Abbey, George, 614
Abbott, Ira H., 168
Abernathy, Ralph, 5
Abort Guidance System (AGS), 450–52, 455, 478, 535–36
Academy of Achievement: Museum of Living History at, 186n
Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, 647
accident investigation: of Apollo 1, 308–9, 310, 326
of Apollo 13, 602–3
and Armstrong as investigator, 52, 286, 308–9, 310, 326, 598, 602–3, 610–16, 617
of Challenger explosion, 286, 309, 598, 610–16, 617
of LLRV/LLTV crashes, 330–31, 333
Acheson, David, 610
AD Skyraiders. See Skyraiders
Adams, Dorothy Hutton, 30
Adler, Alfred, 45–46
aerial chivalry, 53
Aerojet-General Corporation, 172n, 219
Aeromodelers Club (Purdue University), 49
Aeronca airplanes, 50, 51, 52, 62, 71, 626
Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories, 221
Aerospace Research Pilot School (ARPS), 347
AGARD meeting (Paris, France, 1962), 203–4
Agena: and Gemini program, 292, 293, 294, 295, 347, 543
tethering of, 293, 294. See also Gemini VIII: Agena rendezvous with
Agnew, Spiro T., 2, 422, 567, 568, 570
Air Force Academy (Colorado Springs, Colorado), 4
Air Force Two: and “Giant Step” tour, 576–79
and goodwill tour, 566
Air Force, U.S., 53–54, 123–24, 154, 427. See also specific person, program, or facility
Air Group 5 (CVG-5). See Carrier Air Group 5
air launching, 133–34
Air Medal: Armstrong awarded, 112–13
Air Transport Squadron 32: Armstrong assigned to, 118
airplanes: Armstrong’s early interest in, 38–39, 45–46, 48–49, 50–51
Armstrong’s first ride in, 45–46
recognition of, 38–39
Alcoa, Inc., 598
Alcock, John, 53
Aldrich, Arnold, 614
Aldrin, Buzz (Edwin E. Jr.): as air force pilot, 352
and Apollo 8, 336, 338, 339–40, 357, 407
and Apollo 11 launch, 1, 2–3, 9
and Apollo 11 seal, 390
and Apollo 13, 339
on Armstrong’s character and personality, 228, 229
and Armstrong’s LLRV/LLTV accident, 330–31
Armstrong’s relationship with, 339–40, 357, 358–59, 362, 374, 507, 578–79
Armstrong’s views about, 356, 358
and assignment of Apollo crews, 338, 356–57
assignment to Apollo 11 crew of, 167, 338, 343, 361
autobiography of, 349, 350, 352, 361, 362, 363, 366, 367, 459–60, 506, 507, 536, 578, 579
awards and honors for, 558, 568
Bassett’s relationship with, 357
as Boy Scout, 38
and celebrations for Apollo 11, 574, 576
character and personality of, 353–54, 356, 357, 358, 372, 373
and commemorative stamp, 573, 579
and Congress, 574
and Eagle and Columbia nicknames, 393
and Eagle’s ascent from Moon, 535–44
early astronaut assignments for, 356–57
father’s relationship with, 349, 350–51, 373
and first-out decision, 361–73, 374, 578–79
and Gemini VIII, 270–71
and Gemini X, 357
and Gemini XII, 295–96, 308, 340, 357
and “Giant Step” tour, 167, 576–80
and goodwill tours, 566–67
Holy Communion celebrated on Moon by, 487–88
home of, 357
in Korean War, 352–53
and LLRF program, 325
and LLRV/LLTV program, 329, 334, 334n
marriage of, 353
and mission of Apollo 11, 343
Montclair, New Jersey, celebration for return of, 572
and Moon landing, 445–61, 463–74, 480–86
and Moon landing as hoax believers, 637
and Moon walk, 486–522
and Nixon state dinner, 567–69
Nixon’s proposed dinner with, 2–3
and outbound flight of Apollo 11, 405–40
personal and professional background of, 233, 345, 348–56
post-Apollo 11 career plans of, 571, 580
preparation and training for Apollo 11 of, 374–89
and public announcement of Apollo 11 crew, 343
and relationships among Apollo 11 crew, 358–59
rendezvous specialization of, 355–56
and return of Apollo 11, 535–63
and Rivers’ request, 576
selection as an astronaut of, 233, 356
and selection of Tranquility names for Moon landing, 394
and Slayton’s meeting about Apollo program, 311, 312
space walk of, 294, 295, 308, 357
and spiritual meaning of Moon landing, 629, 630
and splashdown of Apollo 11, 552–57
and touchdown, 474–75
White’s (Ed) relationship with, 354, 356
and White’s funeral, 308
Aldrin, Gene, 348–52, 354, 365, 367, 373, 374, 578–79
Aldrin, James Michael, 354
Aldrin, Joan Archer, 336, 353, 354, 361, 362, 432, 519, 527, 557, 565, 566, 567, 578, 579–80
Aldrin, Marion Moon, 349, 350, 351, 352
Alford, Joanne, 61
Algranti, Joseph S. “Joe,” 120–21, 232, 325, 327, 329, 330, 333
“all-up testing,” 406
Allen, H. Julian, 55
Allen, John G. Jr., 317
Alpha Chi Omega, 62, 125–26, 527
Alvarez, Luis W., 609
Ambrose, Stephen E., 585
American Astronautical Society, 194
American Bar Association: Armstrong speech to, 604
American flag: on Moon, 395, 503–4, 507, 530, 537, 545, 634
American flags: in PPKs, 525, 526
returned to Congress, 575
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), 117
American Legion, 34
American Philosophical Society, 647
American Rocket Society (ARS), 117, 194
Ames Air Force Base, 149, 151, 172
Ames Research Center (California), 119, 219, 324
An Officer and a Gentleman (film), 70
Anders, William “Bill”: and Apollo 8, 335, 340, 341, 488
and Apollo 11, 340
on Armstrong’s character and personality, 228
and Armstrong’s LLRV crash, 330
educational and professional background of, 233
and Gemini VIII flight, 269, 273
and LLTV program, 328, 329, 330
and Moon landing of Apollo 11, 478, 480
selected as astronaut, 233
and Slayton’s meeting about Apollo program, 310, 312
and tunnel design, 325
Anderson, Keith, 129
Anderson, Merle L., 69
Anderson, Mike, 616
Andrews, Bill, 150
anti-icing systems, 121
antiballistic missile system, 54
antiwar movement, 341–42
Apollo 1: accident investigation of, 308–10, 326
Armstrong’s views about, 303, 305–6, 307–8, 309, 310
congressional investigation of fire on, 305, 309
explosion of, 286, 303–10, 611
mementos of, on Moon, 519. See also specific person
Apollo 3, 311
Apollo 7, 269, 311, 312, 336, 337
Apollo 8: achievements of, 342
and Apollo mission scheduling, 338
Armstrong as backup for, 335, 339–40, 620
Armstrong’s views about, 337, 341
crew for, 312, 339, 340, 357, 358
and first lunar orbit, 335
as first manned flight, 336
flight of, 335–36, 340–41, 418, 478, 620
Genesis reading on, 340, 393, 442, 443–44, 487–88
McDivitt as commander of, 177, 312
medals for crew of, 343
and motion sickness, 412
public reaction to, 342
retrofire of, 548
splashdown of, 341
and UFOs, 429. See also specific person
Apollo 9: and Apollo 11 preparation and training, 381
Armstrong as backup for, 312
ascent engine on, 539
celestial navigation training for, 238
and Mueller’s comments about first-out decision, 361
and Saturn rockets, 408
as success, 362, 370. See also specific person
Apollo 10: and Apollo 11, 381–83, 465
ascent engine on, 539
and first-out decision, 363
flight of, 381–82
guidance system for, 408
liftoff of, 6
and LLTV, 382
mission of, 313, 336, 362, 381–83
photographs from, 383, 433, 437, 465
and UFOs, 429. See also specific person
Apollo 11: abort strategies and rules for, 378–81, 384, 385, 387, 388, 407, 460, 462, 463, 465, 471
affects on Armstrong family of, 288, 291
alarms on, 458–65
anniversaries of, 605–6, 608–9, 626
and Apollo 9, 381
appearance of Moon surface from, 437
Armstrong named commander of, 314, 336
and Armstrong’s memories of Karen, 167
