§ 1. The Sylow Theorems

In a finite group image of order N, the order of every subgroup is a divisor of N. On the other hand there need not be a subgroup with order d for every divisor d of N. For example, in the tetrahedral group, as one can see easily, there is no subgroup of order 6. We shall now prove, however, that for every power pa of a prime dividing N there is a subgroup with the order pa.

DEFINITION: A group is said to be a p-group if the order of each of its elements is a power of the prime p.

We determine the largest possible p-groups in the finite group image.

DEFINITION: A subgroup of image is said to be a Sylow p-group, if its order is equal to the greatest power of the natural prime p dividing N.

For example, the four group is a Sylow 2-group of the tetrahedral group. A Sylow p-group of image is denoted by Sp or by image. The normalizer of Sp in image is denoted by Np the center of Sp by Zp.

THEOREM 1. For every natural prime p, every finite group contains a Sylow p-group.

Proof: If the order N of image is 1, then the theorem is clear. Now let N > 1 and assume the theorem proven for groups of order smaller than N.

If in the center image of image there is an element a of order m.p, then the factor group image/ (am) is of order image and contains by the induction assumption a Sylow p-group image/(am) of order pn-1, where image is not divisible by p.

image is of order pn and therefore is a Sylow p-group of image.

Now let there be no element of order divisible by p in the center image of image. If the order of image were divisible by p, then the factor group of image with respect to a cyclic normal subgroup (a) image 1 is of order divisible by p. But then by the induction hypothesis image/(a) would contain a Sylow p-group image 1, and therefore would contain elements b(a) of order divisible by p. Then the order of b in image would be divisible by p. Therefore the order of image is not divisible by p. If p†N then e is the Sylow p-group sought. If p/N then it follows from the class equation


and from p † (3:1), p/N, that at least one hi > 1 is not divisible by p. image contains a normalizer Ni of index hi > 1 and therefore Ni contains, by the induction hypothesis, a Sylow p-group image. Since p † hi, image is also a Sylow p-group of image.

COROLLARY: For every prime divisor p of the order of a finite group there is an element of order p (Cauchy).

The order and exponent of a finite group have the same prime divisors.

It is a p-group if and only if its order is a power of p.

THEOREM 2: If image is a Sylow p-group of image and image a normal subgroup of image, then image image image is a Sylow p-group of image; imageimage/image is a Sylow p-group of image/image.

Proof:1 A subgroup image of image is a Sylow p-group if and only if

1. The order of image is a power of p (written: pp),

2. The index of image is prime to p (written: prime).


Now we may construct the diagram to the left and, observe first that imageimage:image is prime to p, and image:image image image is a p-power. From the second isomorphism theorem it follows that imageimage:image is a p-power, and image:image image imageis prime to p, from which the theorem follows.

If a Sylow p-group image is a normal subgroup of image then it is the only Sylow p-group, since for every other Sylow p-group it image1 follows that image1image is of p-power order, but image:image1image is prime to p; and therefore image1image = image = image1. Consequently a Sylow p-group Sp of a finite group image is the only Sylow p-group of its normalizer NP.

THEOREM 3: All Sylow p-groups of a finite group image are conjugate under image. Their number when divided by p leaves a remainder 1.

Proof: Let the Sylow p-groups of image be image = image1, …, imager.

Under the mapping image of image onto the group of inner automorphisms, image is represented as a permutation group. Since conjugate subgroups have the same order, the imagei are transformed into each other by image, so that we obtain a representation Δ of image as a permutation group of degree r. By a remark above, image transforms only image1 and no other imagei into itself. Consequently there is only one system of transitivity of first degree. The other systems of transitivity of Δ have a degree > 1 which is a divisor of image : 1 and which, therefore, is a p-power. Consequently r ≡ 1 (p).

image transforms the s = image:Np Sylow p-groups conjugate to image under image among themselves, and as above it follows that s ≡ 1 (p). If there were another system of conjugate Sylow p-groups, then its members would be transformed into each other by image in systems of transitivity whose degree would be divisible by p. The system would therefore contain a number s1, divisible by p, of Sylow p-groups; on the other hand we conclude for s1, just as we did for s, that s1 ≡ 1 (p). Consequently all Sylow p-groups are conjugate to image, Q.E.D.

THEOREM 4: Every p-group image in image is contained in a Sylow p-group.

Proof: We replace image by image in the proof of the previous theorem. Let the transformed objects again be image1, …, imager. The degree of a system of transitivity of Δ is either 1 or a p-power. Since r ≡ 1 (p), there is certainly a system of transitivity of degree 1. Therefore there is a imagei which is transformed into itself by all the elements of image. Since imageimagei is a p-group which contains imagei, we have image, Q.E.D.

THEOREM 5: Every subgroup image of image which contains the normalizer Np of a Sylow p-group Sp, is its own normalizer.

Proof: We must show that x image x-1 image image implies

x image image.

In any case Sp and xSpx-1 are Sylow p-groups of image, and by Theorem 3 there is a U in image such that U x Sp x-1U-1 = Sp;

therefore  U x image Np image image

therefore x image image  Q.E.D.

THEOREM 6: If the p-group image contained in the finite group image is not a Sylow p-group, then the normalizer Nimage of image is larger than image.

Proof: If p † image: Nimage then the theorem is clear; if, however image: Nimage = pr, then image transforms the pr subgroups conjugate to image in systems of transitivity whose degrees are 1 or numbers divisible by p. Since image is transformed into itself, there are at least p subgroups image1 = image, image2, …, imagep, conjugate to image which are transformed into themselves by image. Consequently Nimage2 is greater than image2, and therefore Nimage is greater than image, Q.E.D.


1. Every maximal subgroup of a p-group is a normal subgroup; therefore it is of index p.

2. If a p-group is simple then it is of order p.

3. The composition factors of a p-group are of order p and therefore every p-group is solvable.

§ 2. Theorems on Sylow p-Groups

Information on the intersection of different Sylow p-groups is given by

THEOREM 7: In the normalizer of a maximal1 intersection image of two different Sylow p-groups of image we have:

1. Every Sylow p-,group of Nimage contains image properly.

2. The number of Sylow p-groups of Nimage is greater than 1.

3. The intersection of two distinct Sylow p-groups of Nimage is equal to image

4. Every Sylow p-group of Nimage is the intersection of Nimage with exactly one Sylow p-group of image.

5. The intersection of Nimage with a Sylow p-group of image which contains image is a Sylow p-group of Nimage.

6. The normalizer of a Sylow p-group of Nimage in Nimage is equal to the intersection of Nimage with the normalizer of a Sylow p-group of image which contains image.

