Clay Blair Collection, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie |
LC |
Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Washington, DC |
U.S. National Archives and Record Administration, College Park, MD |
Submarine Force Museum, Groton, CT |
SM |
Submarine Memorabilia, WWII Submarine War Patrol Reports, reproduced on DVD, discs 1–28 |
USS Bowfin Submarine Museum, Pearl Harbor, HI |
1. I. J. Galantin, Take Her Deep! A Submarine against Japan in World War II (1987; repr., London: Unwin Hyman, 1988), 47.
2. George Grider, with Lydel Sims, War Fish (London: Cassell, 1959), 12–13.
3. Robert Gannon, Hellions of the Deep: The Development of American Torpedoes in World War II (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996), 198; Mark P. Parillo, The Japanese Merchant Marine in World War II (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1993), 207.
4. William Tuohy, The Bravest Man: Richard O’Kane and the Amazing Submarine Adventures of the USS Tang (2001; repr., New York: Ballantine Books, 2006), 269–70.
5. Calvin Moon Interview, 21, Rutgers Oral History Archives of World War II, http://fas-history.rutgers.edu/oralhistory/Interviews/moon-calvin.html (accessed 2 September 2005).
6. C. Kenneth Ruiz, with John Bruning, The Luck of the Draw: The Memoir of a World War II Submariner (St. Paul, MN: Zenith, 2005), 238.
7. Geoffrey Till, “The Battle of the Atlantic as History,” in The Battle of the Atlantic, 1939–1945: The 50th Anniversary International Naval Conference, ed. Stephen Howarth and Derek Law (London: Greenhill Books, 1994), 587.
8. Harley Cope and Walter Karig, Battle Submerged: Submarine Fighters of World War II (New York: Norton, 1951), 215; Clay Blair Jr., Hitler’s U-Boat War: The Hunters, 1939–1942 (1996; repr., New York: Modern Library, 2000), 21; Gordon Williamson, Grey Wolf: U-Boat Crewmen of World War II (Oxford: Osprey, 2001), 53, 55; Peter Padfield, War beneath the Sea: Submarine Conflict, 1939–1945 (London: Pimlico, 1995), 64–65; 303–4; Clay Blair Jr., Hitler’s U-Boat War: The Hunted, 1942–1945 (1998; repr., London: Cassell, 2001), 316.
9. Joel Ira Holwitt, “Execute against Japan”: The U.S. Decision to Conduct Unrestricted Submarine Warfare (College Station: Texas A&University Press, 2009), 67–69; Anthony Newpower, Iron Men and Tin Fish: The Race to Build a Better Torpedo during World War II (Westport, CT: Praeger Security International, 2006), 97–98.
10. See, for example, Commander Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet, Current Doctrine Submarines, February 1944, 6, Naval Historical Center, Washington, DC, http://www.history.navy.mil/library/online/sub_doctrine.htm (accessed 13 June 2008); Dale Russell, Hell Above, Deep Water Below (Tillamook, OR: Bayocean Enterprises, 1995), 10; Norman Friedman, US Naval Weapons: Every Gun, Missile, Mine and Torpedo Used by the US Navy from 1883 to the Present Day (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1983), 54–55.
11. Quoted in Mike Ostlund, Find ’Em, Chase ’Em, Sink ’Em: The Mysterious Loss of the WWII Submarine USS Gudgeon (Guildford, CT: Lyons, 2006), 318.
12. Charles Lockwood, Sink ’Em All: Submarine Warfare in the Pacific (1951; repr., New York: Bantam Books, 1984), 141; Commander Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet, Current Doctrine Submarines, February 1944, 71–72.
13. Michael Wilson, A Submariners’ War: The Indian Ocean, 1939–45 (Stroud, UK: Tempus, 2000), 105–6; Charles Eliott Loughlin, The Reminiscences of Rear Admiral Charles Elliot Loughlin, U.S. Navy (Retired) (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1982), 115; Theodore Roscoe, United States Submarine Operations in World War II (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1949), 422–23; Clay Blair Jr., Silent Victory: The U.S. Submarine War against Japan (1975; repr., Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2001), 764; Flint Whitlock and Ron Smith, The Depths of Courage: American Submariners at War with Japan, 1941–1945 (New York: Berkley Caliber, 2007), 225–26; Jonathan J. McCullough, A Tale of Two Subs: An Untold Story of World War II, Two Sister Ships, and Extraordinary Heroism (New York: Grand Central, 2008), 232, 241–45; Corwin Mendenhall, Submarine Diary: The Silent Stalking of Japan (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1991), 288–89.
14. Quoted in Gannon, Hellions of the Deep, 45.
15. Holger H. Herwig, “Innovation Ignored: The Submarine Problem; Germany, Britain, and the United States, 1919–1939,” in Military Innovation in the Interwar Period, ed. Williamson Murray and Allan R. Millett (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), 260. See also, for example, Buford Rowland and William B. Boyd, U.S. Navy Bureau of Ordnance in World War II (Washington, DC: Bureau of Ordnance Department of the Navy, 1953), 90, 96, 109.
16. Roscoe, Submarine Operations, 111–12; Charles Rush, “One-Boat Wolfpack,” Naval History 22 (February 2008): 24–26; Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 50; David C. Evans, ed., The Japanese Navy in World War II: In the Words of Former Japanese Naval Officers (1969; repr., Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1986), 397.
17. History of USS Pompano, disc 4, SM.
18. Creed Burlingame Interview (taped), box 96, CBC.
19. Quoted in Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 151–52. See also Paul Chapman, Submarine Torbay (London: Robert Hale, 1989), 21.
20. Holwitt, “Execute against Japan,” 80.
21. Norvell G. Ward, The Reminiscences of Norvell G. Ward (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1996), 110–11; Rowland, Bureau of Ordnance, 394; Milan Vego, Operational Warfare at Sea: Theory and Practice (London: Routledge, 2009), 14.
22. William T. Kinsella Interview (taped), box 98, CBC; Maurice H. Rindskopf, in Submarine Stories: Recollections from the Diesel Boats, ed. Paul Stillwell (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2007), 109.
23. See Carl Boyd, American Command of the Sea through Carriers, Codes and the Silent Service: World War II and Beyond (Newport News, VA: Mariners’ Museum, 1995), 36; James Calvert, Silent Running: My Years on a World War II Attack Submarine (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1995), 109.
24. Ward, Reminiscences, 154; Stephen L. Moore, Spadefish: On Patrol with a Top-Scoring World War II Submarine (Dallas: Atriad, 2006), 38; Holwitt, “Execute against Japan,” 80; Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 42.
25. Lawson P. Ramage, in Stillwell, Submarine Stories, 165–69; Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 294–95; Cope and Karig, Battle Submerged, 118.
26. Quoted in Craig R. McDonald, The USS Puffer in World War II: A History of the Submarine and Its Wartime Crew (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008), 127. See also John D. Alden, The Fleet Submarine in the U.S. Navy: A Design and Construction History (London: Arms and Armour, 1979), 93.
27. See Rowland, Bureau of Ordnance, 258; Cope and Karig, Battle Submerged, 217–18; Newpower, Iron Men and Tin Fish, 98.
28. Charles Lockwood to Vice Admiral R. S. Edwards, 25 November 1942, Papers of Charles A. Lockwood, Correspondence, 1940–42, box 12, folder 65, LC; Holwitt, “Execute against Japan,” 73.
29. Alden, Fleet Submarine, 93.
30. Rowland, Bureau of Ordnance, 258, 262; Friedman, US Naval Weapons, 54, 56; Moore, Spadefish, 37; Alden, Fleet Submarine, 94; USS Bergall Deck Guns, http://www.bergall.org/320 (accessed 6 July 2007). The designation 25-caliber represented the length of the barrel, with one caliber equal to the shell diameter of 5 inches; thus the barrel length was 125 inches.
31. See Norman Polmar, The American Submarine (Annapolis, MD: Nautical and Aviation Publishing Company of America, 1981), 64; Alden, Fleet Submarine, 94; Paul Kemp, A Pictorial History of the Sea War, 1939–1945 (London: Arms and Armour, 1995), 83; Moore, Spadefish, 397; Friedman, US Naval Weapons, 54.
1. Roscoe, Submarine Operations, 9–10; Whitlock and Smith, Depths of Courage, 11; Gannon, Hellions of the Deep, 197.
2. Janet M. Manson, Diplomatic Ramifications of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, 1939–1941 (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1990), 1, 5, 160; W. T. Mallison Jr., Studies in the Law of Naval Warfare: Submarines in General and Limited Wars (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1968), 90.
3. Jean-Marie Henckaerts, “The Development of International Humanitarian Law and the Continued Relevance of Custom,” in The Legitimate Use of Military Force: The Just War Tradition and the Customary Laws of Armed Conflict, ed. Howard M. Hensel (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2008), 117; Blair, The Hunters, 1939–1942, 7; Gary M. Anderson and Adam Gifford Jr., “Privateering and the Private Production of Naval Power,” Cato Journal 11 (Spring/Summer 1991): 103–5; Gary M. Anderson and Adam Gifford Jr., “Order Out of Anarchy: The International Law of War,” Cato Journal 15 (Spring/Summer 1995): 28; Paul E. Fontenoy, Submarines: An Illustrated History of Their Impact (Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, 2007), 15.
4. Chuck Lawliss, The Submarine Book: An Illustrated History of the Attack Submarine (Shrewsbury, UK: Airlife, 2000), 68–69; V. E. Tarrant, The U-Boat offensive, 1914–1945 (London: Arms and Armour, 1989), 12.
5. Fontenoy, Submarines, 15–16.
6. Ronald H. Spector, At War at Sea: Sailors and Naval Combat in the Twentieth Century (New York: Viking, 2001), 115.
7. Quoted in Richard Dean Burns, “Regulating Submarine Warfare, 1921–41: A Case Study in Arms Control and Limited War,” Military Affairs 35 (April 1971): 59.
8. See Ingrid Detter De Lupis, The Law of War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), 267; Adam Roberts and Richard Guelff, eds., Documents on the Laws of War (1982; repr., Oxford: Clarendon, 1989), 147–50; Emily O. Goldman, Sunken Treaties: Naval Arms Control between the Wars (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994), 293–94, 317; Geoffrey Best, Humanity in Warfare (New York: Columbia University Press, 1983), 259.
9. Blair, The Hunters, 1939–1942, 66–67, 425; Friedrich Ruge, Sea Warfare, 1939–1945: A German Viewpoint (London: Cassell, 1957), 45–46; Lawliss, Submarine Book, 88; Howarth and Law, Battle of the Atlantic, 60; Andrew Williams, The Battle of the Atlantic (London: BBC, 2002), 16; Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 4–7, 55, 59; J. Rohwer and G. Hummerchen, Chronology of the War at Sea, 1939–1945: The Naval History of World War Two (1972; repr., London: Greenhill Books, 1992), 1.
10. Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 56; Bernard Edwards, The Grey WidowMaker: Twenty-four Disasters at Sea (London: Robert Hale, 1990), 81–89; Dan Van Der Vat, Stealth at Sea: The History of the Submarine (London: Orion, 1995), 190.
11. Lawliss, Submarine Book, 88; Ruge, Sea Warfare, 48; Mallison, Law of Naval Warfare, 115; Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 65; Williams, Battle of the Atlantic, 59; Manson, Diplomatic Ramifications, 97; Burns, “Submarine Warfare,” 60.
