The survivors from the Empire migrated to the surface of the Moon 500,000 years ago. They dropped dramatically in height during this time, since they were living on a much smaller body, but they continued to be extremely warlike, aggressive, and negative. From all the intel I have gathered from various sources, including Lieutenant Colonel Gonzales, Bruce, and Pete Peterson, it appears that the entire Moon was hit with a devastating attack approximately 55,000 years ago. It is not clear who did this to the Empire, but it was probably the Draco. Corey said the Moon appears to have been hit with a cluster bomb–type weapon. The glass domes were shattered and immediately depressurized, killing almost everyone inside. It is important to point out that spiritual protection is not given to those on the negative path. Mega-events like these generate karmic balance that prevents these groups from damaging the lives of peaceful civilizations.
Only a very small number of people from the Empire survived in some of their fatally wounded ships. They had just enough energy left to crash-land on Earth. Pete’s intel was that this happened 60,000 years ago. Gonzales’s intel, which appears to be more recent, is that it happened 55,000 years ago. These people became the “fallen angels” you read about in the Book of Genesis. They no longer had the ability to leave the Earth’s orbit. When I put together all the different sources of intel, and make the most educated guess, it appears that these people were twelve- to thirteen-foot-tall giants with elongated skulls. According to Gonzales, they were not well adapted to Earth’s gravity, nor its atmosphere and germs. They were very frail, but were able to use their advanced medical technology to survive.
Their surviving damaged ships allowed them to spread across the Earth. Everywhere they went, they set up control systems and established themselves as gods. Their IQ was many tens of points higher than everyone else’s on Earth, and they were giants. They had advanced technology that allowed them to manufacture all the food they needed with the push of a button. They established a very advanced civilization in what is now the Sahara Desert. According to Bruce, Pete Peterson, Jacob, Corey, and others, there is a huge treasure trove of ruins underneath the Sahara Desert. This includes many different structures built out of giant stone blocks. It also includes a variety of libraries containing their most precious books. These books trace all the way back to the original Empire on Mars and the super-Earth. The highlands of their civilization were in Egypt. The Egyptian priesthood later located the books. Peterson was lucky enough to see some of the books firsthand in the Vatican Library as part of a highly classified US government program. Some had very advanced diagrams of bases, mother ships, and smaller spacecraft. Many were leather-bound and had one solid color on the back and front covers, such as red, blue, or green.
According to Bruce, the Egyptian monuments create an “arrow” that points toward Libya—if you know what you are looking for. Some of the best artifacts are under the sand in Libya. The best artifacts were found at one of the mouths of the Great Man-Made River, which rises up out of the desert from the Nubian Sandstone fossil aquifer system. This river supplies an astonishing six and a half million cubic meters of fresh water per day to Libya, covering a vast distance of 1,750 miles. It is the world’s largest irrigation project, and Gaddafi referred to it as the “Eighth Wonder of the World.” Bruce indicated that this river is a “tapped well” that rises up from the ocean inside the Earth, thus explaining how it seems to appear out of nowhere. Many astonishingly high-tech artifacts have been dug up near one of the mouths of this river, and it is considered the most advanced site of its kind on Earth. This is why top Cabal people worked with Muammar Gaddafi, the leader of Libya from 1969 to 2011, and allowed him to coordinate his own archeological expeditions. This is also apparently why Gaddafi was assassinated, and why his son Faith is now being “held prisoner in a cell the size of a cardboard box.” Faith still knows more than he has revealed to the Cabal, which is why he is still alive at this time.