and assignments for astronauts, 312
“blunt-body” principle used in, 55
Collins’ “amiable strangers” comment about, 343, 358
Columbus’s voyage compared with, 398
crew for, 228, 234, 336, 338–40, 358
criticisms of, 3
debriefings about, 456, 499, 561–62
design of, 309
as dress rehearsal for Moon landing, 312
Earth views from, 411–12, 416–17, 424–25
as engineering feat, 63
expense report for, 562
as first lunar landing mission, 336
and first-out decision, 360–73, 374, 489
first view of Moon from, 433
food during flight of, 417–18, 425, 429
Gemini VIII compared with, 538, 539
German origins of supervisors of, 3
goodwill tours for, 167, 565–82
health of crew for, 389, 391, 558
heartbeats of crew on, 410–11, 476
launch of, 1–9, 33, 34, 383, 389, 405–10, 620
mission and objectives of, 336, 343, 370, 375, 383
mission rules for, 383–88, 389, 393, 462, 463
most dangerous phase of, 396–97
music during flight of, 423–24
outbound flight of, 411–40
post-flight analysis of, 473
preparation and training of crew for, 343, 374–89, 392, 461–65
public announcement of crew for, 343
relationships among crew of, 343, 348, 358–59, 374, 379–80, 562
seal of, 390
and SimSup, 461–63
Slayton-Armstrong discussions about crew for, 336, 338–40
sleep during flight of, 418–20, 425, 440
Soviet flights during, 420–22
as success, 552
symbolic aspects of mission of, 551
and UFOs, 426–32. See also Columbia; Eagle; Moon landing; Moon walk; specific person
Apollo 12, 67, 68, 312, 313, 336, 363, 406, 429, 461–63, 511
Apollo 13, 67, 270, 272, 286, 336, 338, 339, 602–3
Apollo 14, 67, 373, 449n, 515, 524–25
Apollo 15, 67, 514, 515, 524, 629–30
Apollo 17, 67, 290, 513, 596–97, 605
Apollo group: Cooper as responsible for, 232
Apollo Lunar Surface Close-Up Camera (ALSCC), 508
Apollo program: and Armstrong’s decision to be an astronaut, 173
and Armstrong’s transition from test pilot to astronaut, 227
ARPS graduates in, 347
astronaut training for, 219–20, 224–25, 232, 237, 238
and astronauts’ wives, 289
crew assignments for, 232–33, 300, 356–57
design and development of, 309, 317
Gemini as bridge between Mercury and, 225, 295
and Gemini VIII, 273
and Gemini XI, 293
and goodwill tour of Latin America, 299
impact of Apollo 1 explosion on, 309–10
and Kennedy’s commitment to Moon landing, 219
launchpad at Kennedy Space Center for, 294
LLTV as undersung hero of, 328
LOR mode of, 225
lunar landing mission of, 233
lunar samples from, 513
naval aviators as commanders in, 67
and Parasev research, 212, 213
planned flights for, 207
Pratt & Whitney fuel cell for, 219
presentation about, at Conference on the Peaceful Use of Space, 194
relationships among astronauts as members of, 238
and Saturn rockets, 246, 303, 312, 320
scheduling of missions for, 337
service module propulsion engine for, 219
size of crew of, 238
Slayton’s meeting about course of, 310–13
types of missions for, 232, 312. See also Moon landing; Moon walk; specific flight or person
Apollo Ridge, 478
Apt, Milburn G. “Mel,” 148, 356
area rule, 137
Arlington National Cemetery, 280–81, 308, 474
Armstrong, Bernice (aunt), 18
Armstrong, Carol Knight (second wife), 617, 637–38, 643–45, 648
Armstrong, Dean Alan (brother): and Apollo 11 launch, 8
Armstrong as partner with, 596
and Armstrong’s airplane accident, 62
and Armstrong’s character and personality, 31–32
and Armstrong’s early interest in airplanes, 48, 50–51
Armstrong’s relationship with, 30–31, 161
and Armstrong’s religious beliefs, 35
and Armstrong’s selection as an astronaut, 202
birth of, 30
character and personality of, 31
childhood and youth of, 30–31, 50–51
and Colorado ski trips, 639, 640
and Gemini VIII, 245
and Janet-Armstrong relationship, 126, 127, 643
and Lange accident, 51
and Nixon state dinner, 569
professional career of, 596
at Purdue University, 126
and sightseeing tour with Armstrong, 122
and Viola-Armstrong’s relationship, 34
and Viola’s religious beliefs, 34
Armstrong, Eric Alan “Rick” (son): and Armstrong as astronaut, 288
and Armstrong as celebrity, 275
and Armstrong as father, 479, 641
birth of, 128
and Carol-Armstrong marriage, 644
childhood and youth of, 128, 160, 161, 165–66
and Colorado vacation, 571–72
and fire in Houston home, 283, 284
and Gemini VIII flight, 245, 277
and goodwill tours, 565
and Houston move, 213
and Karen’s illness and death, 162, 165–66, 166n
and launch of Apollo 11, 2, 8, 409–10
and Lebanon move, 641
and mementos from Moon walk, 528
professional career of, 646
and profile of astronauts, 210
and return of Apollo 11, 550, 560
and Tolkien’s stories, 495
Armstrong, Grace (aunt), 18
Armstrong, Guy (uncle), 18, 19
Armstrong Hoffman, June Louise (sister): Arizona home of, 643
and Armstrong as father, 161
on Armstrong’s character and personality, 32–33
and Armstrong’s childhood and youth, 27, 47, 48, 51, 52
and Armstrong’s early interest in airplanes, 48, 51, 52
and Armstrong’s graduation from Pensacola, 79
and Armstrong’s Moon landing, 403
Armstrong’s relationship with, 30, 160–61
and Armstrong’s selection as an astronaut, 167, 202
birth of, 30
and Dean-Neil relationship, 31
and Gemini VIII, 245
and Janet-Armstrong wedding, 127
and Karen, 160, 162, 166–67, 403
and launch of Apollo 11, 8
and mementos on Moon, 528
and Nixon state dinner, 569
and Stephen’s relationship with Armstrong, 32
and Viola-Laura’s relationship, 32
and Viola’s parenting style, 31
and Viola’s religious beliefs, 21
Armstrong, Janet Shearon (first wife): and Aldrin-Armstrong relationship, 579
and Apollo 8, 336
and Armstrong as celebrity, 275, 276, 291, 588, 642
and Armstrong’s character and personality, 399, 646–47
and Armstrong’s flying interests, 647–48
and Armstrong’s post-Apollo 11 career plans, 587
Armstrong’s relationship with, 165, 166, 287, 579, 642–43, 646
and Armstrong’s selection as an astronaut, 202
birth of, 124
business career of, 642
and celebrations for Apollo 11, 573–74
Cernan’s comment about, 645
character and personality of, 126, 165, 288, 291, 477
childhood and youth of, 124–25
and Chrysler work of Armstrong, 595
Colorado vacation of, 571–72
and conflict-avoidance strategy of Armstrong, 35
courtship and marriage of, 62, 120, 122, 124, 126–27
divorce between Armstrong and, 166, 291, 598, 640, 642–43, 644
and Eagle’s ascent from Moon, 536
early married life of, 128, 130
family background of, 124–25
and fire in Houston home, 281–86
flying ambitions of, 125
and Gemini VIII flight, 245, 275, 276, 277, 279, 287, 290, 477
and goodwill tours, 296, 565, 566, 567, 576–80
and Karen’s birth, 160
and Karen’s illness and death, 161–66, 163n, 172, 173, 198
knowledge about Apollo 11 of, 478
and launch of Apollo 11, 2, 8, 409–10
and Lebanon move, 640–42
and Lindberghs, 620
mantra of, 288
and marriage to an astronaut, 287–91
and media, 277, 279, 287, 288, 409–10, 424, 557, 645
and Moon landing, 479–80
and Nixon state dinner, 567
Nixon’s telephone call to, 557
olive-branch pin for, 519, 527
and outbound flight of Apollo 11, 432
parenting by, 288
pilot training of, 478
post-divorce life of, 646–47