12. Wilson, Submariners’ War, 18; Newpower, Iron Men and Tin Fish, 56; Fontenoy, Submarines, 31.
13. Roberts and Guelff, Laws of War, 149–50.
14. Quoted in Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 65; Williams, Battle of the Atlantic, 211.
15. Quoted in Blair, The Hunted, 1942–1945, 65. For accounts of the incident, see also Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 294–96; Ruge, Sea Warfare, 232; Williamson, Grey Wolf, 5, 52; Tony Bridgland, Waves of Hate: Naval Atrocities of the Second World War (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2002), 63–90; Wilson, Submariners’ War, 128.
16. Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 42; Bruce Henderson, Down to the Sea: An Epic Story of Naval Disaster and Heroism in World War II (New York: Harper Collins, 2007), 16; Whitlock and Smith, Depths of Courage, 10; Lawliss, Submarine Book, 98–99; Polmar, American Submarine, 57.
17. Ronald H. Spector, Eagle against the Sun: The American War with Japan (New York: Vintage Books, 1985), 153; Robert Fyne, The Hollywood Propaganda of World War II (London: Scarecrow, 1997), 152; Gordon Daniels, “The Great Tokyo Air Raid, 9–10 March 1945,” in Modern Japan: Aspects of History, Literature and Society, ed. W. G. Beasley (Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle, 1976), 121.
18. Quoted in Herwig, “Innovation Ignored,” 256. See also Manson, Diplomatic Ramifications, 34; Holwitt, “Execute against Japan,” 83, 124.
19. See Holwitt, “Execute against Japan,” especially 2, 79, 160, 169, 183; Spector, At War at Sea, 287.
20. Kinsella interview; Richard Voge, quoted in Holwitt, “Execute against Japan,” 82.
21. See the Reminiscences of James Fife, Interviews Conducted 1961–62, 196, 242, Oral History Research Office, Columbia University, New York.
22. Bruce A. Elleman and S. C. M. Paine, eds., Naval Coalition Warfare: From the Napoleonic War to Operation Iraqi Freedom (London: Routledge, 2008), 115–16; Vego, Operational Warfare, 14–15, 211; Max Hastings, Retribution: The Battle for Japan, 1944–45 (New York: Knopf, 2008), 268.
23. Spector, Eagle against the Sun, 85; William Bruce Johnson, The Pacific Campaign in World War II: From Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal (London: Routledge, 2006), 55; Roscoe, Submarine Operations, 5–6; Steven L. Carruthers, Japanese Submarine Raiders, 1942: A Maritime Mystery (Narrabeen, New South Wales: Casper, 2006), 57; Shigeru Fukudome, “The Hawaii Operation,” in Evans, Japanese Navy, 32.
24. Mochitsura Hashimoto, Sunk: The Story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet, 1942–1945, trans. E. H. M. Colegrave (London: Hamilton, 1955), 12; David Jenkins, Battle Surface: Japan’s Submarine War against Australia, 1942–44 (Sydney: Random House, 1992), 32; Sadao Asada, From Mahan to Pearl Harbor: The Imperial Japanese Navy and the United States (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2006), 180; Michael A. Palmer, Command at Sea: Naval Command and Control since the Sixteenth Century (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005), 256.
25. Dallas Woodbury Isom, Midway Inquest: Why the Japanese Lost the Battle of Midway (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2007), 252; Fontenoy, Submarines, 38; Interrogation of Vice-Admiral Paul H. Weneker, United States Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific), Interrogations of Japanese Officials, Naval Analysis Division, http://ibiblio.org/hyperwar/AAF/USSBS/IJO/IJO-70.html (accessed 11 April 2008).
26. Hashimoto, Sunk, 61–64; Arthur Hezlet, The Submarine and Sea Power (London: Peter Davies, 1967), 199.
27. Masataka Chihaya, “The Withdrawal from Kiska,” in Evans, Japanese Navy, 253–54; Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 340.
28. David Stevens, A Critical Vulnerability: The Impact of the Submarine Threat on Australia’s Maritime Defence, 1915–1954 (Canberra: Sea Power Centre, 2005), 172; Mark Felton, Slaughter at Sea: The Story of Japan’s Naval War Crimes (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2007), 138; Holwitt, “Execute against Japan,” 139, 215; Robert Greenhalgh Albion and Jennie Barnes Pope, Sea Lanes in Wartime: The American Experience, 1775–1945 (n.p.: Archon Books, 1968), 301.
29. Stevens, A Critical Vulnerability, 173, 231; Newpower, Iron Men and Tin Fish, 114.
30. Carruthers, Japanese Submarine Raiders, 193; Stevens, A Critical Vulnerability, 185–86, 191, 201, 209.
31. Carruthers, Japanese Submarine Raiders, 201; Stevens, A Critical Vulnerability, 332.
32. Felton, Slaughter at Sea, 155–56; Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 226; Stevens, A Critical Vulnerability, 278.
33. Jenkins, Battle Surface, 7, 32, 255, 289–91; Bernard Edwards, Blood and Bushido: Japanese Atrocities at Sea, 1941–1945 (Worcester, UK: Self Publishing Association, 1991), 42; Blair, The Hunted, 1942–1945, 231–32; Hastings, Retribution, 338, 426; Oz at War, http://www.ozatwar.com (accessed 13 June 2008); Jean Hood, ed., Submarine: An Anthology of First-hand Accounts of War under the Sea, 1939–1945 (London: Conway, 2007), 358; Spector, Eagle against the Sun, 481.
34. Quoted in Henderson, Down to the Sea, 19.
35. Quoted in Hood, Submarine, 230.
36. Quentin Russell Seiler, foreword to Ostlund, Find ’Em, xiii.
37. Lawson P. Ramage, Reminiscences of Vice Admiral Lawson P. Ramage (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1975), 59.
38. Whitlock and Smith, Depths of Courage, 6, 8, 11.
39. Quoted in ibid., 160–61.
40. Edward L. Beach Sr., with Edward L. Beach Jr., From Annapolis to Scapa Flow: The Autobiography of Edward K. Beach Sr. (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2003), 291–92.
41. Calvert, Silent Running, 39.
42. Quoted in Blair, Silent Victory, 106, 352.
43. Quoted in Ostlund, Find ’Em, 55.
44. USS Bluegill (SS-242), http://home.flash.net/~stromain/BlueGill/ (accessed 9 July 2007).
45. Russell, Hell Above, 121.
46. Quoted in Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 400.
47. Quoted in Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 259.
48. Quoted in Whitlock and Smith, Depths of Courage, 288.
49. Hosey Mays, in Stillwell, Submarine Stories, 160; Moore, Spadefish, 284.
50. Jaye Garrison Interview (transcript), 9 May 1992, Oral History Collection, UBSM.
1. Quoted in Stillwell, Submarine Stories, 4. See also Carl LaVO, Slade Cutter: Submarine Warrior (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2003), 79.
2. Lewis Parks Interview (taped), boxes 98 and 99, CBC.
3. LaVO, Slade Cutter, 81, 86; USS Pompano First War Patrol Report, disc 4, SM; Roscoe, Submarine Operations, 93–94.
4. Slade Cutter, quoted in Stillwell, Submarine Stories, 1, 3, 6–7; USS Pompano Second War Patrol Report, 22–24 May 1942, UBSM; LaVO, Slade Cutter, 79, 90.
5. Quoted in LaVO, Slade Cutter, 40.
6. Parks interview. For other characterizations of Cutter, see Blair, Silent Victory, 677; Don Keith, Final Patrol: True Stories of World War II Submarines (New York: NAL Caliber, 2006), 245–48; Stillwell, Submarine Stories, 1; “Submariner Gets Support to Make Admiral,” Naval History 18 (August 2004): 62; Ward, Reminiscences, 89.
7. Dave Bouslog, Maru Killer: The War Patrols of the USS Seahorse (Sarasota, FL: Seahorse Books, 1996), 32–33, 39–41.
8. Rowland, Bureau of Ordnance, 53, 59–60; Commander Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet, Current Doctrine Submarines, February 1944, 72.
9. USS Seahorse Second War Patrol Report, 29 October 1943, Target Data, UBSM.
10. Friedman, US Naval Weapons, 55; Rowland, Bureau of Ordnance, 235; Don Keith, In the Course of Duty: The Heroic Mission of the USS Batfish (New York: NAL Caliber, 2005), 34; Tony DiGuilian, “Definitions and Information about Naval Guns,” http://www.navweapons.com/ (accessed 1 August 2007); USS Bergall, Deck Guns.
11. Quoted in LaVO, Slade Cutter, 126.
12. Quoted in ibid., 127.
13. Bouslog, Maru Killer, 41–43.
14. Slade Cutter, The Reminiscences of Captain Slade D. Cutter (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1985), 72–74; LaVO, Slade Cutter, 136.
15. USS Pollack Second War Patrol Report, 10–11 March 1942, disc 4, SM.
16. USS Pollack First War Patrol Report, Endorsement, disc 4, SM; Graeme Cook, Silent Marauders (London: Hart-Davis, MacGibbon, 1976), 53–55; F. W. Lipscomb, The British Submarine (London: Adam and Charles Black, 1954), 100.
17. USS Pollack Second War Patrol Report, Endorsement.
18. Ibid.
19. USS Pollack Third War Patrol Report, Endorsement, disc 4, SM.
20. Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 215.
21. Compiled from John D. Alden, U.S. Submarine Attacks during World War II (Including Allied Submarine Attacks in the Pacific Theatre) (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1989); John D. Alden and Craig R. McDonald, United States and Allied Submarine Successes in the Pacific and Far East during World War II (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009). See appendix. Note that these statistics refer only to gun attacks claimed as successful in sinking or damaging craft.
22. John G. Butcher, The Closing of the Frontier: A History of the Marine Fisheries of Southeast Asia, c. 1850–2000 (Leiden: KITLV, 2004), 169.
23. Quoted in Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 150.
24. Charles Lockwood and Hans Christian Adamson, Hellcats of the Sea (New York: Greenberg, 1955), 195.
25. Galantin, Take Her Deep! 45–46.
26. Quoted in USS Thresher (SS-200), History, http://www.broseker.net/babroseker/history.htm (accessed 30 July 2007).
27. USS Tinosa Seventh War Patrol Report, 18 June 1944, UBSM.
28. Paul R. Schratz, Submarine Commander: A Story of World War II and Korea (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1988), 116; USS Sterlet Second War Patrol Report, 9 October 1944, UBSM.
29. Burlingame interview; Roy M. Davenport, Clean Sweep (New York: Vantage Books, 1986), 1.
30. See Parks interview; James D. Hornfischer, The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors: The Extraordinary World War II Story of the U.S. Navy’s Finest Hour (2004; repr., New York: Bantam Books, 2005), 176; Rowland, Bureau of Ordnance, 53, 55.
31. Quoted in Robert J. Casey, Battle Below: The War of the Submarines (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1945), 304.
32. USS Silversides First War Patrol Report, 10 May 1942, UBSM; Burlingame interview; Keith, Final Patrol, 76; Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 56; Larry Kimmett and Margaret Regis, U.S. Submarines in World War II: An Illustrated History (Seattle: Navigator, 1996), 56; Casey, Battle Below, 301–5; McDonald, USS Puffer, 87.
33. Parks interview.
34. Slade Cutter, in Stillwell, Submarine Stories, 6; LaVO, Slade Cutter, 97, 104–6; USS Pompano Third War Patrol Report, 4–5 September 1942, disc 4, SM.
