Jacob and the Secret Space Program

The next significant insider arrived six months after Peterson, and we will call him Jacob. Up until Corey Goode came along, Jacob was by far the highest-level insider I knew. He has extensive involvement in the secret space program and the “breakaway civilization” that has resulted. When I first met him, even though I could tell he was quite a character and had a great sense of humor, I wasn’t impressed and thought he was a fake. That challenged him to prove himself, which he certainly did. During our first private meeting, Jacob showed me stunning proof that he had access to highly classified secrets. He stayed at my house more than once for days at a time, and our conversations were fascinating. On his first visit, he showed me a classified photo of ruins on Mars. These were highly intricate, obviously artificial, and looked very different from anything I had seen on Earth. Most strangely, all the words on the sides, with arrows pointing to different features in the photo, were in German.

Jacob also showed me hundreds upon hundreds of pages of blueprints for a vast underground base. It would have cost well over a million dollars to draw up such detailed blueprints. The amount of detail in the illustrations, and in his technical descriptions of everything he was showing me, was stunning. This facility would feature a series of condominiums on the surface. Hidden elevators would allow the people living in them to quickly go underground whenever needed. He had calculated how many people the facility could hold, and realized it would have far more space than was needed in the event of a global disaster. When he told his superiors that he wanted them to rescue ordinary people as well as insiders, they canceled the project and withdrew all their funding.

Jacob then opened up Google Earth and showed me a series of provocative bases around the world that he said were even more interesting than Area 51. Very quickly he zoomed over some of the most barren areas on Earth and revealed surprisingly complex airfields in the middle of nowhere. One of them was Diego Garcia, a small island in the middle of the Indian Ocean that is officially listed as a joint US/NATO military base. Jacob said there were facilities for both humans and ETs in these bases, and they went many levels below the surface—exactly as I had seen in my epic ascension dream from high school.

These Are Not Happy People

Another shocking thing Jacob showed me in our first private meeting was photographs taken inside the Oval Office on President Obama’s first day, January 20, 2009, right before he went in. This was slightly less than two weeks after he had been threatened and told the truth about the Cabal at the presidents’ luncheon. Jacob was well aware of that incident and confirmed all the details Pete had shared with me. Multiple shots were taken of Obama’s new desk from different angles. On top of the desk was a manila envelope that had the number “44” scrawled on it in pen, signifying that he was the forty-fourth president.

The envelope contained a series of briefing documents that told Obama what was really going on. The documents identified the Cabal as a group of powerful international bankers, and told him he was to follow their orders precisely—or there would be dire consequences for him and his family. Jacob also had candid pictures of a pale George W. Bush riding in his limousine after he had heard about 9/11; I had never seen any of these pictures in the media. During this same event, Jacob showed me dozens of pages of bank accounts for top Cabal families such as the Rothschilds. I saw usernames, passwords, account numbers, and balances, and they were often in the billions. As time went on, there were also numerous occasions on which Jacob would leak insider information to me before it appeared in the headlines. In some cases I would reveal this information publicly beforehand.

It quickly became obvious that Jacob worked for the group most people call the Illuminati, which means “the Enlightened Ones.” The big secret was that they were the hyper-wealthy power structure controlling the real space program, and the bases other insiders had visited. They had UFO-type craft that were routinely coming and going from the Earth. Jacob did not support much of what they were doing, and would often tell me things he apparently wasn’t supposed to say—which he called “talking out of school.” He said he still worked for them because he felt their efforts in space were vital for the survival of everyone on Earth. There were negative ETs trying to destroy us and he wanted to make sure they did not succeed. At one point I asked him if anyone had been able to take control of a UFO, like I had written in my short story “Civil War.” He laughed and confirmed that this did occasionally happen. Most people were not able to get the ship to go very far, but a few did manage to take a joyride before they were detected, intercepted, and brought into custody.

I was invited to join them and told I would be able to travel into space, meet ETs, and have incredible experiences. I was also promised fantastic sums of money if I accepted the deal, as well as guaranteed safety in the event of any cataclysmic disasters. In total, I had five different offers like this come in from various sources. I was told that I would be put in control of accounts that would quickly mature into the hundreds of millions of dollars. In exchange for this, I would have to begin putting out messages that were favorable to the Cabal and their philosophies. This would include framing Lucifer as a positive force, bringing us wisdom, freedom, and sexuality. I consistently refused these offers over the years, as I have strong disagreements about things like the “need” to reduce population. Nor did I agree with the idea that Lucifer was a benevolent, misunderstood liberator of humanity. It was very edgy to talk to Jacob at all, but I got an extremely thorough education in the process. He was not a Luciferian and joked that since Lucifer exists outside of time, he should just go away and come back later. Jacob can get anyone laughing within minutes and is an endless repository of fascinating information and entertaining stories.

