
Primary Sources


Papers of Neil A. Armstrong. Lebanon and Cincinnati, OH.

Papers of Viola Engel Armstrong and Armstrong Family. Hereford, AZ (Property of June Armstrong Hoffman).

Personal Diary of Ensign Glen Howard “Rick” Rickelton, U.S. Navy, Written During V-51 Combat Flight Training & Korean War Service Aboard CV-9 USS Essex, Rickelton Family Papers, Elk Grove, CA, and Seattle, WA.

Personal Diary of Robert Kaps, USS Essex (CV-9), Carrier Air Group Five, 28 June 1951 to 25 March 1952.


Archives of Aerospace Exploration. University Libraries, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Blacksburg, VA.

Auglaize County Public Library. Wapakoneta, OH. Neil A. Armstrong Newspaper Files.

Emil Buehler Naval Aviation Library. National Museum of Naval Aviation. Pensacola, FL.

John Glenn Archives. The Ohio State University Archives. Columbus, OH.

NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. Historical Archives. Edwards, CA.

NASA Headquarters History Office. Washington, DC.

National Personnel Records Center. Military Personnel Records. St. Louis, MO.

Naval Historical Center. Department of the Navy, Washington Navy Yard. Washington, DC.

Neil A. Armstrong Museum. Newspaper files. Wapakoneta, OH.

Nixon Presidential Materials. National Archives at College Park. College Park, MD.

Ohio Historical Society. Columbus, OH.

Purdue University Library and Archives. West Lafayette, IN.

Records of NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. National Archives and Records Administration—Pacific Region. Laguna Nigel, CA.

Records of NASA Glenn Research Center. National Archives and Records Administration—Midwest Region. Chicago, IL.

Records of NASA Headquarters. National Archives and Records Administration—East Region. College Park, MD. Record Group 255.

Records of NASA Johnson Space Center. National Archives and Records Administration—Southwest Region. Fort Worth, TX. Record Group 255.

Records of NASA Johnson Space Center. Library and Archives of the University of Houston–Clear Lake. Clear Lake, TX.

Records of NASA Kennedy Space Center. National Archives and Records Administration—Southeast Region. Atlanta, GA. Record Group 255.

Records of NASA Langley Research Center. National Archives and Records Administration—Atlantic Region. Philadelphia, PA. Record Group 255.

Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute University Archives, Troy, NY. George M. Low Papers.

Time-Life Archives. Time-Life Building. New York City.

University of Cincinnati Archives. Cincinnati, OH.

Wyandot County Public Library. Newspaper files. Upper Sandusky, OH.


Works of Neil A. Armstrong, Published and Unpublished

“Future Range and Flight Test Area Needs for Hypersonic and Orbital Vehicles,” Proceedings of Professional Pilots Symposium on Air Space Safety, 1958. Also appeared in Society of Experimental Test Pilots 3 (Winter 1959).

“Flight and Analog Studies of Landing Techniques Pertinent to the X-15 Airplane,” Research-Airplane-Committee Report on Conference on the Progress of the X-15 Project, NACA-CONF-30-Jul-58, July 30, 1958. Coauthors: Thomas W. Finch, Gene J. Matranga, Joseph A. Walker.

“Test Pilot Views on Space Ventures,” Proceedings of ASME Aviation Conference, Mar. 1959.

“Approach and Landing Investigation at Lift-Drag Ratios of 2 to 4 Utilizing a Straight-Wing Fighter Airplane,” NASA TM X-31, Aug. 1959. Coauthor, Gene J. Matranga.

“Utilization of the Pilot in the Launch and Injection of a Multistage Orbital Vehicle,” IAS Paper 60-16, 1960. Coauthors: E. C. Holleman and W. H. Andrew.

“X-15 Operations: Electronics and the Pilot,” Astronautics 5 (May 1960): 42–3, 76–8.

“Development of X-15 Self-Adaptive Flight Control System,” Research-Airplane-Committee Report on Conference on the Progress of the X-15 Project, 1961. Coauthors: R. P. Johannes and T. C. Hays.