35. Based on cases compiled by Charles R. Hinman. See On Eternal Patrol, http://wwwoneternalpatrol.com (accessed 17 January 2007).
36. Rick Cline, Final Dive: The Gallant and Tragic Career of the WWII Submarine USS Snook (Placentia, CA: R. A. Cline, 2001), 66–68.
37. USS Croaker Second War Patrol Report, Endorsement, disc 15, SM.
38. Ramage, Reminiscences, 103–4.
39. Galantin, Take Her Deep! 182. See also Garrison interview.
40. Quoted in Casey, Battle Below, 335.
41. Mallison, Law of Naval Warfare, 4; Victor Rudenno, Gallipoli: Attack from the Sea (Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2008), 38–39; Paul Halpern, “The Naval Coalition against the Central Powers, 1914–1918,” in Elleman and Paine, eds., Naval Coalition Warfare, 102.
42. See Williams, Battle of the Atlantic, 175; Jenkins, Battle Surface, 218; George J. Billy and Christine M. Billy, Merchant Mariners at War: An Oral History of World War II (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2008), 140, 142, 147.
43. Tarrant, U-Boat offensive, 100.
44. Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 69; Howarth and Law, Battle of the Atlantic, 189; Williams, Battle of the Atlantic, 172; Blair, The Hunters, 1939–1942, 145, 260; Peter C. Smith, Naval Warfare in the English Channel, 1939–1945 (Barnsley, UK: Pen and Sword, 2007), 84–85; Lipscomb, British Submarine, 223; Keith Lowe, Inferno: The Fiery Destruction of Hamburg, 1943 (New York: Scribner, 2007), 289.
45. Quoted in Bridgland, Waves of Hate, 153; see also 146–52.
46. Henry T. Chen, Taiwanese Distant-Water Fisheries in Southeast Asia, 1936–1977 (St. John’s, Newfoundland: International Maritime Economic History Association, 2009), 8, 23.
47. USS Guardfish First War Patrol Report, 22 August 1942, disc 11, SM.
48. Ward, Reminiscences, 162.
49. McDonald, USS Puffer, 61; Mendenhall, Submarine Diary, 205–6.
50. Harry J. Benda, James K. Irikura, and Koichi Kishi, Japanese Military Administration in Indonesia: Selected Documents, Translation Series 6 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, 1965), 23, 34.
51. Mendenhall, Submarine Diary, 258.
52. Hansgeng Jentschura, Dieter Jung, and Peter Milker, Warships of the Imperial Japanese Navy, 1869–1945, trans. Anthony Preston and J. D. Brown (London: Arms and Armour, 1977), 196.
53. USS Archerfish Fourth War Patrol Report, 13 August 1944, http://www.ussarcherfish.com/warptrl/patr014.htm (accessed 4 July 2007).
54. USS Thresher (SS-200), History.
55. George Edwin Bogaars Interview (transcript), 8 December 1983, accession no. 000379, National Archives of Singapore; Doug Hurst, The Fourth Ally: The Dutch Forces in Australia during World War II (Canberra: Doug Hurst, 2001), 17; Chen, Taiwanese Distant-Water Fisheries, 8.
56. Roscoe, Submarine Operations, 111; Spector, Eagle against the Sun, 154; Robert J. McLaughlin and Sally E. Parry, We’ll Always Have the Movies: American Cinema during World War II (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2006), 71; Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 81.
57. IJN Akagi Maru: Tabular Record of Movement, Combined Fleet, http://www.combinedfleet.com (accessed 12 March 2008).
58. USS Finback fifth War Patrol Report, Enemy A/S Measures, disc 13, SM.
59. Galantin, Take Her Deep! 45, 85–86.
60. USS Pompano Sixth War Patrol Report, Enemy A/S Measures, disc 4, SM.
61. William Godfrey Jr. Interview, Rutgers Oral History Archives, 17.
62. USS Batfish Second War Patrol Report, 20–21 March, http://www.ussbatfish.com (accessed 5 July 2007).
63. USS Gunnel Fourth War Patrol Report, with commentary by executive officer Lloyd R. Vasey, http://www.jmlavelle.com/gunnel/patr014.htm (accessed 7 November 2007).
64. USS Finback Second War Patrol Report, 3 November 1942, disc 13, SM.
65. USS Redfin Fourth War Patrol Report, 19 September 1944, UBSM.
66. USS Batfish Second War Patrol Report, 23 March 1944.
67. Butcher, Closing of the Frontier, 169.
68. Quoted in Sydney Morning Herald, 5 August 1942, 7.
69. Ibid.; Jenkins, Battle Surface, 263–64. See also Patricia Miles, “After the Battle of Terrigal: Merchant Navy Losses off the New South Wales Coast in World War II,” 7, Maritime Heritage Online, http://maritime.heritage.nsw.gov.au/ (accessed 11 June 2008).
1. U.S. Navy press release, On Eternal Patrol; USS Bowfin–News, http://www.bowfin.org/website/news (accessed 17 January 2007); The Submarine USS Wahoo (SS-238), http://www.mackinnon.org/wahoo-home.html (accessed 17 January 2007).
2. Morton, quoted in Associated Press interview, Dudley Morton Papers, UBSM; Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 3; Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 339; Grider and Sims, War Fish, 44; Lockwood and Adamson, Hellcats of the Sea, 7; Thomas Parrish, The Submarine: A History (London: Viking Penguin, 2004), 389; James F. DeRose, Unrestricted Warfare: How a New Breed of Officers Led the Submarine Force to Victory in World War II (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2000), 56; Keith Wheeler, War under the Pacific (Alexandria, VA: TimeLife Books, 1980), 64; Holwitt, “Execute against Japan,” 163.
3. Roscoe, Submarine Operations, 205.
4. Quoted in Legends of the Deep, http://www.warfish.com (accessed 23 March 2007).
5. Grider and Sims, War Fish, 51.
6. Holwitt, “Execute against Japan,” 80; DeRose, Unrestricted Warfare, 55; Burlingame interview.
7. DeRose, Unrestricted Warfare, 62.
8. USS Wahoo Second War Patrol Report, 14 December 1942, in J. T. McDaniel, ed., U.S.S. Wahoo (SS-238) American Submarine War Patrol Reports (Riverdale, GA: Riverdale Books, 2003), 32.
9. Ibid., 32, 43–44; DeRose, Unrestricted Warfare, 62; Forest J. Sterling, Wake of the Wahoo (Philadelphia: Chilton, 1960), 44.
10. Reminiscences of James Fife, 362–63.
11. DeRose, Unrestricted Warfare, 105; Blair, Silent Victory, 538.
12. Richard O’Kane, Wahoo: The Patrols of America’s Most Famous World War II Submarine (Novato, CA: Presidio, 1987), 199.
13. DeRose, Unrestricted Warfare, 69; UBSM exhibit.
14. See Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 38; Werner Gruhl, Imperial Japan’s World War Two, 1931–1945 (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2007), 49; Blair, The Hunted, 1942–1945, 158–59; Spector, Eagle against the Sun, 222; Newpower, Iron Men and Tin Fish, 140–41.
15. Quoted in DeRose, Unrestricted Warfare, 92.
16. Photo, Morton Papers.
17. Time, 22 February 1943, 24.
18. Morton Papers.
19. USS Wahoo Third War Patrol Report, 26 January 1943, in McDaniel, U.S.S. Wahoo, 50.
20. Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 65.
21. Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 398–99.
22. USS Wahoo Third War Patrol Report, 26 January 1943, 50–51.
23. Quoted in David Jones and Peter Nunan, U.S. Subs Down Under: Brisbane, 1942–1945 (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2005), 98; Clary, in Legends of the Deep.
24. Quoted in Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 399.
25. Ibid., 398–99.
26. See McDonald, USS Puffer, 48; Hastings, Retribution, 292.
27. Quoted in Holwitt, “Execute against Japan,” 81.
28. DeRose, Unrestricted Warfare, 65–66, 77, 94, 287.
29. Quoted in Hastings, Retribution, 172.
30. Quoted in Bridgland, Waves of Hate, 136. See also Boyd, American Command, 22; Ruge, Sea Warfare, 233; Gruhl, Imperial Japan’s World War Two, 186.
31. See Jones and Nunan, U.S. Subs Down Under, 98; DeRose, Unrestricted Warfare, 81; Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 343; Spector, Eagle against the Sun, 127–28; Felton, Slaughter at Sea, 54.
32. Quoted in Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 399.
33. Newspaper clipping, Wahoo Boat Book, SFM.
34. DeRose, Unrestricted Warfare, 72; Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 5.
35. Quoted in Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 400.
36. Holwitt, “Execute against Japan,” 173–74.
37. USS Wahoo Fourth War Patrol Report, 21 March 1943, in McDaniel, U.S.S. Wahoo, 71.
38. Quoted in Legends of the Deep.
39. USS Wahoo Fourth War Patrol Report, 25 March 1943, in McDaniel, U.S.S. Wahoo, 75.
40. Quoted in Legends of the Deep.
1. Chapman, Submarine Torbay, 62.
2. See Leo Braudy, From Chivalry to Terrorism: War and the Changing Nature of Masculinity (New York: Vintage Books, 2005), 42–43.
3. Quoted in Chapman, Submarine Torbay, 67.
4. Quoted in Bridgland, Waves of Hate, 99.
5. Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 145–49.
6. Galantin, Take Her Deep! 49. See also Chapman, Submarine Torbay, 161, 163; Edward Young, One of Our Submarines (Hertfordshire, UK: Wordsworth Editions, 1997), 302; Mendenhall, Submarine Diary, 154.
7. Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 379–82; Blair, The Hunted, 1942–1945, 530–33; Michael Gunton, Dive! Dive! Dive! Submarines at War (London: Constable, 2003), 57–58; Dönitz, quoted in James Owen, Nuremberg: Evil on Trial (London: Headline Review, 2006), 240; Bridgland, Waves of Hate, 108–12.
8. Manson, Diplomatic Ramifications, 6.
9. Admiral Doenitz, Memoirs: Ten Years and Twenty Days (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1958), 263. See also Owen, Nuremberg, 238.
10. Williams, Battle of the Atlantic, 209–10; Blair, The Hunters, 1939–1942, 565.
11. Nimitz’s statement, 11 May 1946, in Mallison, Law of Naval Warfare, appendix B, 192; Owen, Nuremberg, 237, 241.
12. Quoted in Owen, Nuremberg, 319; Blair, The Hunted, 1942–1945, 704.
13. Williams, Battle of the Atlantic, 286; Blair, The Hunted, 1942–1945, 609, 704; Manson, Diplomatic Ramifications, 180; Burns, “Submarine Warfare,” 61.
14. Felton, Slaughter at Sea, 7.
15. Stephen Howarth, Fighting Ships of the Rising Sun: The Drama of the Imperial Japanese Navy, 1895–1945 (New York: Atheneum, 1983), 325.
16. Quoted in Mallison, Law of Naval Warfare, 142; Wilson, Submariners’ War, 91. Those ships whose survivors were attacked included the Donerail, Langkoeas, Scotia, British Chivalry, Sutlej, Ascot, Daisy Moller, Nancy Moller, Tjisalak, Jean Nicolet, Richard Hoovey, John A. Johnson, and Mamutu.
