Warden. It is said that there are approx eight cigar-shaped motherships (each longer than two football fields end-to-end) and 43 small ‘scout ships.’”113 In Selected by Extraterrestrials, William Tompkins describes his efforts to help design these cigar-shaped craft. He also confirmed the existence of the Solar Warden program.
In his Project Camelot interview, McKinnon said, “What I surmised is that an off-planet Space Marines is being formed. And if you actually look at DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, literature at the moment and in the last few years, a lot of government and space command stuff is all about space dominance. It is really, you know, the final frontier. Yeah, so I think it’s natural for them to want to control space and to be developing a space-going force in secret. I think [they are] most likely using technology reverse-engineered from ETs.”114
Pete also revealed that the so-called “Brain Drain” in the 1950s and ’60s was very real. He claims that 55 to 60 million of the most intelligent and talented scientists from around the world were recruited into the secret space program. Twenty-five percent of them were from the United States and Canada, and the other 75 percent were international. They would cut all ties with their family and friends on Earth, fill out a series of postcards to cover a few years of time, and then never have contact with anyone here again. Groups on Earth would then send out the postcards at the appropriate time intervals.
Advertisements for these jobs were openly distributed in Brazil. The ads said that you would be leaving the country for an exciting high-tech assignment and would no longer have any further contact with your family or friends. It did not say exactly what the work would be or where you would end up going. Once these people arrived at their new homes, they were encouraged to have children, and as a result their population has greatly increased since the 1950s. People continue to be recruited into this “breakaway civilization” out of military, intelligence, and other areas. As Corey Goode revealed, many of them are selected and trained from very early childhood. In total, the number of people working out in space could now be well above America’s own population of 300 million.
Some of these people also work in vast underground facilities. Pete was personally aware of approximately 250 different underground bases that were built around the world. Each of these facilities was built to hold a maximum of 65,000 people. Pete got to tour one of them and was impressed. They are usually built inside natural limestone caves in the earth. There are trees, roads, and buildings inside, as well as a domed roof with artificial light. When I asked him if there was anything “off” about it, he said you could always hear the sound of ventilation fans, and there was a persistent smell of machine oil in the air. You could also see seams and rivets in the domed ceiling. Pete confirmed that injections would be given to people that would make it lethal for them to return to the surface. In order to leave, you would need to get a special shot that would cover you for however many days before you were authorized to return. If you extended your stay past that number of days, you would quickly die. Pete was offered the chance to live and work in one of these facilities and he refused. He also told me if I revealed too much I might be pulled into one of them, never to return.
Bob Dean also leaked information about these bases in his April 2010 interview with Project Camelot. “I’ve been in underground facilities that you wouldn’t believe—massive, massive—all over the country. There’s one under Fort Huachuca, which I may have told you once before, that is gigantic. . . . My only criticism at the time was that some of them were so luxurious for the politicians that that ticked me off. I felt that the politicians didn’t deserve those luxurious facilities. We’ve got massive underground facilities all over the country, all over the planet. We’ve got official military relationships with the off-planet intelligences. We have a major facility in the middle of Australia. It’s called Pine Gap. The point I’m getting at is that our military, our Shadow Government, is deeply involved with extraterrestrial operations.”115
The Cabal’s plan was to have a full-scale nuclear war, in which nuclear submarines fired off all their ordnance. The Cabal would make sure that all their friends, colleagues, and family members were taken underground before the war started, and they planned on living down there until the Earth became habitable again. In those cases they would not be forced to take the shots. Modern nuclear weapons were not designed to create any lasting radiation, so an extended stay underground would not be required. Each of these cities has a docking station in the ocean where the breeder reactor in a nuclear submarine can plug in and power the entire facility for many years. The subs therefore continue to be useful after they have fired off all their missiles.