According to various insiders, the “fallen angel” civilization of giants was utterly destroyed 50,000 years ago. The damage was so extreme that all the lush greenery in the area of the Sahara Desert was overwhelmed and covered in dust. Part of this was the work of their enemies, and part of it was the natural Earth changes that take place every 25,000 years. The survivors suffered a dramatic reduction in their power and scope after this defeat. They were very well aware that the Guardians did this to them, and instead of seeking to reform, they continued to be warlike. Although they had far less technology than in their previous cycle, they gradually rose to become a pyramid-building culture once again,
In January 2014, a perfect pyramid was discovered beneath the ocean off the coast of Portugal. According to an article that announced this, “Portuguese news reported the discovery of a very large underwater pyramid first discovered by Diocleciano Silva between the islands of São Miguel and Terceira in the Azores of Portugal. According to claims, the structure is said to be perfectly squared and oriented by the cardinal points. Current estimates obtained using GPS digital technology put the height at 60 meters with a base of 8000 square meters. . . . The pyramid was found in an area of the mid-Atlantic that has been underwater for about 20,000 years.”240 Of course, the pyramid could have been built well before the time it finally sank. This story was also covered by the International Business Times, which revealed that the pyramid was larger than a football field.241
Similarly, Dr. Semir Osmanagich used radiocarbon dating to prove that the mysterious Pyramid of the Sun in Bosnia is at least 29,000 years old. This pyramid is twice the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza, and is perfectly symmetrical, other than a large buildup of dirt and debris on one side—probably in the aftermath of a major Earth change. Here is a quote from the announcement: “‘Conclusive data at the Bosnian Pyramid site revealed in 2008 and confirmed this year by several independent labs who conducted radiocarbon testing dates the site at 29,400 +/-400 years minimum.’ The radiocarbon dating tests of 29,200 years plus or minus 400 years was done by Radiocarbon Lab from Kiew, Ukraine, on organic material found at the Bosnian Pyramid site.”242
Another cyclical catastrophe took place 25,000 years ago, further knocking the “fallen angels” back. Their level of technology was again reduced, but once more they rose to prominence in the civilization most people call Atlantis. Some of the survivors still had relatively high technology and pyramid-building capabilities, whereas others were isolated and more primitive. This is where the legends become much clearer and easier to identify. In the Book of Enoch, these “fallen angels” are referred to as the Watchers.
The Bible and other related documents appear to present extensive evidence of extraterrestrials on Earth and in our skies. Words that we have always thought we knew, like “God” and “heaven,” might actually mean something entirely different. On the Bible Reality Check website, W. L. Graham writes: “Many otherwise literate students of theology are unaware that the Hebrew writers of the biblical literature communicated their belief in a vast race of extraterrestrial gods whom they called ‘the Elohim.’ . . . While this distinctive plural noun [Elohim] found in the Bible texts some 2,570 times is well-known by scholars to be accurately translated ‘Mighty Ones,’ it is almost always rendered [as the word] ‘God.’ . . . Also noteworthy is a more correct rendering of [the word] ‘heaven’ (Heb. Shameh/shamayim, or Gr. Ouranos) in unambiguous modern terms such as cosmos, universe, or outer space in all biblical passages that refer to the extraterrestrial Elohim. . . . Not only were the Elohim actively involved in earthly conflicts and conquests in the ancient world, but they also engaged in battles of cosmic proportions, ‘star wars’ if you prefer, with alien adversaries who are always portrayed as inherently malevolent.”243
One of the most important ancient scriptures, the Book of Enoch never made it into the Bible. There are hundreds of references to it in the New Testament, including from Jesus, who quotes from it directly. It was lost to the sands of time and only rediscovered by the open Western world when the Scottish traveler Robert Bruce brought back three copies from Abyssinia in 1773, and then Richard Laurence translated it into English as of 1821.
Multiple insiders have confirmed that the governments of this period were often controlled by negative forces and did not want sensitive information to leak out to the public, just like we see now. The first verse is a clue as to why the Book of Enoch might not have made the cut: “The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith [the Elohim] blessed the elect and righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless are to be removed.”
The second and third verses become even more interesting, particularly if we correct “heaven” as “outer space” and “God” as “mighty ones:” “[I am] Enoch, a righteous man whose eyes were opened by the mighty ones. [I] saw the vision of the Holy One in outer space, which the angels showed me. From them I heard everything, and from them I understood—as I saw, not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come.”
How are the “wicked and godless” going to be “removed” in the Book of Enoch? The answer appears right at the beginning, from 1:3–9. Once again, we hear a similar “solar flash” scenario as what appears in many other scriptures and sources we have discussed. Though masculine pronouns are used, this passage ends up referring to a full team of benevolent ETs:
The Holy Great One will come forth from His dwelling, and the eternal God will tread upon the earth . . . and appear in the strength of His might from the heaven of heavens. And all shall be smitten with fear. The Watchers shall quake and great fear and trembling shall seize them unto the ends of the earth. The high mountains shall be shaken, and the high hills shall be made low, and shall melt like wax before the flame. . . . All that is upon the earth shall perish, and there shall be a judgment upon all. But with the righteous He will make peace. . . . Light shall appear unto them, and He will make peace with them. And behold! He cometh with ten thousands of His holy ones to execute judgment upon all, and to destroy all the ungodly.