and profile of astronauts, 210
public appearances of, 588
at Purdue University, 125–26
reflections on hectic pace of family life by, 288
and return of Apollo 11, 536, 550, 557, 560, 563
and rumors about Stevens and Armstrong, 582
and Theremin music, 423–24
at UCLA, 127
and Walker family, 131
and Walker’s death, 296
and White’s death, 306–7, 308, 480
and wives of other astronauts, 278, 279, 280, 281, 306
Armstrong, Jay (nephew), 477
Armstrong, Karen Anne “Muffie” (daughter): and Armstrong’s Moon landing, 403, 528
and effect of death on Armstrong, 168, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 184, 192, 198, 399, 403
illness and death of, 161–67, 163n, 168, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 184, 192, 198, 303, 308, 317, 399, 403, 620
mementos of, and fire in Houston home, 284
Armstrong, Laura Mary Louise Koenig (grandmother), 18–19, 24, 30, 32–33
Armstrong, Marilyn (sister-in-law), 8, 245, 477, 479
Armstrong, Mark Stephen (son): and Armstrong as astronaut, 288
and Armstrong as celebrity, 275
and Armstrong as father, 479, 641
and Armstrong’s heart attack, 640
birth of, 128
and Carol-Armstrong marriage, 644
and Colorado vacation, 571–72
and fire in Houston home, 282, 283, 284, 285
and Gemini VIII flight, 245, 277
and goodwill tours, 565
and launch of Apollo 11, 2, 8, 409
and Lebanon move, 641
and Lebanon office of Armstrong, 622
and mementos from Moon walk, 528
and Moon landing, 478–79
professional career of, 646
and profile of astronauts, 210
and return of Apollo 11, 550, 560
and Tolkien’s stories, 495
Armstrong, Mary Barbara (aunt), 18, 23, 24
Armstrong, Neil Alden: as algebra teacher, 89
Carol’s marriage to, 644
as celebrity, 275–77, 291, 402, 585, 620–38, 642
character and personality of, 30–35, 37–38, 41, 42, 47–48, 50, 55–56, 60, 65, 82, 118, 126, 165–67, 202, 215, 227–29, 234–35, 307, 332, 348, 349, 362, 371–72, 400–401, 480, 646–47
childhood and youth of, 29–31, 33–52, 55–56, 285, 400, 441, 442
Crites as influence on, 34
defining moment in life of, 475
divorce from Janet of, 166, 291, 598, 640, 642–43, 644
early jobs of, 37–38
elementary and high school education of, 30, 33, 34, 40, 42
family background of, 13–19, 20–25, 399
as father, 160–61, 164, 166–67, 479, 641
financial affairs of, 56–57, 274, 588, 594, 594n, 598
Janet’s marriage to, 126–27
language abilities of, 297–98
leadership style of, 227–29
legacy of, 648
philanthrophy of, 599–600
physical appearance of, 56, 210
post-Apollo 11 career plans of, 580
reputation of, 82
social life of, 608
“trick knee” of, 118
what America means to, 11
Wings of Gold awarded to, 68
work ethic of, 37–38
youthful accidents of, 47, 48, 62
Armstrong, Ray (uncle), 18, 19
Armstrong, Stephen Koenig (father): advice to Janet of, 127
and Apollo 10 launch, 6
and Apollo 11 launch, 6–8, 409
and Armstrong as celebrity, 276, 277
and Armstrong family in Wapakoneta, 40
and Armstrong’s birth, 24–25, 29
and Armstrong’s character and personality, 30, 32
and Armstrong’s childhood and youth, 29, 39, 45–46, 49, 50, 51
and Armstrong’s college education, 55
and Armstrong’s early interest in airplanes, 45, 50
and Armstrong’s first airplane ride, 45–46, 45n
and Armstrong’s graduation from Pensacola, 79
Armstrong’s relationship with, 32, 161, 399
and Armstrong’s selection as an astronaut, 199–201, 202
character and personality of, 31, 32
childhood and youth of, 18–19
courtship and marriage of, 19, 23–24
early married life of, 24–25
family background of, 9, 13–19
and financial affairs, 37
first airplane ride of, 46
and first-out decision, 366
and Gemini VIII flight, 6, 8, 245, 276, 277
and I’ve Got a Secret show, 199–201
and Lange accident, 51
as Mason, 630
and Moon walk, 492
and Nixon state dinner, 569
parenting style of, 32
and Port Koneta airport, 49
professional career of, 24, 29, 276
religious beliefs of, 33
and return of Apollo 11, 557, 561
as Scoutmaster, 39
and senior prom of Armstrong, 41, 42
Viola’s relationship with, 33
and Wapakoneta’s celebration on Armstrong’s return, 573
and World War II, 40
Armstrong, Viola Engel (mother): and Armstrong as astronaut, 276
and Armstrong as celebrity, 276–77
and Armstrong’s birth, 24–25, 29
Armstrong’s call upon return from Moon to, 560–61
and Armstrong’s character and personality, 30, 31, 32
and Armstrong’s childhood and youth, 29–30, 31, 41, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51
and Armstrong’s college education, 55, 56–57
and Armstrong’s early interest in airplanes, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51
and Armstrong’s first words on Moon, 522
and Armstrong’s graduation from Pensacola, 79
and Armstrong’s motives for wanting fighter planes, 77
Armstrong’s relationship with, 32, 34, 160–61
and Armstrong’s religious views, 35
and Armstrong’s selection as an astronaut, 199–201, 202
and Armstrong’s views about Japan, 101
birth of, 20
and “Boyhood Crisis” of Armstrong, 52
character and personality of, 32
childhood and youth of, 20–22
courtship and marriage of, 19, 23–24
and Eagle’s ascent from Moon, 536, 538
early married life of, 24–25
education of, 22
family background of, 9, 13, 20–22
and Gemini VIII flight, 6, 8, 245, 276–77
Houston visits of, 308
and immigrant background of Americans, 11
influence on Armstrong of, 22, 30, 349
and I’ve Got a Secret show, 199–201
and Janet-Armstrong wedding, 127
and launch of Apollo 10, 6
and launch of Apollo 11, 6–9, 409
Laura’s relationship with, 32
and Lindbergh’s (Anne) book, 620
and Moon landing, 442, 455, 476–77
and Moon walk, 492, 494, 496–97
and Nixon state dinner, 569
and Nixon’s telephone during Moon walk, 506
olive-branch pin for, 527
parenting style of, 22, 31, 32
religious beliefs of, 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 33, 34, 35, 276, 277, 409, 476, 557, 629
and return of Apollo 11, 536, 538, 545, 557, 560–61
and spiritual meaning of Moon landing, 629
Stephen’s relationship with, 33
and Wapakoneta move to, 40
and Wapakoneta’s celebration on Armstrong’s return, 573
Armstrong, Wendy (daughter-in-law), 628, 644
Armstrong, Willis (grandfather), 18–19, 24, 29, 31, 32
Armstrong family: financial affairs of, 19, 37
fire in Houston home of, 281–86, 304, 308, 424
Lebanon move of, 641–42
NASA public affairs officer assigned to, 276, 278
and River Road farmhouse, 18
Upper Sandusky move of, 38
Wapakoneta move of, 37
Army, U.S., 54, 68, 86, 113, 123
Ashby, Jeff, 68
Ashford, James J., 70n, 82, 96, 99, 113
Asselin, Fred, 297
astronaut, Armstrong as: and effect of Karen’s death on decision to be an astronaut, 198
effects on family of, 287–91
and Armstrong as celebrity, 275–77, 291, 297
and Armstrong as hero, 398
and Armstrong’s application, 174, 193, 195–96
and Armstrong’s decision to be an astronaut, 168, 173–74
character and personality of, 332, 348, 362, 371–72, 374, 397–98, 399–401, 432, 436
criticisms and comments about, 268–69
defining moment in life of, 475
evaluation of Armstrong’s strengths as, 224
and flying experience of Armstrong, 210
Janet Armstrong’s views about, 278, 287–91