Proof: image is in a Sylow p-group image of image and by hypothesis image. Therefore by Theorem 6: image. image is a p-group in Nimage, thus by Theorem 4 it lies in a Sylow p-group image of Nimage. By Theorem 4, image lies in a Sylow p-group image of image. Since image image image contains image and thus is larger than image, image = image. Therefore image = image ∩ Nimage = image is a Sylow p-group of Nimage, and the image in image = image image Nimage is uniquely determined by image. Since every p-group in Nimage is in a Sylow p-group of image, the intersection of two distinct Sylow p-groups of Nimage is equal to image. Since image is the intersection of two different Sylow p-groups of image, Nimage contains several Sylow p-groups. image = image image Nimage is a normal subgroup of nimage = Nimage image Nimage. If we have


for an x in Nimage, then it follows that image, and therefore by 4., image, consequently np = Nimage image Nimage is the normalizer of p in Nimage, Q.E.D.

As an application of this theorem, we shall show that every group image of order pnq is solvable (p, q are two distinct primes).

If a Sylow p-group image is a normal subgroup, then image/ image is cyclic and by Theorem 6, Corollary 3, image is solvable. Hence image is solvable. Now suppose image is not a normal subgroup of image; then image: Nimage = q, Nimage = image.

If the intersection of any two different Sylow p-groups is 1, then there are 1 + q. (pn -1) elements of p-power order, and therefore there is at most one subgroup with order q. Consequently a Sylow q-group image, is a normal subgroup of image, and image/image is isomorphic to image. Since image/image, and image are solvable, image is also solvable. Finally let image be a maximal intersection of different Sylow p-groups greater than 1. The number of Sylow p-groups of Nimage is > 1, is not divisible by p, is a divisor of pnq and therefore is equal to q. Also it follows from the previous theorem that image lies in q different Sylow p-groups of image. Therefore image is the intersection of all the Sylow p-groups of image. image is a normal subgroup of image, and the factor group image/image has as the maximal intersection of different Sylow p-groups the element 1. By what has already been proven, image/image is solvable. Moreover the p-group image is solvable. Consequently image is solvable, Q.E.D.

For many applications the following theorem is useful:

THEOREM 8 (Burnside): If the p-group image in the finite group image is a normal subgroup of one Sylow p-group but is not a normal subgroup of another Sylow p-group, then there is a number r, relatively prime to p, of subgroups image conjugate to image which are all normal subgroups of image but which are not all normal subgroups of the same Sylow p-group of image, so that the normalizer of image transforms the imagei transitively among themselves.

Proof: Among the Sylow p-groups which contain image as a non-normal subgroup, image, is chosen so that the intersection image of image, with the normalizer Nimageof image is as large as possible. Let image = image1, image2, …, images be the subgroups conjugate to image in the normalizer Nimage of image. Along with image, all the imagei, are also normal subgroups of image. The normalizer Nimage of image contains Nimage. Let image1, image2, …, images, …, imager be all the groups conjugate to image in Nimage. Along with image, all the imagei are normal subgroups of image. image is contained in a Sylow p-group image* of Nimage image Nimage. Since image is not a Sylow p-group of image, while, by hypothesis, a Sylow p-group of Nimage is also a Sylow p-group of image, then image* is larger than image. image* is in a Sylow p-group image of Nimage image Nimage, image is in a Sylow p group image of Nimage and image in a Sylow p-group of image of image. Since the intersection of image with Nimage contains image*, and therefore is larger than image, then by the construction of image the Sylow p-group image of image is contained in Nimage, and therefore a fortiori image is contained in Nimage.

Since image contains the Sylow p-group image of Nimage image Nimage, we have image = image. Since therefore a Sylow p-group of Nimage image Nimage is already a Sylow p-group of image is relatively prime to p. If all the imagei were


normal subgroups of the same Sylow p-group of image, then the latter would be contained in Nimage. But then the groups imagei conjugate to each other in Nimage would be normal subgroups in all the Sylow p-groups of Nimage. Then image would be a normal subgroup of the Sylow p-group image* of the intersection of Nimage with image. But image* is larger than image, and this contradicts the definition of image, as the intersection of image with Nimage; therefore the imagei are not all normal subgroups of the same Sylow p-group of image, Q.E.D.

The positional relationships of the subgroups of image constructed in this proof can be seen from the diagram on the left.

§ 3. On p-groups

1. Nilpotent Groups.

Fundamental for the theory of p-groups is the following statement:

THEOREM 9: The center of a p-group different from e is itself different from e.

Proof: From the class equation for a group of order pn > 1:


where the summands pi run through indices > 1 of certain normalizers. Therefore image: 1 is divisible by p, and consequently image image e.

COROLLARY:The (n + 1)-th member of the ascending central series of a group image of order pn is equal to the whole group.

The members of the ascending central series are defined as the normal subgroups imagei of image such that image is the center of image/imagei. Now either imagei = image or, as just proven, imagei + 1 is larger than imagei, and therefore certainly imagen = image.

By refinement of the ascending central series of a p-group we obtain a principal series in which every factor is of order p. It follows from the Jordan - Hölder - Schreier theorem that:

Every principal series of a p-group has steps of prime order.

The index of the center of a non-abelian p-group is divisible by p2. This follows from the useful lemma: If a normal subgroup image of a group image is contained in the center and has a cyclic factor group, then image is abelian. Since image/image is generated by a coset Aimage, all the elements of image are of the form AiZ where Z is in the center.



and image is abelian

If we apply the result found above to a p-group in which image then: image and since image is abelian, it follows that:

The factor commutator group of a non-abelian p-group has an order divisible by p2.

A group of order p or p2 is abelian. In a non-abelian group of order p3, the center and the commutator group are identical and are of order p.

DEFINITION: A group image is said to be nilpotent1 if the ascending central series contains the whole group as a member, i.e., if


The uniquely determined number c is called, following Hall, the class of the group. Therefore “nilpotent of class 1” is the same as “abelian image e.”

THEOREM 10: In a nilpotent group of class c it is possible to ascend to the whole group from any subgroup by forming normalizers at most c times.

Proof: Let image be nilpotent of class c; let image be a subgroup. Certainly image0 is contained in image. If imagei is already contained in image, then by the definition of imagei + 1, it follows that imagei + 1 is contained in the normalizer of image. By at most c repetitions of this procedure we obtain the result.

