The Earth formed 4 billion years ago, and cooled down enough for liquid water to appear 3.8 billion years ago. Microbial life showed up almost immediately after the water appeared, which is impossible to explain by Charles Darwin’s theory of random mutation. At the core of every cell, ribosomes access the DNA codes and use these instructions to create proteins, which build all forms of living tissue. In 2014, Dr. Loren Williams, a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology, proved that all life on Earth shares the same original ribosome at its core. He said, “At its core the ribosome is the same everywhere. The ribosome is universal biology. . . . Evolution can add things on, but it can’t change what was already there.”159 This is just another example of the scientific data I presented in The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key, which ultimately reveals that we live in a divine cosmos, programmed to make biological life. All space, time, matter, energy, biological life, and consciousness is the emanation of a single universal seed.
The SSP has very advanced chronometric tools that allow them to calculate when artifacts were first created. Considering the Earth is 4 billion years old, and the universe is over 13 billion years old, it is entirely possible that an advanced civilization could have thrived in our solar system over 2 billion years ago. Apparently the transparent-aluminum material holds up so well that many of these ruins are still standing after all this time—particularly when they were built underground, where they are safe from asteroid and meteorite impacts.
The ancient bases are so well constructed, with such durable materials, that they have been reoccupied again and again by subsequent groups that ventured into our solar system later on. The personnel in our space programs would land their ships on these moons and go inside the hidden rooms, and were stunned by what they saw. Inside there is a glittering wonderland of pyramids, obelisks, Stonehenge-like circles, and buildings made out of transparent aluminum. Still other buildings are made out of precision-carved stone, just as we see at many ancient sites on Earth.
The Ancient Builder Race hollowed out moons when necessary, but they also discovered huge, habitable natural cavities inside moons and solid planets. On Earth, these were often limestone caves with their own water supply. In 2014, Dr. Steven Jacobsen, an associate professor from Northwestern University, revealed that Earth’s interior may hold three times as much water as we see in all the oceans on the surface.160 This is well known to the insider community. Ancient groups were able to drill down and tap this water supply, much like digging a well, and use it to create lush, natural underground environments. A natural biome of light-emitting bacteria forms thick mats along the ceilings of these domes. This provides a low-level source of visible light for the people who live inside. Over generations they develop larger eyes as an adaptive response to this dimmer environment.
Another part of the disclosure process involves NASA revelations of oceans existing within other planets and satellites in our solar system. This now includes huge subsurface oceans on Saturn’s moons Mimas,161 Enceladus,162 and Titan;163 Jupiter’s moons Europa,164 Ganymede,165 and Callisto;166 the dwarf planet Ceres in the asteroid belt;167 Neptune’s moon Triton;168 and Pluto.169 NASA is now telling us some of these subsurface oceans contain more water than our entire supply on Earth. NASA also revealed that Mars had a huge, mile-deep ocean on its surface in its past.170 According to NASA, “Water is found in primitive bodies like comets and asteroids, and dwarf planets like Ceres. The atmospheres and interiors of the four giant planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—are thought to contain enormous quantities of the wet stuff, and their moons and rings have substantial water ice. . . . NASA spacecraft have also found signs of water in permanently shadowed craters on Mercury and our moon.”171
NASA has also revealed that our Sun is the “shared source” of all this water, as the next excerpt indicates. Other stars release water as well, meaning that there are planets and moons with oceans everywhere: “Kepler data confirm that the most common planet sizes are worlds just slightly larger than Earth. Astronomers think many of those worlds could be entirely covered by deep oceans. . . . Every world in our solar system got its water from the same shared source.”172 NASA is also telling us subsurface oceans regularly appear within the interiors of moons and planets. This also makes them ideal spots for building massive underground civilizations.
I was told that there are hundreds of enormous Ancient Builder Race cities under our feet right here on Earth. Many of them are deep underground and remain almost completely unexplored. When our guys send a probe in there, everything is dark, and they see more of the obelisks, pyramids, and stone monuments—sometimes on a vast scale. Entire cities of buildings, capable of sustaining large populations, have been found. There is so much of it that they cannot begin to explore all of it with their current level of staff. The cities nearer to the surface of the Earth have been heavily looted and damaged, but as you go deeper down they become more pristine. In some cases, ancient temperature-control systems have broken down, making it very difficult to explore the deeper ones.