17. James F. Dunnigan and Albert A. Nofi, Victory at Sea: World War II in the Pacific (New York: William Morrow, 1995), 295; Jenkins, Battle Surface, 82; Yuki Tanaka, Hidden Horrors: Japanese War Crimes in World War II (Boulder, CO: Westview, 1996), 194; Gunton, Dive! 59; Ulrich Straus, The Anguish of Surrender: Japanese POWs of World War II (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2003), 36; Felton, Slaughter at Sea, 72, 162; Arthur Page, Between Victor and Vanquished: An Australian Interrogator in the War against Japan (Canberra: Australian Military History Publications, 2008), 120, 125–26.
18. Jenkins, Battle Surface, 278–79; Gruhl, Imperial Japan’s World War Two, 103; Edwards, Blood and Bushido, 70–76.
19. Weekend Australian, 29–30 March 2008, 3.
20. Felton, Slaughter at Sea, 98.
21. Edwards, Blood and Bushido, 92–117, 120–50; Jenkins, Battle Surface, 284; Gruhl, Imperial Japan’s World War Two, 103.
22. Billy and Billy, Merchant Mariners at War, 2, 126.
23. Harold L. Clark Statement, Statements by Survivors SS John A. Johnson Following Torpedoing by Japanese Submarine, November 1944, ARC id 296781, NARA, http://arcweb.archives.gov/arac/servlet/arc (accessed 29 June 2007).
24. Survivor Statements, ARC id 296781, 296779, 296792, NARA; Edwards, Blood and Bushido, 234–43.
25. Yomiuri Shimbun, From Marco Polo Bridge to Pearl Harbor: Who Was Responsible? ed. James E. Auer (Tokyo: Yomiuri Shimbun, 2006), 212.
26. Jenkins, Battle Surface, 284; Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 435, 465; T. O. Paine, The Transpacific Voyage of His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s Submarine I-400 (Tom Paine’s Journal, July–December 1945) (Los Angeles: T. O. Paine, 1984), 8; Edwards, Blood and Bushido, 181–202, 218–33; Gunton, Dive! 59; Mallison, Law of Naval Warfare, 142; Bridgland, Waves of Hate, 138– 45; Evan Thomas, Sea of Thunder: Four Commanders and the Last Great Naval Campaign, 1941–1945 (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2006), 585; Wilson, Submariners’ War, 92–97; Roger Bell, Sean Brawley, and Chris Dixon, Conflict in the Pacific, 1937–1951 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 204.
27. Jenkins, Battle Surface, 284; Edwards, Blood and Bushido, 247; Felton, Slaughter at Sea, 102, 111–12, 142, 144.
28. See, for example, Tim Maga, Judgment at Tokyo: The Japanese War Crimes Trials (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2001), 98–100.
29. Quoted in Carruthers, Japanese Submarine Raiders, 191.
30. Michael Sturma, Death at a Distance: The Loss of the Legendary USS Harder (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2006), 168.
31. Mendenhall, Submarine Diary, 144–45.
32. Philip Nichols Interview (taped), box 99, CBC; USS Bergall Third War Patrol Report, 27 January 1945, http://www.bergall.org/320 (accessed 6 July 2007).
33. Attack on Taiei Maru, (Blue 440), 1942–45, RG 313, NARA.
34. Statement by Commander J. W. Blanchard, Albacore Boat Book, SFM.
35. Ibid.. See also James Blanchard Interview (taped), box 98, CBC; Blair, Silent Victory, 658.
36. William Hazzard Interview (taped), box 97, CBC.
37. Bouslog, Maru Killer, 148–49.
38. Alastair Mars, H.M.S. Thule Intercepts (London: Elek Books, 1956), 169.
39. Ibid., 195.
40. See Tony Waters, When Killing Is a Crime (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2007), 73–74.
41. Quoted in Thomas, Sea of Thunder, 108.
1. Paul R. Schratz, The Reminiscences of Captain Paul Richard Schratz (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1996), 61.
2. USS Scorpion First War Patrol Report, 20–22 April 1943, UBSM.
3. Schratz, Reminiscences, 60–62, 74. See also USS Scorpion First War Patrol Report, 29–30 April 1943; Paul R. Schratz, in Stillwell, Submarine Stories, 128–30.
4. USS Finback Sixth War Patrol Report, 19 August 1943, disc 13, SM.
5. See appendix.
6. See Burlingame interview; G. R. C. Worchester, The Junks and Sampans of the Yangtze (Shanghai: Department of the Inspectorate General of Customs, 1947), 51.
7. See, for example, Moore, Spadefish, 253–54; Schratz, Reminiscences, 85; USS Seawolf (SS-197), http://www.csp.navy.mil/ww2boats/seawolf.htm (accessed 12 February 2004).
8. Quoted in Cline, Final Dive, 22.
9. Galantin, Take Her Deep! 46.
10. Mendenhall, Submarine Diary, 144.
11. Quoted in McCullough, A Tale of Two Subs, 203; Hood, Submarine, 55.
12. USS Sculpin Seventh War Patrol Report, 19 June 1943, UBSM.
13. Galantin, Take Her Deep! 48.
14. McCullough, A Tale of Two Subs, 205.
15. See appendix; David Norton, Written Accounts of Bowfin War Patrols, UBSM.
16. Norton, Bowfin War Patrols; Martin Sheridan, Overdue and Presumed Lost: The Story of the USS Bullhead (1947; repr., Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2004), 45–46.
17. USS Bowfin Second War Patrol Report, 9 November 1943, UBSM.
18. Blair, Silent Victory, 488–89; Edwin P. Hoyt, Bowfin: The Story of One of America’s Fabled Fleet Submarines in World War II (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983), 44, 60, 210; Kimmett and Regis, U.S. Submarines, 78.
19. USS Bowfin Third War Patrol Report, 16 January 1944, UBSM.
20. Ruiz and Bruning, Luck of the Draw, 213; USS Pollack Seventh War Patrol Report, 11 June 1943, UBSM.
21. Roscoe P. Thompson, interview with author, 9 October 2002, Bunbury, Western Australia.
22. Parillo, Japanese Merchant Marine, 174–76; Yomiuri, From Marco Polo Bridge, 143–45; Isom, Midway Inquest, 264; Johnson, Pacific Campaign, 282.
23. Submarines, Seventh Fleet Bulletin no. 15, 30 July 1943, Blue 443/2, RG 313, NARA.
24. Parillo, Japanese Merchant Marine, 98; Edwin T. Layton with Roger Pineau and John Costello, “And I Was There”: Pearl Harbor and Midway—Breaking the Secrets (1985; repr., Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2006), 471–72; McCullough, A Tale of Two Subs, 162–63.
25. See Ramage, Reminiscences, 172; Spector, Eagle against the Sun, 453; Boyd, American Command, 21, 38–40; Rohwer and Hummerchen, War at Sea, 185, 190, 204, 210, 214, 253.
26. John Coye Interview (taped), box 97, CBC.
27. Parillo, Japanese Merchant Marine, 90.
28. See Gannon, Hellions of the Deep, 71, 145, 199.
29. Parillo, Japanese Merchant Marine, 89; Kinsella interview; Beatrice Trefalt, “Fanaticism, Japanese Soldiers and the Pacific War, 1937–45,” in Fanaticism and Conflict in the Modern Age, ed. Matthew Hughes and Gaynor Johnson (London: Frank Cass, 2005), 43; Galantin, Take Her Deep! 180; John Ellis, Brute Force: Allied Strategy and Tactics in the Second World War (London: Andre Deutsch, 1990), 470; Gannon, Hellions of the Deep, 195.
30. Fontenoy, Submarines, 34; H. P. Willmott, The Battle of Leyte Gulf: The Last Fleet Action (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2005), 234; Robert Schultz and James Shell, We Were Pirates: A Torpedoman’s Pacific War (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2009), 162; United States Strategic Bombing Survey: Summary Report (Pacific War) (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1946), 11.
31. Atsushi Oi, in Evans, Japanese Navy, 386.
32. Peter N. Davies, “A Guide to the Emergence of Japan’s Modern Shipping Industries,” in International Merchant Shipping in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: The Comparative Dimension, ed. Lewis R. Fischer and Even Lange (St. John’s, Newfoundland: International Maritime Economic History Association, 2008), 113; Tomohei Chida and Peter N. Davies, The Japanese Shipping and Shipbuilding Industries: A History of Their Modern Growth (London: Athlone, 1990), 53, 56; Lawliss, Submarine Book, 104; Parillo, Japanese Merchant Shipping, 169, 171.
33. USS Ray Seventh War Patrol Report, 23 May 1945, UBSM.
34. See Lawliss, Submarine Book, 104; Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 28; Arnold S. Lott, Most Dangerous Sea: A History of Mine Warfare, and an Account of U.S. Navy Mine Warfare Operations in World War II and Korea (Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1959), 217; Parillo, Japanese Merchant Marine, 194.
35. Eugene Fluckey, Thunder Below! The USS Barb Revolutionizes Submarine Warfare in World War II (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1992), 200.
36. Quoted in ibid., 211.
1. Hastings, Retribution, 269; LaVO, Slade Cutter, 173; Newpower, Iron Men and Tin Fish, 188.
2. Ramage, Reminiscences, 173–74.
3. Hastings, Retribution, 42; Holwitt, “Execute against Japan,” 165–66.
4. Calvert, Silent Running, 115; Tomiji Koyanagi and Atsushi Oi, in Evans, Japanese Navy, 363, 407; Willmott, Battle of Leyte Gulf, 11.
5. Yomiuri, From Marco Polo Bridge, 235; David C. Earhart, Certain Victory: Images of World War II in the Japanese Media (New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2008), 399.
6. See Gannon, Hellions of the Deep, 194; Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 436; Kimmett and Regis, U.S. Submarines, 106; Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 349; Willmott, Battle of Leyte Gulf, 234.
7. Moore, Spadefish, 219.
8. USS Hake Fourth War Patrol Report, 27 March 1944, Attack Data, disc 17, SM.
9. USS Finback Seventh War Patrol Report, 30–31 January 1944, Attack Data, disc 13, SM.
10. Calvert, Silent Running, 159–62.
11. Strategic Bombing Survey: Summary, 15.
12. USS Halibut Ninth War Patrol Report, Endorsements, 3 May 1944, UBSM; Galantin, Take Her Deep! 180–81.
13. USS Tunny Sixth War Patrol Report, Endorsement, disc 20, SM.
14. Endorsement by M. Comstock, USS Sunfish Seventh War Patrol Report, http://www.geocities.com.Heartland/Hills/2364 (accessed 23 July 2007).
15. USS Sunfish Seventh War Patrol Report, 7 July 1944.
16. Ibid.
17. Correspondence and press clippings, Sunfish Boat Book, SFM.
18. Sunfish (SS-281), http://uboat.net/allies/warships/ship/3027.html (accessed 12 March 2008).
19. USS Sunfish Seventh War Patrol Report, 7 July 1944.
20. Parillo, Japanese Merchant Marine, 182–83.
21. USS Gunnel Sixth War Patrol Report, 18 August 1944, http://www.jmlavelle.com/gunnel/patr016.htm (accessed 7 November 2007).
22. Friedman, US Naval Weapons, 76–77; Alden, Fleet Submarine, 94; Mars, H.M.S. Thule, 185; USS Croaker Second War Patrol Report, 17 October 1944, disc 15, SM.
23. Guy O’Neil, Commentary on Gunnel’s Sixth War Patrol; Report of Special Mission, USS Hake Seventh War Patrol Report, disc 17, SM.