The Black Jesus

One of the most surprising stories Jacob ever told me concerned a man they called the “Black Jesus.” He said this was highly classified and he was definitely “talking out of school” to tell me about it at all. Apparently in the 1960s a man appeared in Africa who had full ascended abilities. He could read people’s minds, materialize objects out of thin air, communicate telepathically, levitate himself, and teleport his body from one location to another. He was a spiritual teacher who emphasized love, peace, service to others, and forgiveness as the common core that unified all the great religions. The Cabal does not want anyone to develop these abilities, and if they find out that someone has them, they will hunt those people down and terminate them with prejudice. The Cabal made several attempts to assassinate this man. He consistently regenerated his body after each attack, no matter how lethal it seemed to be.

Finally the man was told that they had given up. He was far too powerful. There was nothing they could do to stop him, and they were going to surrender. They invited him to a major world summit and told him they would reveal him to all of humanity so he could share his message. He was brought on board a military transport aircraft. Once airborne, he was shot repeatedly. His body was divided into many different sections, each of which was stored in a super-high-tech energy-shielded container. Jet aircraft rushed up to the plane in sequence and scrambled the containers all over the Earth, as far apart as possible. The contents were then thoroughly and completely destroyed. It was hoped that this would prevent him from being able to regenerate himself.

After this was done, the man materialized directly into the offices of the people who had ordered his murder. There were no visible signs of damage to his body. He said, “Your desire to prevent me from living on Earth is so strong that I am forced to honor it, for now. I will be leaving you shortly. However, in the future many more people will develop abilities just like me. Once that happens, you will no longer be able to stop us from making this world a peaceful place for everyone.”

Mr. X and the Blues

This mirrored the story of the first Project Camelot insider, who went by the pseudonym Mr. X and was interviewed with a disguised video shoot in May 2006.129 He reported having a job with a California-based defense contractor in the 1980s where he had to sort through and categorize a huge amount of classified documents. According to the write-up on the Project Camelot website, “Working long hours in a locked vault, he opened large mail bags full of photos, videotapes, alien artifacts, and volumes of top secret eyes-only documents that told the story behind Roswell, alien visitation and the government’s careful handling of documented evidence of reverse engineering of alien craft.”130 Among those documents were pages from the 1950s that described a series of meetings between President Eisenhower and a group of benevolent extraterrestrials.

Pete revealed this ET group had dark blue skin, large heads, and large black eyes, and were simply called “the Blues.” This was not the same group that later contacted Corey Goode and were identified as the Blue Avians. The Blues promised us complete protection from negative extraterrestrials and a gradual rollout of fantastic technology. In exchange, we would have to give up our nuclear weapons, allow a formal education on the science of spirituality to occur, and permit open interaction between humanity and benevolent ETs.

The Blues’ offer was rudely and sarcastically dismissed. According to the documents Mr. X saw, the Blues told the US government that they would disappear for now, but that at the end of the year 2012, they and their allies would return in a “mass landing.”131 Once they chose to reveal themselves, there would be nothing the Cabal could do to stop them. Other insiders have confirmed that this date has been pushed forward, since we are not ready for it to happen yet as a collective, but it very likely will still occur within a reasonable time window. This mass contact event appears to be a key component of the ascension process. Mr. X later decided to come forward, reveal his true identity, and share much more of what he knew. He then died of a massive and unexpected stroke on December 13, 2008. He was only forty-eight years of age, and had a one-year-old son.132 I deeply regret that this happened, and wish I had gotten the chance to meet him before he passed away.

Bringing the Insiders Together

I set up a direct three-day-long meeting between Jacob and Pete Peterson in Pete’s hometown that was very fascinating to participate in. At one point during the dinner I heard a loud tink noise in the room. I immediately asked everyone else if they had heard that funny noise, but they were distracted enough by the conversation that they had missed it. The next time I pushed down with my fork, my plate neatly parted into two pieces. The next day, a massive pipe burst in my house and spilled water all over the kitchen. Both of these events appeared to be warning shots intended to threaten me, and probably involved the use of a particle-beam technology. I chose not to be intimidated.

Image of David Wilcock’s Plate of Food Having Split in Half While in a Dinner Meeting Featuring Insiders Jacob and Pete Peterson

I also got Jacob in touch with Hoagland’s top insider Bruce for a short visit in a restaurant in Los Angeles. Although Bruce worked directly with US presidents, he was not briefed on many of the things Jacob was involved in. They still got along and shared common knowledge. People who have been through these sorts of programs can immediately identify other insiders. Jacob would say, “They can smell it on you.” Jacob and Henry Deacon also stayed at my house at the same time for a few days during a subsequent visit. Whenever I brought these people together, it was very clear that they shared many common pieces of information. Code names and things I did not understand were exchanged at rapid speeds, and it was clear they were sharing hyper-complex inside information. Jacob and Henry Deacon went off for an extended two-hour private conversation in my backyard at one point, and I would have very much appreciated to have heard what they said.