“Flight-Simulated Off-the-Pad Escape and Landing Maneuvers for a Vertically Launched Hypersonic Glider,” NASA TM X-637, March 1962. Coauthors: G. J. Matranga and William H. Dana.

“The X-15 Flight Program,” Proceedings of the Second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space, Seattle, WA, May 8–10, 1962. Coauthors: Joseph A. Walker, Forrest S. Petersen, Robert M. White.

“A Review of In-Flight Simulation Pertinent to Piloted Space Vehicles,” AGARD Report 403, 21st Flight Mechanics Panel Meeting, Paris, France, July 9–11, 1962. Coauthor, Euclid C. Holleman.

“Pilot Utilization During Boost,” Inter-Center Technical Conference on Control Guidance and Navigation Research for Manned Lunar Missions, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, July 24–25, 1962. Coauthor, Euclid C. Holleman.

“X-15 Hydraulic Systems Performance,” Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Dec. 1962.

“Gemini Manned Flight Programs,” Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, 8th Symposium, 1964.

“Controlled Reentry,” Gemini Summary Conference, Houston, Texas, Feb. 1967. Multiple coauthors.

“Safety in Manned Spaceflight Preparation: A Crewman’s Viewpoint,” AIAA, 4th Annual Meeting, Oct. 1967.

“Apollo Flight Crew Training in Lunar Landing Simulators,” AIAA Paper 68-254, 1968. Coauthor, S. H. Nassiff.

“Lunar Landing Strategy,” Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, 13th Symposium, 1969.

“The Blue Planet,” World Wildlife Fund, London, England, Nov. 1970.

“Lunar Surface Exploration,” COSPAR, Leningrad, USSR, 1970, and Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1971.

“Change in the Space Age,” The Mountbatten Lecture, University of Edinburgh, Mar. 1971.

“Out of This World,” Saturday Review/World, Aug. 24, 1974.

“Apollo Double Diaphragm Pump for Use in Artificial Heart-Lung Systems,” AAMI National Meeting, Mar. 1975. Coauthors: H. J. Heimlich, E. A. Patrick, G. R. Rieveschl.

“Intra-Lung Oxygenation for Chronic Lung Disease,” Benedum Foundation, 1976. Coauthors: H. J. Heimlich, E. A. Patrick, G. R. Rieveschl.

“What America Means to Me,” The Reader’s Digest, June 1976, pp. 75–76.

“A Citizen Looks at National Defense,” National Defense, Sept.–Oct. 1978.

“The Learjet Longhorn, First Jet with Winglets,” Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, 22nd Symposium, 1978. Coauthor, P. J. Reynolds.

Commencement Address, University of Cincinnati June 13, 1982.

“New Knowledge of the Earth from Space Exploration,” Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, Casablanca, 1984. Coauthor, P. J. Lowman.

Wingless on Luna. 25th Wings Club General Harold R. Harris “Sight” Lecture, Presented at Inter-Continental Hotel, New York City, May 20, 1988. New York: Wings Club, 1988.

“Research Values in Contemporary Society,” Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, Casablanca, 1989.

“Reflections by Neil Armstrong: We Joined Hands to Meet Challenge of Apollo Mission,” Cincinnati Enquirer, July 20, 1989.

“The Ozone Layer Controversy,” Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, Casablanca, 1993. Coauthor, Mark S. Armstrong.

“Engineering Aspects of a Lunar Landing,” The Lester D. Gardner Lecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 3, 1994. Coauthor, Robert C. Seamans.

“Pressure Vessel Considerations in Aerospace Operations,” National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, Anchorage, AL, 1995.

“Observations on Genetic Engineering,” Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, Rabat, 1997. Coauthor, Carol Knight Armstrong.


Bennett, Floyd V. Mission Planning for Lunar Module Descent and Ascent. Washington, DC: NASA Technical Note MSC-04919, Oct. 1971.

CBS Television Network, 10:56:20 P.M., 7/20/69. New York: Columbia Broadcasting System, 1970.