Who are the “ungodly” and “wicked ones” in the Book of Enoch? We find out that these people were ETs known as the Watchers, who began interbreeding with native Earth humans and creating giants. They had been warned by the Elohim that if they did this, they would be destroyed, but they disobeyed. This next passage is from Enoch 6:1–3. “And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: ‘Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.’”244
In chapter 7, we hear that the Watchers brought civilization to the humans, but eventually turned on them. “And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another’s flesh, and drink the blood. Then the Earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.”245 The benevolent ETs informed the giants that they were going to be wiped out for what they had done. The giants then used Enoch to beg for forgiveness, but they were denied.
This narrative continues in 15:3–10, as the Elohim turn down the Watchers’ request to be spared the effects of a planet-wide catastrophe: “Wherefore have ye left the high, holy, and eternal universe, and lain with women, and defiled yourselves with the daughters of men and taken to yourselves wives, and done like the children of earth, and begotten giants [as your] sons? . . . You were formerly spiritual, living the eternal life, and immortal for all generations of the world. And therefore I have not appointed wives for you; for as for the spiritual ones of the heaven, in outer space is their dwelling. And now, the giants, who are produced from the spirits and flesh, shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling. Evil spirits have proceeded from their bodies; because they are born from men and from the holy Watchers is their beginning and primal origin.”
The book reveals that the giants were wiped out in an epic flood, but also indicates that some survived. A future event, which is referred to as “the day of the consummation,” would finish the job—and in context it sounds like the epic solar flash.
From the days of the slaughter and destruction and death of the giants, from the souls of whose flesh the spirits, having gone forth, shall destroy without incurring judgment—thus shall they destroy until the day of the consummation, the great judgment in which the age shall be consummated, over the Watchers and the godless, yea, shall be wholly consummated. (16:1–2)
Just as the Book of Enoch indicated, giants from this civilization did survive all over the Earth after the epic Atlantean flood. They were often reduced to a primitive level, such as in the Americas. They continued to build mounds, even if only out of dirt, to commemorate their ancient legacy. There is an incredible amount of excellent research to be done on the widespread presence of giant humans throughout the world. Jim Vieria has identified fully one thousand, five hundred different newspaper reports of these findings within credible sources such as the New York Times. Let’s now read an excerpt from a description of a conference featuring Jim Vieria and Hugh Newman that took place in November 2015, as their research is very impressive and verifiable.
For a long time, it was thought giants were just part of folklore, but recent research into old documents, newspapers, journals, first hand reports, and old photos now suggest that these may have been a reality. It is the discoveries in the mounds and megalithic sites of North America that have created a huge controversy, because there are at least 1500 reports of a giant race, some with double rows of teeth, horned skulls, powerful jaws, and elongated craniums, who ruled the continent since at least 7,000 BC. They were mostly found in ancient mounds and have been reported as going up to a staggering 18 feet tall. Often they have strange bronze armour, red and blonde hair, unusual skulls and a physique suggesting that some of them may not be native to North America. Most reports range the heights between 7 ft and 12 ft, but it still doesn’t answer the question of why this part of history has been so meticulously covered up.246
From New England, to Miami, Ohio and California, these giant skeletons have been dug up in the thousands, yet when the Smithsonian Institution got involved they mysteriously vanished. The Native American NAGPRA Act of 1990 removed the final bones from museum displays, so there is now little evidence to go on, but the reports, photos, excavations and eye-witness accounts—even from Abraham Lincoln and other luminaries—suggest that the history books are on the verge of being rewritten.247
I have seen only one example of a skull with horns, and I am not convinced of its authenticity. The double sets of teeth are far more common. Many of these skulls were large enough that you could slip them over your head. There are several excellent books on giants that are jam-packed with research. It is outside the scope of this book to review most of that data. I found Patrick Chouinard’s Lost Race of the Giants useful. Originally I intended this book to just be research based, until I had a variety of dreams urging me to cover the personal side of things in detail. This is truly the core of the ascension process, and without that spiritual side of things, the information itself is not necessarily going to connect with the heart. Ascension is not a myth—it is a very real process that is extensively predicted both in a wide variety of ancient cultures as well as in the research of insiders from the secret space program.