Low’s views about, 299–300
mythologizing and iconography of, 402, 620–38
operations and training responsibilities of, 232–33, 235
post-Apollo 11 future of, 571, 580
selection of, 139–40, 145, 199–203, 204–7. See also specific flight or topic
astronaut training, 217–27, 232–33, 235, 237–38, 328. See also specific person or flight
astronauts: assignments for, 224, 230–41
counseling program for families of, 290
educational level of, 208–9
flying experience of, 209–10
and Freeman as first astronaut to lose his life, 280
as heroes/celebrities, 210, 218, 220, 227, 277, 297, 342, 562
NASA introductory meetings for new class of, 207–8
Ohio background of, 37
personal and professional background of, 209, 210, 233–34
personal lives of, 277–78, 290–91
physical and mental testing of, 203, 204–6
physical appearance of, 210
profile of, 208–10
publicity about, 193–94
reasons for wanting to be, 211
rescue of, 263
scouting background of, 38
selection of, 139–40, 167, 193, 195, 197–98, 206, 233–34
Shepard as chief of, 232
test pilots as, 233
women as, 38. See also specific person
astronomy: Armstrong’s interest in, 43, 237–38
AT&T, 4
Atlas rockets, 54, 219, 244, 246, 292, 384
Auglaize County Museum (Wapakoneta, Ohio), 44
autographs: of Armstrong, 621–26, 645, 646
awards and honors, for Armstrong, 13, 34, 112–13, 196, 203, 206, 274, 275, 276, 558, 568, 591, 591n, 618
B-29 Superfortress, 132, 133, 134–36, 137, 138
B-52, 156, 157, 158, 171, 176, 177, 184
Babbitt, Donald, 304
Badger, D. J., 72
Bailey, Clyde, 130
Bales, Steve, 459, 460, 461–62, 463–64, 567
Ballard, Tom B., 603
Bankers Association of America, 595
Banshee jets: and Essex disaster, 97–99, 100
in Korean War, 87, 89, 97–99, 100, 108, 109, 111. See also specific model
Banshee squadron (VF-52), 87
Barfield, Wade A., 99
Barr, Doris, 55–56
“barrel”: astronauts in the, 226–27
Bassett, Charles A. “Charlie,” 170, 233, 273, 279, 280–81, 296, 347, 357
Battin, Richard, 355
Battle of Bloody Ridge (Korean War), 86
Battle of Heartbreak Ridge (Korean War), 86
BBC, 577
Bean, Alan L.: and Apollo 1, 306
and Apollo 8, 312
Apollo 12 flight of, 68, 363, 370, 511
and Armstrong’s LLRV/LLTV accident, 332
and first-out decision, 363, 369–70
and Gemini VIII, 270
as navy pilot, 68
and pictures of Moon walk, 511–12
and PPKs, 523
selected as astronaut, 233
Skylab missions of, 68
Beauchamp, Ernest M. “Skipper”: achievements of, 113
and Armstrong as algebra teacher, 89
and Armstrong’s selection for VF-51, 82–83
and Armstrong’s September 3, 1951, episode, 94–95
and Banshee accident on Essex, 97
on Beebe’s aggressive approach, 90
as Golden Eagles member, 113
influence on Armstrong of, 113
in Korean War, 88, 89, 90, 91, 94–95, 97–98, 107, 108n, 113
and Michener’s book, 107
naval career of, 80–81
retirement of, 113
and selection of Armstrong for VF-51, 85
and VF-51 as fighter-bomber unit, 86
as VF-51 commander, 80–81, 82–83, 89
in World War II, 80
Beebe, Marshall, 81, 90, 92–93, 94, 96, 99, 105, 106, 107, 110
Beech Aircraft Co., 603
Beech Bonanza: of Armstrong, 125, 478
Beeler, Elroy E., 130
Beering, Stephen, 599–600
Belcher, R. S., 75
Belgium: and “Giant Step” tour, 577
Bell Aerosystems, 132, 317, 321, 325, 326–27. See also specific model of plane
Bellman, Donald, 314
Benedict, Howard, 570
Bennett, Floyd, 453
Benzing, Kenneth, 48
Beregovoy, Georgy T., 582–84
Berg, A. Scott, 620
Berry, Charles E., 2–3, 389, 391
“beta cloth” patches, 527
Big Bang theory, 444
Bikle, Paul, 184–85, 186n, 187, 188, 192, 193, 196–97, 212
Binkley, Ned, 50
Biological Isolation Garments (BIGs), 555
Bird, Collins, 306
Bishop, Billy, 53
Blackmun, Dottie, 588
Block I and II Apollos, 207
Blue Angels, 113
“Blue Book investigations,” 427
Blume High School (Wapakoneta, Ohio), 22, 33–34, 40, 41–42, 55–56, 275
“blunt-body” principle, 55
Boeing Corporation, 132, 160, 589
Bon Homme Richard (carrier), 88
Boothill, 438
Borman, Frank: and accident investigation of Apollo 1, 309
and Aldrin’s personality, 358
and Apollo 8, 335, 340, 341, 393, 412, 442, 488, 620
on Armstrong’s character and personality, 227
astronaut assignments of, 230
astronaut training of, 224
awards and honors for, 343
calls Soviet scientists, 420
character and personality of, 229, 374
educational background of, 208, 345
Far Eastern trip of, 265
and Gemini III, 230
and Gemini VII, 242, 250, 309, 427
Genesis reading by, 340, 393, 442, 487–88
Houston home of, 282
and launch of Apollo 11, 2–3
and Moon landing, 442
motion sickness of, 412
as Nixon’s special space consultant, 3, 556–57
personal and professional background of, 209, 210
personal appearances of, 256
press conferences of, 208, 211
and rendezvous in space, 242, 250, 255
retirement of, 340
and Slayton’s meeting about Apollo program, 311, 312
and Soviet-U.S. relations, 420
and UFOs, 427
and White’s death and funeral, 306, 308
Borman, Frederick, 210
Borman, Susan Bugby, 210, 306, 336
Bowers, William W. “Bill,” 80, 82, 89
Bowling, Della Mae, 131, 190–91
Bowling Green State University, 34, 39
Boy Scouts, 31, 33, 37–39, 40, 43, 623–24, 503
Brading, Charles Jr., 572, 573
Brading, Richard, 49
Brading’s Drugs, 37, 49, 285, 573
Bramwell, Ross K., 81, 96, 99, 113
Brandli, Hank, 552
The Bridges at Toko-Ri (film), 107
The Bridges at Toko-Ri (Michener), 107–8, 110–11, 114
Briggs, Guy, 23
Brooks Air Force Base (San Antonio, Texas), 204–5
Broun, Heywood Hale, 5
Brown, A. W., 53
Brown, David, 616
Brown Field (Texas), 84
Bryant, Paul “Bear,” 597
Buckeye Boys State, 34
Burger, Warren E., 567
Burrus, Dave, 591–92
Burt, Devere, 599
Bush, George W., 617–19
Butchart, Stanley P. “Stan,” 33, 132–36, 146, 149, 189n, 192, 196
Buzek, J. J., 110
buzz problem, 146n
Cabaniss Field (Corpus Christi, Texas), 77
Caicedo, Harry, 297
The Caine Mutiny (Wouk), 109, 111
Camp Pendleton, California, 80
Campbell, Pera, 22
Cape Canaveral (Florida), 54, 68, 173, 211, 213, 221, 239, 335
Cape Kennedy (Florida). See Kennedy Space Center (Florida)
Capricorn One (film), 634
Cardwell International Ltd., 596
Cargill, Eugene, 477–78
Carlos, John, 341–42
Carpenter, John, 89, 92, 94, 108n
Carpenter, M. Scott, 36, 68, 144, 169, 206, 282, 305, 429
Carpentier, William R. “Bill,” 555, 556, 559, 577, 578
Carrier Air Group 5 (CVG-5): Beebe as commander of, 81
casualties in, 88, 91, 92, 96, 97–99, 108, 110, 111
Korean missions of, 88–100, 101–11
and return to U.S., 111. See also specific squadron
cars, of Armstrong: collection of, 129
and commute to Edwards, 128–30
cross-country trips in, 122
and fire in Houston home, 283
first, 122
and Houston move, 213
Carson, Johnny, 2
Carter, Jimmy, 600
catapult launches, 85
CBS: Face the Nation on, 569–71
I’ve Got a Secret show on, 199–201, 202
and launch of Apollo 11, 7, 34–35
Moon landing coverage by, 443–45, 455, 459, 521–22, 523–24
and Moon walk, 488, 492, 521–22
and outbound flight of Apollo 11, 434
and return of Apollo 11, 536, 545–46, 552. See also Cronkite, Walter; Severeid, Eric; specific person
Ceausescu, Nicolae, 579
celestial navigation: astronaut training in, 237–38
“Century” series fighters, 136–37