The sheer size and scope of cities we have found suggests that whatever civilization built these ruins must have had a tremendously large population. If they originated on a planet in our solar system that had oceans and a breathable atmosphere at an earlier time in our history, then they somehow managed to avoid a “population bomb.” Instead of being wiped out by natural disasters or an elite bent on depopulation, they spread out and colonized the solar system—and may well have grown to a population numbering in the trillions. They had a strong fondness for building pyramids and obelisks, as their own ruins reveal. They were almost certainly aware of periodic catastrophes in our solar system caused by the blasts of energy the Sun gives off. That could explain why they invariably built their cities underground, and largely avoided the surface except for outposts.
The next interesting thing to know about the Ancient Builder Race is that these people were three times the height of normal human beings. The ruins have rooms in them with chairs, desks, and advanced computer terminals that are built for people who would be about eighteen feet tall. According to Bruce, there is reason to believe that the Ancient Builder Race had a feline-type appearance. Although Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval convincingly argued that the Sphinx was deliberately built in the shape of a lion to pinpoint the Age of Leo, thereby dating the Giza pyramid complex as being more than 12,500 years old, there is apparently more to it than that.
Bruce heard rumors that certain Ancient Builder Race artifacts had been found with images of human faces that had lion-like features. Other, more recent cultures apparently discovered these ruins and created half-human, half-lion images, like the Sphinx, to honor the original “gods.” There is a half-man, half-lion image on the interior of the Temple of Solomon, and it is apparently referenced in the Book of Kings in the Bible. The infamous Face on Mars has a humanlike appearance on the left and a lion-like appearance on the right. The Roman cult of Mithraism is built around the leontocephalus, or the “Lion-Headed God.” In the initiation rites, the priest holds up a small stone statue of a lion and blows fire out of its mouth. Insiders told me this represents the flash of light that the Sun gives off at the end of each cycle, promoting ascension. It is believed that the Ancient Builder Race was well aware of ascension and did their part to help us evolve in that direction. Even in more recent times, we see eighteen-foot-tall blue ETs who have human faces with feline features in the movie Avatar.
The ancient Egyptians and other forgotten cultures also built structures that resembled those of the Ancient Builder Race, such as pyramids, obelisks, domes, and giant monuments. Once they lost the ability to develop transparent aluminum, they continued to build using stone, as we see here on Earth.
Corey’s highest-level insiders tell us the Ancient Builder Race was extremely harmonious and positive. They did not attack other civilizations and were quite happy to expand and explore without causing interference. They knew some very evil forces existed in our galaxy who couldn’t wait to get here and conquer the most valuable real estate in town. As a result, the Ancient Builders created a super-high-end defense system in our solar system to protect the local populations, which probably included their own people. Entire moons were converted into smart weapons that would detect a hostile invasion and blast them apart if they refused to turn around. These systems were so effective that no hostile races dared to enter.
By this point I know what you must be thinking about: the Death Star, which appears and is destroyed in the original Star Wars film, reappears in Return of the Jedi, and shows up again in The Force Awakens. This, again, was apparently by design. I was told by several people in the know that George Lucas was approached, given certain pieces of information, and sworn to secrecy on pain of torture and death, as usual. In this case, the insiders were hoping to fill in more of the details than what we received from Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001. When Star Wars opens up with “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away,” only the first half of that sentence is true. The history we are seeing in Star Wars is our own. Two different insiders even confirmed that the Ancient Builder Race, or some other group after them, built robotic androids that look extremely similar to the gold-colored metallic droid C-3PO. There are countless numbers of these robots that have been found on and inside moons in a deactivated, nonfunctional state.
As I was finalizing this book, I asked Corey if the secret space program had explored neighboring star systems and looked for artifacts. Much to my astonishment, he revealed that transparent aluminum Ancient Builder Race artifacts are found on planets and moons throughout our entire Local Cluster. This includes massive, Death Star–type moons. This created a unified protection grid for all intelligent civilizations living in the Local Cluster. We were free to peacefully explore, meet our neighbors, and be protected from any outside conquerors. Our own warlike human nature screwed it all up and knocked the grid down, but that comes a bit later in our story.