24. See, for example, Cline, Final Dive, 150.
25. Fluckey, Thunder Below! 169.
26. USS Finback Eighth War Patrol Report, 19 April 1944, Attack Data, disc 13, SM.
27. USS Batfish Third War Patrol Report, 1 July 1944, Attack Data, http://www.ussbatfish.com (accessed 5 July 2007).
28. USS Batfish Third War Patrol Report, Remarks.
29. USS Bergall First War Patrol Report, 2 November 1944, disc 23, SM.
30. Ibid.
31. Hazzard interview; Leon Huffman Interview (taped), box 97, CBC.
32. USS Bergall First War Patrol Report, Endorsements.
33. USS Hake Third War Patrol Report, Endorsement, disc 17, SM.
34. USS Hake Third War Patrol Report, 13 February 1944, Attack Data.
35. USS Segundo Second War Patrol Report, 6 December 1944, http://www.segundo398.org/ (accessed 18 July 2007).
36. Russell, Hell Above, 49.
37. USS Hawkbill Second War Patrol Report, 29 December 1944, disc 24, SM.
38. Mendenhall, Submarine Diary, 264–65.
39. Cline, Final Dive, 25–26.
40. Quoted in McDonald, USS Puffer, 134, 140.
41. USS Sunfish Ninth War Patrol Report, 5 December 1944, http://www.geocities.com.Heartland/Hills/2364 (accessed 23 July 2007).
42. Ibid.
43. Hornfischer, Tin Can Sailors, 405–6.
44. Thomas, Sea of Thunder, 3–4, 142; Yomiuri, From Marco Polo Bridge, 236; Stevens, A Critical Vulnerability, 262.
45. Galantin, Take Her Deep! 212.
46. R. W. Christie, “Bluegill on Patrol: A Story of Cutlasses, Gunfire and Depth-Bombs,” Blue Book, July 1946, 97–99. See also Ramage, Reminiscences, 179; Galantin, Take Her Deep! 226.
47. Gannon, Hellions of the Deep, 195.
48. Parillo, Japanese Merchant Marine, 150.
49. USS Balao Sixth War Patrol Report, Attack Data, disc 20, SM.
50. USS Hawkbill Second War Patrol Report, 29 December 1944.
51. Ramage, Reminiscences, 140–41.
52. Supplementary Report to USS Tambor Twelfth War Patrol Report, disc 8, SM; Alden, Fleet Submarine, 94; Rohwer and Hummerchen, War at Sea, 315.
53. USS Ronquil Second War Patrol Report, 17 November 1944, UBSM; USS Ronquil (SS-396), http://ussronquil.com/History/history.htm (accessed 17 July 2007); Rohwer and Hummerchen, War at Sea, 315; World War II Forums, http://www.ww2f.com/167717-post499.html (accessed 9 September 2008).
54. Quoted in Schultz and Shell, We Were Pirates, 178. See also USS Tambor Twelfth War Patrol Report, 16 and 18 November 1944; Moore, Spadefish, 243–44.
55. Anthony Miers to Rear-Admiral Pott, British Embassy, Washington, DC, 11 November 1943, 1/5, Papers of Rear-Admiral Sir Anthony Miers, Churchill Archives Center, Cambridge.
56. Russell, Hell Above, 86.
57. See Alden, Fleet Submarine, 94; USS Bergall, Deck Guns; Russell, Hell Above, 95; Friedman, US Naval Weapons, 78; Rowland, Bureau of Ordnance, 219, 221, 234; USS Icefish fifth War Patrol Report, Prologue, http://www.ussicefish.com/ (accessed 13 July 2007).
58. Supplementary Report to USS Tambor Twelfth War Patrol Report, disc 8, SM.
59. Cline, Final Dive, 119, 158.
60. Ron Smith, Torpedoman (n.p., 1993), 190. See also Whitlock and Smith, Depths of Courage, 263.
61. Quoted in Rick Cline, Submarine Grayback: The Life and Death of the WWII Sub, USS Grayback (Placentia, CA: R. A. Cline, 1999), 164, 211.
62. Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 270.
63. Report of Short Range Practice, 20 November 1944, Blue 443/2, RG 313, NARA.
64. USS Finback Eighth War Patrol Report, Attack Data.
65. Rowland, Bureau of Ordnance, 262, 287; Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 244.
66. Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 245.
67. Ibid., 154, 260; Blair, Silent Victory, 787–89, 825.
68. Fluckey, Thunder Below! 408; Gannon, Hellions of the Deep, 147–48, 200–201.
69. Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 269. See also Alden, Fleet Submarine, 94; Rohwer and Hummerchen, War at Sea, 332.
70. Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 268, 270.
71. See, for example, Supplementary Report to USS Tambor Twelfth War Patrol Report; Ken Henry and Don Keith, Gallant Lady: A Biography of the USS Archerfish (New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 2004), 65.
72. Moore, Spadefish, 37.
73. USS Ronquil Second War Patrol Report, 17 November 1944.
74. USS Tambor Twelfth War Patrol Report, 16 November 1944, Target Data.
75. Quoted in Casey, Battle Below, 335–36.
1. Anthony Miers to Admiral Barry, 11 November 1943, Miers Papers.
2. Miers Report, 25 January 1944, Miers Papers.
3. Report enclosed in Miers to Admiral H. Pott, 4 March 1944, Miers Papers.
4. Innes McCartney, British Submarines, 1939–45 (Oxford: Osprey, 2006), 23; Cook, Silent Marauders, 113, 115–17.
5. Mark C. Jones, “Experiment at Dundee: The Royal Navy’s 9th Submarine Flotilla and Multinational Naval Cooperation during World War II,” Journal of Military History 72 (October 2008): 1195; Newpower, Iron Men and Tin Fish, 109.
6. Colin Smith, Singapore Burning: Heroism and Surrender in World War II (London: Viking, 2005), 230–31; Hurst, The Fourth Ally, 16, 21, 45; Wilson, Submariners’ War, 63–64.
7. Nichols interview; Bobette Gugliotta, Pigboat 39: An American Sub Goes to War (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1984), 137–38, 141.
8. Hurst, The Fourth Ally, 69, 80, 122, 125; Ian Trenowden, Malayan Operations Most Secret–Force 136 (1978; repr., Singapore: Heinemann, 1983), 62, 74.
9. Wilson, Submariners’ War, 76–77.
10. Lipscomb, British Submarine, 205, 208, 224; Wilson, Submariners’ War, 109.
11. Cook, Silent Marauders, 117; McCartney, British Submarines, 38, 41; Lipscomb, British Submarine, 225, 233; Wilson, Submariners’ War, 119.
12. Lipscomb, British Submarine, 235, 243; Wilson, Submariners’ War, 119; Lynne Cairns, Fremantle’s Secret Fleets: Allied Submarines Based in Western Australia during World War II (Fremantle: Western Australian Maritime Museum, 1995), 9, 50; Hezlet, The Submarine, 201, 221; W. J. Holmes, Undersea Victory: The Influence of Submarine Operations in the War in the Pacific (New York: Doubleday, 1966), 352–53, 452; McCartney, British Submarines, 43.
13. Ralph Christie Interview (taped), box 97, CBC.
14. Young, One of Our Submarines, 305.
15. Miers to Barry, 11 November 1943; Barry to Miers, 12 January 1944, Miers Papers.
16. Chapman, Submarine Torbay, 17; Young, One of Our Submarines, 304; Fontenoy, Submarines, 28.
17. Lipscomb, British Submarine, 23, 39; Wilson, Submariners’ War, 160.
18. Mars, H.M.S. Thule, 13.
19. Quoted in Julian Thompson, The Imperial War Museum Book of the War at Sea (London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1996), 211–12.
20. Lipscomb, British Submarine, 234.
21. Wilson, Submariners’ War, 119.
22. Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 434; Wilson, Submariners’ War, 113–14; Edward Young, Undersea Patrol (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1952), 184. Compare to Vego, Operational Warfare, 221.
23. Wilson, Submariners’ War, 158; Choon Hon Foong, ed., The Price of Peace: True Accounts of the Japanese Occupation of Singapore, trans. Clara Show (Singapore: Asiapac Books, 1997), 1, 24, 27, 29.
24. Ionides to Christie, 15 December 1943, Papers of Ralph W. Christie, Correspondence 1941–45, LC.
25. Hezlet, The Submarine, 201; Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 436; Cook, Silent Marauders, 118.
26. Young, One of Our Submarines, 222–23. See also David Brown, ed., The British Pacific and East Indies Fleets: ‘The Forgotten Fleets’ 50th Anniversary (Liverpool: Brodie, 1995), 62.
27. Wilson, Submariners’ War, 143; McCartney, British Submarines, 41.
28. Rohwer and Hummerchen, War at Sea, 284; HMS Tantivy, U-boat.net, http://www.uboat.net (accessed 23 June 2008); McCartney, British Submarines, 42.
29. Wilson, Submariners’ War, 150.
30. Lipscomb, British Submarine, 234.
31. Manson, Diplomatic Ramifications, 155.
32. Lipscomb, British Submarine, 234.
33. Young, One of Our Submarines, 263.
34. Ivon A. Donnelly, Chinese Junks and Other Native Craft (1924; repr., Singapore: Graham Brash, 1988), 9–12; Worchester, Junks and Sampans, 69–70; Sam Willis, Fighting at Sea in the Eighteenth Century: The Art of Sailing Warfare (Woodbridge, UK: Boydell, 2008), 154; Richard Crompton-Hall, The Underwater War, 1939–1945 (Poole, UK: Blandford, 1982), 51.
35. Parks interview.
36. Parillo, Japanese Merchant Marine, 192.
37. Shimura Tomihisa, quoted in Frank Gibney, ed., Senso: The Japanese Remember the Pacific War, trans. Beth Cary (London: M. E. Sharpe, 1995), 144–45.
38. Mars, H.M.S. Thule, 66.
39. Wilson, Submariners’ War, 141.
40. USS Blenny Fourth War Patrol Report, Remarks, disc 23, SM.
41. Young, One of Our Submarines, 209.
42. Gruhl, Imperial Japan’s World War Two, 91–92.
43. Mars, H.M.S. Thule, 66–67, 82, 94.
44. George Woodward, quoted in Hood, Submarine, 35.
45. Mars, H.M.S. Thule, 78–80.
46. Ibid., 81; Young, One of Our Submarines, 285.
47. Quoted in Times (London), 7 May 1988, 1, 24.
48. Nichols interview.
49. Quoted in Times (London), 7 May 1988, 1, 24.
50. Lipscomb, British Submarine, 241; Wilson, Submariners’ War, 146–48.
51. George Woodward, quoted in Hood, Submarine, 36.
52. Mars, H.M.S. Thule, 83, 86–87.
53. Ibid., 76.
54. Young, One of Our Submarines, 274–76.
55. Ibid., 307–10.
56. Wilson, Submariners’ War, 143–45.
57. McCartney, British Submarines, 42–43; Brown, British Pacific, 19.
1. LaVO, Slade Cutter, 105.
2. Mendenhall, Submarine Diary, 164–65.
3. See Gerry Simpson, Law, War and Crime: War Crimes Trials and the Reinvention of Criminal Law (Cambridge: Polity, 2007), 161, 172–74; Rubin, Piracy, 28, 316.
4. Rudenno, Gallipoli, 157.
5. Schultz and Shell, We Were Pirates, 168; R. Kefauver, Gun Action on 18 April 1944, A16(1), box 9 (old box 4184), Commander Submarine Force in US Pacific Fleet, RG 313, NARA.