A vast system of underground passageways called the “sub-shuttle” system interlinks these cities together, even underneath oceans. The shuttles travel by the use of high-intensity compressed air, and are extremely fast. Inflatable airbags inside the shuttle cushion you from the impact of turns. The ride can be sickening enough that every seat has a vacuum-powered chute to capture vomit as soon as you lean into it. The sub-shuttle system was disclosed by Phil Schneider in the early 1990s. He was personally aware of 129 underground facilities, all interconnected by the sub-shuttle system, and claimed to have worked on thirteen of them. Not long after coming forward, Schneider died on January 17, 1996.116
The Disclosure Project witness Daniel Morris, who later came forward with his real last name as Salter, said the following about Phil in this quote from his September 2000 interview: “There are other people who have been eliminated for what they know. One was a friend of mine, Phil Schneider, who worked out here in New Mexico building the tunnels. The biggest one that he was involved with was the Dulce underground facility. . . . I know that Phil loved this country and he thought these programs were bypassing our form of government. . . . No Congress ever voted on any of these black projects, and he believed the American people had a right to know what they were spending their money for and what we were capable of doing. And he started talking, so they got rid of him.”117
As the years have gone by, Pete has validated almost everything that other insiders have told me about the space program, and added significant additional information. He revealed that a gigantic, Moon-sized sphere drifted into our solar system in the early 1980s, terrifying the Reagan administration. None of the ETs they were in contact with, at places like Area 51, had anywhere near this level of technology. They called this sphere “the Seeker.” It was predominantly white, but its surface had geometric lines much like a soccer ball. Huge portals would open on its sides, creating eight-hundred-mile-wide holes into an interior that was too dark to see very clearly. Ships would fly in and out of the portals and explore our planets and moons. The Seeker came into our solar system and began circling each of the planets, one by one. It eventually left when it got to Jupiter.
Although Pete has hundreds of amazing stories that I have been able to validate, there is nowhere near enough space in this book to document all of them. The most important thing he shared with me is the existence of an alliance that formed to end the UFO cover-up. The two most prominent movies that reveal the Alliance’s agenda and prepare us for disclosure are Iron Man 3 and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.118 A surprising majority of the people in the Pentagon want the secrecy to end, particularly after 9/11, which is widely known to have been an inside job. The Cabal is still using lethal force to prevent the truth from being revealed. As a result, the pro-disclosure elements of the Pentagon have quietly worked with foreign countries to create an international alliance. I have extensively covered the battle between the Cabal and the Alliance on my website, and the story is constantly shifting and evolving as time goes on. This is considered a “shadow World War III,” and the Cabal is losing the war very rapidly. At the time of this writing, major treaties are being signed and an official announcement is expected.
Most interestingly, we have learned that an extremely advanced extraterrestrial force is consistently preventing the Cabal from killing large numbers of people. This goes all the way back to the dawn of the nuclear age. Missiles and entire nuclear facilities have consistently been powered down by UFOs that appeared. Some of these stories did leak to the public through other insiders, as we are about to see. Space-based “Star Wars” weapons were deactivated in the 1980s almost as soon as they went up. Entire facilities of nuclear missiles had all the warheads completely melted down into nonradioactive material. The guidance systems on the missiles were so scrambled that they could not fly. This happened on multiple occasions. The Apollo astronaut and American hero Dr. Edgar Mitchell publicly confirmed the overall story in 2015, and the media widely reported on it. Here is an excerpt from The Mirror:
[Dr. Mitchell] told us military insiders had seen strange crafts flying over missile bases and the famous White Sands facility, where the world’s first ever nuclear bomb was detonated in 1945. . . . “My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth.” Mitchell also suggested he had heard similar stories from people who manned missile bases during the most tense parts of the twentieth century. “I have spoken to many Air Force officers who worked at these silos during the Cold War,” he continued. “They told me UFOs were frequently seen overhead and often disabled their missiles. Other officers from bases on the Pacific coast told me their [test] missiles were frequently shot down by alien spacecraft.”119