The next important point is that the Ancient Builder Race mysteriously vanished after reaching such a stunning apex of civilization. It is not known within the insider world what happened to them, where they went, or why they left—only that they disappeared. Worst of all, some group that came after them destroyed all traces of who they were. All written, video, and holographic records were removed. Any inscriptions on their artifacts were scraped off. Not a single piece of writing or stored data survived. All we have is this super-impressive treasure trove of artifacts that stand in mute testimony to a staggering mystery.
However, the “Death Star” defense systems continued to protect our Local Cluster for hundreds of millions of years after the Builders left. No outsiders could pass through the quarantine and try to take over. Anyone with malicious intent would be automatically sized up and destroyed by the artificially intelligent, super-advanced computer systems inside the “Death Star” moons.
It does appear that local ET civilizations were allowed to go from star to star and visit our solar system at various times. It also appears that everyone who evolved in our Local Cluster ended up looking a lot like us. Corey came into personal contact with various races of people living inside the Earth, and the oldest of these groups claim to have lived here for 12 to 18 million years. They are all very similar looking to people on the surface, although their eyes are larger. They claim to have evolved naturally on Earth, but based on the material in the Law of One series it does appear that these older groups were immigrants. This is a huge and fascinating subject that we will cover as we go on, once we have filled in more context.
Bruce also revealed that Earth’s Moon is the crown jewel of ancient technology in our solar system. We now know that the entire interior of our Moon was hollowed out to build a vast internal civilization. Our space program used advanced sensing equipment to determine that there is a twenty- to fifty-mile-deep area of artificial structures inside the Moon. This is not just one big cavern with a gigantic ceiling—it is divided into many different levels, much like a hotel. No matter where you go on the Moon’s surface, if you dig down far enough you will hit this artificial region. Even more surprisingly, there are up to ten thousand different floors inside this artificial region, all the way around the entire interior of the Moon. In a fifty-mile-deep area, this would add up to 26.4-foot-tall ceilings per floor. If the original Ancient Builders were about eighteen feet tall, this would give them another eight feet of headroom on each level, so it wouldn’t feel as cramped.
Bruce’s people also concluded that when our Moon was first built, it could easily be driven from one star system to another. Local portals are large enough to allow it to zip around when the doors open. The Moon also had its own defense system to fight off any enemy attacks that may have occurred. Corey had several different insiders refer to our Moon as an “ark.” Much like the story of Noah’s Ark in the Bible, apparently our Moon can be loaded up with vast numbers of plants, animals, and people. If a planet is in trouble, there is enough room in those ten thousand levels to convey everyone and everything to safety. Undoubtedly some of the levels are vast aquariums that can transport marine life. Other areas are huge greenhouses that can carry trees and other plants, as well as providing a comfortable home for all different types of bacteria, insects, reptiles, birds, and animals, as well as people. If the people running the ark do not wish to be seen, due to “rules” that prevent the breaking of free will, for example, they could live on certain levels that are normally inaccessible to the people in the rescue zones.
In 2014, Bruce told me that the Moon was transferred to Earth after the destruction of another planet in our solar system that became the asteroid belt. When we spoke again as I was finishing this book, he revealed that this was only one of two theories in the space program, and has largely been discredited. There is far more evidence that the Moon was parked in its current position 60 million years ago. This theory also concluded that a protoplanet had exploded in our solar system long ago, and debris from this protoplanet was what killed off the dinosaurs 62 million years ago. It is unknown whether Earth was hit in the immediate aftermath of the explosion or whether it was struck by debris that had been around for quite some time.