6. Quoted in Moore, Spadefish, 286.
7. Quoted in ibid., 287.
8. Alan Powell, War by Stealth: Australians and the Allied Intelligence Bureau, 1942–1945 (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1996), 170; Colin Burgess, Freedom or Death: Australia’s Greatest Escape Stories from Two World Wars (Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1994), 63–76.
9. See Sturma, Death at a Distance, 69–83, 105–12.
10. See A. B. Feuer, Commando! The M/Z Units’ Secret War against Japan (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1996), 17–18; Rowan E. Waddy, “An Adventure in Sarawak, Borneo,” n.d., 16, Charles Darwin University, Darwin; Jack Wong Sue, Blood on Borneo (Perth: WA Skindivers, 2001), 56.
11. Cecil Anderson Interview, 24 August 1990, Oral History Unit, OH2365/3, Battye Library of West Australian History, Perth; Politician Project, series A3269, control E7/A, National Archives of Australia, Melbourne; Christie, “Bluegill on Patrol,” 97–99.
12. G. B. Courtney, Silent Feet: The History of “Z” Special Operations, 1942–1945 (Melbourne: R. J. and S. P. Austin, 1993), 139; Feuer, Commando! 41.
13. Anderson interview; Rowan E. Waddy, “A Submarine Adventure in South China Sea, 1945,” 1992, 6, Charles Darwin University, Darwin.
14. Feuer, Commando! 56; Powell, War by Stealth, 178.
15. Politician Project, series A3269, control E7/A.
16. Fluckey, Thunder Below! 217, 228, 231–32.
17. Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 376–77.
18. USS Tirante First War Patrol Report, 6 April 1945, disc 28, SM.
19. Edward G. McGrath, “A First Class Pirate,” clipping in Tirante Boat Book, SFM.
20. USS Tirante Second War Patrol Report, 22 June 1945, UBSM.
21. USS Tirante Second War Patrol Report, 24 June 1945.
22. Ibid.
23. Quoted in John D. Alden, “Away the Boarding Party,” U.S. Naval Proceedings, January 1965, 70.
24. USS Batfish Sixth War Patrol Report, 23 January 1945, Attack Data, http://www.ussbatfish.com (accessed 5 July 2007).
25. McDonald, USS Puffer, 99, 202–3.
26. USS Balao Ninth War Patrol Report, 24 May 1945, disc 20, SM.
27. USS Segundo fifth War Patrol Report, 21 May 1945, http://www.segundo398.org/ (accessed 18 July 2007).
28. USS Segundo fifth War Patrol Report, 7 June 1945.
29. USS Icefish fifth War Patrol Report, 5 August 1945.
30. USS Hawkbill fifth War Patrol Report, Directives, disc 24, SM.
31. USS Blenny Fourth War Patrol Report, 27 July, 2–3 August, 6 August 1945; C. M. Turnbull, A History of Singapore, 1819–1988 (1977; repr., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), 199.
32. USS Hawkbill fifth War Patrol Report, 17 July 1945.
33. Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 258–59.
34. USS Hawkbill fifth War Patrol Report, 20 July 1945.
35. USS Cod Seventh War Patrol Report, Endorsement, UBSM.
36. USS Cod Seventh War Patrol Report, 3 August 1945; Alden, “Away the Boarding Party,” 70, 74.
37. Hazzard interview; USS Blenny Fourth War Patrol Report, 3 August 1945.
1. Hazzard interview.
2. Quoted in Whitlock and Smith, Depths of Courage, 363.
3. USS Blenny Fourth War Patrol Report, 1 August 1945.
4. USS Blenny (SS-324), http://www.webenet.net/~ft oon/memory/f _memory.html (accessed 4 July 2007).
5. USS Blenny Fourth War Patrol Report, 24 July, 2–3 August 1945.
6. USS Blenny Fourth War Patrol Report, 4, 8, and 10 August 1945.
7. Chida and Davies, Japanese Shipping, 58; Strategic Bombing Survey: Summary, 11.
8. Calvert, Silent Running, 226.
9. Russell, Hell Above, 94.
10. USS Hawkbill fifth War Patrol Report, 12 July 1945. See also Alden, Fleet Submarines, 94; Rohwer and Hummerchen, War at Sea, 332, Russell, Hell Above, 181–82.
11. Galantin, Take Her Deep! 258.
12. Mendenhall, Submarine Diary, 264.
13. Hezlet, The Submarine, 223; Whitlock and Smith, Depths of Courage, 2; McDonald, USS Puffer, 175.
14. Lockwood and Adamson, Hellcats of the Sea, 57.
15. USS Seahorse Seventh and Eighth War Patrol Report, Endorsements, disc 21, SM.
16. Thomas Metz, quoted in McDonald, USS Puffer, 191.
17. USS Tunny Eighth War Patrol Report, 4 April 1945, Attack Data, disc 20, SM.
18. USS Blenny Third War Patrol Report, 30 May 1945, disc 23, SM.
19. USS Icefish Fourth War Patrol Report, 28 June 1945, http://www.ussicefish.com/ (accessed 13 July 2007).
20. Ward, Reminiscences, 218.
21. Calvert, Silent Running, 234.
22. Hastings, Retribution, 279; Strategic Bombing Survey: Summary, 14; Hezlet, The Submarine, 222–23; Willmott, Battle of Leyte Gulf, 233.
23. USS Seahorse Seventh War Patrol Report, Endorsement. See also, for example, Pacific Fleet Confidential Letter 18CL-44, 13 May 1944, Blue 443/2, RG 313, NARA.
24. CINCPOA Standard Operating Procedure SOP-1, 15 September 1944, Blue 443/2, RG 313, NARA.
25. Strategic Bombing Survey: Summary, 11, 19; Rowland, Bureau of Ordnance, 167, 170.
26. Thomas R. H. Havens, Valley of Darkness: The Japanese People and World War Two (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1986), 49–50, 80; Samuel Hideo Yamashita, Leaves from an Autumn of Emergencies: Selections from the Wartime Diaries of Ordinary Japanese (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2003), 85, 98; Hastings, Retribution, 43.
27. Thomas, Sea of Thunder, 336–37; Rowland, Bureau of Ordnance, 170; Strategic Bombing Survey: Summary, 16.
28. Remco Raben, “Indonesian Rōmusha and Coolies under Naval Administration,” in Asian Labor in the Wartime Japanese Empire: Unknown Histories, ed. Paul H. Kratoska (London: M. E. Sharpe, 2005), 201.
29. USS Barb Twelfth War Patrol Report, 26 July 1945, UBSM; Fluckey, Thunder Below! 401–2.
30. Hashimoto, Sunk, 18–19, 29–32; Jenkins, Battle Surface, 243, 247–48, 250–51, 266; Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 349; Carruthers, Japanese Submarine Raiders, 24; Earhart, Certain Victory, 256; Cairns, Fremantle’s Secret Fleets, 35.
31. Kimmett and Regis, U.S. Submarines, 50; Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 119.
32. Galantin, Take Her Deep! 180, 202.
33. Report of Night Bombardment Practice, 27 November 1944, Blue 443/2, RG 313, NARA.
34. USS Tang Second War Patrol Report, 24 April 1944, disc 21, SM. See also Bouslog, Maru Killer, 70–71; Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 218; USS Tang Second War Patrol Report, 30 April 1944, Endorsement.
35. Cook, Silent Marauders, 122.
36. USS Puffer Seventh War Patrol Report, 26 March 1945, disc 18, SM. See also USS Puffer (SS-268) Ships History, http://www.ussPuffer.org/ (accessed 13 July 2007); McDonald, USS Puffer, 203.
37. Christie, “Bluegill on Patrol,” 97–99; Tony Banham, The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru: Britain’s Forgotten Wartime Tragedy (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2006), 193; USS Blenny Third War Patrol Report, Attack Data; Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 305–6.
38. USS Batfish Seventh War Patrol Report, 24 July 1945, Attack Data, http://www.ussbatfish.com (accessed 5 July 2007).
39. Fluckey, Thunder Below! 346–48.
40. USS Hawkbill fifth War Patrol Report, Attack Data.
41. Quoted in LaVO, Slade Cutter, 192.
42. History of the USS Bashaw, Division of Naval History, http://www.geocities.com/bashawss241/ww2record.htm?20073 (accessed 3 July 2007).
43. USS Blenny Third War Patrol Report, Endorsement.
44. USS Blenny Fourth War Patrol Report, 27 July 1945.
45. Stillwell, Submarine Stories, 181.
46. USS Baya fifth War Patrol Report, 29–30 June 1945, http://www.ussbaya.com (accessed 6 July 2007).
47. Alden, “Away the Boarding Party,” 69.
48. USS Bergall fifth War Patrol Report, 30 May 1945, UBSM.
49. See Schratz, Reminiscences, 64; Lockwood Papers, box 18, folder 128, LC.
50. USS Ray Seventh War Patrol Report, Endorsement.
51. Alden, “Away the Boarding Party,” 71.
52. Ibid.
53. Whitlock and Smith, Depths of Courage, 352–53.
54. Lockwood and Adamson, Hellcats of the Sea, 151; Kimmett and Regis, U.S. Submarines, 126; Walter Beyer Interview (transcript), 9 May 1992, Oral History Collection, UBSM.
55. Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 279; Ward, Reminiscences, 215; Moore, Spadefish, 247, 311; William Germershausen Interview (taped), box 97, CBC.
56. Germershausen interview; Moore, Spadefish, 38, 245–46.
57. Alexander K. Tyree Interview (transcript), 28 September 1996, Oral History Collection, UBSM.
58. Ramage, Reminiscences, 190–91.
59. Lockwood and Adamson, Hellcats of the Sea, 108–9, 114, 294.
60. Beyer interview.
61. Lockwood and Adamson, Hellcats of the Sea, 311.
62. Ibid., 152–53. See also Moore, Spadefish, 334.
63. Tyree interview.
64. Lockwood and Adamson, Hellcats of the Sea, 290.
65. Russell, Hell Above, 103, 149–50.
66. Ibid., 150–52.
67. Julian T. Burke Jr., quoted in Stillwell, Submarine Stories, 189.
68. Moore, Spadefish, 312; USS Tunny Ninth War Patrol Report, Endorsement, disc 20, SM.
69. Quoted in Moore, Spadefish, 357.
70. Germershausen interview; Moore, Spadefish, 342–71.
71. Russell, Hell Above, 159–60, 165; Hezlet, The Submarine, 223.
72. USS Hawkbill fifth War Patrol Report, 20 July 1945.
73. USS Puffer Eighth War Patrol Report, 5 July 1945, http://www.ussPuffer.org/ (accessed 13 July 2007); see also USS Puffer (SS-268) Ships History.
74. USS Puffer Eighth War Patrol Report, 5 July 1945.
75. McDonald, USS Puffer, 239–40.
76. Fluckey, Thunder Below! 313, 361–63.
77. USS Balao Tenth War Patrol Report, 14 August 1945, disc 20, SM.
1. Quoted in Williams, Battle of the Atlantic, 211.
2. Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 95.
3. See, for example, Billy and Billy, Merchant Mariners at War, 25, 76.
4. C. B. A. Behrens, Merchant Shipping and the Demands of War (London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1955), 154–55, 172, 181; Williams, Battle of the Atlantic, 225, 286; Holwitt, “Execute against Japan,” 167, 181; Tony Lane, “The Human Economy of the British Merchant Navy,” in Howarth and Law, Battle of the Atlantic, 50; Macdonald Critchley, Shipwreck-Survivors: A Medical Study (London: J. and A. Churchill, 1943), 48–52; Hastings, Retribution, 267; Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 333.