Up until Corey Goode came along, Jacob was the most highly connected space program insider I had ever met. He claimed to have personally traveled to about two hundred different off-planet bases, including many that were far outside our solar system. This was done through the use of the portal system in what some have called the “cosmic web”—the sequence of plasma tubes that interlink all neighboring stars together. Jacob couldn’t understand why people were so fascinated with Mars, as he said it was a “dreadful” planet, and many other places were much nicer to visit. He did tell me that he was once ordered to kill some fifty-foot-long sandworms on Mars that would attach themselves to the sides of the bases. They had somehow evolved to be able to eat metal and other minerals. The job was relatively boring, and required the use of a weapon that shot out a foot-long metallic projectile, shaped like a small javelin. The work was somewhat frightening if the worms spotted you in an open area, as they could rush toward you at a decent walking speed and were quite deadly if they got close.

Our Interstellar Community

Jacob said there are approximately five to six thousand intelligent civilizations within a thousand-light-year radius from our solar system. He claimed to have personally seen more than four hundred different types of extraterrestrials at a total of about two hundred different off-planet sites. He said some of these ETs were human or humanlike, whereas others were only “hominid,” meaning they had a head, a face, and a body with arms and legs that walked upright, but could otherwise look very different. Every type of life we see on Earth has evolved into intelligent hominid forms on various planets. On planets that are predominantly oceanic, hominids will evolve out of any of a variety of aquatic creatures we see on Earth. One type he personally interacted with had a head that looked like a sturgeon, with eyes on the side and an elongated snout filled with sharp teeth. Another group visited the Dogon tribe in Mali, and had all-black eyes, bony projections where the eyebrows would be, and strange limbs that moved almost like jellyfish as they walked.

There are a variety of insectoid hominids, including people who look like ants and others who look like grasshoppers or praying mantises. When I brought this information back to Pete, he confirmed that he had interacted with a grasshopper-type being at a base in Antarctica called Ice Station Zebra. This same term was “hidden out in the open” in the title of a 1963 novel and later movie that was based on an event in 1959, in which Russians captured a US satellite that had downed in the Arctic. Real code names are often released like this so that if anyone talks, they are simply accused of copying ideas from movies. Pete said the most difficult part of talking to this being was its mouth, as it had three mandibles on each side that would open and close. He said it is common to feel physically nauseated when you meet such an unusual-looking entity. When Pete revealed this to the being, it said, “How do you think I feel talking to you?” The being would deliberately put its head down when it laughed so Pete wouldn’t see all the mandibles open up.

I took some of the specific details of what Pete said about Ice Station Zebra and reported them back to Jacob, who then filled in more of what Pete had said without me even having to say it out loud. This type of common knowledge between insiders was a routine occurrence. Jacob also indicated that there were several different types of reptilian humanoids, and that they are the biggest troublemakers. Pete, William Tompkins, and Corey Goode independently confirmed this, and I will discuss them in a later chapter.

How Many People Know?

I also got to see Jacob interact with other insiders, including the late Bob Dean, who was arguably the most well-loved Project Camelot witness.133 Bob Dean reminded me of a wise, crusty old sailor from a Hemingway novel, complete with the cigar. Dean was greatly surprised when he saw Jacob at a Project Camelot event, and recognized him from the time they served in the space program. They hadn’t seen each other since the 1970s, and I was right there as the first meeting happened. Jacob laughed and told Dean he should come forward and say what he really knows.

Jacob later told me that Dean was very heavily involved in the secret space program and had shared only a small amount of what he really knew with the public. Jacob said there weren’t very many people involved at the highest levels, and everyone knew one another. He told me the core management of the command structure here on Earth consists of only “about fifteen to twenty-five” people, and the exact number is classified. Dean agreed with this approximate number when we spoke.

This was also similar to the number given by the high-ranking Disclosure Project witness Daniel M. Salter, whom I briefly met in 2001. Salter’s book Life with a Cosmos Clearance contains a variety of interesting details that others have verified. Salter went under the pseudonym Dan Morris at the event. In the Disclosure Project briefing document, Salter described one of his jobs as follows: “I would go interview people who claimed they had seen something and try to convince them they hadn’t seen something or that they were hallucinating. Well, if that didn’t work, another team would come in and give all the threats . . . threaten them and their family and so on and so forth. They would be in charge of discrediting them, making them look foolish. . . . Now if that didn’t work, then there was another team that put an end to that problem, one way or another.” Salter’s full testimony begins on page 268 of the full briefing document.134

Bruce just called me while I was writing this section. I asked him how many people currently living on the surface of the Earth have any decent idea of what is going on in the space program, apart from individual compartments. He said there are “about three thousand” of them living here. About four hundred to five hundred of the members of this group are visible in the public eye and the rest are largely unknown. None of these visible people include elected leaders or celebrities. When I asked him how many people actually manage the group at its core, he revealed that this is where the infamous “Committee of 300” comes in.135 This group is also known as “the Olympians,” indicating that they see themselves as gods. The Olympians were allegedly founded by the British aristocracy in 1727.136

