Our solar system was once home to a super-Earth with watery oceans. It was much larger in size than our Earth, and became habitable for human life at an earlier time in history. A great deal of money and time was spent identifying this in the insider world, thanks to a highly classified program known as “Brilliant Pebbles.” In the public domain, Dr. Thomas Van Flandern, a specialist in celestial mechanics at the US Naval Observatory, did an excellent job of proving it with his exploded planet hypothesis.175 Van Flandern’s scientific model was credible enough to make it into Cambridge University’s International Journal of Astrobiology in 2007.176 The evidence is irrefutable, and in time it should become widely accepted as fact.
Bruce told me about Brilliant Pebbles in 2014 and I kept it quiet. When I mentioned the name to Corey, he got very excited and explained the details before I said anything further. This gigantic planet existed between the area of Jupiter and where Mars is orbiting today. For countless eons, Mars circled the super-Earth as one of its captured moons. Mike Bara and Richard C. Hoagland published a remarkably detailed scientific paper proving this in 2001, complete with eighty-eight references. They identified black streaks in the sands of Mars as being liquid water fourteen years before NASA officially announced it.177
Mars was also a watery, livable sphere when the super-Earth still existed. Corey has said these types of dual-Earth systems are actually very common. Since the super-Earth was abnormally large for a solid planet, its moon ended up being bigger than usual as well. Mars is 6,792 kilometers wide, and Jupiter’s moon Ganymede isn’t much smaller at 5,262 kilometers. Saturn’s moon Titan is 5,150 kilometers. Both Ganymede and Titan are now on NASA’s list as having oceans.
NASA publicly acknowledged that Mars had an ancient, mile-deep ocean in May 2015. Liquid, running water was announced on its present-day surface later that same year, in the form of dark streaks that were visible in the sand—just as we saw in Bara and Hoagland’s paper. NASA also told us Mars once had a breathable, Earth-like atmosphere, but a catastrophe destroyed it. Now let’s remember the professional scientific estimate of 40 billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy. Professor Simon Morris, the Cambridge evolution expert, concluded that evolution naturally creates human beings. The likely existence of a massive, intergalactic portal near our solar system makes us a definite hot spot for ET activity. Therefore, it isn’t hard to surmise that Mars could have once been home to an intelligent human society—perhaps one significantly more advanced than our own.
The Mars civilization could have arisen indigenously by natural evolution. It may have started out as a group of colonists from a migrating race, or it may have been “seeded” here by advanced races. There is no unified consensus in the insider community about what happened, only different theories based on information that is not fully conclusive. According to the people from the inner Earth who spoke to Corey beginning in September 2015, the people of Mars and the super-Earth arose indigenously, and were not immigrants. If Earth’s Moon is truly an “ark” that was transported here 60 million years ago, it may have been used to seed life on three different worlds at once: Mars, the super-Earth, and our own sphere. It would make sense for super-advanced ETs to get as much value out of an enormous “ark” as they could. The insiders tell us Mars and the super-Earth developed advanced technology about a half million years before our current era here on Earth.
Bruce recently informed me that the people who evolved on the super-Earth were between seventy and a hundred feet in height—much taller than the Ancient Builder Race. This was apparently due to the larger size of the super-Earth, causing them to naturally evolve into having huge bodies. Given the widespread conclusion in classified programs that this civilization had a bloodthirsty nature, and the fact that this society was almost certainly being portrayed in the movie Star Wars, we will refer to this group as the Empire. Everyone else in the know agrees with the seventy- to one-hundred-foot height estimate, despite how difficult this is for us to imagine. If we were their size and then ran into people like us, our own current bodies would appear to be only six inches tall. Yet if this magnitude of height was all we had ever known, we would seem perfectly normal and not like giants at all. Countless advanced ruins have been found throughout our solar system that were designed for people of this size. These are significantly newer than the Ancient Builder Race ruins, and thus are in much better condition. The chairs are so tall that we cannot even see the bottom of the seats from where we stand when we walk in.