COROLLARY: Every maximal subgroup of a nilpotent group is a normal subgroup and therefore is of prime index.

Therefore in a p-group image the intersection of all the normal subgroups of index p is equal to the Φ-subgroup defined earlier. The factor group image/Φ is an abelian group of exponent p. By its order pd the important invariant d = d(image) is defined. The significance of d is made clear by the following BURNSIDE BASIS THEOREM: From every system of generators of image exactly d can be selected so that these alone generate image. By the general basis theorem this theorem need only be proven for image/Φ.

2. Elementary Abelian Groups.

An abelian group image with prime exponent p is called an elementary abelian group. If image is of order pd then it is possible to generate image by d elements: Let S1 be an element image e in image: let S2 be an element image not in (S1); let S3 be an element of image not in {S1, S2}; let Sd′ be an element of image not in {S1, S2, …, Sd′-1} and {S1, S2, …, Sd′-1} = image. Then (Si) is of prime order p so that we must have


It follows from this that


and since image: 1 = pd, , we see that d = d1. Therefore a finite elementary abelian group is the direct product of a finite number of cyclic groups of prime order. Conversely a direct product of a finite number of cyclic groups (S1), (S2), …, (Sd) of order p is an elementary abelian group. The elements S1, S2, …, Sd in the direct product representation are said to be a basis of image. The above method of construction shows that every generating system of image contains a basis. Therefore d is the minimal number of generators. Consequently every system of d generators is a basis of image. The number of basis systems of image can be calculated easily:

In the above construction there are pd-1 possibilities for S1; after choosing S1, there are pd-p possibilities for S2 and so forth, so that we obtain the number (pd – 1) (pdp)· … · (pdpd−1) as the number of basis systems of image. If S1, S2, …, Sd is a fixed basis and T1, T2, …, Td is an arbitrary basis then the mapping


defines an automorphism of image and conversely. Therefore it follows that:

The number of automorphisms of an elementary abelian group of order pd is equal to image. If we set


then the number is equal to image. From the general basis theorem in II, § 4, it follows that:

The number of automorphisms of a p-group of order pn (n > 0) and d generators is a divisor of


Remark: The highest power of p which divides this number is image, and since 0 < d image n, this number is a divisor of image, as can easily be seen. Therefore the number of automorphisms of an arbitrary group of order pn is a divisor of the number of automorphisms of the elementary abelian group of order pn.

For later theorems it is important to obtain several formulae about the number φq, α of subgroups of order pα in the elementary abelian group of order pd. Let 0 < α image d. Every subgroup of order pα is elementary.

If S1, S2, …, Sa are the first α elements of a basis of the whole group, then these α elements are a basis of a subgroup of order pα. Conversely, as we have seen previously, every basis of a subgroup of order pα can be extended to a basis of the whole group. Since the elements S1, S2, …, Sα can be chosen in


different ways, and every subgroup of order pα has image different basis systems, then

(1)  image

where k0 = 1. From this the reader can derive the recursion formula

(2)  image

for image, where image If we set image for rational integers α which are larger than d or smaller than 0, then the formula is valid generally. From this formula we derive the congruence

(3)  image

and the polynomial identity

(4)  image

by induction. If we set x = 1, then

(5)  image

An abelian group of order pn can be decomposed, by the basis theorem, into the direct product of cyclic groups of orders pn1, pn2, …, pnr. Here the exponents n1, n2, …, nr are determined uniquely to within order. Therefore we say: The group is of type (pn1, pn2, …, pnr). If we order the by size so that pj occurs aj times as the order of a basis element, then we say: The group is of type


Here the non-negative integers αi are bound only by the relation image

3. Finite Nilpotent Groups.

The direct product of a finite number of nilpotent groups is nilpotent, as is easily seen. For example, the direct product of a finite number of p-groups is nilpotent. The following converse is important:

THEOREM 11: Every finite nilpotent group is the direct product of its Sylow groups.

Proof: The normalizer of a Sylow group is its own normalizer by Theorem 5, and therefore, by Theorem 10, it is equal to the whole group; consequently every Sylow group is a normal subgroup.

Let p1, p2, …, pr be the various prime divisors of the group order, and assume we have already shown that


Then the normal subgroups Sp1 · Sp2 · … · Spi and SPi+1 have relatively prime orders so that their intersection is e; and therefore


But from the equation image it follows, by comparing the orders, that the whole group is the direct product of its Sylow groups.

THEOREM 12: The Φ-subgroup of a nilpotent group contains the commutator group.

Proof: As we saw earlier, the Φ-subgroup is equal to the intersection of the whole group with its maximal subgroups. By the Corollary to Theorem 10, every maximal subgroup of a nilpotent group is a normal subgroup of prime index, and therefore every maximal subgroup of a nilpotent group contains the commutator group. Consequently the Φ-subgroup of a nilpotent group contains the commutator group.

Remark: We have further that image, which can be derived from the definition of the Φ-subgroup as the intersection of the whole group with its maximal subgroups.

For finite groups we have the converse:

THEOREM 13 (Wieland): If the Φ-subgroup of a finite group contains the commutator group, then the group is nilpotent.

Proof: As in the proof of Theorem 11 it suffices to prove that every Sylow group is a normal subgroup. If the normalizer of a Sylow group were not the whole group, then it would be contained in a maximal subgroup which on the one hand would contain the Φ-subgroup and therefore the commutator group; and on the other hand, by Theorem 5, must be its own normalizer. Since this is not possible, every Sylow group must be a normal subgroup of the whole group.

THEOREM 14 (Hall): If the normal subgroup image is not contained in imagei but is contained in imagei + 1, then the following is a normal subgroup chain without repetitions: image

Proof: We have image. Since image is not contained in imagei, (image, image) is not contained in imagei–1, and therefore image is not contained in image. We apply the same argument to image, etc., Q.E.D.

  4. Maximal abelian normal subgroups.

It is natural to consider the maximal abelian normal subgroups as well as the maximal abelian factor group. In general abelian normal subgroups which are contained in no other abelian normal subgroup are neither uniquely determined nor isomorphic to each other, as is easily seen in the example of the dihedral group of eight elements. The center seems to be more appropriate as a counterpart of the factor commutator group, as we already have seen in the theorems on direct products.

In any case, there is, in every group whose elements e = a1, a2, …, are well ordered, a maximal abelian normal subgroup. We can construct an abelian normal subgroup imageω for any index ω in the following way: image1 = e; let imageω be the union of all imager with v < ω; let imageω be equal to the normal subgroup generated by imageω and aω if this normal subgroup is abelian. Otherwise let = imageω = imageω. The union of all the imageω is a maximal abelian normal subgroup.