Walter Rathenau leaked the secret of this group in a statement from 1909: “Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, direct the economic destiny of the continent and choose their successors from their area.”137 In 1921, Rathenau disputed charges of anti-Semitism by saying these people were business leaders, not Jews.138 When I asked Bruce how many people within this three hundred were visible in the public eye, he said it was only about a third. He also said they are run by a core council of thirty-three, which is probably where the “fifteen to twenty-five” figure came from. “The real secret hardly anyone realizes is that three hundred thirty-three people control the Cabal, and that number has key symbolic significance for them.” He didn’t need to say that three hundred thirty-three was half of six hundred sixty-six, as by that point it was obvious. As he said so many times, “It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not. This is their religion and they take it very seriously. Anyone else who tries to study this is reading other people’s mail. You’re never going to fully understand what you see in those letters unless you are directly involved in the conversation. And who would want to be?”

Portals and Cosmic Events

Bob Dean said he wanted to tell me everything he knew. Sadly, I never got the chance to hear his full testimony before he died. However, I did ask him what it was like to travel through the modern stargate system, where you can be teleported even across far distances instantaneously. He said it was remarkably advanced, and the moment itself was quite easy to miss. You would feel something akin to a sudden, full-body energetic shock, but it wasn’t painful and lasted only a split second. One time he was reaching down for a briefcase and didn’t even feel it. Dean disclosed the existence of portal systems in a Project Camelot interview from 2010.

I was one of [the first insiders] who revealed the information that we have a portal of sorts . . . located at 14 levels below-ground at S4. A Naval Lieutenant Commander told me. He said: “I was ordered to put on my summer uniform, pack my bags and get my briefcase.” He was ordered to go to this facility, . . . S4, on the other side of the mountain at Papoose Lake. And he said: “Why are you asking me to put on a summer uniform when it’s cold as hell here?” Even in Las Vegas it was cold. And they said: “Just do what you’re told. Put on a summer uniform, pack your bag and show up here.” They took him to S4, [and] went down the elevator to three different levels. He had a red card, a blue card, and a green card. At the bottom of the facility, 14 levels below ground—it’s like taking a 14-story building and burying it—at the bottom he got through the door and there sits a GI. I can’t remember whether he said it was Army, Navy, Air Force or what. Doesn’t matter. At that level it doesn’t matter. They said: “Commander, welcome. Come on in.” He walked through this door from the elevator, and the kid said, “Welcome to Pine Gap.” . . .

And the Commander said: “What the hell are you talking about?”

He said: “Sir, you’re in Australia.”

Commander said: “No, we’re in Nevada.”

And the young man said: “Sir, when you just walked through that door, you’re in Australia.”139

Exciting Changes in Our Future

Jacob also told me a similar story. He would travel to off-planet locations in a device that looked like the inside of a train. You could sit down in the seats if you wanted to, but almost as soon as you got in and the doors closed, you would be at your destination and the doors would open again. Jacob revealed that the military-industrial complex was involved in elaborate trade with a wide variety of intelligent civilizations and used these portal systems to travel from place to place. One of his jobs was “customer relations,” where he would visit various off-world partners to discuss trade agreements. He described meeting certain types of ETs that seemed to share a collective consciousness. In those cases, each person had a very similar personality, which he felt made them lack character. They saw Earth humans as being quite dynamic and emotional, and really did not understand us at all.

Jacob knew about the Seeker that had come into our solar system in the 1980s. He revealed that it was intercepted by his people and confronted. The people inside said they were peaceful explorers visiting our solar system. Jacob said that in the eyes of the Cabal, “they were a bunch of dickheads and we told them to piss off.” Apparently after this event happened, they left peacefully—but hundreds more Moon-sized objects returned, beginning in the late 1990s. A researcher named Kent Steadman routinely tracked these planet-sized objects zipping around our Sun, using official NASA images from the SOHO space probe. This was an exciting story to follow in my early years on the Internet, and many stunning objects were spotted between 1998 and 2001. I wrote up a decent summary of Steadman’s findings, with animated images, on my website as of August 24, 2015.140 Corey Goode later revealed that at least a hundred more spheres arrived in 2012, and in this case many of them were as large as the planet Jupiter.

Jacob was also well aware that our solar system was moving into a highly charged energetic cloud. He said this would create a massive energetic flash from the Sun, which would propel us into the next level of human evolution. All the way back in 2009, he told me, “The event you are expecting to happen in 2012 is more likely to occur in 2017.” I kept this a secret after he told me, in order to see if anyone else surfaced who said the same thing. Corey Goode later revealed that he was repeatedly given the date range of 2018 to 2023 for this same event in his own training. Jacob also made it clear that within a relatively small number of years after we go through this shift, people will start developing profound ascended abilities. This will include the ability to dynamically change our facial features, like a living tattoo. This was disclosed in the movie The Watchmen. Peterson reported seeing certain human ETs at Area 51 who could levitate a whole group of boxes around themselves and carry on lively conversations while the boxes stayed perfectly still. Many of the ETs visiting us have developed some of the abilities we will gain once we move through this transition.