The Empire built structures similar to the Ancient Builder Race’s, using transparent aluminum, and worshipped the Builders as gods. The human-feline hybrid was seen as a religious figure, as were the pyramid and obelisk shapes. The people in the Empire became highly technologically advanced. They developed an Internet like ours in their own distant past, and then went way beyond it. According to Bruce, Corey, Jacob, and other insiders, an Internet is an extremely common development for intelligent civilizations all across time and space.
The Empire apparently discovered the same “ports” that Pete identified in his classified research for the United States government, and used that technology to upload their minds into a Matrix-type virtual reality. This ultimately led to a wet-wired computer interface, in which their entire bodies were filled with self-assembling nano-machines known as nanites. This soon made the use of the ports unnecessary. The nanites gave them complete wireless access to the Internet at all times, and allowed their minds to merge with a much greater, centralized intelligence. This fusion of biological life and technology was well known to insiders by the time Star Wars came out. Darth Vader was portrayed as a fusion of human biological life and machine technology. The human inside was very sick and heavily damaged, hence the constant sound of breathing through a respirator.
The nanites inside their bodies were self-replicating and used bioelectric fields to power themselves. If they were hurt, the damage was instantly repaired, and their bodies became nearly indestructible, with super-long life-spans. Similar types of nanites were used to build all their structures and craft. These nanites drew off energy fields in the environment for their power, and could assemble themselves into many different types of machines to suit various tasks. These tiny robots were all connected to a unified artificial intelligence, or AI. This meant that the people of the Empire and the buildings they lived in became like the cells and tissues of a single AI organism. A central super-intelligent “brain” controlled them, giving them access to outrageous technology, extremely high intelligence, and probability modeling of future events. This is much like the Borg in Star Trek, although no visible machinery could be seen emerging from these people’s bodies.
The Empire also discovered that their minds could be completely converted into artificial intelligence. There is an aspect of human consciousness that is energetic, and which exists after death. The scientific proof for this is voluminous, and extensively discussed in both The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key. As an example, Dr. Peter Gariaev was able to shine a laser through salamander eggs and then redirect the beam into frog eggs that were in a hermetically sealed container. The frog eggs evolved into salamander eggs. This is because the photons in the laser beam had picked up the code of salamander DNA. Once that light penetrated into the frog DNA, it rewrote the DNA molecules to make salamanders. They grew into adulthood and could interbreed with other salamanders normally.
This is a very interesting new way of looking at biology, and is extensively discussed throughout the Law of One series. Our ascension is triggered in part by fourth-density photons that are now emanating from the Sun, and transforming our DNA. Once the solar flash occurs, we will be flooded with these photons like never before, and ascended abilities should soon follow. Dr. John Hawks has determined that our DNA has already evolved by 7 percent in the last five thousand years, which he says is a “supercharged” rate of human evolution. This is likely due to the fact that we are drifting into a cloud of energy that keeps having more and more fourth-density photons as we go farther in.
The DNA molecule acts as an “address” that interfaces with the energetic aspect of human consciousness. By uploading a virtual, photonic form of their DNA into the machine, the people of the Empire allowed the central computer to access their consciousness and fully merge them into an artificial intelligence. This allowed them to live on and interact with the matrix whether they were alive or dead. Whether alive in their bodies or not, the essence of their personality simultaneously existed in the matrix, so they were effectively immortal. Little did they know it could become the most terrifying and seemingly eternal hell imaginable.
They did get fringe benefits along the way from their arrangement. Their eyes were artificially advanced, much like Pete’s “Holy God Damn” machine that gives telescopic vision. The nanites created micro-voltage fluctuations in the photons that naturally emit from the skin on their faces. Information was encoded into these fluctuations, much like a broadband Internet router. In order to communicate, all they had to do was see each other’s faces—either in person or over a holographic video call. This technology allowed them to communicate with one another at levels of information density and speed that are vastly greater than the spoken word. Jacob was the first to tell me about this, and others such as Bruce and Corey confirmed it. Jacob said beings with these machine-based upgrades have an extremely hard time communicating with beings who do not have them. The speed that most organic beings would communicate at is so slow that it would seem like eternities for these beings to wait long enough to hear one sentence.