A maximal abelian normal subgroup of a nilpotent group is its own centralizer.

Proof: The centralizer image is a normal subgroup of image. If image contained image properly, then by Theorem 14, a center element X image in image/image would be contained in image/image 1 so that the subgroup generated by X and image would be larger than image. But since this subgroup containing image would also be an abelian normal subgroup, we must have image = image.

If image and image are of orders pn and pm, respectively then the index pn–m is a divisor of the number of automorphisms of image, whereupon, by Part 2, it follows that


  5. The automorphism group of ZN.

We wish to determine the automorphism group of the cyclic group ZN for N > 1. For this purpose we consider ZN as the residue class module (quotient module) image of the additive group of integers with respect to the submodule of integers divisible by N. The operators of ZN are given by the multiplications image by the rational integers t; image and image are equal if and only if t1 and t2 are congruent mod N. image is an automorphism if and only if t is relatively prime to N. The number φ(N) of automorphisms of ZN is equal to the number of residue classes (cosets) mod N which contain numbers relatively prime to N (prime residue classes).

The automorphism group of ZN (cyclic group of order N) is isomorphic to the group of prime residue classes mod N. If N is the product of relatively prime numbers m1, m2, then ZN is the direct product of two characteristic cyclic groups of orders m1, m2. For the automorphism group we have the corresponding situation; in particular


If N is the n-th power of a prime p then a residue class is prime if and only if it consists of numbers relatively prime to p; the number of these residue classes is pnpn – 1. If image is the prime power decomposition, then


The residue class ring image is a field and therefore, by II, § 7, the automorphism group of Zp is cyclic of order p–1. A rational number g whose order mod p is p–1 is said to be a primitive congruence root mod p. g has an order which is divisible by p–1 mod pn; say therefore, it has the order (p — 1) · pr. The order of image is then equal to p-1, mod pn. If a = 1 + kpm, then it follows from the binomial theorem that image. Therefore a ≡ l(pm) implies that image. However if m > 1 or if p is odd then image implies that image. If p is odd, then 1 + p is of order pn–1 mod pn, (1 + p).g1 is of order image. If p = 2, then 1 + 22 is of order 2n–2 mod 2n (n > 2). Since –1 is congruent to no power of 5 mod 4, there are, mod 2n, the 2n–1 different prime residue classes image. As a result we obtain:

If n < 3 or p is odd, then the automorphism group of image is cyclic of order (p — l)pn–1. The automorphism group of Z2n, for n > 2, is abelian of type (2n–2, 2) with the associated basis automorphisms 5 and1.

6. p-Groups with only one Subgroup of Order p.

A non-cyclic abelian group of exponent pn contains at least two different subgroups of order p.

Proof: Let A be an element of order pn and let B not be a power of A. Then the order pr of B mod (A) is greater than 1, but at most pn. We have


Therefore image and image generate two different subgroups of order p.

We wish to find non-abelian groups of order pn which contain only one subgroup of order p.

An example is the quaternion group. By the theorem of Hölder it is defined by the relations image as a group of order 8 with generators A and B. Its eight elements are called quaternions; they are


If instead we write


and set


then we have the following calculational rules:


From this we conclude that there is only one subgroup of order 2 and exactly three subgroups of order 4. The center is equal to the commutator group which is equal to (—1).

The generalized quaternion group is defined by the relations


as a group generated by A, B, and of order 2n, by the Hölder Theorem. Since


this group contains only one subgroup of order 2. The elements image and B generate a quaternion group.

The relations above can be written more elegantly in the form


The new relations follow from those above.

From the new relations, however, it follows that


and therefore the old relations follow.

If A′ is of order 2n–1, B′ of order 4, and if A′ and B′ generate the whole group, then


Therefore all the calculational rules which are valid for power products of A and B also remain valid for the corresponding power products of A′ and B

Since A′ and B′ generate the whole group, (A′) is a normal subgroup of index 2, and every element can be written uniquely in the form


Therefore the mapping image is an automorphism of the group. The number of all the automorphisms is equal to the number of pairs A′, B′ It follows by simple enumeration that:

The quaternion group has exactly 24 automorphisms. The generalized quaternion group of order 2n has exactly 22n–3 automorphisms for n > 3.

In the automorphism group A of the quaternion group, the inner automorphisms form an abelian normal subgroup J of order 4. An automorphism which commutes with all the inner automorphisms is itself an inner automorphism. Since it changes each generator by a factor in the center, there are at most 2·2 such automorphisms.

A group A having order 24, and containing a normal subgroup J of order 4 which is its own centralizer, must be isomorphic to image4.

This is because a central element of A must be in J, and an element of order 3 must transform the three elements images e in J in a cyclic manner. Then, since according to the results of Sylow there are elements of order 3, the center is e, and there is no normal subgroup of order 3. From these results also, the index in A of the normalizer N3 of a Sylow 3-group is 4. A transitive representation of A in 4 letters is associated with N3. The representation is faithful since the intersection of all 3-normalizers contains only center elements with orders 1 or 2 and therefore is e. Since A consists of 24 elements, A is isomorphic to image4.

The automorphism group of the quaternion group is isomorphic to the symmetric permutation group of four letters.

The quaternion group is the only p-group tvhich contains two different cyclic subgroups of index p but only one subgroup of order p.

Proof:1 Let image be of order pn and let it contain two different cyclic subgroups image1 and image2, of index p. image1 and image2 are different normal subgroups of index p, and therefore their intersection image is of index p2. Moreover image is in the center and contains the commutator group. It follows for any two elements x, y that xp and yp are in image, and that


If p is odd, then (xy)p = xpyp, and therefore the operation of raising to power p is a homomorphy. Since the group of p-th powers is contained in image, by the first isomorphism theorem the elements whose p-th power is e form a subgroup whose order is at least p2 There are at least two different subgroups of order p in this subgroup.

If p = 2, then (xy)4 = (y, x)4 x4y4 = x4y4. Now we conclude just as above that either image = 1 and image1, image2 are two different subgroups of order 2, or there are two subgroups image1 images image2 of order 4 by the first isomorphism theorem. We may assume that image1 is in image. If image1 is different from image1, then image1 is in image and image1 · image2 is an abelian group of order 8. Since it contains two different subgroups of index 2, it is not cyclic, and therefore it also contains two different subgroups of order 2. If, in conclusion, image1 = image1, then the whole group is of order 8. Let image = (A) and image2 = (B). If there is only one subgroup of order 2 then B2 = (A B)2 = A2, and therefore the group is the quaternion group.