When we combine the Law of One data with intuitive information that I received in 1996, as well as what Corey’s insiders have told him, it appears that the dinosaurs were deliberately wiped out by benevolent ETs. An aggressive, dangerous reptilian species known as the raptors had evolved into intelligent creatures, and some of them still live inside the Earth today. They still look exactly like dinosaurs, with a wispy plume of feathers down the back of their heads. It may seem hard to understand how any benevolent beings could wipe out a certain era of life on a given planet. We do know that catastrophes occur in cycles. We also now have evidence that “arks” are used to rescue life from these events. Super-advanced benevolent ETs often refer to themselves as “gardeners,” in that they will support and promote life that is beneficial to the cosmos and weed out life that is harmful and destructive. This is the exercising of the law of karma on a vast scale. The Bible refers to this in the Book of Matthew with the metaphor of harvest. Positive, loving people are compared to wheat, and negative, destructive entities are referred to as weeds that are allowed to grow together with the wheat—until the harvest time. Then the weeds are plucked out, one by one. We will review this data in the last chapter.
Insiders also tell us the Moon was like a broken-down old car by the time it was brought here 60 million years ago. It may well have been very ancient and thoroughly well used by the time it arrived here. The insiders believe that once it was parked around the Earth, it no longer had the ability to travel outside the solar system. It could make only local trips. More recent damage from wars and catastrophes caused its propulsion systems to break down completely.
In William Tompkins’s book Selected By Extraterrestrials, he describes a telepathic vision he received while working at Douglas Aircraft, a defense contractor, on classified aerospace projects in 1952.
The Moon . . . [is] a station . . . an alien Naval operating facility. . . . Aliens towed it here in a pickup from another sector of the Galaxy. . . . It’s filled with massive cities. . . . There are thousands of structures in there, massive open areas. Thousands of entities, [looking like they are living inside of] beehives, like transparent buildings. Hundreds of control centers, millions of laboratories. Military research, medical.173
Tompkins later encountered briefing materials from classified scientific studies that confirmed his visions. In our private conversation from April 23, 2016, Tompkins said the following and gave me permission to use it in this book:
The Moon is . . . a vehicle. It’s full of rooms, buildings, elevators, control centers, power systems, military equipment, commercial equipment. It is a massive operating center, like a massive naval or military base. . . . We’re mistaken about everything associated with our Moon. It’s not only not ours, it doesn’t even belong to one specific ET group. There are several groups operating it. . . . It has everything that you would normally have at a base here except it is so much more advanced we don’t even understand it. You have a facility that other people have been using for thousands and thousands of years. Then they evacuated it and somebody else picked it up and put their stuff in it.
It’s not a new one. It’s very, very old. We think of it as a different vehicle or as a different planet. This one happens to be very, very important, far more than this planet is, because it is a [military] command center. You and I are living in a laboratory that this command center has as one of the areas that it controls. We have to get to the point that we can view everything around us in a different manner, because literally everything around us that we have been knowledgeable of is incorrect. Out-and-out lies, specifically to control us, give us the wrong information, and be able to monitor us and control us. And this goes all the way back through history. It’s not just [that the power groups are lying to us about our real] history, it’s mathematics, it’s food, it’s everything. We’re not eating the right food. And they know it! All of this is to keep us from getting smart enough that we can develop the capability to get out into the galaxy.174
NASA released a stunning confirmation of this insider testimony in 2014. When we look up and see the “Man on the Moon,” that face is caused by a series of large, flat areas known as mares, or seas. If you tilt the Moon slightly down, creating a view we normally cannot see on Earth, you discover that these darker-colored areas all form a gigantic square. Perfect geometric structures should not appear on a supposedly natural object, particularly at such an incredibly enormous scale. NASA claimed they only recently discovered this structure through measuring micro-gravitational fluctuations. It is more likely that this was another “authorized” release to prepare us for an eventual disclosure of the Ancient Builder Race, and the hidden cosmic history of our solar system.
Massive Square on the Surface of the Moon, Suggesting the Presence of a Gigantic Internal Civilization Built with Hyper-advanced Technology. Visible View (L), Topography (M), and GRAIL Gravity Gradients (R)
As we head into the next chapter, we will finally learn how this Edenic paradise was destroyed by aggressive, warlike behavior. There is every indication that the Cabal are the direct genetic descendants of the people who caused these problems. Furthermore, they have managed to keep surviving records of their entire cosmic history in the Vatican library—as amazing as that may sound. Extremely ancient books were found in the Sahara Desert by the Egyptian priesthood, and were eventually stored in the Vatican. We are only now on the verge of rectifying all the damage these wars have caused us—beginning some 500,000 years ago.