Cernan, Barbara, 290–91
Cernan, Eugene A. “Gene”: as Apollo 7 backup, 312
and Apollo 10, 290, 381, 382–83
and Apollo 12, 363
and Armstrong’s heart attack, 640
and Bassett’s and See’s death, 280
educational and professional background of, 233
and first-out decision, 363
and Gemini IX, 290, 292, 310, 356–57
and Janet Armstrong, 126, 640, 645
and Janet-Armstrong relationship, 126
and LM, 452
personal life of, 290–91
and pictures of Moon walk, 512
and PPKs, 528
and Purdue University, 126, 599
selected as astronaut, 233
and Slayton’s meeting about Apollo program, 311
and wives of astronauts, 215, 277
CF-700–2V engines, 322
Chaffee, Roger B., 170, 233, 303, 304, 306, 307, 308, 311, 519, 636
Chairs, William, 97
Challenger explosion, 170, 286, 309, 598, 610–16, 617
Champine, Robert A., 120
Chanute Award, 203
Charles A. Lindbergh Memorial Fund, 600
Charlesworth, Cliff, 419
Chase, Jeanette, 2
Chawla, Kalpana, 616
Cheshire, Leonard R. “Chet,” 82, 89, 105, 108n, 109–11, 113, 279
Chicago, Illinois: goodwill tour to, 566, 567
Child, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald, 276
Christiansen, Paul, 644
Christiansen, Sally, 644
Chrysler Corporation: Armstrong as spokesperson for, 594–95
Cincinnati Enquirer, 590, 606, 609, 617
Cincinnati Gas & Electric, 596
Cincinnati Museum of Natural History, 599
Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, 599
civil rights movement, 341–42
Clark family, 17
Clark, Laurel, 616
Clauser, Milton, 60–61
CM. See Columbia; command module
Cold War: and developments in aeronautics, 145
collectors: of space memorabilia, 624–26
Collins, Agnes, 344–45
Collins, J. Lawton “Lightning Joe,” 344
Collins, James L., 344, 345, 346
Collins, James L. Jr., 344
Collins, Michael “Mike”: as air force pilot, 233, 346
and Aldrin’s stress, 578
and Apollo 1, 309
and Apollo 2, 347
and Apollo 8, 336, 339, 347–48
Apollo 11 as last flight for, 571
and Armstrong’s character and personality, 31, 215, 227–28, 229, 374
Armstrong’s relationship with, 348, 358–59
and Armstrong’s return to Ohio, 36
and Armstrong’s selection as an astronaut, 202, 207
assignment to Apollo 11 crew of, 338, 343
awards and honors for, 558, 568
and celebrations for Apollo 11, 574, 576
character and personality of, 344, 346, 348
as CMP specialist, 339, 347, 391
and Congress, 574
and Eagle and Columbia nicknames, 393
and Eagle’s ascent from Moon, 538–44
educational background of, 345–46
and first-out decision, 361, 363–64, 366, 374
and Gemini VII, 348
and Gemini X, 248, 292, 294, 357, 538
and Gemini XI, 294
and Gemini XII, 295
and “Giant Step” tour, 167, 576–80
as goodwill ambassador, 580
and goodwill tours, 566–67
and launch of Apollo 11, 2–3, 9
marriage of, 346–47
and media, 390, 391, 392, 397, 399
and mission rules, 386
and Moon landing, 446–50, 455, 481, 482, 484
and most dangerous phase of Apollo 11, 397
New Orleans celebration for return of, 572
and Nixon state dinner, 567–69
Nixon’s proposed dinner with, 2–3
and outbound flight of Apollo 11, 405–40
personal and professional background of, 344–48
and personal mementos left on Moon, 399
and pictures of Moon walk, 509–10
post-Apollo 11 career plans of, 580
PPKs of, 522–28
preparation and training for Apollo 11 of, 374–89
and public announcement of Apollo 11 crew, 343
and relationships among Apollo 11 crew, 343, 358, 359
and rendezvous in space, 248
and return from Moon walk, 532
and return of Apollo 11, 529–63
and Rivers’s request, 576
selection as an astronaut of, 233, 347, 356
and selection of astronauts, 208
and Slayton’s meeting about Apollo program, 311, 312
and small towns, 36
and splashdown of Apollo 11, 552–57
Collins, Patricia Finnegan, 346–47, 432, 519, 527, 557, 566, 567, 579–80
Collins, Virginia Stewart, 344–45
Collins, William, 80
Colorado: Armstrong’s vacations in, 571–72, 575, 639–40
Columbia (command module): and Armstrong’s comments to media, 391
and Collins’ specialization, 339
and Eagle’s ascent from Moon, 538–44
and launch of Apollo 11, 407–8
and Moon landing, 446–47, 449–50, 455, 480, 481, 483, 486
and Moon walk, 490
nickname for Apollo 11, 392–93
outbound flight of Apollo 11, 407, 413, 414, 421, 426, 429, 430, 440
and return of Apollo 11, 532, 538–57, 558
space inside, 489
splashdown of Apollo 11, 552–57
Columbia space shuttle accident, 616–17, 623, 645
Columbus, Christopher, 398
ComAirPac (Pacific Fleet): Armstrong assigned to, 79, 80
Combs, Harry, 571–72, 596, 642–43, 645
command and service module (CM/CSM): and Apollo 8, 337, 338
and Apollo 9, 362
design and development of, 2, 307, 319, 325, 337
and media, 391
and mission rules, 386
and Moon landing, 446, 457, 483, 523
and Moon walk, 522–23
and outbound flight of Apollo 11, 410, 413–14, 422–23, 431
and training for Apollo 11, 374, 375, 377–78, 386. See also Columbia
Commercial Club (Cincinnati, Ohio), 599
Commonwealth Club (Cincinnati, Ohio), 599
competition: among VF-51 pilots, 85
Armstrong’s views about, 75
Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space: Second Annual, 194
conflict-avoidance strategy: of Armstrong, 34–35
Congo: and “Giant Step” tour, 577–78
Congress, U.S.: American flags taken to Moon returned to, 575
and Apollo 1 investigation, 305, 309
and Apollo 8, 343
and Apollo 11 launch, 2
and Armstrong as celebrity, 588
and Armstrong’s meetings with congressmen, 226
Armstrong’s report about Apollo 11 to, 574–75
and Bush (George W.) space plan, 619
and celebrations for Apollo 11, 574–76
decline in NASA support from, 589
and Franklin Mint medallions, 524
and Kennedy’s commitment to Moon landing, 218, 219
and symbolic items left on Moon, 395
Conrad, Charles L. Jr. “Pete”: and accident investigation of Armstrong’s LLRV crash, 330
and Apollo 8, 312
Apollo 12 flight of, 68
Armstrong’s views about, 235
astronaut assignments for, 234, 235, 236, 240
astronaut training of, 222, 224
and casualties of test pilots, 170
celestial navigation training for, 237
character and personality of, 229, 332
educational background of, 208–9
and Gemini V, 234, 238, 239, 240, 256
and Gemini VIII, 238, 240, 244, 270
and Gemini XI, 274, 293, 294, 427
personal and professional background of, 209, 210
press conferences of, 208, 210, 211
and Schirra’s Mercury flight, 219
Skylab missions of, 68
and Slayton’s meeting about Apollo program, 310, 311, 312
and UFOs, 427
and White’s funeral, 308
Conrad, Christopher, 210
Conrad, Jane DuBose, 210
Consolidated Bottling Company, 7
Conspiracy Theory (Fox TV), 634
contractors: astronaut tours of, 219–20, 221
and training of astronauts, 221
Convair, 296. See also specific model of plane
Cooper, L. Gordon Jr.: as air force pilot, 169
and Apollo 1, 306
Apollo group as responsibility of, 232
Armstrong’s relationship with, 206, 235
and Armstrong’s role in space program, 605–6
celestial navigation training for, 237
character and personality of, 234
and Gemini III, 247
and Gemini V, 234, 238, 239, 256
hometown of, 36
Mercury-Atlas 9 flight of, 236, 247
at White House, 305
Cordant Technologies, 598
Cornell University: Aero Lab at, 154