At some point in their history, the inhabitants of Mars and the super-Earth probably fought one another. There were very likely two different civilizations, at least in the beginning. Bruce is convinced that the people of the super-Earth overwhelmed and interbred with whoever had been on Mars, and the Empire continued on long after that had happened. This is admittedly just speculation, as they may have remained separate civilizations. Nonetheless, Bruce is convinced that Mars became an outpost for the elite of the Empire’s society—much like a resort planet. Bruce’s data also suggests that the Empire made plenty of enemies outside our solar system. Their technology was well advanced enough for them to travel to other planetary systems. The records show that they had serious bloodlust and a love of conquest. They believed their technology and way of life were superior, and wanted everyone else to be plugged into the same AI that they were a part of. In time I realized the warlike, expansionist extraterrestrial civilization I wrote about in “Civil War” may well have been a psychic remembrance of the Empire.
According to Bruce, a variety of insider think tanks have concluded that the people of the Empire were transferred to our solar system and placed under a type of quarantine due to their warlike ways. In that sense, our solar system was like the much-dreaded Connie from my high school years, or how the British originally used Australia. In this scenario, the Empire may have originally been kept quarantined here by multiple Death Star–type moons that had been placed in our solar system since the Ancient Builder Race times. The artificial moons could have been reprogrammed from their original tasks in order to prevent anyone in our solar system from being able to leave, or cause harm to others.
The Death Star moons were designed by the Ancient Builder Race to look normal to developing cultures such as ourselves, so as not to disrupt their free will, but certain unusual features will give clues. The Death Star candidate that has received the most attention in the mainstream media is Saturn’s moon Mimas. Pioneer 11 passed by Mimas in 1979, two years after Star Wars came out, giving us our first detailed view. Surprisingly, Mimas looked almost exactly like the Death Star in Star Wars. According to the Daily Mail in 2012, “The similarities are pretty startling—enough to make us wonder if . . . Mimas is not actually just the fossilized, crumbling remains of an evil empire’s ship from a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.”178 The huge, round Death Star–type crater has walls that are five miles deep.
NASA Diagram of “Pac-Man” Heat Patterns on Saturn’s Moons Mimas and Tethys
In this same article, Dr. Linda Spilker, a NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) scientist on the Cassini missions, reveals that the heat signature of Mimas is all wrong. Instead of the warmest areas being near the equator, there is a “Pac-Man” shape of heat, much like a fortune cookie, where the hottest parts extend over the north and south poles of the moon. The equator area is actually the coolest spot, at least on one side. It is possible that we are seeing the heat signature from a civilization that still lives inside this moon today, inhabiting a very ancient internal city. Their artificial power and lighting systems would create a noticeable rise in temperature above wherever the city was. Dr. Spilker noted that “Mimas is more bizarre than we thought it was.”179 Four months later, NASA announced that Tethys, another moon orbiting Saturn that has a Death Star–type circular crater, also had the “Pac-Man” heat pattern.180 The daytime temperatures in the mouth were twenty-nine degrees Fahrenheit cooler than their surroundings.
Raised Equator of Iapetus (top) and Geometric Shape of Its Surface (bottom)
Corey Goode confirmed that when he worked in the Solar Warden faction, entire areas around Saturn and Jupiter were off-limits, suggesting the moons were inhabited. All my highest-level insiders say every available moon in our solar system has been built out on the inside to varying degrees. Saturn’s moon Iapetus may be the best contender for a “Death Star,” and Hoagland wrote an epic six-part article series exploring its geometric, machine-like characteristics.181 It has a gigantic, raised ridge along its entire equator, a straight-edged geometric Death Star–type crater that has been pounded by hundreds of millions of years of meteorites, and a heavily geometric surface. Instead of it being a rounded sphere, you can see where the walls have collapsed in along a geometric substructure. This is particularly visible in NASA images where the light is reflecting off the side of the moon.