When I asked Jacob what the single most wonderful-looking place was that he ever visited, he told me he once went to a planet where everything was made out of a luminous, rainbow-colored crystal material. There was a prevailing purple light everywhere. The beauty was staggering, and the feeling of love and peace was almost overwhelming. In order to visit a world like this, it is necessary to jump into an “avatar” body, just like what we saw in James Cameron’s movie of the same title. This technology is regularly used by people at Jacob’s level in the space program.

The “Space Whale”

Jacob also told me that plans are in place for disclosure to occur. There are a variety of treaties and interactions with various extraterrestrial groups, and many of them are insisting that the secrecy come to an end. The ET groups pushing for disclosure very likely include the benevolent “Guardians” who are melting down nuclear warheads, and who portaled out at least twenty-six underground bases between August 2011 and January 2012. I have watched many stunning disclosures appear from NASA since the treaty was signed, and we are about to dive into some of them in the next chapter. However, these articles appear only in bits and pieces, and hardly anyone puts them into a greater mosaic. In this sense, it seems that the Cabal is doing their best to follow their orders, without actually giving these news items the publicity they need to become front-page stories.

In the spring of 2014, Jacob said his people were aware of an extremely large creature that swam in the oceans of Titan (a moon of Saturn), akin to a whale or a manatee. One of these creatures would periodically surface in a particular spot, either to breathe or rest. They were going to release pictures of it into the mainstream media without telling people what it was, but they would give some compelling hints.

I was tremendously surprised to see stories appear about the “magic island” on Titan a couple of months later. On June 22, 2014, Forbes said, “Researchers have spotted an ‘island’ in the middle of [Titan’s] second-largest lake that seems to appear and disappear. . . . Other possibilities proposed by the authors of a paper on the findings published Sunday in the journal Nature Geoscience include sunken solids in the lake becoming buoyant thanks to the onset of warmer temperatures, or gases from the sea floor rising to the surface as bubbles.”141

This story hit the news again on September 30, 2014, thanks to an official NASA press release revealing that it had reappeared:

Mysterious Changing Feature on Saturn’s Moon Titan

The feature’s first sighting was in July 2013, and the radar images depicted a bright spot, which stood out from the dark sea. Scientists were “perplexed” when the feature couldn’t be located with follow-up radar experiments, but they found it again on August 21, 2014. Though the scientists aren’t sure what the feature is, NASA reports that they are “confident” the feature is not a “flaw in their data.” Some of their current explanations for the feature include “surface waves, rising bubbles, floating solids, solids suspended just below the surface, or perhaps something more exotic.” Titan’s hydrocarbon lakes have long been a source of curiosity for scientists who speculate that life may be able to survive on the moon’s surface. “But if life exists on Titan, it would be very different than life on Earth, which is intimately tied to liquid water,” notes.142

It is entirely possible that this is not a genuine life-form, and is only an inorganic solid that rises and falls in cycles. These stories may be disinformation, so they can be discredited if a particular plan needs to be abandoned. The overall value of news items like these is in moving the disclosure narrative forward. Most important, I was told that this story would emerge in the media before it actually did. I shared the information with witnesses in my personal circle before any details emerged in the media. This was very compelling evidence that Jacob was at least in contact with NASA, if nothing else. Even more important, the writers hinted that the “magic island” might be “something more exotic.” Then we were told that life on Titan would be very different from life on Earth.

Jacob revealed that many different stories are being released into the media for use in a future disclosure event. The Cabal always has multiple backup plans for everything. They know there are any number of different ways the whole UFO cover-up could break down. Their goal is to try to control and stage-manage the process as much as possible. If they get their way, we will end up with “partial disclosure,” with the full truth withheld for many years. At the time of this writing, almost everyone agrees that a partial disclosure will be simply impossible for the Cabal to accomplish. Once the truth starts coming out, it will quickly become a massive public quest for information. Any researchers and insiders who were releasing quality data before the cover-up breaks down will become far more interesting to the mainstream, everyday world. For many years now, my dreams have been preparing me for an extremely high level of publicity once this happens. Although it will make my life much more difficult, I also respect how urgent it is for our survival that the truth comes out.