Chouinard shares legends from other cultures that are remarkably similar to the Book of Enoch’s message. Here is a quote from page 129 of his book. “According to Aztec myth, during the first age, or Sun, the gods Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca created a race of giants from ashes, giving them acorns for nourishment. But the giants so enraged the gods due to their wickedness that the gods decided to end the giants’ existence and sent the jaguars to destroy them. Only seven survived the onslaught of the savage beasts.”248
Chouinard also quotes from Lucy Thompson’s 1916 book, To The American Indian, in which she discusses her memories as a member of a Native American tribe living near the Klamath River known as the Yurok. An indigenous white-skinned group of giants known as the Wa-gas were already there when the Yurok arrived. In this case, as in other examples of surviving giants, they had become peaceful and did not try to hurt or cannibalize others. According to Thompson, “The recollections transmitted by the Wa-gas were that these giants were very cruel and wicked. It was said that God became displeased with them and destroyed them and they all perished from the earth.”249
When you do your research, you find out that giants continued to live on Earth up until as late as the 1800s. Many of them had not reformed and turned on the native people and were cannibalistic. According to Bruce, many Native American tribes banded together in their struggle to defend themselves against the giants. Lewis and Clark encountered giants on their historic exploration of America, which was well documented in Paul Schrag and Xaviant Haze’s The Suppressed History of America. The amount of information to share and reveal about giants is so robust that I could easily write another book just focusing on that part of the story. The legends and discoveries are truly worldwide.
Jacob revealed that the Cabal has been extremely focused on eliminating all evidence of giants from the public. The Smithsonian Institution was frequently used for this purpose in the 1800s and on into the 1900s. Their tactics used to include destroying any skeletons that were found, such as by dumping them out at sea. Now they are considered precious relics of the ancestors of the Cabal, and are kept preserved. Anyone who finds these types of skeletons or artifacts will be immediately contacted and “strongly encouraged” not to go public.
The next mystery in this story is that apparently some descendants of the giants retained the elongated skull, but decreased in height to conventional human levels. Jacob indicated there are still people like this living on Earth, and they are concentrated in the Vatican. Pete revealed very similar information. The World Bank whistle-blower Karen Hudes recently came forward and said the same thing, based on information she had from an insider. She refers to this group as “Homo Capensis,” and her sources told her these people are running the Cabal.
There is a second species on this planet. They are not extraterrestrials. . . . The remnants of their civilizations are all over the place. . . . This group has large brains. They are very distinct from Homo Sapiens. . . . One of the places they’ve been hiding is in the Vatican. That’s why the Vatican are wearing those miters. That’s also what the high priests wore in the early beginnings of Judaism. Moses was actually Akenhaten, who was a pharaoh. They know this because the papyri that was taken from one of the pyramids talks about this. The people who are doing archeology in Israel know this. . . .250
Not only is Homo Capensis trying to keep human beings under control by divide and conquer, using our money system, they’ve also been doing this with our religions. . . . I sent an email to a fellow in Portugal, and the next day he went to a meeting of bankers. He sent me back an email saying that at that meeting, there had been a big-skulled individual with bright blue eyes. . . . Their skulls are all over the planet. It’s not a conspiracy theory. Just because this group likes to hide, and likes to accuse people of having conspiracy theories, doesn’t make these facts wrong. They are facts!251
This may sound impossible to fathom, but as I did the research for this book, I found multiple examples of graves where elites with elongated skulls were buried. This first story appeared in November 2013: “The skeleton of an ancient aristocratic woman whose head was warped into a deformed, pointy shape has been unearthed in a necropolis in France. . . . [Philippe Lefranc, an archeologist, said,] ‘In France, Germany and eastern Europe, these deformed skulls appear in tombs rich in objects.’252 Brien Foerster has found many elongated skulls in Peru, some still with long hair on them.”253 254
Another “conehead” skull was unearthed in Russia and covered on Russia Today:
Archeologists are puzzled over the ancient remains of a woman discovered on a site near Chelyabinsk, a Russian city to the east of the Ural Mountains. The approximately 2,000 year old skeleton boasts an oddly shaped skull. The “conehead” skeleton of a woman from the Sarmati tribe, unearthed at the archaeological site of Arkaim, a 4,000-year-old settlement, has totally thrilled UFO hunters. . . . Arkaim, situated in Russia’s Southern Urals, is often compared to England’s Stonehenge because it was also used for star observations. The Russian observatory, however, is said to have been more technologically advanced and have more favorable conditions for astronomical observation.255
Elongated skulls were also found at a dig in Omsk, Siberia. Their appearance disturbed the workers so much that some of them cried and many refused to work, feeling terrified. According to the Russian media source ITN, “Scholars at the Omsk Museum of History and Culture have no conclusive answer as to the origins of these skulls, which were found in burial mounds that are believed to date from the 4th century A.D. Because of the skulls’ bizarre shape they do not show them to the public, fearing that people might be too shocked. ‘This really shocked and even frightened people. Because the skull’s shape was unusual for a human,’ said Igor Skandakov, director of the Omsk Museum of History and Culture.”256
In The Source Field Investigations, I covered the 2009 Discover magazine article that revealed the same skulls in Boskop, South Africa. Many of the articles covering these modern elongated skulls try to blame them all on head-binding. The Discover article openly acknowledges that these skulls have a much larger brain capacity, indicating even the most average of these people would have an IQ of 150. “Two neuroscientists say that a now-extinct race of humans had big eyes, child-like faces, and an average intelligence of around 150, making them geniuses among Homo sapiens.”257
Another tantalizing clue can be found in surviving photographs of Prince Leonello and Princess D’Este, both fourteenth-century Italian nobility. Surviving images of both people clearly indicate that they had elongated skulls. Research on the House of Este reveals that the descendants of this Italian group, which had high-level political ties to the Vatican, are spread throughout European nobility.258 Their relatives include all British monarchs since George I, a variety of earlier British consorts, and the royal families of Norway, Sweden, Spain, and Denmark.259 Even more surprisingly, a 1988 article in the New York Times revealed that out of forty American presidents at the time, thirteen had a direct connection to European royalty.260 In 2012, BridgeAnne d’Avignon, a twelve-year-old girl, connected forty-two out of forty-three American presidents to one single shared ancestor: King John of England.261 John was an influential figure who signed the Magna Carta in 1215—the original cornerstone of the British constitution.262
It is well known to Pete, Corey, and Jacob, among others, that a small number of people with elongated skulls are still alive on Earth today. At times they have warred with the Draco and at other times they have formed alliances with them. By no means am I advocating that we hunt them down or treat them all as criminals. Heroes can come from the most unlikely of places. If we treat them as aliens or villains, we are only going to repeat the same cycles that have damaged us for so long. However, there certainly are some of them who seem to be very focused on destroying humanity. Lieutenant Colonel Gonzales has confirmed that these people are heavily involved in banking and finance, and do represent the core of what many people call the Illuminati, but which the SSP Alliance refers to as the “secret earth government syndicates.”
Prince Lionello and Princess D’Este, with Noticeably Elongated Skulls
Corey independently confirmed that a treaty was worked out between these people and the Draco to pursue their mutual interests. Jacob revealed this has been in place since the time of Queen Elizabeth and her court astrologer John Dee, and other alliances had occurred in a variety of prior instances. It definitely appears that this negative influence will finally be transformed as we go through the ascension process that so many sources have predicted.
The Draco have already attempted to betray all their human allies as we have gotten closer to the long-anticipated solar event. All ETs have become trapped in our system thanks to an energetic wall that appeared in December 2014, commonly referred to in the SSP as the Outer Barrier. This barrier appeared after the Cabal fired a superweapon at one of hundreds of giant spheres that have arrived in our solar system since the year 2012. The beam reflected back to the underground facility in Pine Gap, Australia, and destroyed it, and the outer barrier immediately appeared. Though this may all seem quite fantastic and implausible, Corey and I have both experienced multiple, highly severe death threats since we were pulled into this world. Many others are in the same boat. Yet, since it is a spiritual battle that must follow “the Rules,” we are doing our best to ensure that our deaths will not be authorized. The positive spiritual perspective is the best protection for anyone who chooses to participate in this struggle to regain control of our planet and transform it into a positive, advanced space-traveling society.