Corona spy satellite program, 421, 552
Coronado Island (California), 79–80
corporations: Armstrong’s work with, 594–98
Corpus Christi, Texas: Armstrong flight training at, 76–77
Corry Field (Pensacola, Florida), 73–74, 75
Corsairs: in Korean War, 91, 102, 106
Cortright, Edgar A., 602–3
Cottingham, C. B., 118
Countryside YMCA (Lebanon, Ohio), 599
Covert, Eugene E., 610
Cowdin, William G., 172n
Crichton, Michael, 389
Crites, John Grover, 33–34, 45, 117
Cronkite, Walter: Armstrong’s interview with, 34–35, 569–71
and Eagle’s ascent from Moon, 538
and launch of Apollo 11, 4, 5, 6, 34–35
and Moon landing, 443, 445, 455, 459, 474, 476, 521–22
and outbound flight of Apollo 11, 426, 434
and PPKs, 523–24
and return of Apollo 11, 536, 538, 545–46, 552
Cross, Carl S., 296
Crossfield, A. Scott: and Armstrong’s selection as test pilot at Edwards, 133
F-100A collision at Edwards of, 186n
as first person to fly at Mach 2, 55, 124
personal and professional background of, 132
and SST, 589
and X-1, 132
and X-15 program, 132, 151, 152, 155
CSM. See command and service module
Cuban Missile Crisis, 217–18, 304, 420
Cueva de los Tayos expedition, 632–33
Cullen, Bill, 199
Cunningham, Walter, 233–34, 269, 274, 311, 312, 336, 347
D-558 Skyrockets, 55, 122, 131, 132, 133, 134–36, 146, 173
Dana, William H. “Bill,” 138, 182, 183, 187, 188, 191, 193, 569
Danneberg, Kenneth I. “Ken,” 82, 96, 478
Davis, Donald C., 552–53
Davis, H. W., 77
Davis, Tom, 590
Day, Richard E. “Dick”: and Armstrong’s application to be an astronaut, 195, 196
and Armstrong’s IAS presentation, 153
and Armstrong’s selection as an astronaut, 139–40, 206
death of, 195
and flight simulators, 147, 148, 149
influence on Armstrong of, 195
and LLRV program, 324
professional background of, 140, 195
responsibilities at Manned Space Center of, 195
and selection of astronauts, 206
and Williams, 195
and X-2 program, 148
and X-15 program, 150
De Windt, E. Mandell “Dell,” 597–98
Dead Man’s Curve, 317
Dean, Patrick, 305
death: Armstrong’s views about, 106, 296
deism, 33
Delamar Dry Lake (Nevada), 184, 189, 192
Democratic National Convention (Chicago, Illinois, 1968), 341
Der Bung, Bill, 578
DFBW flight test program, 588
Diamondback, 439
Dirksen, Everett, 305
disk: as symbolic item left on Moon, 395
Distinguished Flying Cross, 274
Distinguished Service Medal, 274
Dobrynin, Anatoly, 305
Doolittle, Jimmy, 350, 568, 600
Dorothy Love Retirement Community (Sidney, Ohio), 643
Douglas Aircraft Company, 60, 118, 119, 132, 172, 220. See also specific model of plane
Drake group: and LLRV program, 314–16, 317
Drake, Hubert M. “Jake,” 130, 314, 317
Draper, Charles Start, 355
Drinkwater, Fred, 151
Dry Gulch, 478
Dryden Flight Research Center, 128–29, 138, 171, 212, 588
Duke, Charlie: and Apollo 16, 630
and mission rules, 386
as missionary, 630
and Moon landing, 450, 462, 463, 464, 470, 471, 473
and name for Sea of Tranquility, 394
and outbound flight of Apollo 11, 425
and preparation and training for Apollo 11, 462, 464
and return of Apollo 11, 548–49
and spiritual meaning of Moon landing, 630
Dunn, Michael Chalmer, 609
Dvorak, Antonin, 423
Dyna-Soar: Armstrong as consultant for, 159, 165, 171–73, 177, 192, 212, 218, 317
Armstrong as “pilot-engineer” for, 173
Armstrong’s views about, 169
and future-oriented aerospace R&D, 171
goals of, 140
Gordon’s involvement with, 177
and HP-115, 196n
intent of, 171
and L/D approach, 171–72
as NASA-air force program, 160
and rescue concept, 171–73, 172n
eagle (emblem): and symbolic aspects of Apollo 11 mission, 551
Eagle (lunar module): and abort of Apollo 11, 384
and Armstrong’s comments to media, 391
ascent from Moon of, 535–44
fuel lines of, 483–84
and mission rules, 387
and Moon landing, 445–59, 461, 466–75, 476, 478, 480–85, 634
and most dangerous phase of Apollo 11 flight, 396, 397
as nickname for LM, 392–93
and outbound flight of Apollo 11, 413–14, 421, 425–26, 427, 429, 431, 433, 438, 439, 440
and PPKs, 526
and return from Moon walk, 529–35
and selection of Tranquility names for Moon landing, 394
shadow of, 469, 470, 471n, 492, 499
space inside, 489
and spiritual meaning of Moon landing, 629
Earhart, Amelia, 53
Early Apollo Scientific Experiment Package (EASEP), 514–15
Earth Orbit Rendezvous (EOR), 318, 319
East Crater, 516–17
Easter Seal, 599
Eaton Corporation, 597–98
Edward VIII (king of England), 70
Edwards Air Force Base (California): air launches at, 134–36
and Armstrong as “accident prone,” 174
Armstrong as test pilot at, 119, 123, 127–40, 141–42, 146–59, 174–98, 201–13, 305, 405
Armstrong transfers to, 122
and Armstrong’s application to be an astronaut, 195, 196
Armstrong’s commute to, 123, 127, 128–30
Armstrong’s flying record at, 195
Armstrong’s selection as test pilot at, 132–33
casualties of test pilots at, 170
Crossfield’s F-100A collision at, 186n
establishment of, 124
flight simulators at, 147–48, 224, 225, 314
Johnson’s visit to, 321
LLRV program at, 314–16, 321–23, 324, 325, 327, 331, 334
and “Nellis Affair,” 189–93
research pilot culture at, 188
test pilots at, 120
and Yeager-Armstrong flight, 184–89, 186n
and Yeager’s F-104A flight, 142–44, 143n. See also Flight Research Center; High-Speed Flying School; specific person
Eisele, Donn F., 233, 310, 311, 312, 336
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 67, 68, 169, 194, 496
Eisenhower, Mamie, 567
ejection seats, 54, 94, 321, 325, 331–32, 407
El Centro, California: parachute school at, 95
El Lago Keys Club, 2
Elizabeth (queen of England): Apollo 11 crew meet, 167
Ellington Air Force Base (Houston, Texas): Aldrin’s attempted escape into, 565
and LLRV/LLTV program, 325, 327, 329, 331
and medical and psychological testing of astronauts, 206, 207
and return of Apollo 11, 559–60
and training of astronauts, 221, 222
Elliot, John M., 120
Ellyson Field (Pensacola, Florida), 223
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 20
EMU (Extravehicular Mobile Unit), 375, 519
Engel, Caroline Matilda Katter (grandmother), 8, 20, 21, 22, 24–25, 30, 409, 561, 569, 573
Engel, Martin (grandfather), 21, 48
engineer, Armstrong as: ambitions of, 48–49, 63, 590
and Armstrong’s selection as an astronaut, 139–40
award for, 602
views of Armstrong’s abilities as, 138–39
engineering: Armstrong’s early interest in, 55–56
as Armstrong’s professional identity, 63
Armstrong’s views about, 602
character of, 48
and views about Armstrong’s abilities by engineers, 138–39
Engle, Joe, 347
environmental concerns: of Armstrong, 604
Eurocopter, 647
Europe: Bikle cancels Armstrong’s trip to, 196–97. See also “Giant Step” tour
EVA (extravehicular activity). See space walks
Evans, Ron, 478, 534, 536, 537, 543
Everest, Frank “Pete,” 148
Explorer I satellite, 68
F-80 Shooting Star fighter, 82, 137
F-86 Sabre, 86, 137, 346, 352–53
F-100 Super Sabre, 136–37, 146–47, 151, 156, 182, 354
F-100F, 159
F-102 Delta Dagger, 137, 151, 171, 221, 237
F-104 Starfighter: Armstrong as pilot of, 137, 145, 193, 203, 221, 405, 442
Armstrong’s views about, 142n
cancellation of, 143n
and Dyna-Soar program, 172