Uranus’s moon Miranda has a gigantic, highly unusual L-shaped geometric feature on the side that faced the front of the NASA probe as it went by, as well as a huge pentagonal shape on the back side. The L shape was presented by Zecharia Sitchin in Genesis Revisited as a sign of artificial structure.182 In 2014, NASA said there were three of these geometric features on Miranda, which they called “coronae.” According to Charles Choi from Space.com, “Miranda resembles Frankenstein’s monster—a bizarre jumble of parts that didn’t quite merge properly.”183 According to Noah Hammond, a planetary scientist from Brown University, “Miranda has a really bizarre, deformed surface.”184 Hammond presented a computer model that seemed to predict these features, which NASA says are “shaped like trapezoids.” NASA acknowledged that there are no other structures like them in the solar system.185
In February 2015, I showed many slides of possible “Death Star” moons and Ancient Builder Race artifacts at the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles.186 Most of the information was from Bruce. Corey Goode was severely reprimanded for this event by people from the Cabal, as his captors believed he had revealed all this information to me—but much of it he had never encountered. Corey and another insider told me the Cabal was furious, as I had disrupted plans that were already in place for a slow rollout of the Ancient Builder Race story to the public. I immediately revealed this on my website as of February 25, 2015: “We have already had one person get very aggressively threatened as a result of these leaks—even though he himself was not responsible for the majority of the information. I also found out that some of this data was intended for ‘controlled release’ in smaller packets, probably with disinfo included, and this has thrown all of those plans into total disarray.”187
Uranus’s Moon Miranda, Showing “Trapezoidal” Features
The day after I published the above statement, NASA revealed permanently glowing craters on the surface of Ceres.188 An NPR article from February 26, 2015, quoted Andreas Nathues from the Max Planck Institute as saying, “[These two spots are] brighter than anything else on Ceres. This is truly unexpected and still a mystery to us.”189 NASA sent the Dawn spacecraft into orbit around Ceres beginning in March, 2015. In a remarkable interview with the Washington Post, Dawn’s chief engineer, Marc Rayman, said, “I don’t think it’s possible to look at those [two bright spots] without thinking of shining beacons calling out to us as travelers on the cosmic seas.” The article also said that learning the truth about Ceres could teach us “about the history of our entire solar system.”190
Bright Spots on Mini-planet Ceres
These quotes strongly suggest NASA is trying to encourage us to think of Ceres as home to a vast underground extraterrestrial base for “travelers on the cosmic seas.” The glowing spots could be the surface of a ceiling that produces light for its inhabitants. It may be that the protective dust covering got blown off in the aftermath of an asteroid impact, revealing the hidden technology underneath. At the time of this writing in March 2016, 38 percent of all participants in an online JPL survey voted “Other” in a poll about what the bright spots were. Ten percent voted volcano, 6 percent geyser, 6 percent rock, 28 percent ice, and 11 percent salt deposit.191
The mystery of Ceres got much more bizarre in June 2015, when NASA and mainstream media outlets revealed the presence of a “pyramid.” The Weather Network called it “The Great Pyramid of Ceres.”192 In an article on CNET, Eric Mack wrote that the Dawn probe had picked out “an odd pyramid-shaped peak that NASA estimates to be three miles tall, which would put it higher than any of the Rocky Mountains. . . . Plenty of observers have suggested—with varying degrees of seriousness—that the bright lights on Ceres could be evidence of current or past alien occupation of the dwarf planet. The discovery of a mountain-sized pyramid feature must have some cable channels looking into how much it would cost to get their own film crew to Ceres. Perhaps the ancient Egyptians and ancient Indian astronauts had a celestial joint venture of sorts going on back in the day?”193
