

Jed woke up the morning of Christmas Eve to see snow falling quietly but steadily. There was no wind, and the view across the lake was almost ethereal.

As he often did, he made acorn coffee, but instead of getting ready to go out, he sat at the table and waited for Lizzie to wake up. When he heard her stirring, he poured her a cup and put honey in it.

Lizzie gave Jed a bright smile for so early in the morning. “Thanks. I didn’t expect to see you still here.”

“I decided not to go out today. There’s really nothing I have to do except bring in a little wood. What would you like to do today?”

That earned Jed a wide smile. “I really get you all to myself all day?” Lizzie let out a happy sigh and reached across the table to squeeze Jed’s hand. “Could we just have a quiet day where we don’t have to do anything? Maybe shell some nuts, sing some Christmas songs, and play some games?”

“Sounds good to me, all except me singing.”

Lizzie laughed and swatted Jed’s hand lightly. “You have a good voice, and you know it.” She lifted his hand and nestled it against her cheek. “I get to have you all day? I like that.”

Jed had found and cut down a small cedar the day before, and they stood it in the corner opposite the fireplace. Of course, they had no lights for it and no decorations except for some popcorn Lizzie found in the pantry. Together, they popped it, and, with some thread from a sewing kit, they strung it together and draped the popcorn garlands on the tree. It gave an old-timey, Christmassy fragrance and feel to the room.