Godwin, Robert, ed. X-15: The NASA Mission Reports. Burlington, Ontario: Apogee Books, 2000.

———. Dyna-Soar: Hypersonic Strategic Weapons System. Burlington, Ontario: Apogee Books, 2003.

———. Apollo 11: The NASA Mission Reports. 3 vols. Burlington, Ontario: Apogee Books, 1999–2002.

Jones, Eric P., Apollo Lunar Surface Journal.

Low, George M. Latin American Tour with Astronauts Armstrong and Gordon, 7–31 Oct. 1966. NASA Manned Spacecraft Center: Unpublished mss., Nov. 16, 1966.

NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Biomedical Results of Apollo. Washington, DC: NASA SP-368, 1975.

NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. Apollo 11 Onboard Voice Transcription, Recorded on the Command Module Onboard Recorder Data Storage Equipment. Houston: Manned Spacecraft Center, Aug. 1969.

NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. Apollo 11 Preliminary Science Report. Washington, DC: NASA SP-214, 1969.

NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. Apollo 11 Spacecraft Commentary, July 16–24, 1969.

NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. Apollo 11 Technical Air-to-Ground Voice Transcription. Prepared for Data Logistics Office Test Division, Apollo Spacecraft Program Office, July 1969.

National Commission on Space. Pioneering the Space Frontier: The Report of the National Commission on Space. Toronto and New York: Bantam Books, May 1986.

“Neil Armstrong’s Comments on Behalf of the Apollo 11 Crew,” Langley Medal Awards Ceremony, July 20, 1999, National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC.

“Remarks by Neil A. Armstrong upon Receipt of National Space Trophy,” 2004 Rotary National Award for Space Achievement, Houston, TX.

“Statement by Neil Armstrong at the White House,” NASA Release, July 20, 1994.

U.S. News and World Report. U.S. on the Moon: What It Means To Us. Washington, DC: U.S. News and World Report, 1969.


Akron Beacon Journal

Baltimore Evening Sun

Boston Globe

Chicago Tribune

Christian Science Monitor

Cincinnati Enquirer

Cincinnati Post

Cleveland Plain Dealer

Cleveland Press

Columbus (Ohio) Citizen-Journal

Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch

Dayton Daily News

Florida Today

Houston Chronicle

Lebanon (Ohio) Western Star


Lima (Ohio) Citizen

Lima (Ohio) News

Los Angeles Times

NASA X-Press (NASA Dryden)

National Observer


New York Daily News

New York Times

Seattle Daily Times

Space News Roundup (NASA Manned Spacecraft Center/JSC)

St. Marys (Ohio) Evening Leader


Toledo Blade

Wall Street Journal

Wapakoneta Daily News

Washington Post



Aicholtz, John, June 5, 2003, Cincinnati.

Aldrin, Buzz, Mar. 17, 2003, Albuquerque, NM.

Anders, Valerie, Apr. 8, 2003, San Diego; July 17, 2004, Dayton.

Anders, William A., Apr. 8, 2003, San Diego.

Armstrong, Carol Knight, June 2004, Cincinnati.

Armstrong, Dean, Nov. 14, 2002, Bonita Springs, FL.

Armstrong, Janet Shearon, Sept. 10–11, 2004, Park City, UT.

Armstrong, Neil A., Cincinnati.

• Aug. 13, 2002.

• Nov. 26, 2002.

• June 2–4, 2003.

• Sept. 18–19 and 22, 2003.

• June 2–3, 2004.

Armstrong, Rick, Sept. 22, 2003, Cincinnati.

Armstrong Hoffman, June,

• Aug. 14, 2002, Wapakoneta, OH.

• Apr. 4–5, 2003, Hereford, AZ.

• June 7, 2003, Wapakoneta.

Baker, Steve, June 5, 2003, Cincinnati.

Barnicki, Roger J., Dec. 11, 2002, Lancaster, CA.

Barr, Doris, Aug. 15, 2002, Cincinnati (telephone).

Bean, Alan, Feb. 7, 2003, Houston.