Corey Goode

After Jacob came forward in December 2009, no new insiders with his level of knowledge appeared for the next five years. This was quite a long time to wait, and was somewhat depressing, since I had expected more people who were in the know to emerge. After the Snowden disclosures in 2013, there was a major crackdown on whistle-blowers, and it seemed even less likely that any new insiders would show up. That finally changed when Corey Goode opened up to me in October 2014, after being friends with me online since 2009. As soon as Corey began revealing what he really knew, I was able to validate dozens and dozens of things that others had shared with me. Five or ten of these sorts of correlations could possibly be written off as a coincidence. Once it happens fifty or a hundred different times, on very specific classified subjects I had never publicized, the only logical conclusion is that each of these people has participated in something very real. After investing my entire adult life in an intense study of these classified programs, it is extremely rewarding to find someone who can fill in more of the missing pieces. The story itself is so fantastic, so cosmic and unexpected, that it feels as if a full disclosure event would soon result in ascension—one way or the other.

It didn’t take long to find out that Corey was telling me many things that were considered off-limits, and that Jacob was not authorized to reveal. As an example, I had never fully understood that the Cabal’s main function in the breakaway civilization they have created is in manufacturing and selling extremely advanced technology. As astonishing as this may sound, Corey eventually discovered our military-industrial complex is engaged in regular commerce with nine hundred different civilizations. Money is not used in these deals. Instead, everything is based on trade, which includes the sharing of trained personnel for consultations. New technologies are consistently being brought in, reverse-engineered, and developed.

The military defense contractors are manufacturing a huge variety of products that will absolutely transform life on Earth as we know it, once they are released. We will instantaneously transition into a Star Trek age, with spaceships, teleportation, time travel, anti-gravity, free energy, materializers, and super-advanced healing technologies. The Cabal has been deliberately withholding this technology from us, and did not want to reveal it until they had brought our planet to its knees. They had no intention of allowing this technology to lead to an era of peace and prosperity. Instead, they wanted to use it as a means of furthering their control. Their plan included staging a mass, fake “alien invasion” with their own technology, so we would hand over our sovereignty to an international New World Order they would own and control. They telegraphed this move with literally hundreds of different movies and television shows about alien invasions. Those plans have been completely thwarted by benevolent ETs who want to ensure our ascension is not interrupted.

Corey also had full memories of spending twenty years working out in space, in what amounted to a glorified submarine. His particular program was code-named Solar Warden—the same group that Gary McKinnon learned about when he hacked into the Pentagon. Corey had a boring job and lived in a military-type facility, having a bunk in a common area with a small cubbyhole for his personal belongings. His food came from a materializer that would “print” the meal, and his favorite choice was the pot roast. I had independent confirmation on many technical details of this technology from Pete and Jacob, and the Disclosure Project witness Daniel Salter also spoke about it. Pete and Jacob told me that organic material is needed to print food. Butter was used in the earlier years. Coconut oil is also very effective. Hemp oil seems to provide the most consistent, high-quality results. Pete had printed meals at Area 51 that he said were quite delicious. Corey’s meals were nowhere near the same level of quality as higher-level insiders have access to.

You Are Not Allowed to Shoot the Red Cross Workers

Corey was threatened repeatedly for telling me all this. I also had death threats coming in from multiple sources, urging me to back off or else. Thankfully, there are rules in the universe that prevent you from being tortured or killed as long as you maintain a positive perspective in your thoughts and actions. Jacob was the one who had alerted me to this. The specific wording he used is, “You are not allowed to shoot the Red Cross workers. Those are the Rules.”

Jacob spoke extensively about the Rules, which are cosmic principles that prevent negative acts from happening unless they are authorized by the people of Earth, both individually and collectively. For this same reason, the negative groups have to tell us who they are and what they are doing. This is often called “hiding out in the open.” One of the most obvious examples of this would be the All-Seeing Eye and pyramid symbol on the dollar bill. They put it out there but no one ever talks about it. Most people are taught to laugh about conspiracy theories and ridicule anyone who is a believer. The Cabal has taught us to label any proof of their existence as a “conspiracy theory,” thereby relegating it to an unverifiable and easily discredited idea. However, the minute skeptics run into any real sign of trouble, they are absolutely and completely terrified—just as my parents were when they saw people walking into the unlit house across the street in the middle of the night, without knocking.

Imagination and Will

As bizarre as this must sound, the Cabal is knowingly practicing black magic on a worldwide level. This is one of the great discoveries we are having to make as disclosure unfolds, and is deeply upsetting. The Cabal groups are extremely well aware of the power of our collective consciousness, and they are constantly trying to use it against us. The two main tools they use to do this are imagination and will.

The first stage of this process is to seed our imagination with negative thought-forms, like a nuclear war, an alien invasion, a global economic collapse, a catastrophic natural disaster, martial law, internment camps, a worldwide viral epidemic, a food shortage, a major riot, et cetera. These are only some of the more extreme examples. The next stage is to create traumatizing events that activate the power of our will. Our collective consciousness then charges the thought-forms with power. Their goal is to cause a critical mass of civilians to lose our objectivity and become terrified and furious. In those moments, we are ready for war, and we do not care about who lives or who dies. We only want revenge. If enough of us feel this way, and vote with our will to destroy others indiscriminately, we activate the programs they placed in our imagination. The benevolent ETs who manage our planet are then forced to allow the Cabal to do what they want.