On September 27, 2010, Robert Hastings held an event at the National Press Club in which seven US Air Force veterans shared their personal testimony about these encounters. It is very likely that Dr. Mitchell spoke with some, if not all of these insiders. According to Hastings’s website, “To date, Hastings has interviewed more than 150 military veterans who were involved in various UFO-related incidents at U.S. missile sites, weapons storage facilities, and nuclear bomb test ranges. The events described by these individuals leave little doubt that the U.S. nuclear weapons program is an ongoing source of interest to someone possessing vastly superior technology. . . . Hastings believes that UFOs are piloted by visitors from elsewhere in the universe who, for whatever reason, have taken an interest in our long-term survival. He contends that these beings are occasionally disrupting our nukes to send a message to the American and Soviet/Russian governments that their possession and potential large-scale use of nuclear weapons threatens the future of humanity and the environmental integrity of the planet.”120
Less than a month after Hastings’s epic event, on October 23, 2010, a cigar-shaped UFO appeared over the largest nuclear missile installation in the US. The F. E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming, lost the ability to communicate with fifty of its Minuteman III missiles as this happened. This was the largest single failure of nuclear missiles in the entire history of the United States, compromising one-ninth of the entire arsenal, and it lasted for several hours. According to a PR Newswire article that was initially featured on Reuters, “The confidential Air Force sources also report that their squadron commander has warned witnesses not to talk to journalists or researchers about ‘the things they may or may not have seen’ in the sky, and has threatened severe penalties for anyone violating security.”121
According to Peterson, sometime in the late 1980s or the very early 1990s, all the remaining missiles in both the US and the USSR were completely ruined. This was apparently the final straw that led to the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War. The Project Camelot insider Bob Dean independently confirmed these details to me about a year after I had first heard them from Pete. In a 2010 interview with Project Camelot, Dean leaked some of the intel when he said, “There is not going to be a nuclear war because [the ETs are] not going to allow it. The planet is too valuable—the flora and fauna in this zoological garden is too precious. And they have already intervened several times. They made their point during the Reagan administration; they made it to Gorbachev when he was in office. They’ve made the point many times. They made it at Rendlesham Forest, Bentwaters, when they melted the warheads.”122
Although the US still has missiles, they now contain advanced particle-beam systems exactly like we see in Captain America: The Winter Solider, since any attempt to make nuclear weapons is blocked. It is highly unlikely that these particle-beam systems will ever be permitted to be used either, since they are extremely destructive—as the Captain America movie so compellingly illustrates.
However, certain tragic events such as the BP oil spill and the Fukushima disaster are still “authorized” by the advanced ETs who watch over and manage our planet. In certain cases, our collective free will permits these events to occur in order to provide a global wake-up call. This then leads us to take action, rise up against our oppressors, and save ourselves. The ETs cannot just sweep in and rescue us. They are allowed to do part of the work, so that it is possible for us to solve the problem ourselves, but we have to finish the job.
The vast majority of planned mass atrocities are blocked, though, since the Cabal is still constantly trying to start World War III, to create mass catastrophes that would lead to incredible loss of life, and to otherwise wreak havoc on Earth. As one example, the Cabal tried to send black-ops scuba-diving soldiers in to blow up an oil refinery in the Persian Gulf, creating another BP oil spill. They were carrying backpacks with bombs in them that they were going to plant on the rig. This would almost certainly have led to an epic Armageddon-type war in the Middle East once the Western powers had denied any responsibility for the catastrophe. The elected officials very likely had no idea that this was being planned. The soldiers hit an energetic wall in the water that was like stretchable elastic. They couldn’t go over, under, or through it, and finally gave up after twelve hours of struggle.