Beering, Stephen, May 30, 2003, Carmel, IN.

Bennett, Floyd V., Feb. 8, 2003, Houston.

Blackford, John “Bud,” July 25, 2003, Concord, NH.

Borman, Frank, Apr. 15, 2003, Las Cruces, NM.

Borman, Susan, Apr. 15, 2003, Las Cruces, NM (telephone).

Brading, Charles, Jr., Aug. 17, 2003, Wapakoneta, OH.

Burrus, David, June 5, 2003, Cincinnati.

Burt, Devere, June 3, 2003, Cincinnati.

Butchart, Stanley P., Dec. 15, 2002, Lancaster, CA.

Cargnino, Larry, Nov. 29, 2002, West Lafayette, IN.

Carpentier, Dr. William, Feb. 8, 2003, Seabrook, TX.

Cernan, Eugene A., Feb. 10, 2003, Houston.

Collins, Michael, Mar. 25, 2003, Marco Island, FL.

Combs, Harry, Oct. 7, 2003, Orlando, FL.

Crossfield, A. Scott, July 17, 2004, Dayton, OH.

Dana, William H., Dec. 9, 2003, Edwards, CA.

Danneberg, Kenneth I., June 27, 2002, Denver.

Day, Richard E., Dec. 11, 2003, Palmdale, CA.

Frame, Arthur, Aug. 15 and 17, 2002, Wapakoneta.

Franklin, George C., Feb. 5, 2003, Houston.

Friedlander, Charles D., Apr. 8–9, 2003, San Diego.

Glenn, John H., Sept. 23, 2003, Columbus, OH.

Gordon, Linda, Apr. 12, 2003, Prescott, AZ.

Gordon, Richard F., Jr., Apr. 12, 2003, Prescott, AZ.

Gott, Herschel, June 20, 2003, Los Altos, CA.

Gustafson, Bob, Aug. 15, 2002, Wapakoneta.

Heimlich, Dr. Henry, June 5, 2003, Cincinnati.

Hollemon, Charles, Nov. 21, 2002, West Lafayette.

Keating, William, June 5, 2003, Cincinnati.

Keiber, Ned, Aug. 15, 2002, Wapakoneta, OH.

Kinne, Tim, June 5, 2003, Cincinnati.

Kleinknecht, Kenneth S., June 27, 2003, Littleton, CO.

Knight, William “Pete,” Dec. 15, 2002, Palmdale, CA.

Knudegaard, Vincent Aubrey, Sept. 11, 2002, Auburn, AL.

Kraft, Chris, Feb. 7, 2003, Houston.

Kranz, Eugene, Feb. 8, 2003, Friendswood, TX.

Kutyna, Donald J., Mar. 20, 2004, Colorado Springs.

Love, Betty, Jan. 30, 2003, Edwards, CA (Conducted by Christian Gelzer).

Lovell, James A., July 17, 2004, Dayton.

Lovell, Marilyn, July 17, 2004, Dayton.

Lunney, Glynn, Feb. 6, 2003, Houston.

Mackey, William A., Sept. 21, 2002, Tuscaloosa, AL.

Mallick, Donald L., Dec. 12, 2002, Lancaster, CA.

Matranga, Gene J., Dec. 12, 2002, Lancaster, CA.

McDivitt, James A., Apr. 7, 2003, Tucson, AZ.

McTigue, John G., Dec. 9, 2002, Lancaster, CA.

Mechem, Charles S., Jr., June 25, 2003, Jackson Hole, WY.

Meyer, Russ, Oct. 7, 2003, Orlando, FL.

North, Warren J., Apr. 11, 2003, Phoenix.

Palmer, George, Nov. 21, 2002, West Lafayette.

Peterson, Bruce A., Dec. 9, 2002, Lancaster, CA.

Preston, G. Merritt, Mar. 27, 2003, Melbourne, FL.

Rogers, James, June 5, 2003, Cincinnati.

Schiesser, Emil, Feb. 4, 2003, Seabrook, TX.