and L/D testing, 151, 152, 171
and “Nellis Affair,” 189–92
Smith (Robert) as pilot in, 143n
Walker’s death in, 296
and X-15 program, 156, 159, 177, 182, 184
and Yeager’s flight, 142–44, 143n
F-105 Thunderchief, 137
F-106 Delta Dart, 137
F2H Banshee jets, 54, 87, 97–99
F4F Wildcat fighters, 83
F4H Phantom, 137–38
F4U Corsairs, 86
F5D Skylancers, 138, 172–73, 177, 305
F8F Bearcats, 77, 78, 79, 84, 85, 133
F8H Phantoms, 138
F9F-2P photo airplanes, 87
F9F Panther jets, 82, 85, 87, 90, 91–96, 112
Face the Nation (CBS), 34–35, 569–71
Faget, Maxime A., 222
Fairbairn, Scotland, 14
Fairchild Aviation. See specific model of plane
Fannon, “Dog,” 107
Farren, William S., 115
FASRON 7 (Fleet Aircraft Service Squadron), 79, 80, 81
Federal Trade Commission, 524
Feoktistov, Konstantin P., 582, 583
fighter pilots: training of, 76–78
Fighter Squadron 1 (VF-1), 80, 81
Fighter Squadron 5A (VF-5A). See Fighter Squadron 51 (VF-51)
Fighter Squadron 8 (VF-8), 80
Fighter Squadron 51 (VF-51): achievements of men in, 113
and Armstrong as algebra teacher, 89
and Armstrong’s ambitions for Moon landing, 117
and Armstrong’s promotion to ensign, 84
and Armstrong’s September 3, 1951, episode, 99
Armstrong’s views about, 111
assigned to Korean War, 85, 86
Beauchamp as commander of, 80–81, 82–83
casualties in, 88, 97–99, 102, 105, 109–11
as fighter-bomber unit, 86
first ejection-seat bailout in, 94
first Panther jet lost to, 96
four-plane division of, 89
in Korean War, 88–100, 101–14, 108n
as model for Michener book, 107
return to U.S. of, 111–13
selection of pilots for, 81–82, 85
social life of members of, 84
Fighter Squadron 52 (VF-52), 81, 87
Fighter Squadron 53 (VF-53), 86, 91, 109, 111
Fighter Squadron 54 (VF-54), 91, 92
Fighter Squadron 74 (VF-74). See Fighter Squadron 1 (VF-1)
Fighter Squadron 172 (VF-172), 87, 97
Fighter Squadron 773 (VF-773), 118
Fighter Squadron VF ATU No. 2 (Advanced Training Unit), 77
Finch, Tom, 153
Finkenbine, Charles, 50, 51–52
Finnegan, Joseph, 346
Finta, Johnny, 45–46
First Flights (televison series), 647
first-out decision, 361–73, 374, 578–79
first words: on Moon walk, 393, 445, 493–96, 493n, 522, 545, 551
Fisher, Karen “Cookie,” 160, 572
Fisher, Luanna, 622n
Fisher Cheese Co., 7
Flat Earth Society, 634
Fleet Aircraft Service Squadron (FASRON 7), 79, 80, 81
Flight Research Center (FRC), 164, 186n, 187, 193, 587–88. See also Edwards Air Force Base
fly-by-wire project, 587–88
flying: of Armstrong in retirement, 647–48
Armstrong’s dreams about, 46, 47, 400
Armstrong’s early years of, 45–46, 45n, 49, 50, 56
Ford Trimotor airplane, 46
foreign policy, U.S.: Armstrong’s views about, 600–601
“The Forgotten Heroes of Korea” (Michener), 110
Frame, Arthur, 32, 41, 49, 573
Frank, M. P., 603
Franklin, George, 369
Franklin Mint, 524
Freeman, Theodore C. “Ted,” 170, 233, 281, 282, 286, 306, 321, 347
Friedlander, Charles, 34
Frito-Lay, 7
From the Earth to the Moon (HBO miniseries), 306
Fucci, James R., 253
Fulton, Fitzhugh L. “Fitz,” 156, 157
“A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon” (FOX-TV), 634
Fury jets, 86
Gagarin, Mrs., 583–84
Gagarin, Yuri, 217, 218–19, 300, 519, 583, 584
Gardner, Red, 82
Garriott, Owen, 310, 486–87, 491
Garvey, Charles, 128
Gashes, 439
Gates Learjet, 596
Gatty, Harold, 53
GEDA (Goodyear Electronic Differential Analyzer), 147, 148
Gemini Agena Target Vehicle (GATV). See Gemini IV; Gemini VIII
Gemini III, 230–32, 235–36, 247
Gemini IV, 177, 234, 240, 243, 244, 274, 308, 427
Gemini V, 234–35, 236–37, 238, 239, 256, 279–80, 293
Gemini VI-A, 171, 250, 255, 271
Gemini VII, 242, 243, 250, 255, 256, 271, 309, 427
Gemini VIII: Agena rendezvous with, 240, 242–57, 262, 268, 270, 272, 538
and Apollo program, 273, 538, 539
and Armstrong as celebrity, 275
Armstrong as commander of, 240, 241, 242–74, 293, 538
and Armstrong as hero in Wapakoneta, 275
and Armstrong’s memories of Karen, 167
Armstrong’s reactions to flight of, 265, 266, 267, 268, 274, 275–76, 296, 299
and “blunt-body” principle, 55
celestial navigation training for, 238
criticisms and comments about flight of, 268–72
debriefings about, 266, 272, 292
disengagement from Agena of, 258, 259, 262, 269
docking of, 242, 243, 244, 256–57, 258, 259, 271
emergency during flight of, 257–69, 271, 278, 305
and Gemini X, 347
guidance computer on, 249, 251, 252
liftoff of, 6, 242, 244, 245–46, 269
meal during flight of, 250
and media, 266, 267–68, 275, 276, 477
Mission Evaluation Team for, 273–74
mission of, 242–43
and motion sickness, 412
Okinawa return of, 264–66, 270
pins commemorating, 8
political repercussions of flight of, 273
as preparation for Moon landing, 243
reentry control system (RCS) of, 260, 261–62, 269–70, 271
and return of Armstrong and Scott, 266–67
space walk for, 240, 243, 256, 265
splashdown of, 265
terminal phase of, 250, 251, 252–53, 263
training for, 241. See also specific person
Gemini IX, 240, 270–71, 290, 292–93, 356–57. See also Bassett, Charles A.; See, Elliot M.
Gemini X, 248, 270, 292, 294, 347, 357, 538
Gemini XI: and Agena, 293, 294
altitude record set by, 294
and Apollo, 293
Armstrong as backup commander for, 274, 292, 295, 325
Armstrong’s views about, 293
crew for, 274, 292–93, 295, 325, 340
debriefings about, 295
launch of, 294
and rendezvous in space, 293
and space walk, 294
and UFOs, 427. See also specific person
Gemini XII, 294, 295–96, 308, 338, 340, 357
Gemini program: achievements of, 295, 303
and Armstrong’s decision to be an astronaut, 173
and Armstrong’s transition from test pilot to astronaut, 227
Armstrong’s views about, 295
ARPS graduates in, 347
assignments for astronaut to, 230, 232–33
as bridge between Apollo and Mercury, 225, 295
celestial navigation training for, 237, 238
contractors for, 219, 220, 249
crew size for, 238
design and construction of, 220
egress from modules in, 490
and ejection seats, 407
and expansion of astronaut program, 193
and first-out decision, 364–65
and goodwill tour of Latin America, 299
launch-abort trainer for, 225–26
medical results from, 299, 410–11
and mission rules, 384
and motion sickness, 412
nightmare scenario in, 171
objectives of, 225
and Parasev research, 212, 213
planned flights for, 207
and PPKs, 524
relationships among astronauts as members of, 238
rendezvous and docking for, 225
schedule for, 240
simulations for, 148, 224–26, 237
souvenir items of, 524
space inside, 489
space walks of, 240, 243, 256, 265, 292, 294, 295, 308, 347, 364–65, 367–69, 489
Titan rockets for, 219, 239, 242, 246, 407
and training of astronauts, 224–25, 232
and UFOs, 427. See also specific person or flight
General Foods, 417–18
General Time Corp., 595
Genesis, Book of, 340, 393, 442, 443–44, 487–88
geography: Armstrong’s knowledge of, 416–17
geologists, 482, 517, 532, 547. See also lunar dust; rock samples/boxes
Germany: and “Giant Step” tour, 577
GI Bill, 55
“Giant Step” tour, 167, 576–80
Gilruth, Robert R. “Bob”: and Apollo 1, 306
and Apollo 11 seal, 390
and Armstrong’s post-Apollo 11 career plans, 587
and Armstrong’s selection as an astronaut, 139, 198