THEOREM 15: A p-group which contains only one subgroup of order p is either cyclic or a generalized quaternion group.

Proof: Let image be of order pn and let it contain only one subgroup of order p. First let p be odd. If n = 0, 1, then the theorem is clearly true. We now apply induction to n.

Every subgroup of index p is cyclic by the induction hypothesis, and therefore by what was proven previously there is only one subgroup of index p in and image, therefore image itself is cyclic.1

Now let p = 2 and let image be a maximal abelian normal subgroup. image is cyclic and its own centralizer. Therefore image/image is isomorphic to a group of automorphisms of image. We shall show that only one automorphism of order 2 can occur, namely, the operation of a raising the elements of image to the power –1. Since this automorphism is not the square of any other automorphism of image, it follows that image: image is either 1 or 2. If we set image = (A) and assume that B image e(image), B2e(image), then as a preliminary BAB–1 must be shown to be equal to A–1. In fact, we want to show further that the group generated by A and B is a generalized quaternion group with relations (8) and (9). Then the theorem will be proven.

Since B cannot commute with all the elements of A, (B2) image A, and there is a subgroup image1 of image which contains (B2) as a subgroup of index 2. The group image1(B) contains the two different cyclic subgroups image1 and (B) of index 2; and therefore it is, as was previously shown, the quaternion group. If A is of order 2m then: B2 = A2m – 1. We also conclude (AB)2 = A2m – 1 Therefore A and B generate the generalized quaternion group of order 2m + 1.

THEOREM 16: A group of order pn is cyclic if it contains only one subgroup of order pm (where 1 < m < n).

Proof: There is a subgroup image of order pm. image is contained in a subgroup image1 of order pm + 1 and is the only subgroup of index p in image1. Therefore image1 is cyclic and consequently image is cyclic. Since every subgroup of order p or p2 is contained in a subgroup of order pm, and since the only subgroup of order pm is cyclic, there is only one subgroup of order p and one of order p2. Since the generalized quaternion group contains some subgroups of order 4, we conclude from the previous theorem that the whole group is cyclic.

If in a p-group, every subgroup of order p2 is cyclic, then there is only one subgroup of order p, and conversely.

If there were two different subgroups of order p then we can assume that one of them is contained in the center. But then the product of the two subgroups is a non-cyclic group of order p2. Conversely, in a non-cyclic group of order p2 there are certainly two different subgroups of order p. Now one can easily prove:

THEOREM 17: A group of order pn in which every subgroup of order pm is cyclic, where 1 < m < n, is cyclic except in the case p = 2, m = 2 in which case the group can also be a generalized quaternion group.

7. p-Groups with a Cyclic Normal Subgroup of Index p.

We shall determine all the p-groups which contain a cyclic normal subgroup of index p. This problem will now be solved for non-abelian p-groups, which contain some subgroups of order p. If image is of order pn then in image there is an element A of order pn – 1 and an element B of order p which is not a power of A. A and B generate image, and the subgroup (A) of index p is a normal subgroup. Therefore


If for odd p the element B is replaced by an appropriate power, then we can take r = 1 + pn – 2.

If p = 2, n = 3, then we must have r ≡ — 1 (4). If p = 2, n > 3, then there are three possibilities for r,


The number r is not altered mod 2n – 1 if B is replaced by BAμ.

If image then the commutator subgroup is of order 2; in the other two cases it is of order 2n –1.

If r ≡ — 1, then image and therefore there is only one cyclic subgroup of index 2. Thus r is uniquely determined by the group. As a result we obtain:

The groups image of order pu – 1 which contain an element A of order pu –1, are of the following types:

a) image abelian:


b) image non abelian, p odd:


c) image non-abelian, p = 2:


Groups of different type are not isomorphic. From Hölder’s theorem it follows that all types exist. For n = 3, V will coincide with IV, and VI with II.

Now it is simple to give all groups of order p3. We must now investigate among such all those in which the p-th power of every element is e. A group in which all squares are equal to e is abelian since


If the group is non-abelian and p is odd, then it is generated by two elements A and B such that the relations


hold. By III, Theorem 21, these relations define a non-abelian group with generators A, B and order p3, in which, for any two elements x, y, we have:


Thus the p-th power of every element is equal to e. As a result we obtain:

There are p for every prime number p, five types of groups of order p3, namely the three abelian types:


and two non-abelian types, which are, for p = 2; III, quaternion group and IV, the dihedral group, and for odd p the types



1. If a p-group contains a cyclic normal subgroup of index p, then every subgroup different from e has the same property.

2. For odd p, the following properties hold for abelian groups of type (p, pn – 1) and for non-abelian groups of order pn having a cyclic subgroup of index p, where m is a number greater than zero and less than n:

a) The number of subgroups of order pm is 1 + p in both cases.

b) The number of cyclic subgroups of order pm is, in both cases, 1 + p or p according to whether m = 1 or m > 1.

c) The number of elements whose pm-th power = e is pm + 1 in both cases.

d) In both groups, every subgroup whose order is divisible by p2 is a normal subgroup. Therefore for m > 1 there are equally many normal subgroups of order pm.

e) The number of automorphisms is pn(p-1).

3. The two types of non-abelian groups of order p3 can be defined by the relations


for all p by an appropriate choice of generators A, B.

4. If a 2-group contains a cyclic subgroup of index 2 and is neither abelian of type (2, 2) nor the quaternion group, then the number of its automorphisms is a power of 2.

5. In a finite group, the index of the normalizer over the centralizer of a Sylow p-group with d generators is a divisor of kd. If the order of the group is divisible neither by the third power of its smallest prime factor p, nor by 12, then every Sylow p-group is in the center of its normalizer.

6. In an abelian p-group image with the exponent pm, the characteristic chains

and  image

give rise to a characteristic series through the refinement process which was given in the proof of the Jordan-Hölder-Schreier Theorem. There is only this one characteristic series. (Here imagepv denotes the group of the pr-th powers and imagepv denotes the group of all elements whose pv-th power is e.)

7. Theorem 2 in § 1 admits the following corollaries: If image is a Sylow p-group, in image, Nimage its normalizer, image a normal subgroup of image, then

a) Nimage image/image is the normalizer of the Sylow p-group of image image/image of image/image;

b) Nimage is contained in the normalizer Nimage of the Sylow p-group image = imageimage of image;

c) Nimageimage = image; therefore by the Second Isomorphism Theorem


(Hint for a): If ximageimagex–1 = imageimage, then by Theorem 3: ximagex–1 = vimagev–1 is solvable for v in image, therefore v–1x image: for every x in image, ximagex–1 = vimagev–1 is solvable for v in image.)