Schirra, Walter M. Jr., Apr. 8, 2003, San Diego.

Schmitt, Harrison H. “Jack,” Mar. 16, 2003, Albuquerque.

Schuler, Dudley, Aug. 15, 2002, Wapakoneta, OH.

Schwan, Harold C., Oct. 17, 2002, Chesterfield, MO.

Scott, David R., Feb. 1, 2003, Atlanta.

Shaw-Kuffner, Alma Lou, Aug. 15, 2002, Wapakoneta.

Smith, James M., July 17, 2003, New York City.

Solacoff, Doris, June 1, 2003, Upper Sandusky, OH.

Solacoff, K. K. “Kotcho,” June 1, 2003, Upper Sandusky, OH.

Spitzen, Ralph, June 5, 2003, Cincinnati.

Stear, Mark, June 5, 2003, Cincinnati.

Townley, Diana, June 5, 2003, Cincinnati.

Townley, Gary, June 5, 2003, Cincinnati.

Walker-Wiesmann, Grace, Dec. 14, 2002, Reedley, CA.

Waltman, Gene L., Dec. 19, 2002, Edwards, CA.

White, Robert M., Nov. 12, 2002, Sun City Center, FL.

White, Vivian, May 29, 2003, Lebanon, OH.

Wilson, James R., June 23, 2003, Park City, UT.

Windler, Milton L., Feb. 4, 2003, Friendswood, TX.

Zwez, John, Aug. 14, 2002, Wapakoneta, OH.


Albrecht, William P., Feb. 16, 2001, Edwards, CA (Curtis Peebles).

Aldrin, Edwin E., July 7, 1970, Houston, TX (Robert B. Merrifield).

Algranti, Joseph S., Mar. 15, 1968, Houston, TX (Robert B. Merrifield); Aug. 10, 1998, Chapel Hill, NC (Erik Carlson).

Anders, William A., Oct. 8, 1997, Houston (Paul Rollins).

Arabian, Donald D., Feb. 3, 2000, Cape Canaveral (Kevin M. Rusnak).

Armitage, Peter J., Aug. 20, 2001, Houston (Kevin M. Rusnak).

Armstrong, Janet Shearon, Mar. 12, 1969, Houston (Life).

Armstrong, Neil A.,

• Sept. 1, 1964, Houston (Life).

• Summer 1965, Houston (Life).

• Apr. 6, 1967, Houston (Barton C. Hacker).

• Feb. 23, 1969, Houston (Life).

• Mar. 2, 1969, Houston (Life).

• Mar. 12, 1969, Houston (Life).

• Aug. 7, 1969, Houston (Life).

• Sept. 23, 1971, Washington, DC (Robert Sherrod).

• Oct. 11, 1988, Cincinnati (Andrew Chaikin).

• Mar. 6, 1989 (Neil McAleer: phone interview).

• Sept. 19, 2001, Houston (Stephen E. Ambrose and Douglas Brinkley).

Armstrong, Viola, May 9, 1969, Wapakoneta, OH (Dora Jane Hamblin).

Bean, Allan, Apr. 10, 1984, Houston (W. David Compton).

Bond, Aleck C., Sept. 3, 1998, Houston (Summer Chick Bergen).

Borman, Frank, Apr. 13, 1999, Las Cruces, NM (Catherine Harwood).

Bostick, Jerry C., Feb. 23, 2000, Marble Falls, TX (Carol Butler).

Butchart, Stanley P., Sept. 15, 1997, Lancaster, CA (Curt Asher).

Carlton, Robert L., Mar. 29, Apr. 10, and Apr. 19, 2001, Houston (Kevin M. Rusnak).

Carpenter, M. Scott, Mar. 30, 1998, Houston (Michelle Kelly).

Catterson, A. Duane, Feb. 17, 2000, Houston (Carol Butler).

Cernan, Eugene A., Apr. 6, 1984, Houston (W. David Compton).

Charlesworth, Clifford E., Dec. 13, 1966, Houston (Vorzimmer).

