Selected Bibliography

Anon., ‘The Armament Story’, The Zimbabwe Medal Society Journal, No. 61, March 2008.

Barker, Jim, Paradise Plundered: The Story of a Zimbabwean Farm, Jim Barker, Harare, 2007.

Binda, Alexandre, The Saints: The Rhodesian Light Infantry, 30° South Publishers, Johannesburg, 2007.

Binda, Alexandre, Masodja: The History of The Rhodesian African Rifles and its Forerunner, The Rhodesia Native Regiment, 30° South Publishers, Johannesburg, 2007.

Brent, W. A., Rhodesian Air Force: A Brief History 1947–1980, Freeworld Publications, Kwambonambi, 1987.

Brent, W. A. Rhodesian Air Force: The Sanctions Busters, Freeworld Publications, Nelspruit, 2001.

Burke, G. K., ‘Insurgency in Rhodesia—the Implications’, RUSI and Brassey’s Defence Yearbook 1978–79, London, 1980.

Caute, David, Under the Skin: The Death of White Rhodesia, Allen Lane, London, 1982.

Cilliers, J. K., Counter-Insurgency in Rhodesia, Croom Helm, London, 1985.

Cocks, Chris, Fireforce: One Man’s War in The Rhodesian Light Infantry, Galago, Alberton, 1988.

Cocks, Chris, Fireforce: One Man’s War in the Rhodesian Light Infantry, 30° South Publishers, Johannesburg, 2006.

Cole, Barbara, The Elite: The Story of The Rhodesian Special Air Service, Three Knights Publishing, Amanzimtoti, 1984.

Cronin, John R., ‘Follow-up to Operation Dingo’, memorandum, 21 April 1998.

Cronin, John R. &. Mackenzie, Robert C., ‘Counter-Insurgency in Southern Africa’, a paper delivered to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC, 1986.

Cowderoy, Dudley & Nesbit, Roy, War in the Air: Rhodesian Air Force 1935–1980, Galago, Alberton, 1987.

Flower, Ken, Serving Secretly, Rhodesia’s CIO Chief on Record, Alberton, Galago, 1987.

Geldenhuys, Prop, Rhodesian Air Force Operations, Just Done Productions, Durban, 2007.

Godwin, Peter & Hancock, Ian, ‘Rhodesians Never Die’: The Impact of War and Political Change on White Rhodesia, c. 1970-1980, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993.

Gunston, Bill & Batchelor, John, Phoebus History of the World Wars, Special, Helicopters 1900– 1960, Phoebus Publishing, London, 1977.

Gunston, Bill (ed), The Encyclopaedia of World Air Power, Hamlyn-Aerospace, London, 1981.

Hamence, Michael & Brent, Winston, Canberra in Southern Africa Service, Freeworld Publications, Nelspruit, 1998.

Hoffman, B., Taw, J. M., Arnold, D., Lessons for Contemporary Counterinsurgencies: The Rhodesian Experience, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, 1991.

Legum, Colin, Africa Contemporary Record, Annual Survey and Documents, 1977–1978, Africana Publishing Company, London, 1979.

Lovett, John, Contact: Rhodesia at War, Galaxie Press, Salisbury, 1977.

MacKenzie, Robert, ‘Fast Strike on Chimoio’, Soldier of Fortune, January 1994.

MacKenzie, Robert, ‘Fast Strike on Chimoio II’, Soldier of Fortune, February 1994.

Martin, David & Johnson, Phyllis, The Struggle for Zimbabwe: The Chimurenga War, Zimbabwe Publishing House, Harare, 1981.

McAleese, Peter, No Mean Soldier, Orion, London, 1993.

Melson, Charles D., ‘Killing Machine’ draft, 2003.

Moorcraft, Paul L. & McLaughlin, Peter, Chimurenga! The War in Rhodesia 1965–1980, Sygma/Collins, Marshalltown, 1982.

Moorcraft, Paul, & McLaughlin, Peter, The Rhodesian War: A Military History, Pen & Sword, Barnsley, 2008.

Parker, Jim, Assignment Selous Scouts: Inside story of a Rhodesian SB Officer, Galago, Alberton, 2006.

Petter-Bowyer, P. J. H., Winds of Destruction: The autobiography of a Rhodesian combat pilot, 30° South Publishers, Johannesburg, 2005.

Reid-Daly, Lt-Col Ron, Top Secret War, Alberton, Galago, 1982.

Reid-Daly, Lt-Col Ron, ‘War in Rhodesia’, in Al J. Venter (ed), Challenge: Southern Africa within the African Revolutionary Context, Gibraltar, Ashanti, 1989.

Salt, Beryl, A Pride of Eagles: The Definitive History of the Rhodesian Air Force: 1920–1980, Covos Day, Weltevreden Park, 2001.

Stiff, Peter, Selous Scouts: A Pictorial Account, Galago Publishing, Alberton, 1984.

Tekere, Edgar ‘2Boy’ Zivanai, Tekere: A Lifetime of Struggle, SAPES Books, Harare, 2007.

Terrell, Frank, ‘RLI Support Commando/Group: Support Commando, Rhodesian Light Infantry—Mozambique 1979’, The Elite, Orbis Publishing, London, 1987, Vol. 10, Issue 113.

Thompson, Leroy, Dirty Wars: Elite Forces vs the Guerrillas, David & Charles, Newton Abbot, 1988.

Wood, J. R. T., ‘Fireforce: Helicopter Operations, 1962–80’, in Tim Newark (ed), Military Illustrated, London, Vol. 72, 1994, pp. 21–24.

Wood, J. R. T., ‘Fireforce’, chapter 12 of Al J. Venter, The Chopper Boys: Helicopter Warfare in Africa, Southern Book Publishers, Halfway House, 1994.

Wood, J. R. T., ‘Cave Clearing in the Rhodesian Bush War 1961–1980’, in The Lion & Tusk: The Magazine of The Rhodesian Army Association, Vol. 9. No. 2, March 2003.

Wood, J. R. T., ‘Countering the Chimurenga: The Rhodesian Counterinsurgency Campaign 1962–1980’, in Daniel Marston & Carter Malkasian (eds), Counterinsurgency in Modern Warfare, Osprey Publishing, Oxford & New York, 2008.

Wood, J. R. T., ‘Counter-Punching on the Mudzi: D Company, 1st Rhodesian African Rifles, on Operation Mardon, 1 November 1976’, in Small Wars and Insurgencies, Frank Cass, London, Vol. 9, No. 2 (Autumn 1998), pp. 64–82.

Wood, J. R. T., ‘Pookie: A History of the World’s first successful Landmine Detector Carrier’, in Jon Guttman (ed), Military History, Leesburg Virginia, 1998.

Wood, J. R.T., ‘The “Pookie, landmine detecting vehicle” Mine Detector’, in Marine Corps Gazette, Vol. 81, No. 1, January 1997, Marine Corps Association, Quantico, Virginia.

Wood, J. R. T., A Matter of Weeks rather than Months: The Impasse between Harold Wilson and Ian Smith: Sanctions, Aborted Settlements and War: 1965–1969, Trafford, Victoria, 2008.

Wood, J.R.T., So Far and No Further! Rhodesia’s bid for independence during the retreat from Empire: 1959–1965, 30° South Publishers, Johannesburg, 2003.

Wood, J. R. T., The War Diaries of André Dennison, Ashanti Publishing, Gibraltar, 1989.

Wood, J. R. T., The Welensky Papers: A History of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Graham Publishing, Durban, 1983.