A simple example of this would be gun control. The Cabal plants multiple seeds in our collective imagination, telling us that guns kill people and we need to take all the guns away. Then all the deaths will stop and everyone is safe again. The next step is to stage an atrocity such as a mass shooting, and immediately repeat the same programmed phrases that they seeded our minds with while things were peaceful. If enough people cry out, “Take all the guns away so this will never, ever happen again,” then the Cabal has effectively disarmed the public and removed any threat to their power. Black-market guns become a booming business and armed criminals roam the streets, fearing no one except other criminals or fairly nonexistent police in the inner cities. Furthermore, if the Cabal can take away most people’s guns, it becomes much easier for them to completely conquer a nation, as no one has the means to oppose them. Gun control is a key element of every fascist takeover in modern history. In a 2007 article in the Guardian, Naomi Wolf spells out the ten steps to fascism that she laid out in her book The End of America.

If you look at history, you can see that there is essentially a blueprint for turning an open society into a dictatorship. That blueprint has been used again and again in more and less bloody, more and less terrifying ways. But it is always effective. It is very difficult and arduous to create and sustain a democracy—but history shows that closing one down is much simpler. You simply have to be willing to take the 10 steps. As difficult as this is to contemplate, it is clear, if you are willing to look, that each of these 10 steps has already been initiated today in the United States by the Bush administration.143

The game of the “negative elite” involves turning us against one another, through an endless series of staged events, lies, and manipulations. They want to pit race against race, nation against nation, religion against religion, old against young, parents against children, haves against have-nots, city against country, bosses against workers, teachers against students, military and government against civilians, and gender against gender. They love to see hate blossom in online forums, and in fact actively finance countless thousands of people to spread it. Under the apparent cloak of anonymity, people can easily lose their humanity and be unaware that they are still fully accountable for all their words and actions in the greater spiritual sense.

This Is a Spiritual War

The Cabal is very well aware that this is a spiritual war. In my key ascension dream from high school, the only way I could defeat the government official in the underground base was to “create myself,” and become a fully activated spiritual being. A key part of the Cabal game is to keep us completely ignorant about the fact that we have souls, that there is life after death, that we reincarnate, and that our consciousness has far more power to create reality than we normally recognize. Dreams are treated as brain garbage. ESP is considered a superstitious myth. Religions are the opiate of the people. Extraterrestrials either do not exist or are highly evil. There is no higher power in the universe looking out for our well-being. Ascension is so ridiculous as to be a pathetic joke, where fundamentalist Christians soar up into the air like kites. This is precisely why I wrote The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key—to provide voluminous, irrefutable scientific proof of these concepts. The media actively encourages us to laugh at anyone who believes in a higher power. Paid skeptics arrogantly bash anyone who refuses to accept the official propaganda they are being fed.

People who take a public stand against these groups are invariably going to be targeted with the best defenses the Cabal has to offer. The negative groups will work very hard to corrupt these heroes and lead them into various temptations. The Cabal has a variety of technologies that help them do this, including something called the “Voice of God,” which can introduce thoughts and attempt to nudge you to go against your own spiritual principles. If they can sufficiently influence you to violate your own morals and ethics, they may get proper authorization to damage, nullify, or eliminate you as a target. One of the best ways to do this is through sexual temptation. Lecturing on UFOs, spirituality, and consciousness-raising subjects creates interactions with fans that are the same as what I witnessed happening to rock stars when I was a child. If a public figure can be tricked into taking advantage of people sexually, such as through exploring their options without commitment, the heartbreak this creates can be enough to authorize major attacks against them.

Any type of corruption, such as the control and manipulation of others, can bring down a public figure. Going against your own message in your seemingly private life, such as by ripping people off or other consciously unloving acts, is another sure-fire way to invite serious damage. I have had to live my life with the precision and discipline of an Olympic spiritual athlete in order to avoid being killed or seriously damaged in this quest to reveal the Ascension Mysteries. Even after consciously being aware of the game and practicing the disciplines for twenty years to the best of my ability, I still constantly make mistakes. This causes a variety of upsetting and disruptive events to occur on a routine, everyday basis. I do my best to maintain a positive attitude in the face of any and all adversities. It would be almost impossible to throw a newbie into the type of lifestyle I have to lead in order to stay alive, and expect that person to be able to handle it appropriately. The testing requires every ounce of strength I possess. New challenges constantly appear, and the only way to make them stop would be to abandon the quest.