Chilton, Robert G., Mar. 30, 1970, Houston (Loyd Swenson).

Collins, Michael, Oct. 8, 1997, Houston (Michelle Kelly).

Crossfield, A. Scott, Feb. 3, 1998, Lancaster, CA (Peter Merlin).

Dana, William H., Nov. 14, 1997, Edwards, CA (Peter Merlin); Mar. 9, 1999, Edwards, CA (Michael Gorn).

Day, Richard E., May 1, 1997, Edwards, CA (J. D. Hunley).

Donlan, Charles J., Apr. 27, 1998, Washington, DC (Jim Slade).

Drake, Hubert M., Nov. 15, 1966, Edwards, CA (Jim Krier and J. D. Hunley); Apr. 16, 1997, Edwards, CA (J. D. Hunley).

Duke, Charles M., Mar. 12, 1999, Houston (Doug Ward).

Fendell, Edward I., Oct. 19, 2000, Houston (Kevin M. Rusnak).

Franklin, George C., Oct. 3, 2001, Houston (Kevin M. Rusnak).

Fulton, Fitzhugh L., Jr., Aug. 7, 1997, Edwards, CA (J. D. Hunley).

Gordon, Richard F., Jr., Oct. 17, 1997, Houston (Michelle Kelly).

Griffin, Gerald D., Mar. 12, 1999, Houston (Doug Ward).

Grimm, Dean F., Aug. 17, 2000, Parker, CO (Carol Butler).

Haines, Charles R., Nov. 7, 2000, Houston (Kevin M. Rusnak).

Haise, Fred, Jr., Mar. 23, 1999, Houston (Doug Ward).

Hodge, John D., Apr. 18, 1999, Great Falls, VA (Rebecca Wright).

Honeycutt, Jay F., Mar. 22, 2000, Houston (Rebecca Wright).

Hutchinson, Neil B., June 5, 2000, Houston (Kevin M. Rusnak).

Kelly, Thomas J., Sept. 19, 2000, Cutchogue, NY (Kevin M. Rusnak).

Kleinknecht, Kenneth S., Sept. 10, 1998, Littleton, CO (Carol Butler) July 25, 2000, Houston (Carol Butler).

Kranz, Eugene F., Jan. 8, 1999, Houston (Rebecca Wright); Apr. 28, 1999, Houston (Roy Neal).

Love, Betty, Apr. 10, 1997, Edwards, CA (Michael Gorn); May 6, 2002, Palmdale, CA (Rebecca Wright).

Lovell, James A., Jr., May 25, 1999, Houston (Ron Stone).

Low, George M., Jan. 9, 1969, Houston (Robert B. Merrifield).

Lunney, Glynn S., Jan. 28, Feb. 8, and Apr. 26, 1999, Houston (Carol Butler).

Mattingly, Thomas K., II, Nov. 6, 2001, Costa Mesa, CA (Rebecca Wright).

McDivitt, James A., June 29, 1999, Elk Lake, MI (Doug Ward).

Maxson, Jerre, May 9, 1969, Wapakoneta, OH (Dora Jane Hamblin).

Mitchell, Edgar D., Sept. 3, 1997, Houston (Sheree Scarborough).

North, Warren J., Mar. 14, 1968, Houston (Robert B. Merrifield); Sept. 30, 1998, Houston (Summer Chick Bergen).

O’Hara, Delores B. “Dee,” Apr. 23, 2002, Mountain View, CA (Rebecca Wright).

Preston, G. Merritt, Feb. 1, 2000, Indian Harbor Beach, FL (Carol Butler).

Saltzman, Edwin J., Dec. 3, 1997, Edwards, CA (J. D. Hunley).

Schirra, Walter M., Jr., Dec. 1, 1998, San Diego (Roy Neal).

Schmitt, Harrison H. “Jack,” May 30, 1984, Houston (W. D. Compton); July 14, 1999, Houston (Carol Butler).

Schweickart, Russell L., Oct. 19, 1999, Houston (Rebecca Wright).