With the help of c) it should be shown that the φ-subgroup of a finite group is nilpotent.

§ 4. On the Enumeration Theorems of the Theory of p-Groups

In the study of finite groups the question arises naturally as to the number of elements or subgroups with some given property. The results obtained in connection with this question do not lie very deep.

The following systematic derivation of the enumeration theorems in p-groups is due to P. Hall.

THEOREM 18: (Counting Principle): Let image be a finite p-group. imageα denotes any subgroup of index pα which contains Φ(image). Let (image) be a set of complexes such that each complex image in (image) is contained in at least one subgroup of index p. Let n(imageα) be the number of complexes of (image) which are contained in imageα. Then


where the summation image is extended over the φd, α subgroups imageα of image.

Proof: We shall show that the number of times that an element image in (image) is “counted” with the appropriate sign on the left of the equation above is equal to zero.

The intersection of all imageα which contain image, contains φ(image) and therefore is an imageimage. By hypothesis image is contained in an image1 and therefore image > 0. The number of all imageα’s which contain image is equal to the number of all imageα’s which contain imageimage, i.e., φimage, α. Therefore the number of times that image is “counted” is


But this number is zero, by §3, Formula 5, Q.E.D.

THEOREM 19: The number of subgroups of fixed order pm(0 ≤ mn) of a p-group image of order pn leaves 1 as a remainder when divided by p.

Proof: If n = 0, then the theorem is clear. Now let n > 0 and assume that the theorem is proven for p-groups whose order is less than pn. If m = n then the theorem is trivial. Let m < n. For Theorem 19, let (image) denote the set of all subgroups of image of order pm. Then:


and by the induction hypothesis


moreover the number of all image1 is φd, d –1, therefore by §3 congruent to 1 mod p, so that


follows, Q.E.D.

THEOREM 20: (Kulakoff): In a non-cyclic p-group of odd order pn, the number of subgroups of order p(0 < m < n) is congruent to 1 + p modulo p2.

In the non-cyclic group of order p2 there are p + 1 subgroups of order p. We apply induction on n and assume n > 2.

The number of all image1 is φd, d – 1, and therefore, since d > 1, is congruent to 1 + p mod p2. Let m < n-1, (image) be the set of all subgroups of order pm. By the Counting Principle it follows that


By Theorem 19


and by §3, 2., the number of all image2 (namely φd, d – 2) is congruent to 1 mod p. Consequently


For the non-cyclic image by the induction hypothesis. As was shown, the number of all image1 is congruent to 1 + p(p2). If there is no cyclic subgroup of index p in image, then


If image contains a cyclic subgroup of index p, then the theorem follows from the solution of Exercise 2a at the end of §3.

THEOREM 21 (Miller): In a non-cyclic group of odd order pn, the number of cyclic subgroups of order pm (1 < m < n) is divisible by p.

Proof: If image contains a cyclic subgroup of index p, then the theorem follows from the solution of Exercise 2b at the end of §3. To continue, let every subgroup of index p in image be non-cyclic, m < n-1 and assume the proof has been carried out already for smaller n. Let (image) be the set of cyclic subgroups of order pm. We find the congruence:


By the induction hypothesis each of the numbers n(image1) is divisible by p, and therefore the desired number n(image0) is also.

THEOREM 22 (Hall): The number of subgroups of index pα in image is congruent to φd, d(mod pdα + 1). The number of those subgroups which do not contain Φ(image) is consequently divisible by pdα + 1.

Proof: If d = n, then the number in question is already known to be φd, α. Let n > 1 and let the theorem be proved for smaller n. If α = 0, then the theorem is clearly true. Let α = 0, then n(imageβ) is equal to the number of all subgroups of index pαβ in imageβ. Therefore n(imageβ) = 0 if β > α; but otherwise by the induction hypothesis


Since image and therefore by § 3


we have


The Counting Principle now gives the congruence


But by the Counting Principle, the right side of the congruence is exactly the number of subgroups of index pα in an elementary abelian group of order pd, so that


Exercise (Kulakoff): In a non-cyclic p-group of odd order pn, the number of solutions of xpm = e(0 < m < n) is divisible by pm + 1.

Exercise: The number of normal subgroups of order pm in a group of order pn(0 < m < n) is congruent to 1 (mod p).

If p is odd, 1 < m, and image is non-cyclic then, more precisely, the number is congruent to 1 + p (mod p2).

§ 5. On the Descending Central Series

P. Hall has generalized the concept of a terminating ascending central series by defining:

A chain of normal subgroups of image


is called a central chain if imagei/imagei + 1 is contained in the center of image/imagei + 1 (i = 1, 2, … r).

If the ascending central series (See II § 4, 3.) terminates, then it is a central chain. The following definition is still more useful: A chain of subgroups


is said to be a central chain if the mutual commutator group (image, imagei) is contained in imagei + 1 (i = 1, …, r). Since for every xi in imagei, x in image: image and thus certainly xxix–1 image imagei, it follows that imagei is a normal subgroup of image and that imagei/imagei + 1 is contained in the center of image/imagei + 1. The converse is clear. imager + 1 is contained in image0; if it has already been shown that imager + 1 – i is in imagei where i < r, then


and therefore image. Hence


Consequently image = image.

If a group has a central chain, then it is nilpotent and the length of every central chain is at least equal to the class of the group.

Now it is natural to define the descending central series for an arbitrary group image as image where image


If image has a central chain (1) then it follows by induction that: image and therefore image If, conversely, the descending central series is equal to e from the (r + 1)-th place on, then image is a central chain. If c is the class of image, then image and therefore image

In a nilpotent group, the class c can be found from the relation:


By Chapter II, § 6, imagei is a commutator form of image of weight1 i and of degree 1 and is generated by the higher commutators (G1 G2, … Gi) where Gj image image. Therefore imagei is a fully invariant subgroup of image.

For every subgroup image of image it follows that


If image is a normal subgroup of image, then


It follows from this that:

Every subgroup and every factor group of a nilpotent group is itself nilpotent, and the class of the subgroup or factor group is at most equal to the class of the whole group.

We wish to state something about the positional relationships, and the mutual commutator groups, of members of the descending central series and of an arbitrary central chain.