The amount of “divine intervention” that has stopped wars from taking place is truly mind-boggling, according to Pete and other insiders. Advanced, exotic craft have been deactivated or have completely disappeared. Entire underground facilities have had all their employees portaled out and were then completely destroyed. This included a base near Washington, DC, that the Cabal members of the US government were planning on fleeing to in the event of a public disclosure. The entire East Coast of the United States shook with a 5.5 magnitude earthquake when this base was destroyed. It was quite the shocking synchronicity that this event occurred on August 23, 2011, the same day that my book The Source Field Investigations was released. The publisher was all excited about our big debut, and on that very day the ground heaved under the publishers’ feet, causing their knees to buckle if they were standing.123
It was also very interesting and symbolic that the top of the Washington Monument obelisk cracked in this same earthquake. This again seemed like a potent symbol of the impending full defeat of the Cabal. I wrote about the destruction of this and another base under the Denver International Airport on September 16, 2011.124 I subsequently found out that at least twenty-four other bases were destroyed thereafter. The destruction of bases appeared to come to a halt shortly after the beginning of 2012, after a new treaty between the Cabal and the benevolent ETs was agreed to, which increased the speed of the disclosure process. A wealth of revealing NASA data started appearing thereafter, as we will discuss in upcoming chapters. Three years after the first two bases were destroyed, in 2014, Russian national television aired a prime-time, three-hour documentary in which I was interviewed about these events. It was the most popular show in the history of that particular production company, with 21 million viewers.125
During this same time, tanks that were going to roll into Syria would not start, only to work fine when they were brought elsewhere. Bomb-bay doors on airplanes about to release massively destructive weapons were jammed. Guns would not fire. Even bladed weapons were jammed in their sheaths so they could not be pulled out. On three different occasions, the Palestinians planned to invade Israel, and Israeli soldiers intercepted their communications and were waiting for them. When they tried to fight one another, none of their guns would fire and they could not release their bladed weapons. These hardened warriors fell to their knees, held their arms up into the air, and cried, believing it was a divine manifestation.
Despite all the negative press about him in the Cabal-controlled West, Vladimir Putin has been a key figure in the Alliance, working directly with the positive elements in the Pentagon. A positive ET group apparently gave Putin some of their peace-keeping technology. Corey Goode revealed that this technology causes metal to suddenly enlarge while it is activated. As soon as the beam is turned off, the metal returns to its normal size. Putin has demonstrated the ability to completely power down any and all US military hardware, including the latest, greatest Aegis-class aircraft carriers. Every effort is being made to prevent loss of life, and to create a peaceful transition that leads to disclosure.
Pete confirmed that George W. Bush was given a very tiny earpiece so that he could be told what to say by a team of insiders. Many amusing verbal mistakes, commonly known as “Bushisms,” resulted from this.126 Perhaps the most obvious example is “Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.” This was spoken in La Crosse, Wisconsin, on October 18, 2000.127 Obama refused to use such a device, and instead was told he must speak from a teleprompter. Pete also revealed that a very provocative meeting took place between Obama and the surviving former US presidents on January 7, 2009. Up until this point, Obama did not know what he had gotten himself into. According to Pete, he was taken into a half-hour private meeting with George H. W. Bush in which he was severely verbally abused and threatened.
The Washington Post confirmed that a private meeting did take place, as follows: “A real team of rivals gathered for lunch at the White House yesterday, as President Bush and three former U.S. commanders in chief put aside their political differences to offer recollections and advice to President-elect Barack Obama. . . . Neither the White House nor the Obama transition team shared many details from the lunch, including what they ordered from the menu. No aides were present during the meal, officials said. Obama also met one on one with Bush for about 30 minutes beforehand.”128
Up until that meeting, Obama did not know much, if anything, about the Cabal. He was told that he and all of his family would be tortured and killed if they resisted. Obama apparently staggered out of this meeting into a room in the White House that he thought was private. He held his head in his hands and cried, saying he had been made into a scapegoat. According to Pete as well as Jacob, who we are about to meet, an intelligence agent was in a nearby phone booth and witnessed the entire event. Pete also said the vast majority of insiders working for the Alliance know that this happened. US presidents are generally given very little access to the real secrets, and the Cabal is masterful at trying to pin the blame on elected officials, thereby diverting attention from themselves.