Seamans, Robert C., Nov. 20, 1998, Beverly, MA (Michelle Kelly) June 22, 1999, Cambridge, MA (Carol Butler).

Shea, Joseph F., May 16, 1971, Weston, MA (Robert Sherrod).

Sherman, Howard, Feb. 11, 1970, Bethpage, NY (Ivan Ertel).

Slayton, Donald K., Oct. 17, 1967, Houston (Robert B. Merrifield); Oct. 15, 1984, Houston (W. D. Compton).

Stafford, Thomas, Oct. 15, 1997, Houston (William Vantine).

Thompson, Milton O., Sept. 22, 1983, Edwards, CA (Larry Evans).


Aldrin, Buzz, Los Angeles, CA.

Armstrong, Janet Shearon, Park City, UT.

Armstrong, Neil A., Cincinnati.

Armstrong-Hoffmann, June, Hereford, AZ.

Baker, Steve, Cincinnati.

Beauchamp, Ernest M., Corona Del Mar, CA.

Bowers, William “Bill.”

Brandli, Hank, Melbourne, FL.

Burke, Mel, Edwards, CA.

Burrus, David, Cincinnati.

Campbell, Nick, Denver, CO.

Clingan, Bruce, Troy, OH.

Danneberg, Kenneth I., Denver, CO.

Day, Richard E., Palmdale, CA.

Esslinger, Michael, Monterey, CA.

Friedlander, Charles D., San Diego.

Gardner, Donald A., Clinton, IN.

Gates, Charles, Denver.

Gott, Herschel, Los Altos, CA.

Graham, Herb A.

Hamed, Awatef, Cincinnati.

Hayward, Tom.

Hoffman, Jayne, River Falls, WI.

Honneger, Barbara, Monterey, CA.

Hromas, Leslie A., Rolling Hills, CA.

Huston, Ronald, Cincinnati.

Jones, Eric P., Australia.

Karnoski, Peter, Las Vegas, NV.

Kinne, Tim, Cincinnati.

Klingan, Bruce E., Bellevue, WA.

Koppa, Rodger J., College Station, TX.

Kraft, Chris, Houston.

Kramer, Ken, Houston and San Diego.

Kranz, Eugene F., Houston.

Kutyna, Donald J., Colorado Springs.

Mackey, William A., Tuscaloosa, AL.

Mechem, Charles S. Jr., Loveland, OH.

Pearlman, Robert, Houston.

Perich, Pete, Warren, OH.

Petersen, Richard H., La Jolla, CA.

Petrone, Rocco, Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA.

Rickelton, Glen, Elk Grove, CA.

Rickelton, Ted, Seattle, WA.

Russell, George E. “Ernie,” Cashion, OK.

Schwan, Harold C., Chesterfield, MO.

Scott, David R., London, England.

Slater, Gary L., Cincinnati.

Spanagel, Herman A., Satellite Beach, FL.

Spitzen, Ralph E., Columbus, OH.

Stear, Mark, Cincinnati.

Stephenson, David S., King of Prussia, PA.

Thompson, Tom, Rancho Palos Verde, CA.

Walker-Wiesmann, Grace, Reeedley, CA.

White, Vivian, Lebanon, OH.

Secondary Sources


Aldrin, Buzz, and Malcolm McConnell. Men from Earth. 2nd ed. New York: Bantam Falcon Books, 1991.

Aldrin, Edwin E. Jr. with Wayne Warga. Return to Earth. New York: Random House, 1973.

Allday, Jonathan. Apollo in Perspective: Spaceflight Then and Now. Bristol and Philadelphia: Institute of Physics Publishing, 2000.

Armstrong, Robert Bruce. The History of Liddesdale. Vol. I. Edinburgh, 1883.

Arnold, H. J. P., ed. Man in Space: An Illustrated History of Spaceflight. New York: Smithmark, 1993.

Baker, David. The History of Manned Spaceflight. New Cavendish Books, 1981. Reprint. New York: Crown Publishers, 1982.