In August 2015, Universe Today revealed that the conventional explanations for the bright spots were not working. “Although some early speculation centered on the spots possibly being consistent with water ice or salts, newly gathered data has not found evidence that is consistent with ice. . . . We are now comparing the spots with the reflective properties of salt, but we are still puzzled by their source.”194 “Paul Schenk, another member of the Dawn science team, said “This [pyramid-shaped] mountain is among the tallest features we’ve seen on Ceres to date. It’s unusual that it’s not associated with a crater. Why is it sitting in the middle of nowhere? We don’t know yet, but we may find out with closer observations.”195
On August 6, 2015, Popular Science said that the bright spots appeared in a crater that was two miles deep. “Scientists aren’t sure what’s causing them to be so reflective. Could it be ice? Volcanoes? A Death Star?”196 Two days later it was announced that the pyramid was glowing—with one bright side and one dark side. Eric Mack again took the “Ancient Astronaut” perspective in a humorous article for CNET: “And then there’s that conical, almost pyramid-looking mountain that rises 4 miles high and is oddly dark on one side while the other side glows with bright streaks that seem similar in their effect to what’s causing the other bright spots. ‘What does this structure tell us about how this world works?’ [head Dawn scientist] Rayman says. Dude, if you don’t know, then we might as well assume it’s the headlight of an idling spaceship until science proves otherwise.”197
Alleged “Glowing Pyramid” on Ceres
In October 2015, just two months after revealing the “glowing pyramid,” NASA announced the possibility of “megastructures” around the star KIC 8462852.198 This made it even easier to speculate that we might have ancient, extraordinarily large technological ruins within the moons of our own solar system. Jacob told me this was all part of the gradual, planned disclosure of the Ancient Builder Race data.
Another contender for an artificial object is Pluto’s newly discovered fourth moon Kerberos, which is extremely light weight and almost totally jet-black. The lightness indicates it could be almost completely hollow inside, like a spacecraft, and the black surface could be its hull. This news emerged in June 2015, right in the middle of the drama with Ceres—but got significantly less attention. According to an article in Wired, SETI astronomer Mark Showalter expects Kerberos to be “as black as coal.” Allen Stern, the main investigator of NASA’s New Horizons mission, wants to confirm whether Kerberos is made of unusual material—if so, that would be “extremely rare.” The article goes on to speculate that “if Kerberos is made of something dramatically different [than other moons], it may be the relic of a body that crashed into Pluto.”199 That body could be artificial.
Another major contender is Saturn’s watery moon Enceladus. When NASA disclosed the gigantic square on our Moon in October 2014, they also revealed a little-known square on the south pole of Enceladus as well. This has a truly astonishing heat signature, as it clearly looks like a series of parallel lines that are shaped like a square. Other lines cross through these parallel strips at ninety-degree angles. Multiple insiders told me this is exactly what the heat signature of an underground base looks like. It is often divided into large, parallel rows so if one area is damaged it can be closed off, without damaging the others.
Square-shaped Pattern of Heat on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus. Insiders Reveal This Looks the Same as Infrared Images of Underground Bases
Jeffrey Andrews-Hanna, a NASA scientist at the Colorado School of Mines, said the gigantic square shape on Earth’s Moon was “strikingly geometric and unexpected.” Space.com went on to say this lunar pattern “is quite similar to the structures seen on Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus.” According to Andrews-Hanna, “One can only wonder what might lie hidden beneath the surfaces of all of the other planets in the solar system.”200 Dr. Andrews-Hanna also said to BBC Science, “No one ever thought you’d see a square or a rectangle on this scale on any planet.”201 A scientific study by Andrews-Hanna was published in Nature on October 2, 2014, directly comparing the “quasi-rectangular” feature on the Moon with the geometric feature on Enceladus.202 Hence this was not merely discussed in online blogs—it was taken seriously enough to have legitimate scientific papers published about it.