If image is a sequence of subgroups of an arbitrary group image, so that image it follows immediately that is a normal subgroup of image. If moreover image then it follows by induction thatimage In nilpotent groups of class c we can conclude from this that:

(4)  imagei is contained in imageci (since otherwise we would have imagec = e).

1 imagei is also called the i-th Reidemeister commutator group.

Now we claim that in the general case


We carry out the proof by induction on i. By hypothesis


Let i > 1 and assume we have already proven that image for all k.

Then by II. Theorem 14:


and by the induction hypothesis:




If we set




We can now show by induction on the weight that:

An arbitrary commutator form f(image) of weight w is contained in imagew.

This is true if w = 1. Now let w > 1, and assume that the statement is already known to be true for commutator forms with weight less than w. We have f(image) = (f1(image), f2(image)) where the fi are commutator forms of weight such that w = w1 + w2. By the induction hypothesis it follows that image thus


In particular it follows that



A nilpotent group of class c is always k-step metabelian, where k satisfies the inequality


Moreover if we set image–1 = image–2 = … = e then in general


In particular, imagei, commutes with imagei elementwise.

THEOREM 23 (Hall): If the non-abelian normal subgroup image of the p-group image is contained in imagei, then its center is of order at least pi image itself is at least of order pi + 2, its factor commutator group is at least of order pi + 1.

Proof: Since imagei commutes with imagei elementwise, image is not contained in image is in the center of image and, by Theorem 14, is at least of order pi so that a fortiori the center of image is of order divisible by pi + 2. Since p2/image: image(image), the order of image is divisible by pi + 2. Since image is not abelian, we can find in the normal subgroup image′ of image a normal subgroup image1 of image with image, of index p under image′. image/image1 is a non-abelian normal subgroup of image/image1 and so we conclude as above that image:image1 is divisible by pi + 2. Consequently image/image′ has an order divisible by pi + 1, Q.E.D.

Now if in a p-group of order pn, image then image and therefore as was just shown, image. If image is now (k + 1)-step metabelian, then


The order of a (k + 1) step metabelian p-group is divisible by p2k + k.

Remark: Under the hypothesis of Theorem 23 it can be shown by the same methods that the factor groups of the ascending and descending central series of the normal subgroup image have an order divisible by pi, with the possible exception of the last factors different from 1. The proof is left to the reader.


1. In a finite group image the intersection of all the normal subgroups whose factor group is an abelian p-group is called the p-commutator group of image and is denoted by image′(p).

Prove: The p-factor commutator group image/image′(p) is an abelian p-group. Moreover, the commutator group of image is the intersection of the p-commutator groups, and the factor commutator group is isomorphic to the direct product of the p-factor commutator groups. Moreover, image

2. For an arbitrary group image, the class may be defined by the following property: Let the class be equal to c, if imagec+1 is a proper subgroup imagee and imagee + 1 = imagee + 2 = … Let the class be equal to zero, if the group coincides with its commutator group.1 Let the class be infinite if imagei + 1 is a proper subgroup of imagei for all i.

For nilpotent groups the two definitions of class coincide.

Prove: If the class c is finite then imagee + 1 is the intersection of all normal subgroups with nilpotent factor group, and the factor group image/imagee + 4 is also nilpotent. Hence we shall call the factor group image/imagee + 1 the maximal nilpotent factor group. Its class is c . The class of every factor group is at most c.

If the class is infinite, then there are factor groups of any given class.

3. In finite groups of class c we can obtain imagee + 1 the following way:

For every prime number p we form the intersection imagep(image) of all normal subgroups of p-power index.

Prove: imagep itself is of p-power index. Hence we shall call the factor group image / imagep the maximal p-factor group of image .

Prove: imagee+1 is the intersection of all and the maximal nilpotent factor group is isomorphic to the direct product of the maximal p-factor groups over all prime divisors of the group order.

4. If pa is divisible by the exponent of the maximal p-factor group of the finite group image (see Exercise 3), then the subgroup generated by all pa-th powers is equal to imagep. Therefore imagep is a fully invariant subgroup of image. Moreover, prove that


5. a) An abelian group with a finite number of generators is finite if and only if the factor group over its Φ-subgroup is finite.

b) A nilpotent group with a finite number of generators is finite if and only if the factor group over its Φ-subgroup is finite. [Use a) and apply induction to the length of the descending central series!]

6. In a nilpotent group all the elements of finite order form a fully invariant subgroup. (Use Exercise 5.)

7. a) (Hilton.) In a nilpotent group any two elements with relatively prime orders commute.

(Hint: Show that the commutator of the two elements is in members of the descending central series with arbitrarily great subscript.)

b) Two elements with p-power order generate a p-group.

c) Prove the following generalization of Theorem 11: A nilpotent group in which every element is of finite order is the direct product of nilpotent groups in which every element is of prime power order.

§ 6. Hamiltonian Croups

In an abelian group every subgroup is a normal subgroup. What other groups also have this property?

DEFINITION: A non-abelian group in which every subgroup is a normal subgroup is said to be a Hamiltonian group. For example, the quaternion group is a Hamiltonian group.

THEOREM: A Hamiltonian group is the direct product of a quaternion group with an abelian group in which every element is of odd order and an abelian group of exponent 2, and conversely.

Proof: In a Hamiltonian group image there are two elements A, B which do not commute with each other. Since (A) and (B) are normal subgroups of image, the commutator image of A and B is contained in the intersection of (A) and (B), and therefore in the center of the subgroup image = {A, B} generated by A and B.

The commutator group of image' of image is generated by C and is a proper subgroup of (A) and likewise of (B). Since image where r, s image 0. By Chapter II § 6, (A, B)s = (A, Bs), and therefore Cs = e. Consequently A and B have finite orders m and n respectively. We choose A and B so that m and n are minimal. Then it follows for a prime divisor p of m that


Similarly it follows for a prime divisor p of n that Cp = e. The orders of A, B are consequently powers of the same natural prime p ; they are divisible by p2 since (C) is a proper subgroup of both (A) and (B), while Ap, BP are contained in the center of image.

If, say image, where p, μ are not divisible by p, then we replace A by Aμ, B by Bv, and we may assume that


where a image b > 0.

By chapter II § 6, in image we have the relation


Now image also generate image, and therefore image must be of order at least equal to that of B. From this we conclude:


Therefore image is a quaternion group with the relations A2 = B2 = ABA-1B-1 = C, C2 = e.1

We wish to show that, image is generated by image and the group image of all elements of image which commute with every element of image.

If the element X does not commute with A, then X A X-1 = A-1 and therefore BX commutes with A. If, now, BX does not commute with B, then ABX commutes with B. Consequently.

