
A great deal of time, attention, and care have gone into the writing of this book, and it wouldn’t be possible without the help of many others along the way. I would like to thank my mother, Marta Waterman; my father, Donald Wilcock; and my brother, Michael Wilcock, for being there for me and creating the loving and supportive atmosphere that made all this possible. I would like to thank my friends and teachers in school who gave me the valuable experiences I needed to shape who I am now. I would like to thank Richard C. Hoagland for his amazing work on the Moon and Mars, and for giving me permission to use Enterprise Mission images in this book.

I want to share my sincere appreciation and thanks for all the insiders who have given me information along the way, including Bruce, Daniel, Jacob, Pete Peterson, Corey Goode, and William Tompkins. I would also like to thank Dr. Steven Greer and his core team for the Disclosure Project, and Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan for creating Project Camelot and inviting me into that world.

I am greatly thankful for Carla Rueckert, Jim McCarty, and Don Elkins, since the Law of One was such an essential element of my awakening. I also thank Dr. Scott Mandelker for his work with me, and the key role his book played in my development. I want to thank the many other people who have done great work, and who I have quoted from and been inspired by in the writing of this book. I would like to thank the staff at Prometheus for welcoming me into Ancient Aliens and for giving me Consulting Producer credit for all the research and intel I have contributed to the formation of their episodes, and the staff at Gaia for helping produce and distribute my shows. I would like to thank the cosmic beings who have contacted me and guided me throughout my life, and who decided to share their words through me as an instrument. And last, I would like to thank you, the reader of these words, for supporting this work and doing your part to make our planet a healthier, happier place.

I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment in having written this and feel that this is the “prequel” to The Synchronicity Key, which is then the “prequel” to The Source Field Investigations. I recommend that newcomers read the books in that order. Thank you so much!