The Cabal and other such negative groups believe our commonly held spiritual principles are ridiculous and disgusting. They believe we all have a corrupt, manipulative, and evil “human nature,” and the real lesson in the universe is to kill or be killed. Only the strong survive. They are aware that a higher power is enforcing spiritual rules, such as through karma, but they believe this is a corrupt, aggressive, and insane god who only wishes to suppress our freedom. The sad part is that these same Cabal groups infiltrated the major religions and introduced the distortions that they then fight against. This is another example of “playing both sides against the middle.” Then they blame these problems on the original teachers the religions were based on, and accuse them of being corrupt, wicked demons.

If you are aware of the game and do your very best to be a humble, honest, virtuous, and loving person, you will not “authorize” the most damaging events. However, very few people have enough spiritual development to avoid unexpected and unpredictable disruptions. In my own case, these events have been so extreme and ongoing that life feels like an incredibly complex and crazy movie. Significant amounts of damage can be done through identifying your core traumas and mobilizing people and situations that compel you to repeat them. Furthermore, even if you maintain the highest positivity possible, and are excellent at maintaining boundaries in your personal life, you will be subject to incredibly intense harassment and slander online if you fight for the truth. Nonetheless, if you take on the honor and duty of helping others at this critical time, that service may well be the “tipping point” that authorizes your ascension. You may go through a few bumps in the road, but before long you could be hovering right over them.

Full Disclosure

Corey began telling me everything he knew in October 2014, and by February 2015 I had written down the majority of his testimony in a 150-page, single-spaced typewritten document. Almost immediately thereafter, he got pulled back into the secret space program for the first time since 1989, other than a few brief meetings with them in the interim. He was introduced to a man we are now calling Lieutenant Colonel Gonzales, who is part of an alliance that has developed within the secret space program, or SSP. The people in the SSP Alliance do not like what the Cabal is doing and are pushing for full disclosure—including a complete release of all forbidden technologies. We are told that massive data dumps have already been prepared that will leave no doubt to the truth once they are released. I have done my best to provide a rudimentary overview of the information these data dumps will contain in this book, with names and references you can use to advance your own research. The Cabal is fighting like mad to prevent the release of this knowledge, including threatening the use of a worldwide Internet kill switch and planet-killing acts they would never be authorized to complete.

Despite the danger we faced, I trusted in the Rules and ended up interviewing Corey in over a year’s worth of episodes of our show Cosmic Disclosure on the Gaia network. This is an online streaming video service that requires a monthly subscription fee.144 Almost the entire show is Corey answering my brief questions that are based on twenty-three years of gathering insider testimony and doing the research to back it up. We have generated more than enough material to fill a half hour per week for over a year at the time of this writing. I have also done my best to back up Corey’s testimony with proof in Wisdom Teachings, my other weekly show. People consistently remark at how matter-of-fact and businesslike Corey is with everything he says. He gives no indication of lying, and no matter what question I ask him, he has answers that are surprisingly more complex than you would expect.

According to Corey, Hoagland’s top insider Bruce is working in what we will call the military space program. This group is deliberately kept in the dark about much of the deeper information regarding the Secret Space Program, such as what we reviewed in the testimonies of Henry Deacon, Pete Peterson, and Jacob. The military group is told we have never traveled outside our own solar system. They believe all the craft in our airspace belong to various classified programs controlled by humans on Earth, and there are no ETs around us in any recent history. The military space program was apparently created many years ago as a tool for “partial disclosure.” The hope was that if the UFO cover-up ever started to fall apart, as it is now doing, these insiders could be brought forward. All they have known, all their lives, is a certain subset of classified information. They believe they have everything there is to know, and will fight vigorously with any insider who tries to tell them there is more.

I respect Bruce and consider him a friend. I understand that he probably will not believe what Henry Deacon, Jacob, Bob Dean, Pete Peterson, Corey Goode, William Tompkins, and others have said. My goal here is simply to present you with the things I have heard from various insiders, and the connections I have found that link their testimonies together, and let you make up your own mind. Either way, the story that Bruce and others in the military space program have been given is still extremely vast in scope and highly interesting. Even the partial disclosure that was planned to occur would tremendously change life on Earth as we know it, particularly if it came from an official level. In the very final stages of writing this book, Bruce gave me many more details of what he had heard, revealing the full scope of the battle that has taken place in our local area of the galaxy. I then took this information back to Corey and gained a magnificent body of new data that had never made it into our show. In many cases, you have to ask the right questions to trigger people’s memories and obtain the best information.

What you are about to read is a brief reconstruction of the hidden history of our solar system, based on combining what Bruce, Corey, and other sources have now revealed. The full data dumps have incredibly voluminous details about this story that will require years of dedicated effort for even our finest scientific minds to sort through. In future books, lectures, and films I will undoubtedly go into more details about what I have heard, and the data that supports it, than I can cover in this volume. Our cosmic drama is far more ancient, bizarre, and epic than most people would ever imagine could be possible. It also reveals a cosmic battle between good and evil that has been going on for the last 500,000 years. Our story continues with a group that Pete, Bruce, Corey, and other insiders call the Ancient Builder Race.