Every element X in image is of finite order, since BX does not commute with A, and therefore BX is of finite order. But B is of order 4 and commutes with X, therefore X is of finite order. Now, if X4 = e, X ε, then (A, BX) image e, (A,BX) = A2 = B2. Since (BX)4 = e, we have (A,BX) = (BX)2 = B2X2 and therefore X2 = e.

In image there is no element of order 4 and thus certainly no quaternion group. But since every subgroup in image is a normal subgroup, image is abelian. image is the direct product of the subgroup image of all elements of odd order, and the subgroup image, of all elements whose square is e. C is contained in imageimage. Among all the subgroups of image, which do not contain C there is a largest image. For every element X in image, not contained in image, C must be contained in { image, X}. Since X2 = e, we have {image, X }: image = 2 and likewise { image,C}: image = 2, and therefore {image, X } = {image, C}; it follows that {image, C\ = imagei and moreover image image (C) = e; therefore


Since image we have image and moreover image therefore image.

Conversely a group with this structure is Hamiltonian. For image is not abelian. We have yet to show that every cyclic subgroup (QUG) is a normal subgroup. Since image is the only non-abelian factor of the decomposition we only need show that the transform of QUG by A or B is in (QUG).

Now image where i is either 1 or 3. The order of U is an odd number d. Therefore the congruences image can be solved,and image

§ 7. Applications of Extension Theory

Let image be an extension of the normal subgroup image with the factor group

We say a factor system (C) is an abelian factor system if all the Cστ, commute with each other.

THEOREM 24: The (image:1)-th power of an abelian factor system is a retracting1 factor system.

Proof: Let (image: 1) = n > 0. We set image and form the product over image of all the equations image.

Then it follows that image

THEOREM 25 (Schur): If the order n of the finite factor group image is relatively prime to the order m of the finite normal subgroup image, then the extension image splits over image.

Proof: We need only show that image contains a subgroup of order n.

If m = 1, this is clear. Let m > 1 and assume the statement proven when the order of the normal subgroup is less than m. For a prime divisor p of to, every Sylow p-group Sp of image is contained in image. Since there are as many Sylow p-groups in image as in image, Np: image image Np Now Np image image/Sp, is a normal subgroup of Np/Sp with index n. By the induction hypothesis there is a subgroup image/Sp of order n in Np/Sp. Sp/zp is a normal subgroup of image/zp of index n, where zp is the center of Sp and is different from e. By the induction hypothesis there is a subgroup image/Sp of order n in image/zp. Let Cσ τ be a factor system of image over zp. Since the order z of zp is relatively prime to n, we can solve the congruence nnL ≡ 1 (z) and for the factor system Cσ, τ of image over zp we find that it is the n1-th power of the factor system image which is retracting by Theorem 24. Therefore Cσ, τ itself splits over zp, i.e. image contains a subgroup of order n, Q.E.D.

In what follows, let image be a finite group of order n.

THEOREM 26: If image and the aσ commute with one another, then the equation image is solvable, i.e. the mapping image can be accomplished by transformation with an element δ in image.

Proof: Form the product over all equations with fixed σ:


We set image and have image

It has been conjectured that the following theorem is true in general.

THEOREM 27: If the order n of the finite factor group image is relatively prime to the order m of the finite normal subgroup image, then two representative groups of image over image are conjugate in image. We shall prove the theorem when one of the folloiving additional conditions holds:

1. image is abelian.

2. image is solvable.

3. image is solvable.

One of the groups image, image is of odd order, and since it is conjectured that groups of odd order are solvable, it is also expected that the above theorem is true. E. Witt reduced the theorem to the case when image is simple and the centralizer of image in image is e. It is believed that the group of outer automorphisms of a finite simple group is solvable, so that we can conjecture the truth of Theorem 27 on this basis also.

Proof of 1: If image = {Sσ} is a representative group and image = {aσSσ} a second one, then we have the equations


By Theorem 26, image is solvable. Since by hypothesis the congruence image is solvable, image, Q.E.D.

Proof of 2: If image is abelian, then the theorem is true by 1; let image be k-step metabelian and assume the theorem has already been proven for Dk – 1(image) = e. Further, let image and image be two representative groups of image over image. We apply 1 to image/image′ and find that imageimage′ = (imageimage′)x with x image image is solvable i.e., image. Since image, then by applying the induction hypothesis to imageimage′, it follows that image is also solvable for y image image and therefore image = imagexv, with xy image image, Q.E.D.

Proof of 3: Let a principal series of image/image be of length l, and let image, image, be two representative groups of image over image. Let u be a minimal normal subgroup of image; since image is solvable, u is a p-group. u is isomorphic to image where image is a normal subgroup of image.

If l = 1, then u = image, image = image. Then image and image are Sylow p-groups of image therefore conjugate in image. Let l > 1, and assume that the theorem has been proven for smaller l. By the induction hypothesis there is an x in uimage = imageimage, such that image = ux. We set image1 = imagex–1 and find that image, image. Since the principal series of image/u is of length l-1, it follows by the induction hypothesis applied to Nu/u that there is a y image Nu, such that image = imagev, and therefore image = imagexv, Q.E.D.


In a finite solvable group, certain generalized Sylow theorems are valid (Hall):

1. For every decomposition N = n.m of the group order into a product of relatively prime factors, there is a subgroup of order m and index n.

2. Let n and m be chosen as in Exercise 1. All subgroups whose order is a divisor of m lie in a subgroup of order m.

3. Letm be as in Exercise 1. All subgroups of order m are conjugate. The normalizer of a subgroup of order m is its own normalizer.

(Proofs of 1-3 by induction on the length of the principal series and by use of Theorems 25, 27.)

1 According to a communication from E. Witt.

2 If image is the intersection of two Sylow p-groups and no group containing image property is contained in the intersection of any two Sylow p-groups, image is called a maximal intersection of two Sylow p-groups.

3 This name is used because for finite continuous groups the associated Lie ring of infinitesimal transformations is nilpotent precisely when the ascending central series terminates with the full group.

4 Here we must anticipate the result of § 5 which is trivial for p-groups; namely, that every factor group of a nilpotent is itself nilpotent.

5 In accordance with a communication from Herr Maass, Hambirg.

6 This last by the basis theorem.

7 image is also called the i-th Reidemeister commutator group.

8 These groups are also said to be perfect groups.

9 Instead of this process one can apply Theorem 15 of § 3 to the group image !

10 See end of § 6, Chapter III.