5. Charles Andrews Interview (taped), box 96, CBC.
6. Quoted in Manson, Diplomatic Ramifications, 181. See also, for example, Doenitz, Memoirs, 256; Mallison, Law of Naval Warfare, 11.
7. Burns, “Submarine Warfare,” 61.
8. Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 202; Keith, Final Patrol, 203–10; USS Pampanito, San Francisco, taped tour and integrated oral history, 15 August 2002; Hastings, Retribution, 277; Charles Loughlin Interview (taped), box 98, CBC; Loughlin, Reminiscences, 97; Fluckey, Thunder Below! 124, 146.
9. Moore, Spadefish, 196; Cairns, Fremantle’s Secret Fleets, 62.
10. Ward, Reminiscences, 147–48.
11. Fluckey, Thunder Below! 124; quoted in Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 204.
12. Michael Sturma, The USS Flier: Death and Survival on a World War II Submarine (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2008), 100, 125; Cairns, Fremantle’s Secret Fleets, 62.
13. Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 107.
14. See Jim Christley, US Submarines, 1941–45 (New York: Osprey, 2006), 42; Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 227; Polmar, American Submarine, 72; Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 282–83; Blair, Silent Victory, 866.
15. Hastings, Retribution, 37, 111.
16. Blair, Silent Victory, 756–57; Wilson, Submariners’ War, 76; Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 248.
17. Bill Gleason, “Diary of a War Patrol—USS Gurnard (SS-254),” Polaris, June 1985, http://www.subvetpaul.com/SAGA_6_85.htm (accessed 1 July 2005).
18. William Anderson Interview (taped), box 96, CBC.
19. USS Bluefish Ninth War Patrol Report, Remarks, UBSM.
20. Kinsella interview.
21. USS Hake Third War Patrol Report, 13 February 1944, Attack Data.
22. USS Hawkbill Fourth War Patrol Report, 29–30 March 1945, Endorsements, disc 24, SM; USS Hawkbill communication reported in USS Bergall fifth War Patrol Report, 29 May 1945.
23. Joyce C. Lebra, Japan’s Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere in World War II: Selected Readings and Documents (London: Oxford University Press, 1975), xiii–xiv, 160; Nicholas Tarling, A Sudden Rampage: The Japanese Occupation of Southeast Asia, 1941–1945 (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2001), 124, 219, 254; Bell, Brawley, and Dixon, Conflict in the Pacific, 115; Hastings, Retribution, 14; Harry J. Benda, The Crescent and the Rising Moon: Indonesian Islam under the Japanese Occupation, 1942–1945 (The Hague: W. van Hoeve, 1958), 120, 122, 170.
24. Quoted in McLaughlin and Parry, We’ll Always Have the Movies, 123.
25. Russell, Hell Above, 165–66.
26. Havens, Valley of Darkness, 92, 104; Lebra, Co-prosperity Sphere, 109–10; Earhart, Certain Victory, 49–50; Saburo Ienaga, Japan’s Last War: World War II and the Japanese, 1931–1945 (Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1979), 158; Cheah Boon Kheng, “Memory and Hating and Moral Judgement: Oral and Written Accounts of the Japanese Occupation of Malaya,” in War and Memory in Malaysia and Singapore, ed. P. Lim Pui Huen and Diana Wong (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2000), 54; Turnbull, History of Singapore, 194; Felton, Slaughter at Sea, 185.
27. USS Segundo Fourth War Patrol Report, 29 May 1945, http://www.segundo398.org/ (accessed 18 July 2007).
28. USS Tirante First War Patrol Report, 6 April 1945.
29. USS Tirante Second War Patrol Report, 22 June 1945.
30. Pacific Fleet Confidential Letter 43CL-44, 4 December 1944, Blue 443/2 [78], RG 313, NARA.
31. Fluckey, Thunder Below! 374.
32. Thomas, Sea of Thunder, 63; Hastings, Retribution, 194.
33. Lebra, Co-prosperity Sphere, 160; Tarling, A Sudden Rampage, 202, 260; Philip A. Seaton, Japan’s Contested War Memories: The “Memory Rift s” in Historical Consciousness of World War II (London: Routledge, 2007), 60; Huen and Wong, War and Memory, 15–16, 139; Foong, Price of Peace, 9, 80.
34. Turnbull, History of Singapore, 190, 198; Benda, Irikura, and Kishi, Japanese Military Administration, 180; Huen and Wong, War and Memory, 152–53; Felton, Slaughter at Sea, 86.
35. USS Balao Eighth War Patrol Report, 19 March 1945, disc 20, SM.
36. Kinsella interview.
37. USS Ray Seventh War Patrol Report, 24 May 1945.
38. Ibid.
39. Kinsella interview.
40. Alden, “Away the Boarding Party,” 73.
41. Quoted in Moore, Spadefish, 224.
42. Ibid., 224–25.
43. See Parillo, Japanese Merchant Marine, 81.
44. USS Blenny Third War Patrol Report, 30 May 1945, Attack Data.
45. USS Blenny Fourth War Patrol Report, 8 August 1945.
46. USS Blenny Fourth War Patrol Report, 10 August 1945.
47. Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 44–45.
48. Lockwood to W. J. Suits, 14 November 1942, box 12, folder 65, Lockwood Papers, LC.
49. See David Koh Wee Hock, ed., Legacies of World War II in South and East Asia (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2007), 75.
50. Ostlund, Find ’Em, 245–47.
51. USS Puffer Second War Patrol Report, quoted in McDonald, USS Puffer, 96–97.
52. Quoted in Hood, Submarine, 397.
53. Mars, H.M.S. Thule, 78, 88, 92.
54. USS Bashaw fifth War Patrol Report, 21 February 1945, UBSM.
55. USS Flasher Sixth War Patrol Report, 21 February 1945, UBSM.
56. Quoted in Alden, “Away the Boarding Party,” 71.
57. Ibid., 72.
58. USS Bugara Third War Patrol Report, Endorsement, UBSM; Holmes, Undersea Victory, 468–69.
59. USS Icefish fifth War Patrol Report, 7 and 11 August 1945, Health, Food and Habitability.
60. USS Croaker Sixth War Patrol Report, 11 August 1945, disc 15, SM.
61. Young, One of Our Submarines, 286–88.
1. Destination Tokyo, dir. Delmer Daves (Warner Brothers, 1943). See also Lawrence H. Suid, Guts and Glory: The Making of the American Military Image in Film (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2002), 80, 82; Fyne, Hollywood Propaganda, 70, 179.
2. Quoted in Ienaga, Japan’s Last War, 49.
3. Tarling, A Sudden Rampage, 253.
4. Straus, Anguish of Surrender, 3; Johnson, Pacific Campaign, 305.
5. Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 55.
6. Quoted in Mallison, Law of Naval Warfare, 136. See also Manson, Diplomatic Ramifications, 181.
7. USS Haddo Seventh War Patrol Report, 21 September 1944, UBSM.
8. Quoted in Ostlund, Find ’Em, 300.
9. See Moore, Spadefish, 251.
10. Reprinted in Legends of the Deep. See also Trefalt, “Fanaticism,” 43–44.
11. USS Balao Eighth War Patrol Report, 18 March 1945.
12. See Pacific Fleet Confidential Letter 43CL-44, 4 December 1944, [78], RG313, NARA; Russell, Hell Above, 129.
13. Russell, Hell Above, 131.
14. Quoted in Bouslog, Maru Killer, 153–54. See also James B. O’Meara, in Stillwell, Submarine Stories, 174–76.
15. Ellis, Brute Force, 493.
16. USS Tunny fifth War Patrol Report, 1 April 1944, disc 20, SM.
17. USS Tirante First War Patrol Report, 16 April 1945.
18. USS Redfin Fourth War Patrol Report, 19 September 1944.
19. Straus, Anguish of Surrender, 141; Johnson, Pacific Campaign, 217; Page, Between Victor and Vanquished, 129.
20. USS Barb, Testimony of Prisoner of War, Flag Files (Blue 440), 1942–45 [5–6], RG313, NARA.
21. See Page, Between Victor and Vanquished, 167.
22. Calvert, Silent Running, 161.
23. Fluckey, Thunder Below! 16, 374.
24. See, for example, Bob Haughney, in Hood, Submarine, 426.
25. USS Barb Twelfth War Patrol Report, 23 June 1945.
26. USS Barb Twelfth War Patrol Report, 26 July 1945.
27. USS Bowfin Sixth War Patrol Report, 4 September 1944.
28. Kinsella interview.
29. USS Sunfish Seventh War Patrol Report, 6 July 1944. See also, for example, USS Tirante First War Patrol Report, 30 March 1945.
30. Ramage, Reminiscences, 141–42.
31. USS Blenny Third War Patrol Report, 30 May 1945.
32. Hazzard interview.
33. USS Tambor Fourth War Patrol Report, 10 November 1942, Remarks, disc 8, SM; Schultz and Shell, We Were Pirates, 99.
34. See, for example, USS Croaker Sixth War Patrol Report, 11 August 1945.
35. See Pacific Fleet Confidential Letter 43CL-44, 4 December 1944.
36. Blanchard interview.
37. Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 265.
38. See, for example, USS Balao Eighth War Patrol Report, 20 March 1945; Tim Cook, “The Politics of Surrender: Canadian Soldiers and Killing of Prisoners in the Great War,” Journal of Military History 70 (July 2006): 641.
39. USS Trout Tenth War Patrol Report, 25 August, 22 September 1943, UBSM. See also USS Trout Fourth War Patrol Report, 9 June 1942, UBSM; Parrish, Submarine, 376.
40. Bouslog, Maru Killer, 153–54. See also, for example, Trefalt, “Fanaticism,” 43–44; Page, Between Victor and Vanquished, 129.
41. Quoted in Lockwood and Adamson, Hellcats of the Sea, 268.
42. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Treatment of Prisoners of War, 19 December 1942, 1 February 1943, [28], (Blue 443/2), RG 313, NARA.
43. Henry and Keith, Gallant Lady, 52.
44. Statement of Commander J. W. Blanchard, Albacore Boat Book, SFM.
45. LaVO, Slade Cutter, 105–6. See also USS Pompano Third War Patrol Report, 4 September 1942.
46. Moore, Spadefish, 106.
47. Russell, Hell Above, 131–33.
48. Julian T. Burke Jr., in Stillwell, Submarine Stories, 189.
49. Quoted in Moore, Spadefish, 287.
50. Schultz and Shell, We Were Pirates, 128–29.
51. Fluckey, Thunder Below! 16, 18.
52. Calvert, Silent Running, 161.
53. Ostlund, Find ’Em, 302–3, 310–11.
54. Pacific Fleet Confidential Letter 43CL-44, 4 December 1944; Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 330.
55. USS Balao Eighth War Patrol Report, 18 March 1945.
56. Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 258–60, 263–65.
57. Quoted in Moore, Spadefish, 225.
58. USS Wahoo Sixth War Patrol Report, 20 August 1943. See also DeRose, Unrestricted Warfare, 128; Sterling, Wake of the Wahoo, 196–97.
59. Sterling, Wake of the Wahoo, 196–97, 199–200.
60. Hugh S. Mackenzie, in Hood, Submarine, 391.
61. See, for example, Nichols interview; James B. O’Meara, in Stillwell, Submarine Stories, 174–76; Slade Cutter, Reminiscences, 75–76; Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 259.
