

Jed and Lizzie spent some quiet time together after breakfast. They didn’t have a preacher, a choir, a piano, or an organ, but they opened their Bibles and spent time trying to place their thoughts someplace other than in their circumstances. It wasn’t the same, but for two young people who loved God, they found it quite refreshing. This established the pattern they maintained the whole time they were at the lodge.

They spent a good bit of the afternoon going through the clothing stored at the lodge, and, as Jed had guessed, some of the clothes he had outgrown would fit Lizzie well enough. She wouldn’t win any fashion prizes, but she would be clothed. Much of what was there would be too warm for summer wear, and they had a good laugh at some of the things she tried on. Jed found a few items to help stretch his wardrobe also, but he was going to be in need very soon if something didn’t happen. Afterward, they pulled out some board games that were kept there for those using the lodge. All in all, they had a lazy, pleasant day, knowing it was going to get serious fast.

Jed planned to go hunting early the next morning to see if he could find a deer. It would have to be a buck because he didn’t want to leave an orphan fawn that could not fend for itself. Lizzie decided to sleep in, and then she was going to try to hand wash some of their clothing from the last two weeks. Jed rigged up a couple of lines for her to hang the clothes on to dry.