and Conference on the Peaceful Use of Space, 194
and first-out decision, 370–71, 372–73
and launch date for Apollo 11, 383
and LLTV, 333–34
and LOR decision, 320
and mission rules, 383–84
and Nixon’s telephone call while on Moon walk, 506
professional background of, 197
and return of Apollo 11, 560
and selection of astronauts, 193, 197, 198, 208
as Space Task Group member, 197
and training of astronauts, 207, 208
Girl Scouts: women astronauts as, 38
Glass Block Company (St. Marys, Ohio), 23
Glenn, John H. Jr.: on Armstrong’s character and personality, 228–29
Armstrong’s relationship with, 206, 229
and Armstrong’s selection as an astronaut, 206
astronaut training of, 222
and Friendship 7 flight, 174, 428–29
and Gemini VIII, 271
hometown of, 36
Houston home of, 282
Mercury flights of, 68, 130, 144, 194, 206
as official representative at Kennedy’s funeral, 224
pilot experience of, 206
role in space program of, 605–6
and small towns, 37
at Tropical Survival School, 229
and UFOs, 428–30
Glenview, Illinois: Naval Air Station in, 62, 118
Goddard, Esther, 567
Goddard, Robert H., 46–47, 117, 348–49, 567
Gold Star: Armstrong awarded, 112
Golden Eagles, 113
Goldwater, Barry, 567
Gollner, Joseph H., 108
Gooneybird. See R4D Gooneybird
Gordon, Henry C. “Hank,” 173, 177, 181
Gordon, Richard F. Jr. “Dick”: and Apollo 1, 306
and Apollo 8, 312
Apollo 12 flight of, 68
on Armstrong’s character and personality, 228
astronaut assignments for, 240
and Gemini V, 238
and Gemini VIII, 228, 238, 240, 270
and Gemini XI, 274, 293, 294, 427
and goodwill tour of Latin America, 297–99
and LLTV, 328
as navy pilot, 233
selected as astronaut, 233
and Slayton’s meeting about Apollo program, 311, 312
and space walk, 299
and UFOs, 427
at White House, 304–5
Gore, Albert Sr., 305
Gott, Hershel L., 82, 89, 97–98, 102, 104, 106–7
Gough, Melvin N., 120
Gough, William V. Jr. “Eb,” 121, 132–33
Graham, Billy, 568
Graham, Herbert A. “Herb”: on Armstrong’s abilities as pilot, 85
and Armstrong’s interest in model airplanes, 84
and Armstrong’s September 3, 1951 episode, 95
and catapult launches, 85
flight training of, 78
parachute instruction of, 95
and selection of pilots for VF-51, 81
VF-51 assignment of, 80, 82, 83
views about death of, 106
Graham, Ruby, 432
Graves, Teresa, 580
Gray, Paul, 91
Green, Larry, 152
Grieve, James, 13
Griffith, A. A., 315
Grissom, Virgil I. “Gus”: as air force pilot, 169
and Apollo 1, 170, 303, 304, 307
Armstrong’s relationship with, 206
astronaut assignments for, 230, 231
death and funeral of, 170, 303, 304, 306, 307, 308
and first-out decision, 370n
Gemini group as responsibility of, 232
hometown of, 36
honors for, 311
Houston home of, 282
and Mercury project, 130, 206, 222, 231, 235
and mementos left on Moon, 519
and Moon landing as hoax believers, 636
and Parasev research, 213
pilot experience of, 206
Grumman Corporation, 77, 219, 320–21, 324–25, 326, 337, 377, 448–49
Hackett, Buddy, 633–34
Haise, Fred W. Jr., 328, 336, 339–40, 357, 407, 478, 602
Haise, Mary, 336
Haldeman, H. R. “Bob,” 442–43
Haley, Alex, 647
Halfman, Robert L., 355
Hallion, Richard P., 93
Hallmark, 627–28
Hamblin, Dora Jane (Dodie), 2, 31, 166, 277–78, 288, 346, 400, 477
Handley Page 115 (HP-115), 196, 196n, 197, 588
Haney, Paul, 367–68
Hanna, Duke, 161
Harbor View Restaurant (Pensacola, Florida), 70
Harper, John A., 120
Harrell, Charles L., 99
Harriman, Averill, 305
Harrodsburg, Kentucky: Armstrong speech in, 604
Hartmann, William K., 610
Harvey, Paul, 609
Hassan II (king of Morocco), 647
Hatleberg, Clancy, 555
Hawaii: Armstrong’s assignment in, 235–36
Armstrong’s visits to, 247
and Gemini VIII, 247, 256, 266, 270
and return of Apollo 11, 559
VF-51 in, 85–86
Hawkes, Albert W., 351
Haynes, William, 143n
Hayward, Thomas B., 81, 89, 104, 113
Heimlich, Henry, 593
Helena (cruiser), 88
helicopters: Armstrong as pilot of, 325–26, 327, 647
Armstrong’s views about, 327–28
in Korean War, 223
and LLRV/LLTV program, 327
and lunar landings, 314, 315, 317
and simulations, 223
and training of astronauts, 222, 223. See also specific model
Heller and Bowsher Hardware (Wapakoneta, Ohio), 37
Hewes, Donald, 315
Hewitt, Ashley, 297
Hickam Air Force Base (Hawaii), 552, 559
High Range, 154–55
High-Speed Flight Station (HSFS) (Edwards Air Force Base), 124, 130–31, 146, 147, 148, 149, 153, 174, 189
Hilary, Edmund, 609
Hilary, Peter, 609
The Hobbit (Tolkien), 495
Hobby Airport (Houston, Texas), 207
Hoeper, Marvel, 23
Hoey, Robert G., 143n
Hoffman, Jack (brother-in-law), 8, 162, 245, 643
Hoffman, June. See Armstrong Hoffman, June Louise (sister)
Hoffman, Myron A., 355
Hoffman, Samuel J., 423
Hohmann, Walter, 249
Hohmann transfer, 249–50
Holden, William, 107
Holleman, Euclid C. “Ed,” 150, 203–4, 408
Holloway, James E. Jr., 56
Holloway program, 56, 58, 68–69
Hoover, Herbert H., 54
Hope, Bob, 568, 572, 573, 580–82
Hope, Delores, 572
Horn, Robert, 24
Hotz, Robert B., 610–11
Houston, Ron, 594
Houston, Willard Jr. “Sam,” 552–53
Houston, Texas: Armstrong family home in, 101, 213, 277, 285–86
Armstrong family move to, 128, 166, 168, 211, 213
Armstrong’s return to, following Gemini VIII, 272
celebration for Apollo 11 crew in, 569
fire at Armstrong home in, 50, 281–86, 304, 308, 424
and “Giant Step” tour, 576
and return of Apollo 11, 559–60. See also Ellington Air Force Base; Manned Spacecraft Center; Mission Control
Hromas, Les, 61
HSFS. See High-Speed Flight Station
Hsu Lo, 62
Humphrey, Hubert H., 305, 341, 567
Husband, Rick, 616
hypersonic research, 53–54, 55
Iacocca, Lee, 595
IBM, 249
ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) program, 54, 145, 219
infectious organisms: and training for Apollo 11, 389, 391
Institute of Aerospace Sciences (IAS), 117, 153, 194, 196, 203
Institute of Engineering and Medicine (University of Cincinnati), 593–94
instrumentation ranges, 154–55
Intelsat III, 4
International Committee on Space Research, 582
International Petroleum Services, 596
International Space Station, 68
Iran: and “Giant Step” tour, 579
Iron Cross test rig, 316
Irwin, James “Jim,” 347, 461–63, 524–25, 629–30
Islam: rumors of Armstrong’s conversion to, 630–32
isolation tests, 205
I’ve Got a Secret (CBS), 199–201, 202
Janis, Martin, 276
Japan: Armstrong’s views about, 101
and “Giant Step” tour, 576, 579
influence on Armstrong of, 101
“rest and relaxation” during Korean War in, 101
Jarvis, Gregory, 610
Jenzano, Tony, 237
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 121
jet transition unit (JTU), 81, 82
jets: Armstrong’s first flight in, 82
carrier landings of, 84–85
and VF-51, 83. See also specific model
Jewish Hospital (Louisville, Kentucky), 608, 608n
Johnson, A. A., 118
Johnson, Lyndon B., 5–6, 173, 194, 268, 296, 305, 308, 321, 341, 343
Johnson Space Center (Houston, Texas): and Columbia accident, 617
Johnsville centrifuge, 149–50, 408
Johnsville, Pennsylvania: navy medical aviation laboratory in, 54–55, 222
Jones, Francis N., 82
Jung, Carl, 45–46
Juniper Hills, California: Armstrong home in, 124, 127–28, 164, 424