62. Bouslog, Maru Killer, 143–44.
63. Bob Haughney, in Hood, Submarine, 426.
64. James B. O’Meara, in Stillwell, Submarine Stories, 174–76.
65. Quoted in Spector, Eagle against the Sun, 410.
66. Bouslog, Maru Killer, 153–54.
67. Schultz and Shell, We Were Pirates, 132.
68. Julian T. Burke Jr., in Stillwell, Submarine Stories, 189.
69. Schratz, Reminiscences, 86.
70. Straus, Anguish of Surrender, 240–42; from the Orlando Sentinel, WWII USS Atule (SS-403), http://www.atule.com (accessed 5 July 2007).
1. Havens, Valley of Darkness, 177; Bell, Brawley, and Dixon, Conflict in the Pacific, 175.
2. Quoted in Hastings, Retribution, 316.
3. Paine, Transpacific Voyage, 10.
4. Calvert, Silent Running, 246.
5. Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 478. See also, for example, Tarrant, U-Boat offensive, 132.
6. Quoted in Blair, The Hunted, 1942–1945, 65.
7. Quoted in Padfield, War beneath the Sea, 381.
8. Joel Ira Holwitt, “Mush Morton and the Buyo Maru Massacre,” United States Naval Institute Proceedings 129 (July 2003): 81.
9. Quoted in Michael Walzer, “World War II: Why Was This War different?” in War and Moral Responsibility, ed. Marshall Cohen, Thomas Nagel, and Thomas Scanlon (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1974), 98. See also A. C. Grayling, Among the Dead Cities: The History and Moral Legacy of the WWII Bombing of Civilians in Germany and Japan (New York: Walker, 2006), 261; David Kinsella and Craig L. Carr, eds., The Morality of War: A Reader (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2007), 256.
10. Jean Kessler, “U-Boat Bases in the Bay of Biscay,” in Howarth and Law, Battle of the Atlantic, 263; Henry Probert, “Allied Land-Based Anti-submarine Warfare,” in Howarth and Law, Battle of the Atlantic, 382; Blair, The Hunted, 1942–1945, 164.
11. Hastings, Retribution, 288.
12. Michael D. Gordin, Five Days in August: How World War II Became a Nuclear War (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007), 18.
13. Trenowden, Malayan Operations, 197; Spector, Eagle against the Sun, 488, 491.
14. Ienaga, Japan’s Last War, 199; Daniels, “The Great Tokyo Air Raid,” 119, 125–26; Grayling, Among the Dead Cities, 76–77; Spector, Eagle against the Sun, 503, 505; Yomiuri, From Marco Polo Bridge, 195–96; Gordin, Five Days in August, 21; Strategic Bombing Survey: Summary, 16; Havens, Valley of Darkness, 176, 185.
15. Quoted in Hastings, Retribution, 296.
16. Daniels, “The Great Tokyo Air Raid,” 126.
17. Alex Kershaw, Escape from the Deep: The Epic Story of a Legendary Submarine and Her Courageous Crew (Philadelphia: Da Capo, 2008) 176.
18. See W. G. Sebald, On the Natural History of Destruction, trans. Anthea Bell (London: Penguin, 2003), 18.
19. Kershaw, Escape from the Deep, 20.
20. Hastings, Retribution, 276.
21. Felton, Slaughter at Sea, 7, 21; Banham, Sinking of the Lisbon Maru, 97, 112; Wilson, Submariners’ War, 143.
22. Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 224.
23. Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 372; Galantin, Take Her Deep! 258.
24. Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 285–86.
25. Loughlin interview; Parks interview; Loughlin, Reminiscences, 124–31.
26. Keith, Final Patrol, 218.
27. See, for example, USS Batfish Third War Patrol Report, 12 June 1944; USS Finback Fourth War Patrol Report, Endorsement, disc 13, SM; Tuohy, The Bravest Man, 310; Kershaw, Escape from the Deep, 49.
28. Mars, H.M.S. Thule, 169.
29. Rob Morris, Untold Valor: Forgotten Stories of American Bomber Crews over Europe in World War II (Washington, DC: Potomac Books, 2006), xiv, 160.
30. Quoted in Thompson, Imperial War Museum, 259.
31. Quoted in McDonald, USS Puffer, 250.
32. Robert D. Kaplan, Hog Pilots, Blue Water Grunts: The American Military in the Air, at Sea, and on the Ground (New York: Random House, 2007), 144.
33. LaVO, Slade Cutter, 193; Mendenhall, Submarine Diary, 163; Lockwood and Adamson, Hellcats of the Sea, 65; Moore, Spadefish, 312.
34. Quoted in McDonald, USS Puffer, 251.
35. Morris, Untold Valor, 91.
36. Johnson, Pacific Campaign, 121.
37. Hastings, Retribution, 368, 521.
38. Russell, Hell Above, 162.
39. Whitlock and Smith, Depths of Courage, 334–35, 344, 358; McCullough, A Tale of Two Subs, 264; Kershaw, Escape from the Deep, 137–39, 142–43.
40. Kershaw, Escape from the Deep, 153.
41. Ibid., 171–76.
42. Felton, Slaughter at Sea, 77–78; Moore, Spadefish, 18.
43. See William Mulligan, “Review Article: Total War,” War in History 15, no. 2 (2008): 212–13; Sahr Conway-Lanz, Collateral Damage: Americans, Noncombatant Immunity, and Atrocity After World War II (New York: Routledge, 2006), 11; Braudy, Chivalry to Terrorism, 459.
44. Earhart, Certain Victory, 147.
45. Braudy, Chivalry to Terrorism, 476. See also Lowe, Inferno, 45.
46. Quoted in Grayling, Among the Dead Cities, 142.
47. E. B. Potter and Chester W. Nimitz, eds., The Great Sea War: The Story of Naval Action in World War II (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1960), 420.
48. Bell, Brawley, and Dixon, Conflict in the Pacific, 172; Holwitt, “Execute against Japan,” 182.
49. John W. Dower, War without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War (New York: Pantheon Books, 1986), especially 8–10.
50. Wilson, Submariners’ War, 97; Spector, Eagle against the Sun, 398; Dunnigan and Nofi, Victory at Sea, 562; McLaughlin and Parry, We’ll Always Have the Movies, 71. See also, for example, Gunton, Dive! 59; Holmes, Undersea Victory, 392.
51. Recollections of Lieutenant Commander Landon L. Davis Jr., Naval Historical Center, http://www.history.navy.mil/library/online/oral_history _davis.htm (accessed 13 June 2008).
52. Grayling, Among the Dead Cities, 21, 169, 263.
53. Albion and Pope, Sea Lanes in Wartime, 355.
54. Gordin, Five Days in August, 62–63.
55. Barton J. Bernstein, “Introducing the Interpretative Problems of Japan’s 1945 Surrender,” in The End of the Pacific War: Reappraisals, ed. Tsuyoshi Hasegawa (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2007), 9.
56. Richard B. Frank, “Ketsu Gō: Japanese Political and Military Strategy in 1945,” in Hasegawa, End of the Pacific War, 78.
57. Schratz, Reminiscences, 100.
58. Kaplan, Hog Pilots, 73.
59. Strategic Bombing Survey: Summary, 20–21.
60. Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific), Interrogations of Japanese Officials.
61. Quoted in Grayling, Among the Dead Cities, 120.
62. Quoted in ibid., 171.
63. See Lowe, Inferno, 311; Spector, Eagle against the Sun, 505–6.
64. Joseph E. Enright, with James W. Ryan, Shinano! The Sinking of Japan’s Secret Supership (London: Bodley Head, 1987), 11.
1. Lowe, Inferno, ix.
2. Loughlin, Reminiscences, 179.
3. See Geoffrey C. Ward and Ken Burns, The War: An Intimate History, 1941–1945 (New York: Knopf, 2007), xv.
4. Quoted in Bouslog, Maru Killer, 171–172.
5. USS Blenny Fourth War Patrol Report, 4 August 1945.
6. USS Puffer Eighth War Patrol Report, 5 July 1945.
7. USS Segundo fifth War Patrol Report, 3 June 1945.
8. USS Segundo fifth War Patrol Report, 8–9 June 1945.
9. Davenport, Clean Sweep, 185.
10. Russell, Hell Above, 121–22. See also, for example, George Woodward, quoted in Hood, Submarine, 27.
11. Willmott, Battle of Leyte Gulf, 216.
12. Recollections of Landon L. Davis.
13. Parks interview.
14. USS Balao Eighth War Patrol Report, 18 March 1945.
15. Russell, Hell Above, 123.
16. Quoted in LaVO, Slade Cutter, 136.
17. Fluckey, Thunder Below! 399.
18. See Manson, Diplomatic Ramifications, 174; Holwitt, “Execute against Japan,” 169.
19. See, for example, Calvert, Silent Running, 167.
20. Tuohy, The Bravest Man, xv, 387; Keith, Final Patrol, 281.
21. Kinsella interview.
22. Lockwood and Adamson, Hellcats of the Sea, 83–84.
23. Beach and Beach, From Annapolis to Scapa Flow, 24, 27, 123; Loughlin, Reminiscences, 1; Newpower, Iron Men and Tin Fish, 183; Lockwood, Sink ’Em All, 166; LaVO, Slade Cutter, 15; Kershaw, Escape from the Deep, 18; Schratz, Reminiscences, 121.
24. LaVO, Slade Cutter, 244.
25. See, for example, Casey, Battle Below, 93.
26. Schratz, Submarine Commander, 313.
27. See, for example, Grider, War Fish, 214; Paine, Transpacific Voyage, 26.
28. Commander Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet, Current Doctrine Submarines, February 1944, 2. See also Spector, Eagle against the Sun, 482.
29. Whitlock and Smith, Depths of Courage, 90; Mendenhall, Submarine Diary, 196; Eugene McKinney Interview (taped), box 97, CBC.
30. Braudy, Chivalry to Terrorism, 394.
31. McCullough, A Tale of Two Subs, 109.
32. Bouslog, Maru Killer, 81; LaVO, Slade Cutter, 159.
33. Blanchard interview.
34. Quoted in Kershaw, Escape from the Deep, 113. See also, for example, Whitlock and Smith, Depths of Courage, 218.
35. Quoted in LaVO, Slade Cutter, 61.
36. Schratz, Reminiscences, 72.
37. Quoted in Howarth, Fighting Ships, 320.
38. Quoted in Kershaw, Escape from the Deep, 32.
39. Ibid., 50.
40. Quoted in ibid., 54.
41. Ibid., 216.
42. Ramage, Reminiscences, 62.
43. Calvert, Silent Running, 93–94.
44. Hazzard interview.
45. Quoted in Moore, Spadefish, 351.
46. Ibid., 371, 394–95, 397.
47. USS Barb Twelfth War Patrol Report, 26 July 1945.
48. See Cook, “The Politics of Surrender,” 640.
49. Anderson interview.
50. Quoted in Avner offer, “Morality and Admiralty: ‘Jacky’ Fisher, Economic Warfare and the Laws of War,” in Naval History, 1850–Present, ed. Andrew Lambert (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2007), 1:372.
51. A. P. V. Rogers, “The Principle of Proportionality,” in Hensel, Use of Military Force, 189, 203.
52. See Mallison, Law of Naval Warfare, 16, 97.