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Toya was lounging around at home on Saturday morning, still steaming over seeing Jarrod with that Ms. America chick when Gina called. She kind of felt guilty because she hadn’t called Gina since they exchanged numbers and there was no reason for that because Toya wasn’t busy at all. She was trying to think of an excuse for her behavior, but Gina took the conversation in another direction.
“How come you didn’t tell me about the Armor of God Bible study at your mother’s church?”
“I didn’t know anything about it,” Toya responded honestly. And then she wondered why she didn’t know... and why hadn’t her mother called her lately? They normally talked a few times a week, but Toya couldn’t remember the last time she had hung out with her mother, let alone talked on the phone more than a minute or two.
“It really sounds like something I want to attend, but I didn’t want to go by myself. Are you interested?”
She wanted to say no. Bible study had been her life since the day she was born, what more could she learn? But what else did she have to do? Also, the fact the Bible study was at her mother’s church with people she had known for most of her life, was the other thing that made Toya say, “Sure, why not.” If nothing else, she would go to church and find out why her mother has been too busy to talk to her.
The Bible study started at eleven in the morning, and Toya discovered that it wasn’t a one-day event, but a seven-week Bible study that was being conducted like a webinar with Priscilla Shirer. Ever since watching Priscilla Shirer in the movie War Room, Toya had been a fan. But it wasn’t like Priscilla was right here in the sanctuary leading this Bible study and she would be able to chat with her or even get an autograph at the end of the discussion. They were doing this Bible study via the eighty-inch screen that hung on the wall behind the pulpit in the sanctuary.
This screen was normally used on Sunday morning to project the scriptures that her mom or Thomas read from to deliver their message. Toya had no doubt that she would enjoy this Bible study, she didn’t even mind that Priscilla was on the big screen rather than actually, in the flesh, standing behind the pulpit. But she couldn’t see herself attending all seven Bible studies. So, she decided to just lean back in her seat, open her heart and mind and prepare herself to listen and take in everything this woman had to say. Since this might be the only study on the Armor of God that she would be attending.
But from the moment the video started, until it ended, Toya was mesmerized. The Bible study was based on Ephesians 6:10-19.
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel.
Of course, Toya knew these scriptures, but she had never applied them to her life in any real and meaningful way. As far as Toya was concerned, Marvel was her enemy, and she needed to hide away from anything that looked like it might cause her the same kind of pain Marvel had tried to inflict on her. But according to Priscilla, mere mortal men and women weren’t the problem.
The problem was that no matter who you are, or how spiritual you are, you are still in a wrestling match against the devil. But the devil is so cunning and deceitful that he tries to get us to fight against each other, the people and things we can see, rather than take on the real battle... the spiritual battle.
By the time the video ended, Toya could honestly say she had gained knowledge and wanted to hear more. The lights came back on in the sanctuary, and Pastor Yvonne was now standing behind the pulpit. She looked out at the crowd and said, “I want to thank each and every one of you for coming out to this event that our women’s ministry diligently planned. As you were told at the beginning, this is a seven-session Bible study.
“I pray that you will join us for the next six weeks so that we can receive a clear understanding of how to put on this armor to withstand all the wiles of the evil one. If you’ve already purchased your companion book for this Bible study, we have them waiting on you in the fellowship hall. If you still need to purchase your book, please go to the church bookstore and take care of that. We will take questions next week after you’ve read week one’s study in the Armor of God book.”
With that said, her mother stepped down and walked directly to the spot where Toya and Gina were sitting. “Well, I see that the dynamic duo is back in business.”
Gina stood and hugged Pastor Yvonne. “I wondered if you would remember me.”
“How could I forget. You, Toya and Jarrod were inseparable in middle and high school.” Yvonne stepped back a bit and gave Gina a good once over. “And you’re just as beautiful as ever.”
“Thank you, Pastor Yvonne. You are quite beautiful yourself.”
“That’s what my handsome husband tells me. But I can’t get enough of hearing it.” The two women laughed.
“Oh, congratulations on your new marriage. I was very sorry to hear about Pastor Milner’s passing.”
There was still that hint of sadness that is carried for our loved ones who have gone before us trying to bring her down, but the joy of new love blocked the sadness and enabled her to smile again. “Thank you, hon. Now, let me speak to this daughter of mine.”
“I need to purchase my book for the Bible study anyway, so I’ll get out of your way.” Gina headed towards the back of the church where the bookstore was.
Yvonne sat down next to Toya and gave her daughter a big ol, I’m-so-glad-to-see-you-in-the-house-of-the-Lord hug. “Well, this is a pleasant surprise.”
“It wouldn’t be if you had picked up the phone and told me about the Bible study. I mean, really, Mom. I had to hear about this whole big elaborately planned event from Gina. And she hasn’t even been back in town but a month and already she knows more about what’s going on at my church than I do.”
Yvonne looked at her oldest daughter, she hesitated, but only for a moment. “Honestly Toya, I didn’t realize you still considered Christ-Life your church because you haven’t stepped foot in here in about six months.”
That was harsh. She hadn’t been attending church, but only because she didn’t like being out of the house and vulnerable. But her mother was acting like she had lost her religion and was now some Buddhist or something.
“Don’t look at me like that. I’m not trying to hurt your feelings. I was just explaining why I didn’t tell you about this event.”
Toya stood when Gina came back into the sanctuary. “Well, just so you know, I enjoyed the Bible study, and I will be here for the entire study.”
As Toya walked away from Yvonne, Thomas sat down and put an arm around his wife’s shoulder.
“Did you hear that?” Yvonne asked.
“Yep, and I’m just thankful that prayer works. We stepped back and allowed God to move Toya forward, and we will soon rejoice as He finishes the work. I can promise you that.”
“I must admit it was so hard for me to step back. You don’t know how many times I wanted to pick up the phone and beg Toya to come back to church.”
“She would have just made some excuse. God knew what she needed, and one day, I hope she will tell us all about it.”
“Amen to that.”