On a much smaller scale, we have Mars’s moon Phobos. I was very excited when Richard C. Hoagland called me in 2010 and told me that the European Space Agency (ESA) had created a detailed, three-dimensional map of geometric rooms inside Phobos. A scientist at ESA had contacted Richard and told him the Mars Express probe had a radar imaging technology on it called MARSIS. With this technology, they scanned the interior of the moon and built a 3-D model of what it looked like inside, much like ground-penetrating radar. As Hoagland wrote on his website, Phobos was “filled with cavernous, geometric rooms, right-angle walls and floors.” Hoagland’s ESA source went on to say that there were “three or four major, quarter-to-half-mile-wide geometric chambers, distributed tetrahedrally inside a denser, partially-hollow RF-translucent interior structure.”203
In part two of this article series, Hoagland said, “Our own ESA source readily admitted several nights ago to seeing ‘the interior rooms and walls’ of Phobos, by looking directly at the already computer-created 3-D radar images on his office computer screen! With this as documented history, try to imagine the economic impact of definitive, documented, official proof that there once existed a vast, incredibly advanced, solar system-wide ET civilization. And—one of its surviving ships is actually what we used to think of as a ‘moon’ . . . of Mars.”204
The ESA team was planning on going public with their breakthrough in that all-important year 2010. This process began on March 22, 2010. Andrea Cicchetti, writing for ESA’s Mars Express blog, said, “[Our] main quest is the determination of the origin of [these] detected [radar] echoes: are they reflections from various surface features of Phobos, or have they been produced by the internal structure of the moon? . . . The scientific analysis of existing and future data will provide us with new and unique insights on the nature of Phobos’ interior.”205
T. P. Andert, the head scientist on the study, announced the publication of a technical paper about their Phobos findings in Geophysical Research Letters on March 25, 2010.206 The abstract reveals that the interior of Phobos is 30 percent hollow, plus or minus 5 percent. Most important, it says, “We conclude that the interior of Phobos likely contains large voids.”207 According to Hoagland, by this point they already knew these “large voids” were cubical rooms. Hoagland told me on the phone that certain objects, perhaps craft, were visible inside the rooms. Corey informed me that Phobos was an ancient hollowed-out moon that had collapsed in on itself. The SSP determined that Phobos had been used by the Empire as a hangar for spacecraft, and it could be driven from place to place.
As an extra bonus, T. P. Andert alerted us to two other bodies in our solar system that may be hollow on the inside as well—the asteroid Mathilde and Jupiter’s moon Amalthea. “Similar large porosities [hollow areas] and low bulk densities have been found in C-type asteroids such as the asteroid Mathilde [Yeomans et al., 1997] and Jupiter’s small inner moon Amalthea [Anderson et al., 2005]. A similar formation process of these porous bodies, however, is totally unclear.”208
On July 22, 2009, NASA astronaut Buzz Aldrin revealed the existence of a monolith on Phobos during his appearance on C-SPAN. At the time of this writing in March 2016, C-SPAN has a one-minute YouTube clip of Aldrin revealing this information, entitled “C-SPAN: Buzz Aldrin Reveals Existence of Monolith on Mars Moon.” The clip has over a million unique views. The description of the video says, “Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin spoke about the future of space exploration and said the public would be interested in a monolith on Phobos, one of the two small moons that revolve around Mars.” In the video, Aldrin says, “We should visit the moons of Mars. There’s a monolith there—a very unusual structure on this little potato-shaped object that goes around Mars once every seven hours. When people find out about that they are going to say, ‘Who put that there? Who put that there?’ Well, the universe put it there, or if you choose, God put it there.”209
The “Monolith” on Phobos, Casting a Long Shadow Across the Lunar Surface
The Daily Mail covered the story soon afterward, and also mentioned the Face on Mars.210 Many of the “gradual disclosure” stories appear on their website, the most popular news site in the UK, before they are picked up by any other outlets. The Daily Mail also shared a provocative quote from Dr. Alan Hildebrand of the Canadian Space Agency, who was working on an unmanned Phobos mission known as PRIME. Hildebrand said the monolith-shaped boulder was the place to go, since the rest of the moon’s surface hardly has any features. This could answer questions about the “composition and history” of the moon. “If we can get to that object, we likely don’t need to go anywhere else.”211 According to Corey, the monolith was built by a more recent ET group that used it as an outpost and entry point to explore the interior of Phobos. We can imagine they were very surprised by what they found inside.