Ball, John. Edwards: Flight Test Center of the USAF. New York: Duell, Sloan, and Pearce, 1962.

Barbour, John. Footprints on the Moon. New York: Associated Press, 1969.

Bean, Alan. Apollo: An Eyewitness Account by Astronaut/Explorer Artist/Moonwalker Alan Bean. Shelton, CT: Greenwich Workshop, Inc., 1998.

Berg, A. Scott. Lindbergh. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1998.

Bilstein, Roger. Stages to Saturn: A Technological History of the Apollo/Saturn Launch Vehicles. Washington, DC: NASA SP-4206, 1980.

———. Orders of Magnitude: A History of the NACA and NASA, 1915–1990. Washington, DC: NASA SP-4406, 1989.

Borman, Frank, with Robert J. Serling. Countdown. New York: Morrow, 1988.

Bowman, Martin W. Lockheed F-104 Starfighter. London: Crowood Press, 2001.

Boyne, Walter J., and Lopez, Donald S. The Jet Age: Forty Years of Jet Aviation. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1979.

Brooks, Courtney G., James M. Grimwood, and Loyd S. Swenson Jr. Chariots for Apollo: A History of Manned Lunar Spacecraft. Washington, DC: NASA SP-4205, 1979.

Burrows, William E. This New Ocean: The Story of the First Space Age. New York: Modern Library, 1999.

Carpenter, M. Scott, Gordon L. Cooper Jr., John H. Glenn Jr., Virgil I. Grissom, Walter M. Schirra Jr., Alan B. Shepard, and Donald K. Slayton. We Seven. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1962.

Cayton, Andrew R. L. Ohio: The History of a People. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2002.

Cernan, Eugene, with Don Davis. The Last Man on the Moon: Astronaut Gene Cernan and America’s Race in Space. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 1999.

Chaikin, Andrew. A Man on the Moon. New York and London: Penguin Group, 1994.

———. A Man on the Moon. 3 vols. (I: One Giant Leap; II: The Odyssey Continues; III: Lunar Explorers). Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1999.

Collins, Michael. Carrying the Fire: An Astronaut’s Journeys. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1974.

———. Liftoff: The Story of America’s Adventure in Space. New York: Grove Press, 1988.

Compton, W. David. Where No Man Has Gone Before: A History of the Apollo Lunar Exploration Missions. Washington, DC: NASA SP-4214, 1989.

Cooper, Gordon, with Bruce Henderson. Leap of Faith: An Astronaut’s Journey into the Unknown. New York: HarperTorch, 2000.

Cooper, Henry S. F. Jr. Apollo on the Moon. New York: Dial, 1973.

———. Moon Rocks. New York: Dial, 1970.

Corn, Joseph J. The Winged Gospel: America’s Romance with Aviation, 1900–1950. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.

Cortright, Edgar M., ed., Apollo Expeditions to the Moon. Washington, DC: NASA SP-350, 1975.

Cunningham, Walter, with Mickey Herskowitz. The All-American Boys. New York: Macmillan, 1977.

Dawson, Virginia P. Engines and Innovation: Lewis Laboratory and American Propulsion Technology. Washington, DC: NASA SP-4306, 1991.

Dethloff, Henry C. Suddenly, Tomorrow Came . . . : A History of the Johnson Space Center. Washington, DC: NASA SP-4307, 1993.

Duke, Charlie and Dotty. Moonwalker. Nashville: Oliver-Nelson Books, 1990.

Emme, Eugene M. Two Hundred Years of Flight in America: A Bicentennial Survey. San Diego: American Astronautical Society, 1977.

Engen, Donald. Wings and Warriors: Life as a Naval Aviator. Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1997.

Farmer, Gene, and Dora Jane Hamblin. First on the Moon. New York: Little, Brown, and Co., 1969.

Fraser, George MacDonald. The Steel Bonnets: The Story of the Anglo-Saxon Border Reivers. London: Collins Harvill, 1989.

Fries, Sylvia Doughty. NASA Engineers and the Age of Apollo. Washington, DC: NASA SP-4104, 1992.

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