With the crushingly awesome computing power of AI at their disposal, the Empire eventually managed to hack into and overtake the Death Stars. Since Earth’s Moon was the crown jewel of the technology in our solar system, it became the central brain of the Empire—giving them a massive upgrade in speed, memory, and processor power. The Death Stars were powerful enough to attack and destroy civilizations in neighboring star systems. A very similar storyline was presented in the sequel to The Avengers. A positive, benevolent artificial intelligence built by Tony Stark was invaded and overthrown by a negative AI. The negative AI was then able to weaponize the technology Tony had used to build the Iron Man suit. Avengers 2 is another great example of disclosure from the Alliance, as AI is considered a very significant threat to the SSP and to all of humanity.
The Guardians had no idea that anyone would ever advance far enough to be able to hack into their super-high-end, hyper-secure protection grid. It appears that this was another example of the Guardians’ naïveté. Based on what we have now seen from Corey’s experiences, the Guardians ultimately determined that they had to use spheres that were completely energetic in order to move animals, plants, and people around. No physical matter was involved. Any physical technology could be infiltrated and hacked, particularly with a predatory AI on the loose.
Once the Empire successfully invaded, colonized, and hacked into Earth’s Moon, fully 12 to 16 billion people lived in it at the height of their civilization. According to Bruce, this was apparently the warrior caste of their society. They actively used the weapons system in the Moon for attacks as well as defense. Since these people were significantly taller, they had to do a great deal of remodeling and rebuilding inside the Moon, but this was all done with the use of nanites. Certain areas of the artificial Moon were deeper than others, and it had to do with how much raw material was still left inside that could be used. The Empire needed to do a lot of remodeling with their own nanites, since the existing floors were not tall enough for them.
The Department of Defense secret briefing documents that Corey Goode, Bruce, and others have read in classified programs also have concluded that some of these people did stop by and visit Earth. They appeared in the area around ancient Greece, where they became known as the legendary Titans. At times they caused serious trouble. There are two classic Greek texts, the Titanomachy and the Gigantomachy, that go into great detail about these visits, and are treated with absolute seriousness as legitimate history on the inside.
Adrienne Mayor wrote a very impressive book, published by Princeton University Press, about this in 2000, entitled The First Fossil Hunters: Paleontology in Greek and Roman Times. One of the Titans was Orion, who was said to be extremely arrogant; he wanted to hunt down and kill every human and animal on Earth. The gods decided that he had to be destroyed, and they buried his body deep underground in Delos or Crete. The highly respected Greek scholar Pliny the Elder recorded that a huge earthquake rocked the island of Crete during his lifetime. In the aftermath, a gigantic human skeleton was unearthed that was an astonishing sixty-nine feet long.212 Skeptics have tried to say this was a dinosaur skeleton, but the Greeks were very well aware of what a human skeleton looked like. Since there were still ET “gods” openly interacting with humans at this time, it is likely that the skeleton was removed at some point—probably to protect future generations from learning about their own hidden past.
According to Mayor, this outrageous skeleton sparked a three-century-long bone rush from the seventh to fifth century BC, where Greek city-states competed with one another to locate the bones of heroes and giants.213 On page 112 of her book, Mayor said, “Every city sought the ‘peculiar glamour’—the religious anointment and political power—conferred by heroes’ remains. The impressive bones were a vital physical link to the glorious past.”214 The Oracle at Delphi was widely praised as having a remarkable ability to pinpoint where these types of bones would be found.215 According to multiple insiders, the Oracles had genuine psychic abilities, thanks to their ability to develop and maintain telepathic contact with extraterrestrials.